CONTINUING PODIATRIC MEDICAL EDUCATION QUESTIONNAIRE The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery Continuing Pod iatric Medical Education (CPME) program is intended to be an 18-credit-per-year program. Each issue will have 10 questions of Board Examination quality in a five-part (A-E), multiple-choice format. Participants will receive a maximum of 3 credits per issue for each correctly completed CPME Answer Form submitted by Data Trace Publi shing Company for scoring. There is a fe e of $15.00 per issue ($12.00 for ACFAS members) for scoring and processing, payable in advance. Please make checks payable to Data Trace Publishing Company. All applicants for credit must be current subscribers to The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery or current members of ACFAS in good standing. Participants must pass the written examination mater ial in order to rece ive credit, but may request one retake (within 90 days of receipt of results) of any issue for which they did not receive credit initially. A passing grade is 70% corr ect. The fe e for a retake exam is $5.00, payable in advance. The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery will notify state boards of participants' credits only in those states that require such notification from a sponsoring organization; in most states it will be the respon sibilit y of the individual to report CPME credit to the state boards in a timely manne r. Data Trace Publishin g Comp any and The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery are approved sponsors of continuing education programs by the Council on Podiatric Med ical Education (CPME). The following states have appro ved The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery program for credit. AK ( 18), AL( 18), AR(l8), AZ(l 8), CA( 18), CO(3/issue, 18/year), DC( 18), DE(l8), FL(8Ibiennium), GA( 18), HI( 18), ID(3/issue, 6/year), MA ( 18), MD( 10Ibiennium), ME( 18), MI(l8), MN(l8), MO(6), ND (6), NE(18), NH (l8), NM(1 ), NV(l8), NY(3/issue, max. 15/triennium, Class A cred its), OH(1 8/IIBlbiennium), OK(5), OR(l8), RI(l8), SC(l 8), SD(l8), UT(18), WA(lO), WI( 18). INSTR UCTIONS: The following question are based on the material presented in the journal issue. Please select the best answer and mark the appropriate box with an X on the CPME Answer Form which follows. The Answer Form should he returned for scoring to Data Trace Publishing Company. P.O. Box /239. Brooklandville. MD 21022-9978.
A. Are usuall y consistent from patient to patient B. Are often bizarre and overlapping C. Occur sooner after the inciting event in the older patient D. Correlated with the MMPI personality profile test E. None of the above
2. Which of the foll owing statements is false regarding CRPS? A. Patie nts with this entit y are almos t never free from symptoms once diagnosed . B. Most patients have pain even at rest. C. Lumbar sympathetic blocks are used frequently as a primary treatment modality. D. Nerve exci sion is an effective treatment modality since the disease is mediated through the nerves. E. Cru sh-typ e inj uries are more commonly impl icated in the pathogenesis of CRPS . 3. Which of the followin g has been shown not to be a factor in predicting success for plantar ulcerations in a diabetic patient? A. A patient on hemodialysis B. Use of dissimilar tissue for cove rage (dorsal skin for a plantar wound) C. Use of a tourniquet during flap rotation D. Adequate arterial inflow E. Adequate venous outflow 4. Advantages of the ANK nail over traditional fixation include which of the followin g? A. No syndesmosis screw is necessary in type C fractures. B. Some fibular shortening is allowed. C. The fixation is rigid and enhances primary bone healing. D. The single screw makes it more versatile in comminuted fractures. E. Titanium is more compatible than stainless steel. 5. The mechanism of action for sclero sing solutions in the treatment of interm etatarsal neuromas is which of the following?
I. The signs and symptoms of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS): The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery 1067-2516/99/3806-04 33$4.00/0 Copyright © 1999 by the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
A. B. C. D. E.
Hydrophilic bond ing Antid romic sensory slowing Alcohol ic toxicity to nerve Dehydration and Waller ian degeneration Slowing of saltatory co nduction
6. The differential diagnosis of Iselin ' s disease includes all of the following except: A. B. C. D. E.
Os peroneum Os vesaleanium Avulsion fractur e of the fifth metatarsal base Peroneu s brevis avulsion Jones' fracture
7. Complic ation s of trans-syndesmotic fixation include which of the following ? A. B. C. D. E.
Breakage of the hardware Late separation of the tibiofibular distance Heterotopic ossification Limitation of motion All of the above
8. The key differentiating feature between a pseudo-aneurysm and a true aneury sm is which of the following ?
A. True aneurysms only occur in the aorta, subclavian, and femoral arterie s. B. Pseudo-aneurysms do not involve injury to the intimal wall.
C. True aneur ysms do not cause dilatation of the adventitial layer. D. Pseudo-aneur ysms are confined by a fibrous layer. E. None of the above 9. Failure of the deltoid ligament in conj unction with a medial malleolar fracture must occur in a pronat ion-type mechanism: A. Only if the fibula and syndesmosis are not injured B. Only if there is excessive axial load on the leg at the time of injury C. Becau se the talus is wider anteriorly D. Due to the location of the intercollicular groove E. None of the above 10. When fixing a talar body fracture, which of the followin g approaches is most beneficial? A. B. C. D. E.
Transfibular Arthroscopic Posterior arthrot omy Medial malleolar osteotomy None of the above