The Veter£nary Journal.
Mr. Hunting's attack, I venture to say, is directed here not alone against Dr. Fleming, nor against myself, but includes also the Board of examiners for the Fellowship degree of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and the Council that appointed the latter. R. W. BURKE, F.R.C.V.S., A. V.D. Athlone, 17tlt March, 1890. [We are in a po~ition to state that our correspondent passed a better allround examination for the Fellowship degree, than his very clever, refined, and amusing critic did.-Eo. V. J.J AN IMPOSTOR. SIR,-1 enclose copy of a letter received from Mr. W. Kent, M.R.C.V.S., Gravesend, which I leave to explain itself. It occurred to me that the most effectmil way of warning, and thus staying the scamp's progress would be through the medium of the professional journals, and, personally, I shall be glad, if you think it desirablf", if you will give a notice of the matter in your next issue. Thanking you in anticipation. Rotherham, Marclt 19tll. THos. J. CA:Ifi'SALL, M.R.C.V.S.,E. "Gravesend, Marclt 17, 1890.-T. Campsall, Esq., Sir,-To-dav I had a man call upon me representing himself as Thomas Campsall, V.S., late of Rotherbam, but owing to ill·health he is in reduced circumstt.nces. I referred to the register, and there found name as described. I gave him a little assistance, but after he bad gone I thought he must be an impostor, and if so it was only right you should be aware of the fact, and so let members of the profession be on their guard.-Wm. Kent, M.R.C.V.S." CORRECTION. IN the appeal made on behalf of Mrs. Hall, in last month's J ournal, it was stated that her husband had been i11 practic~ at Newcastle-on-Tyne ; it should have been Stockton-on-Tee•.
Communications, Books, Journals, etc., Received. Cor.n!UNICATIONS have been received from J. A, Nunn, A.V.D .. Lushai, India; J. Malcolm, Birmingham; R . W. Burke, A.V.D., Athlone ; •· Juste Milieu"; J. Freeman, Hull; F. C. Mabon, Soutbrepps; G. T. Pickering, York; F. L. Gooch, Stamford f Sir F . Fitzwygram, London; R. Rutherford, Edinb•ngh; F. Raymond, A. V.D., Woolwich; T . Greaves, Manchester; A. E. Macgillivray, Banff; J. Mills, A.V.D., Chatham ; J . Nettleton, Northallerton ; J. Armstrong, Penrith; A. \V. Hill, London; J. B. Gresswell, Louth; W. Awde, ~tockton-on-Tees; T, J. Campsall, Rotherham. ---BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS: Encyklopadie der Gesammten Thierheilkunde und Thierzucht; F. Boschctti, Sul Progetto di Leg~e della Tutela dell' Igiene e Sanita Pubblica ; Bulletin des Seances de Ia Societe Nationale d'Agriculture; '.J. Bla•uf Sutlo1t, Evolution and Disease ; T. Walley, A Practical Guide to Meat Inspection; U. Smitlz, The Country Roads of England. JOURNALS, ETC. : Oesterreichische Zeituhriftfur Wissmscha(tliche Veteriniirkurule; Quarterly '.Journal oj Veterinary Science in Imiia; Journal ofthe Agricultural Sodety of Victoria; A rchiv fur Wissensclzaftliche und Praktische Thierheilkut~de; Thierarzt; Wochenuhnf t fur Thierheilkmuie und Viehzucht; E chaVeterinaire; Johtz Hopkins HoJtJital Bulletin ; Russian Anhives of .Veterinary Scimce; Annales de Mid. Vltl rinai•·e ; Hufschmied; American Veteri~tary R eview; Ruueil de MM. Vetlri•:aire : .Joumal de .Mt!d. Veteri1taire et Zootechnie; Revue· Vtterinaire; Lancet; British M edical '.Journal; Live Stock 7ournal; '.Journal or Comparative llftdicine and 1-'eten·,tary Archives; Edi~tburgkMedical Journal; American Live ~'lock '.Journal; '.Journal of the S~eiety of Arts; C/inica Veterinaria. NEWSPAPERS: S cotsman; Drogheda Argtu; Montnal Gazette ; York Herald; South Ea!tern Cazti!e.