CONTINUING PODIATRIC MEDICAL EDUCATION QUESTIONNAIRE The Journal of FOOl & Ankle Surgery Co ntinuing Podiatric Medical Education (CPME) program is intended to be an 18-credit-per-year program. Each issue will have 10 questions of Board Exa mination quality in a five-par t (A-E), multipl e-choice format. Part icipants will receive a maximum of 3 cred its per issue for each corre ctly completed CPM E Answer Form submitted by Data Trace Publi shing Com pany for scoring. There is a fe e of $15.00 per issue ($/2.00 for ACFAS members) fo r sco ring and pro cessing. payable in advance. Please make checks payable to Dat a Trace Publishing Company. All applicants for credit must be current subscribers to The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery or current members of ACFAS in good standing. Participant s must pass the written examination materi al in orde r to receive credit, but may request one retake (within 90 days of receipt of results) of any issue for which they did not receive credit initially. A passing grade is 70 % correct. The fe e f or a retak e exam is $5.00. payable in advance. The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery will notify state boards of participants' credit s only in those states that requ ire such notification from a sponsoring organization; in most states it will be the respon sibilit y of the indi vidual to report CPME credit to the state board s in a timel y mann er. Data Trace Publishin g Compan y and The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery are approve d sponsors of cont inuing education program s by the Council on Podiatri c Medica l Education (CPME). The following states have approved The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery program for credit. AK(l 8), AL(l8), AR( 18), AZ( 18), CA(J 8), CO(3/issue, 18/year) , DCCI8), DE(l 8), FL(8/biennium), GA(l8), HI(l 8), ID(3/issue, 6/year), MA(l 8), MD(lO/biennium), ME(l 8), MI(18), MN(l8), MO(6) , ND (6), NE(l8), NH(l8), NM(l ), NV(l8), NY(3/issue, max . 15/triennium, Class A credi ts), OH(l 8/fIB/biennium), OK(5), OR(l8), RI(l8), SC(l8), SD(l8) , UT(l8) , WA(IO), WI(18). INSTR UCTIONS: The following question are based on the material presented in the journ al issue. Please select the best answer and mark the appropria te box with an X on the CPME Answer Form which follows. The Answer Form should be returne d for scoring to Data Trace Publishing Company. P.O. Box 1239. Brooklandville, MD 2 /022 -9978.
I. Which of the following conditions is not assoc iated with posterior tibial tendon dysfunction? The Journ al of Foot & Ankle Surgery 1067-25 16/00/390 1-006 1$4.00/0 Copyright © 2000 by the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
A. B. C. D. E.
Rheumatoid arthriti s Seronegative spondyloarthropathy Steroid use Equinus Tom medial meni scus
2. Which of the follo wing properties is not altered as a consequence of posterior medi al displacement osteotomy? A. B. C. D. E.
The position of the calcaneocuboid axis of motion The position of the insertion of the Achilles tendon Ground reactive force s on the subtalar joint Talonavicular joint coverage The efficiency of the windlas s mechanism
3. Bone grafting for articular defects of the talar dome is effective becau se: A. It restore s a more normal weightbearing surface. B. It decreases the surface area where abnormal pressures are generated. C. It allow s for regeneration of necrotic articular cartilage. D. All of the above. E. A and B. 4. Accord ing to the study by Unger et al., which of the follo wing is true regarding the correlation of radiographic appearan ce of the first metatarsophalangeal joi nt and the cond ition of the articular cartilage? A. Radiographic changes were often less advanced than the actual condition of the cartilage. B. Radiographic cyst formation correlated significantl y with the condition of the cartilage. C. The degree of correl ation of the radiographic appearance of the metat arsophal angeal joint and the cond ition of the metatarsal head was different betw een males and female s. D. Se vere thinning in the thickness of the cartilage always was substantiated radiographi call y. E. Radiographi c osseo us changes usually occ ur before thinning of the articular cartilage.
5. Repetiti ve use of the Semm es-Weinstein monofilament will result in which of the following ? A. Stiffening of the filament if used at a lower tempe rature B. Physical thinnin g of the filament over time C. A change in Young' s modulu s D. Decrea sed resilienc y of the filament E. More accurate determ inations of sensory threshold s
6. Changes in mechanical propertie s of the Semmes-Weinstein monofilament:
A. May improve control of diabetic neuropathy due to heightened sensitivity. B. May result in unnecessary treatment of the complications of diabetes. C. Are often more pronounced in the morning. D. A and C E. None of the above 7. According to Bryant et al., the relationship between the radiographic parameters of hallux limitus and hallux valgus is that: A. Patients with higher degrees of metatarsus adductus were more likely to have hallux valgus. B. Patients with lower intermetatarsal angles were more likely to have hallux interphalangeus. C. Patients with longer first metatarsals were more likely to develop hallux limitus than hallux valgus. D. Patients with large intermetatarsal angles were more likely to exhibit higher degrees of hallux interphalangeus. E. Patients with higher degrees of interphalangeus were more likely to have hallux limitus. 8. Which of the following is an advantage of a reverse sural island neurocutaneous flap? A. No recipient site skin grafting is necessary. B. There is no chance of vascular occlusion.
C. The anastamosis is easily done. D. Postoperative anticoagulants are only required for 2 days. E. There is no limit to the distance that the tissue can be transferred. 9. The primary advantage of using a spiked metal washer in the reattachment of an Achilles tendon is which of the following? A. The device never requires removal. B. There is minimal disruption to the microcirculation of the tissue beneath the washer. C. It is significantly cheaper than internal bone anchors. D. lt is available with different tooth patters. E. Asymmetric compression of the underlying tissue cannot occur. lO. Which of the following is true regarding spontaneous rupture of the tibialis anterior? A. It is more common in people over 60. B. Better results are seen with nonoperative care for the acutely treated rupture. C. Attritional changes are most commonly responsible for rupture compared to pure mechanical failure. D. Foot drop does not occur due to substitution of the long toe extensors. E. It is more commonly seen in male patients.