[ 303 ] Trans . Br. myco/. Soc . 84 (2), 303-306 (1985)
Primed in Grear Britain
CRYPTOPHIALE FROM MALAYSIA By A. J. KUTHUBUTHEEN Department of Botany, Uni versity of Malaya, K uala Lumpur
Malay sia
AND B. C. SUTTON Commonwealth M y cological Institute, Ferry Lan e, K ew, Surrey
Cryptophiale aristata sp.nov., C. kakombensis, C. secunda sp.nov . and C . udagawae are described and illustrated from Malaysia.
The genus Cryptophiale was erected by Pirozynski (1968) to accommodate C. kakombensis Pirozynski and C . udagawae Pirozynski & Ichinoe. The presence of two rows of phialides, one on each side of the setiform conidiophores, obscured by shieldshaped outgrowths of sterile cells located in the subapical region of the conidiophore was the principal criterion in delimiting the genus. Four more species of Cryptophiale, including C. guadalcanalense Matsushima (1971), C. iriomoteanum Matsushima (1975), C. manifesta Sutton & Hodges (1976) and C. minor Farr (1980), have since been described. Except for C. udagawae which has a short stubby appendage at the distal end of the conidia, none ofthe other species of Cryptophiale are known to have appendaged conidia. The six species known have the shield of sterile cells obscuring the phialides. In addition to C. kakombens is and C. udagawae, two other hitherto undescribed species of Cryptophiale have been isolated from dead leaves of dipterocarp trees in the coastal areas of Malaysia. One of these species (C. aristata ) has a shield of sterile cells and two rows of phialides, one on each side of the setiform conidiophore. The broad conidiophore, however, scarcely extends beyond the conidiogenous region and each conidium has a single distinct flexuous appendage at the distal end. The other species (C. secunda) has a single row of phialides on only one side of the setiforrn conidiophore, and the phialides are not obscured by a shield-shaped outgrowth of sterile cells . The presence or absence of a shield appears not to be of overriding importance within the generic concept of Cryptophiale. Even with C. udagawa e, for example, some conidiophores bearing isolated, lateral phialides each fringed with a distinct collarette and not obscured by the shield have been observed (Pirozynski, 1968). We propose therefore that the two undescribed species be accommodated within Cryptophiale without revision of the generic limits.
Cryptophiale aristata sp.nov. (F ig. 1). Coloniae in agaro 2 % malti effusae, olivaceae, fu scae, lanosae, tardecrescentes, Myceliumsuperficiale,septatum, leve. Conidiophora macronematosa, mononematosa, erecta, flexuosa , subulata, fusca, levia, parietibus crassi s, septata, solitaria, setiformia, simplicia ad 425 /tm longa x 10-12 /lm lata ad basim, subulata ad 3-4/tm lata ad apicem : zona con idiosa circa superiorem tertiam partem conidiophori : conidiophora vix extensa (6--8 /l m ) praeter zonam con id iogenosarn, zona fertilis cylindricalis 40-60/lm longa, du obus ordinibus phialidum, singulis in utroque latere conidiophora, cellatum scutello steriliurn cellarum, plan arum, lobatum pallide fuscarum , 5-7/tm longarum x 2-3 /l m latarum, Cellulae con idiogenosae monophialidicae, d iscretae, in ordinibus cellatis scutello sterilium ccllarum, determinatae, sub sphericales vel lageniformes. Conidia hyalina, levia, uniseptata, simplicia, fu siformia, 23-27 /lm longa x 2-3 /l m lata ad maximam latitudinem, app endiculata, subulata ad unem app endicern , fiexuo sam , 7-1 2 p m longam ad terminum distalem. In foliis mortuis F iei gibbosae, Dyerae costulatae, Shor eae leprosulae, Macang, Kelantan, M alaysia , Aug . 1983, A. J. Kuthubutheen, IMI 283046 , holotypus est.
