Hands-on Workshops W e d n e s d a y , May 3 Pre-registration required
Continuing Education Course Wednesday, M a y 3
(Includes lunch)
Electronic gumbo
8:30 a m - 5:00 pm
Pre-registration required
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
This all-day workshop, coordinated by Dr. Joe Camp, will enable participants to get hands-on experience using a variety of devices to aid in canal preparation and obturation. Any AAE member who desires experience in the utilization of apex Iocators, sonic and ultrasonic devices, injectable gutta percha techniques and gutta percha softening instruments should attend this workshop. The course will be held at Louisiana State University. Transportation and lunch will be provided.
(Includes lunch)
Clinical considerations in the managment of the medically compromised patient Uncomplicated endodontic procedures are being performed routinely and predictably by general practitioners while endodontists increasingly perform complex procedures, technically difficult treatments, difficult diagnoses and patient management on medically compromised patients. This full-day program will focus on a review and introduction of recent advances in effectively identifying and managing a population that presents a higher risk for endodontic treatment.
W e d n e s d a y , May 3 Pre-registration required
8:00 am - 5:00 pm (Includes lunch)
Advanced Endodontic Surgery Participants in this all-day workshop will be given the opportunity to perform surgical procedures on human cadavers. In the morning there will be a series of lectures addressing such issues as pharmacology, soft tissue management, metal vs. non-metal reverse fill materials, equipment, surgical movements and rules, use of hydroxylapatite, and endosseous pins. After lunch, a brief anatomical review will be given before heading into the laboratory. In the lab, there will be eight surgical procedures performed where possible, depending on the cadaver selection. Afterward, there will be a problem-solving session followed by a panel discussion. This unique course will be conducted under the direction of Dr. Donald Arens.
Dr. Geza T. Terezhalmy will present information on patient evaluation and principles of identification and prevention. Dr. Harold Crossley will discuss the effects of infectious diseases and substance abuse. Dr. Stanley Malamed will focus on emergencies in the dental office. Moderators for this course will be Dr. Carl Newton and Dr. Gerald Glickman.
SPECIAL EVENTS Sports Friday, May 5 6:00 am - 8:30 am FUN RUN
Friday, May 5
Breakfasts & Luncheons
8:00 am - 8:45 am
Thursday, May 4
CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST 8:00 am - 10:00 am
OPENING SESSION BREAKFAST Keynote Speaker: Joseph D. Maggio, DDS AAE President
Noon - 1:45 pm LUNCHEON "1 had a patient w h o ~ . . " This luncheon will give attendees the opportunity to share with colleagues their methods and techniques concerning various aspects of endodontics. Grouped in tables of ten, participants will be asked to answer prepared questions on topics ranging from case management to office management.
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm ABE LUNCHEON Renamed the "Louis I. Grossman Memorial Luncheon," this special luncheon is sponsored by the American Board of Endodontics and will recognize the new Diplomates who were certified during 1988. Guest Speaker: Rabbi Robert Kirshner, Ph.D San Francisco, CA Topic: "Compassion and Healing"
(Breakfasts & Luncheons continued on next page) vi