The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery Continuing Medi cal Education (CME) program is intended to be an 18-creditper-year program . Each issue will have 10 que stions of Board Examination quality in a five-part (A-E), multiplechoice form at. Participants will receive a max imum of 3 credits per issue for each co rrectly completed CME Answer Form submitted by Data Trace Publishing Comp any for scori ng. There is a f ee of $ 15.00 per issue ($12.00 for ACFAS members) for scoring and processin g, payable in advance. Please make checks payable to Data Trace Publishing Company. All applicants for credit must be current subscribers to The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery or current members of ACFAS in good standing. Participants must pass the written exa mination material in order to receive credit, but may reque st one retake (within 90 days of receipt of results) of any issue for which they did not receive credit initiall y. A passing grade is 70% correc t. The fe e fo r a retake exam is $5.00, payable in advance. The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery will notify state board s of particip ants ' credits only in those states that require such notification from a sponsoring organization; in most states it will be the respon sibilit y of the individual to report CME credit to the state board s in a timely manner. Data Trace Publi shing Company and The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery are approve d sponsors of continuing education programs by the Council on Podiatric Medi cal Edu cation (CPME). The follo wing states have approved The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery program for credit. AK(18), AL(l 8), AR(l 8), AZ( 18), CA(l8), CO (3/issue, IS/year), DC(18), DE(l8), FL(8/biennium), GA(l8), HI(l 8), ID(3/issue, 6/year), MA(18), MD( IO/biennium), ME(18), MI(l 8), MN(l8), MO(6 ), ND(6), NE(18), NH(l8), NM (l ), NV(l8), NY(3Iissue, max. 15/triennium, Class A credit s), OH(18/IIB/biennium), OK(5), OR(18), RI(l8), SC(18 ), SD(18), UT(18), WA(10), WI(l8). INSTRUCTIONS: The following question are based on the material presented in the j ournal issue. Please select the best answe r and mark the appropri ate box with an X on the CME Answer Form which follows. The Answer Form should be returned f or scoring to Data Trace Publishing Company, P.O. Box 1239, Brookland ville, MD 21022 -9978.
I. The mechan ism of action for thermal shrinking of collagenous tissue is which of the follo wing ? A. Stabilization of collagen cross-linking B. Unwinding of the helical struc ture of collagen The Journ al of Foot & Ankle Surgery 1067-251 6/00/3903-0204$4.0010 Copyright © 2000 by the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
C. Coagulation of the collage n D. Colloidalization of collage n E. Tightening of intramolecular bonds 2. Thermal stabilization of chronic lateral ankl e instability is effective for which of the followin g conditions? A. B. C. D. E.
Triple ligament insufficienc y Calcaneal fibular ligament attenuation Avulsion of the calcaneal fibular ligament Attenuation of the anterior talofibular ligament All of the abov e
3. The advantage of a distal oblique first metatarsal osteotomy for hallux limitu s deformity is which of the following? A. B. C. D. E.
Abilit y to achieve multiplanar correction Fixation is not necessary The metatarsal is not shortened It is more stable than a chevron configuration All of the abo ve
4. Which of the following will not affect the ultim ate position of the first metatar sal head when performing an oblique distal osteotomy for hallu x valgus? A. Angle of the bone cut B. Degree of proximal displacement C. Declination of the first metatarsal D. Trans verse displacement E. Densit y of the bone. 5. Nonsteroidal anti-inflamm atories inhibit blood coagulation by what mechan ism? A. B. C. D. E.
Decrease in number of platelets Incre ase in platelet volume Decrease in platelet aggregation Decrease in platelet thrombogenesis None of the abo ve
6. Nabumetone has been shown to do which of the follow ing? A. Increase coagulation times in patients having knee arthroscopy B. Have no effect on hemostasis in patients having forefoot surgery C. Provide intraoperative anti-phlogistic effect D. Increa se pain medication requirements in patients having forefoo t surgery E. None of the abo ve 7. Stress fracture s seco ndary to osteoporosis occur most commonly in which of the following? A. Metatarsals B. Femur C. Tibia
D. Calca neus E. Ilium 8. Which of the following is not a risk factor for the development of osteoporosis? A. B. C. D. E.
Living in a low-altitude country Genetic predisposition Cigarette smoking History of hysterectomy Alcohol abuse
9. Which of the following is not true regarding the treatment of pedal macrodactyly? A. Multiple procedures may be necessary. B. Shoe fitting is a primary concern.
C. The recurrence rate after excision is high. D. Debulking is seldom satisfactory. E. Free flaps can also hypertrophy after transfer. 10. Which of the following is true regarding remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema syndrome? A. The disease is misnamed because the process seldom remits. B. It can easi ly be confused with rheumatoid arthritis. C. High doses of systemic steroids are required for remission. D. HLA-B27 is common genetic marker. E. Diuresis is usually necessary for the pitting edema to resolve.