Colonies on 2 % malt agar effuse , olivaceous brown, velvety, slow-growing. M y celium superficial, septate, smooth. Conidiophores macronematous, mononematous, erect, flexuous, subulate, dark brown, smooth, thick-walled, septate, solitary, setiform, simple, up to 425 pm long x ro-rz um wide at the base tapering to 3-4 pm wide at the apex, conidiogenous zone at about the upper third of conidiophore, conidiophore scarcely extending (6-8 pm) beyond the conidiogenous zone , fertile zone more or less cylindrical 40-6011m long consisting of two rows of phialides one on each side of the conidiophore and obscured by a shield of sterile, flat, lobed, pale brown cells 5-7 pm long x 2-3 11m wide . Conidiogenous cells monophialidic, discrete, in rows, obscured by a shield of sterile cells, determinate, subspherical or lageniform. Conidia hyaline, smooth, r -septate, sim ple, semi-endogenous, somewhat fusiform, 23-27 11m
Cryptophiale from Malaysia
20 /.l rn
1 1
20 /.l rn
Cryptophiale aristata,
long x 2-3 pm wide at the broadest point, appendiculate, conidia tapering to form a single flexuoui appendage 7-12 pm long at the distal end. The combination ofbroad conidiophores scarcely extending beyond the conidiogenous zone and the appendaged conidia separate C . aristata from any of the described species of Cryptophiale .
Cryptophiale secunda sp.nov, (F igs 2, sa-b). Coloniae in agaro 2 % malti effusae, olivaceae, fuscae, tarde crescentes. Mycelium superficiale, septatum, leve. Conidiophora macronematosa, mononernatosa, erecta, f1exuosa, subulata, fusca, levia, setiformia, solitaria, simplicia, parietibus crassis, septata cum septis propius ordinatis in zona conidiogenosa, ad 260 p.m longa x 812/tm lata ad basim, subulata ad 2-3 ftm ad apicem, zona conidiogenosa ad mediam altitudinum conidiophora, zona conidiogenosa cylindricalis uno ordine (30-50 ftm ) phialidum, crebrarum in uno latere conidiophora cum nullo scurellosterilium cellarum. Cellulae conidiogenosae monophialidicae, phialides extrusae per rninutos poros in uno latere conidiophora, discretae, deterrninatae, lageniformes : phialides cum collaribus, pallide olivaceaefuscae, singulae phialides 10--13 flm longae x 3-6 ftm latae. Conidia hyalina, levia, i -septata, simplicia, falcata, 20-27 pm x 1'5-2 '5 ftm latae and maximarn latitudinem. In foliis mortuis Dipterocarpi baudi , Shoreae bracteolatae, Balanocarpi heimii , Kcpong, Selangor, Malaysia, Aug. 1983, A. J. Kuthubutheen, IMI 283°43, holotypus est.
20 /.lrn
50 /.lrn
Fig. 2 . Cryptophiale secunda.
Colonies on 2 % malt agar thinly effused, pale to olivaceous brown, slow-growing. Mycelium predominantly superficial, septate, smooth. Conidiophores macronematous, mononematous, erect, straight or flexuous, subulate, brown, smooth, setiform, solitary, simple, thick-walled, septate with septa arranged more closely in the conidiogenous zone, up to 260 pm long x 8-12 pm wide at the base tapering to 2-3 pm at the apex, conidiogenous zone about halfway up the conidiophore, conidiogenous zone more or less cylindrical and consisting of a single row (30-50 /lm ) of phialides closely arranged on only one side ofthe conidiophore and not obscured by a shield of sterile cells. Conidiogenou s cells monophialidic, phialides extruded through minute pores on only one side ofthe conidiophore, discrete, determinate, lageniform, phialides with collarettes, light olivaceous brown, individual phialides 10-13/lm long x 3-6 pm wide. Conidia hyaline, smooth, r-septate, simple, semiendogenous, falcate , 20-27/lm long x l '5-2 '5/lm wide at the broadest point.
A. J. Kuthubutheen and B . C. Sutton
20 /Jrn 20 /Jrn
20 /Jrn
20 /Jrn
Fig . 3. Cryprophiale kakombensis.
Fig . 4. Cryptophiale udagawae.
