Cumulative Index
NOTE: Page numbers of symposium and clinic titles are in boldface type. ABDOMEN, disease, acute, radiological diagnosis in adults, June, 513-526 injuries, diagnosis, June, 629 in childhood June, 748 management, June, 627-644 Massachusetts General Hospital experience, June, 636-642 Abdominal angina, Aug., 919-930 surgical treatment, Oct., 921 Abdominal exploration, in cholecystectomy, Oct., 1132 in gastric resection, Oct., 1144 Abdominoperineal resection of rectum, Oct., 1191-1199 abdominal operation, Oct., 1194 colostomy in, Oct., 1197, 1199 gastrostomy in, Oct., 1198 perineal operation, Oct., 1196 technique, Oct., 1193 Abortion, septic, June, 670 spontaneous, June, 669 Abscess in diverticulitis of colon with perforation, June, 657 Acoustic neuroma, diagnosis and surgical treatment, Feb., 127-129 Actinomycin D in acute hyperparathyroidism, June, 740 Adenocarcinoma, primary, of appendix, surgical management, Oct., 1109 Adrenal disease, choice of operation for, Oct., 1288 Adrenalectomy, anterior approach, technique, Oct., 1284 left total, technique, Oct., 1287 right, technique, Oct., 1287 subtotal, indications, Oct., 1288 technique, errors, and pitfalls, Oct., 1283-1292 total, indications, Oct.. 1288 transabdominal, position for, Oct., 1285 Afferent loop syndrome, pathophysiology, April,411-423 treatment, April, 418 Air embolism, after thyroidectomy, Oct., 1224
Airway, clearing, in chest injury, June, 544 obstruction, after thyroidectomy, Oct., 1223 Albumin-globulin ratio, in diagnosis of biliary tract lesions, Oct., 1115 Alkaline phsophatase test, in diagnosis of biliary tract lesions, Oct., 1115 Allison technique of esophageal hiatal herniorrhaphy, April, 253 Alpha-methyltyrosine in acute pheochromocytoma, June, 649 Ampulla of Vater, biopsy, in diagnosis of ampullary cancer, Oct., 1206 cancer of, diagnosis, Oct., 1205 surgical treatment, Oct., 1204 carcinoma of, resectability, Oct., 1208 Anastomosis, and grafts, in repair of aneurysm of infrarenal aorta, Oct., 1248 end-to-end, of small bowel, Oct., 1181 end-to-side, of small bowel, Oct., 1186 intestinal, by triangulation, single-layer end-to-end, technique, Feb., 223-228 side-to-side, of small bowel, Oct., 1186 small bowel, Oct., 1179-1190 special types, Oct., 1185 ureterocutaneous, in repair of surgical injury to ureter, Oct., 1327 ureterointestinal, in repair of surgical injury to ureter, Oct., 1328 Anesthesia, for bronchopulmonary sleeve resection after preoperative irradiation for cancer, Feb., 146 for cholecystectomy, Oct., 1130 for emergency portacaval shunt, Feb., 39 in hand injuries, June, 799 Aneurysm, of aorta, abdominal, Aug., 963-978 diagnosis, Aug., 963 excision and graft replacement, technique, Aug., 975 surgical treatment, Aug., 973 ascending thoracic, pathogenesis, Aug., 1035 surgical management, Aug., 10331044
1336 Aneurysm (Continued) of aorta, ascending thoracic, with aortic valvular incompetence, Aug., 1033 descending thoracic, surgical considerations, Aug., 91)1-911 dissecting, June, 573-586; Aug., 10451055 classification, Aug., 1045 operative technique, June, 580, 581; Aug., 1047 infrarenal, dissection of, Oct., 1248 exposure of, anatomical considerations, Oct., 1245 repair, by anastomosis and grafts, Oct., 1248 ruptured, surgical tre:1tment, Oct., 1252 surgical treatment, Oct., 1245-1254 survival after surgery; Oct., 1254 thoraco-abdominal, surgical treatment, Aug., 901-911 transverse arch, resection and graft replacement in, Aug., 1057-1071 peripheral, arteriosclerotic, surgical treatment, Aug., 979-989 ruptured, roentgen diagnosis, June, 519 Angina, abdominal, Aug., 919-930 surgical treatment, Oct., 921 