CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSE Clinical considerations in the management of the medically compromised patient Uncomplicated endodontic procedures are being performed routinely and predictably by general practitioners while endodontists increasingly perform complex procedures, technically difficult treatments, difficult diagnoses and patient management on medically compromised patients.
This full-day program will focus on a review and introduction of recent advances in effectively identifying and managing a population that presents a higher risk for endodontic treatment.
8:30 am
Welcome Moderators: Carl W. Newton, DDS, MSD Gerald N. Glickman, DDS, MS, MBA'
8:45 am
Never treat a stranger Geza T. Terezhalmy, DDS, MA
CARL W. NEWTON, DDS, MSD Professor & Chairman, Department of Endodontics, Indiana University School of Dentistry.
Diseases of the oral cavity and related structures, either local or systemic, may have profound physical and emotional effects on a patient. Consequently, today's dentists must treat more medically and pharmacologically compromised patients than ever before. This presentation will address the principles essential to access the physical and emotional status of dental patients to identify high risk patients. 10:00 am
10:15 am
Dr. Terezhalmy (cont.)
11:15 am
Implications of substance abuse to the dental practitioner Harold Crossley, DDS, PhD
GERALD N. GLICKMAN, DDS, MS, MBA Assistant Professor, Department of Endodontics, Baylor College of Dentistry; Consultant, VA Hospital, Dallas; also in private practice.
HAROLD CROSSLEY, DDS, PhD Associate Professor, Pharmacology, and Director, Preclinical Studies, University of Maryland Dental School; also maintains part-time private practice.
This presentation will cover commonly abused street drugs, risks that abusers are exposed to when using these drugs and any alterations of the dental treatment plan the dental practitioner must make when treating the substance abuser. 12 noon
1:00 pm
Dr. Crossley (cont.)
2:15 pm
Medical emergencies in the dental office Stanley Malamed, DDS
STANLEY MALAMED, DDS Associate Professor of Anesthesia and Medicine, University of Southern California School of Dentistry.
This presentation will address the preparation for medical emergencies--basic drug kit, equipment, and, and the recognition and management of the many emergency situations which can, and do, arise in the practice of dentistry. 3:00 pm 3:15 pm
Break Dr. Malamed (cont.)
4:30 pm
GEZA T. TEREZHALMY, DDS, MA Professor & Chairman, Department of Oral Diagnosis, Radiology and Medicine, Case Western Reserve University School of Dentistry.