Oceanographic Abstracts
ALDRICH D. V., 1962. Photoautotrophy in Gymnodinium breve Davis. Science, 137 (3534) : 988-990. Pure cultures of the Florida ' red-tide' flagellate required light and carbon dioxide for growth. Multiplication in darkness was not supported by any of a number of organic compounds and mixtures. The econologlcal importance of micronutrients is suggested. ARAVA H. and S. KAWASAKI, 1962. On the locomotion of the squids, Omraastrephes sloanipacificus (Steenstrup), in the Okhotsk Sea along the coast of Hokkaido during the autumn of 1961. (In Japanese; English summary). Bull. Hokkaido Reg. Fish. Res. Lob., (25): 11-19. The authors investigated the migrations of Okhotsk Sea squids from late September to early October in 1961. The results were as follows : 1. In autumn, the Okhotsk Sea squids move westward along the coast past the Straits of Soya. Then they migrate southward into the Japan Sea along the coast of Hokkaido and Honshu, and reach the east coast of Tsushima Island during December and January. 2. Tagged squids released in the Okhotsk Sea did not move eastward, i.e., squids tagged on the west side of the Shiretoko Peninsula were not captured on the east side and those released on the east side were not recovered in the Pacific Ocean. It seems to be impossible for squids to exit via the Straits of Nokke into the Pacific Ocean because of the shallow shelf there. 3. The area on the east o f Shiretoko Peninsula is like a pocket surrounded on three sides by the Shiretoko Peninsula, Kunashiri Island and the Straits of Nokke. The warmer Soya Current which flows into this area, is isolated by the southward East Saghalin Cold Current on the west side of the peninsula late in November. These topographical and oceanographical conditions probably account for the fact that squids remain there until the end of December. It is probable that the squids left in this pocket do not migrate through the surrounding cold water and finally die. 4. Although the Okhotsk Sea squids do not join the Pacific Ocean squids on the northeastern side of Hokkaido, no remarkable biological differences could be found between these two groups. Tagged individuals from each area were recovered from the waters east of Tsushima Island and near Kyushu from December to January. Furthermore no significant differences were observed among mature squids in the sea near Kyushu during the winter months. Therefore, the Okhotsk Sea squids migrating southward in the Japan Sea will join those from the Pacific Ocean to the west of the Straits of Tsugaru, and reach the vicinity of Kyushu where they lay their eggs in winter. 5. The water temperature during the winter in the sea arotmd Tsushima Island is one of the favourable factors for the spawning o f the animal. ARMSTRONG F. A. J. and E. I. BtrrLFg, 1963. Chemical changes in sea water off Plymouth in 1963.
J. Mar. Biol. Ass., U.K., 43 (1): 75-78. The results of analysis of sea water samples from the International Hydrographic Station E l (50 ° 02'N, 4 ° 22'W.) are given in graphical form and as integral mean values for the water column of 70 m. Winter maximum values (in January) of 0.44 t~g atom phosphate P/I. and 0"53 t~g atom • T o t a l ' P/I., with 3"15 ttg atom Si/l. were found. The phosphate a n d ' t o t a l ' phosphorus concentrations were unusually low. The spring decreases were 0-21 t~g atom P/I. and 2"72 t~g atom Si/l. BI~CF.SCU M., 1961. Contribution/t la connaissance des Tanaidac6s de la M6diterran6e Orientale --1. Les Apseudidae et Kalliapseudidae des c6tes d'Israel. Bull. Res. Counc., Israel, (B. Zoology), 10 (4): 137-170. En 6tudiant une riche collection carcinologique envoy6e par la station marine de Ha'ifa, l'auteur 6tabli, pour la plate-forme continentale de I'Isra61, la pr6sence de huit tanaidac6s (des Apseudiens surtout) tous nouveaux pour la faune du pays. Une esp6ce et quatre sous-esp6ces sent nouvelles pour la science, deux autres, nouvelles pour la M6diterran6e. BALAKRISHNANNAIR N., 1962. Ecology o f marine fouling and wood-boring organisms of western Norway. Sarsia, 8 : 8 8 pp., 9 pl. As a contribution towards an understanding of the ecology of the marine timber-boring animals of western Norway, the hydrography, the fouling organisms and the effect of marine growth on borer activity were studied at five selected stations. Studies in detail of the fouling and boring organisms were made based on their appearance on a system of long- and short-term blocks. The breeding season and rate of growth of Teredo megotara were determined. Time of settlement of marine wood borers was investigated. Vertical zonation of foulers and borers, effect o f temperature on their activity, inhibitive and preservative value of local paint compositions and the resistance of woods against attack by marine borers were also examined. BANKS R. B. and D. V. CHANDgASEm~AP.A, 1963. Experimental investigation of the penetration of a high-velocity gas jet through a liquid surface. J. Fluid Mech., 15 (1): 13-34. This investigation is concerned with the phenomenon of a gas jet impinging on and penetrating into a liquid. The study has been restricted to the cases ot" circular and plane jets penetrating a liquid at right angles. Both ' free streamline' and turbulent jets were considered. The phenomenon was analysed from two view-points. The first, a stagnation-pressure analysis, related the depth o f the