intestinal, surgery of, Feb., 171 Angiography, in acute abdomen, June, 524 in evaluation of vascular surgery patient, Aug., 843-862 pulmonary, June, 554 Angioplasty, patch graft, in coronary artery disease, Aug., 866 in aorto-iliac occlusive disease, technique, Aug., 950, 955 in occlusive disease of femoral artery, Aug., 992, 996 in renovascular hypertension, Aug., 936 with endarterectomy in abdominal angina, Aug., 926 with internal carotid endarterectomy, Aug., 882 Ankle, fractures, immediate treatment, June, 780 Antibiotics, in acute pancreatitis, June, 624 in bowel preparation for colectomy, Oct., 1164, 1165 in burns, June, 609 in chest injuries, June, 609 in gas gangrene, June, 608 in intestinal trauma, June, 610 in major trauma, June, 605-612 in perforated appendix, Oct., 1108 in peritonitis, June, 610 in tetanus, June, 608
Antrectomy and vagotomy for duodenal ulcer, indications, technique and results, April, 349-358 for peptic ulcer, Oct., 1159 Antrum, g'lstric, function of, April, 269279 signific'lnce in peptic ulcer, April, 274,300 resection of. See Antrectomy. Anuria, causes and treatment, June, 704-709 following renal transplantation, June, 718 Aorta, abdominal, branches of, surgery on, Feb., 170 aneurysm. See Aneurysm. embolism, saddle, surgical technique, Aug., 1016, 1017 exploration, in pancreaticoduodenectomy, Oct., 1210 injuries, surgical treatment, Aug, 1002 thoracic, coarctation of, Aug., 893-899 surgical tre'ltment, Aug., 894 Aortic arch, double, operative technique, Aug., 888, 889 right, with left ductus arteriosus, operative technique, Aug., 889, 890 Aortic valvular disease, aneurysms of ascending aorh with, surgical management, Aug., 1033-1044 surgery of, present status, Feb., 189 Aortography, in dissecting aortic aneurysm, June, 579 technique, Aug., 851 translumbar, in peripheral arteriosclerotic disease, Oct., 1300, 1301 technique, Aug., 855 Aorto-iliac occlusive disease, surgery of, Feb., 173; Aug., 949-961 Appendicitis, Oct., 1101-1112 diagnosis, Oct., 1102 differential diagnosis, Oct., 1108 inflammatory complications of, surgical treatment, Oct., 1106 nonoperative treatment, Oct., 1106 postoperative complications, management, Oct., 1110 surgical management, Oct., 1104 Appendix, adenocarcinoma of, surgical management, Oct., 1109 carcinoid of, surgical management, Oct., 1109 endometriosis of, surgical management, Oct., 1110 inflammation of. See Appendicitis. malignant lymphoma of, surgical management, Oct., 1110 mucocele of, surgical management, Oct., 1109
Appendix (Continued) perforated, antibiotic treatment, Oct., 1108 surgical management. Oct., 1106, 1107 Arterbl in~ufficiency, hyperbaric oxygen in, Feb., 218 Arterial obstruction, symptom~, Oct., 1297 Arteriography, cerebral, technique, Aug., 846 coronary, technique, Aug., 844 femoral. technique, Aug., 858 in acute hyperparathyroidism, June, 742 in coronary artery disease, Aug., 863 in occlusive cerebrovascular disease, Feb., 163; Aug., 863 in peripheral arteriosclerotic disease, Oct .• 1298 Arteriosclerosis, occlusive arterial disease due to, June, 599 Arteriosclerotic disease, peripheral, arteriography in, Oct., 1298 clinical evaluation of patient, Oct., 1298 lumbar sympathectomy in, Oct., 1309 pathogenesis, Oct., 1293 surgical treatment, Oct., 1301 translumbar aortography in, Oct., 1300. 1301 Arteriovenous fistula, traumatic, repair of, Aug., 1008 Artery(ies). See also under specific names. embolism, surgical considerations, Aug., 1013-1020 injuries, June, 590 repair of, techniques, Aug., 1004, 1005, 1006 occlusion, acute, diagnosis and management, June. 587-604 peripheral, occlusive disease, June, 599 small, diseases of, acquired, surgery of, Feb., 161-174 spasm, due to trauma, April, 587 Atherosclerosis, coronary, surgery for, Feb., 169 Audiometry in acoustic neuroma, Feb., 127 Autografts, blood vessel, Aug., 839 Autotransplantation of kidney, in repair of surgical injury to ureter, Oct., 1329 Axilla, dissection, anatomical consideration~, Feb., 77 technique. Feb., 77-83 Azathioprine for immune suppression in renal transplantation, Feb., 22