The absence of a sterile sh ield obscuring the conidiogenous region and the presence of a single row of phialides on only one side of the setiform conidiophores separates C. secunda from any of the described species of Cryptophiale . To some extent it resembles C. manifesto Sutton & Hodges (1976) which has a partial shield that does not, however, cover the conidiogenous cells. The alternative place for this species might be Cha etopsina Rambelli which is already a heterogeneous genus with dematiaceous and nectriaceous species where ' phialides' may be, but not exclusively so, inserted directly on the setiform main stipe.
not quite half-way down the conidiophores a more or less cylindrical fertile region (up to 110 jLm long x 18-25 jLmwide) of two rows of phi alides on e on each side of the conidiophore, phialides obscured by a shield of sterile flat, lobed, light brown cells 10-15 jLm long x 3-3 '5 I"m wide, conidiophores up to 320 I"m long x 8-10 I"m wide at the base tapering to 3-4'5 I'm at the apex. Conidia hyaline, smooth, simple, falcate, r-septate in the middle, semi-endogenous, attenuated towards pointed ends, aggregated into wh ite slimy mass, 22-30 jLm long x l ' 5-2 jLm wide.
Sp ecimens examined : On dead leaves of Ficus gibbosa, Dy era costulata and Dillenia reticulata, Macang, Kelantan, Mala ysia, Aug. 1983, A.]. Kuthubutheen, IMI 283°47.
Conidiophores macronematous, mononernatous, erect, straight or flexuous, solitary, subulate, dark brown, smooth, septate, thick-walled, setiform , simple, apical region sterile, extending t o a point
Pirozynski ( t 968 ) described this species from fallen leaves of Baphia sp. collected in Kakombe, Tanzania. The characteristics of the present collection, although differing slightly from the published description of C. kakombensis notably in
Pirozynski, C an.
Bot. 46 : 1123 ( 1968). (F ig. 3).
Cryptophiale from Malay sia
Fig. 5. (a- b) Cryptophiale secunda ; (c) C. udagawae. th e length of the conidiophores , suggest that it is best referred to this species. It is thus reported as a new member of the Malaysian mycoflora. It is interesting to note that so far , C. kakombensis has been encountered only on litter from coastal areas but not the inland areas of Malaysia. Pir ozyn ski & Ichinoe apud Pirozynski, Can . J. Bo t. 46: 1123 ( 19 6 8 ) : (F igs 4, yc). Conidiophores macronematous, mononematous, erect, straight or flexuous, solitary, su bulate, dark brown, smooth, septate, thick-walled, setiform, up to 280 flm high x 6-10 flm wide at the base, little or not attenuated at the apex, apex 1-3 times dichotomously branched, apical region sterile, extending to a point about half way down the conidiophores a more or less cylindrical fertile region (40-80 /l m long x 14-20 jim wide ) of two rows of phialides one on each side of conidiophore, phialides obscured by a shield of sterile, flat, lobed, light brown cells 10-12/tm long x 3-5 flm wide. Conidia hyaline, smooth, simple, falcate , r-septate in the middle, semi-endogenous, aggregated into white slimy mass , 2o-35/tm x 1·5-3/tm, distal end narrower and drawn into short stout appendage.
Sp ecimens examined: On dead leaves of Ficus gibbosa, Dy era costulata, Dillenia reticulata and Dipt erocarpus
costatus, Macang, Kelantan, Malaysia, Aug. 1973, A. J. Kuthubutheen, IMI 283048 .
Cryptophiale udagawae was described by Pirozynski ( 19 6 8) from fallen leaves of Quercus glauca collected in Ki yosumi, Japan. It has since been reported from decaying leaves of Araucaria hunsteinii from Bulolo, Papua New Guinea (M atsushima, 1971 ) and on leaves of Quercus phillyraeoides and Castanea crenata in Japan (M atsushima, 19 75 ) . The present collection is reported as a new member of the Malaysian mycoflora. We are grateful to Professor J. Webster for his helpful comments and to Mr W. H. Stubbs for help with the Latin diagnosis. REFERENCES
FARR, M. L. (1980) . A new species of Cryptophiale from Amazonas. M y colaxon 11, 177-181MATSUSHIMA , T . (197 1). Microfungi of the S olomon Island s and Papua N ew Gu inea. Kobe : Matsushima. MATSUSHIMA, T . (1975). l eones Microfungorum a Malsushima L ectorum, Kobe: Matsushima. PIROZYNSKI , K. A. ( 1968). Cryptophial e, a new genus of Hyph omycetes, Canadian J ournal of B arany 4(" 1123-1/ 27. S UTT ON , B. C. & HODGES, C. S . (1976). Eucalyptus fungi: some setose hyphomycetes with phialides. No va H edwigia 27, 343-3 52.
(Received fo r publication 28 June 1984)