BALLOON tamponage for ruptured esophageal varices, June, 487 Barium enema, emergency, June, 519
1337 Barrett's syndrome, April, 251 Bile duct, common. See Common duct. effect of vagotomy on, April, 456 stricture, due to operative injury, Feb., 73 malignant, Feb., 74 Biliary tract, cancer of, differential diagnosis, Oct., 1117 diseases, diagnostic methods, Feb., 6976 lesions of, liver function tests in diagnosis, Oct., 1114, 1116 surgery of, present status, Feb., 69-76 protection of common duct during, Oct., 1126 Biopsy, needle, of kidney, hemorrhage after, June, 710 of ampulla of Vater, in diagnosis of ampullary cancer, Oct., 1206 Bladder, hemorrhage into, June, 710 injuries, June, 694-699 treatment, June, 634 Bleeding, after thyroidectomy, Oct., 1224 Blind loop syndrome, after small bowel resection, Oct., 1188 Blood supply to anastomosis, in small bowel resection, Oct., 1180, 1187 Blood vessels, autografts, Aug., 839 homografts, Aug., 831 injuries, surgical management, Aug., 1001-1011 prosthetic grafts, Aug., 832 replacements and suture materials, Aug., 831-842 surgery of. See Vascular surgery. sutures, Aug., 840 Bowel conduit, in repair of surgical injury to ureter, Oct., 1328 Brachial artery, aneurysm, surgical treatment, Aug., 979, 986 embolism, operative technique, Aug., 1018 gunshot wound, repairs of, Aug., 1007 Brachiocephalic arterial repair, technique, Feb., 167 Brain, injury, recognition and management, June, 533 lesions, gastrointestinal ulcerations with, April,309 space-taking lesions, pathophysiology, June, 528 recognition and management, June, 536 Breast, carcinoma, chemotherapy combined with mastectomy for, Oct., 1276, 1278 clinical classification, Oct., 1269 in pregnancy, Oct., 1280 local excision of, Oct., 1276
1338 Breast (Continued) carcinoma, McWhirter technique of treatment, Oct., 1274 natural history, Oct., 1270 oophorectomy combined with radical mastectomy for, Oct., 1278 pathological aspects, Oct., 1267 radiotherapy combined with mastectomy for, Oct., 1274, 1277 recurrence after removal, before 1900, Oct., 1266 results of treatment, Oct., 1275 surgical management, Oct., 1265-1282. See also Mastectomy. lymphatic drainage, Feb., 78 Bromsulphalein test, in diagnosis of biliary tract lesions, Oct., 1115 Bronchogenic carcinoma, surgical treatment, Oct., 1255-1264 Bronchopulmonary sleeve resection after preoperative irradiation for lung cancer, Feb., 145-159 Burns, antibiotics in, June, 609 chemical, esophagitis from, Oct., 1227 gastrointestinal ulcerations with, April, 313 Bypass, femoral, Oct., 1293-1310 Bypass grafting, in abdominal angina, Aug., 921 in occlusive disease of femoral artery, Aug., 996, 998 in aorto-iliac occlusive disease, technique, Aug., 956, 960 in renovascular hypertension, Aug., 942 Bypass principle, in surgical treatment of peripheral arteriosclerotic disease, Oct., 1302
CALCITONIN in acute hyperparathyroidism, June, 740 Calculus, renal, hemorrhage in, June, 710 Cancer. See Carcinoma. Carcinoid, of appendix, surgical management, Oct., 1109 Carcinoma, bronchogenic, surgical treatment, Oct., 1255-1264 of ampulla of Vater, diagnosis, Oct., 1205 resectability, Oct., 1208 surgical treatment, Oct., 1204 of bile ducts, Feb., 74 differential diagnosis, Oct., 1117 of breast. See Breast carcinoma. of colon and rectum, surgical treatment, Oct., 1163-1177 of common bile duct, resectability, Oct., 1208
Carcinoma (Continued) of duodenum, resectability, Oct., 1208 of larynx, advanced, combined radiation and surgery in, Feb., 104 preservation of function by subtotal laryngectomy, Feb., 100 of lung, preoperative irradiation and bronchopulmonary sleeve resection for, Feb., 145-159 of pancreas, resectability, Oct., 1208 surgical treatment, Oct., 1207 of parotid gland, operation for, employing partial temporal bone resection, Feb., 131-143 of rectum, surgical treatment, Oct., 1163-1177 of uterus emergencies in, June, 680, 681 Cardiac decompensation, after thyroidectomy, Oct., 1225 Cardiac tamponade, June, 563-572 in chest injury, June, 547 treatment, June, 568 Cardioesophageal tamponage, June, 487 Cardiopulmonary bypass, hyperbaric oxygen with, Feb., 212 technique, Aug., 1038 Cardiovascular disease, occlusive, June, 591 Carotid artery, aneurysm, surgical treatment, Aug., 979, 980, 981 common, puncture of, technique, Aug., 849 injuries, repair of, Aug., 1005 internal, endarterectomy and patch graft angioplasty, technique, Aug., 882 occlusive disease, June, 600 Carotid bypass graft techniques, Feb., 169 Carotid endarterectomy for stroke, technique, Feb., 167 Carpal bones, fractures and dislocations, immediate treatment, June, 786 Caustic agents, ingestion, by chiJdren, June, 764 Cecal diverticulitis, simulating appendicitis, Oct., 11 09 Cecum, resection for lesions of, Oct., 1167, 1168 Celiac artery, occlusive disease producing abdominal angina, operative technique, Aug., 926 Cephalin test, in diagnosis of biliary tract lesions, Oct., 1114 Cerebral arteriography, technique, Aug., 846 Cerebrovascular disease, arteriography in, Feb., 163; Aug., 86Z clinical examination, Feb., 162
Cerebrovascular disease (Continued) surgery of, Feb., 162-169; Aug., 873-884 indications for, Feb., 165 Cervix uteri, carcinoma, emergencies in, June, 680 Chemotherapy, combined with mastectomy, in treatment of breast carcinoma, Oct., 1276, 1278 intraperitoneal, for peritonitis, Oct., 1107 Chest, injuries, antibiotics in, June, 609 major, surgical management, June,
539-550 wall, stabilization following injury, June, 543 Children, appendicitis in, diagnosis, Oct., 1102 gynecologic emergencies in, June, 665 heart disease in, new operations, Feb.,
175-187 physically abused, June, 750 urgent surgical problems in, June,
747-769 Choanal atresia, June, 756 Cholangiography, in diagnosis of ampullary cancer, Oct., 1205 in diagnosis of common duct lesions, Oct., 1115 intravenous, in acute abdomen, June, 524 in diagnosis, Feb., 69 needle, indications and technique, Feb., 71 transhepatic, percutaneous, technique and principles, Feb., 70 Cholangiolitic hepatitis, differential diagnosis, Oct., 1118 Cholecystectomy, Oct., 1129-1142 abdominal exploration in, Oct., 1132 anesthesia for, Oct., 1130 incision for, selection of, Oct., 1131 injury to common bile duct during, Oct., 1321 technique, Oct., 1133 Cholecystic disease, prevention of sequelae by early treatment, Oct., 1120 Cholecystitis, acute, surgical treatment of, Oct., 1140 emphysematous, roentgen diagnosis, June, 518 Cholecystography, in diagnosis of common duct lesions, Oct., 1115 oral, in diagnosis, Feb., 69 Cholecystokinin, relation to duodenal inhibition of gastric secretion, April, 289 Cholecystostomy, procedure, Oct., 1140, 1141 Choledochostomy, technique, Oct., 1121 Cinefluoroscopy, in esophagitis, Oct., 1232
Circulation, arrest of, induced, hyperbaric oxygen as protection during, Feb., 212 Claudication, intermittent, in obstructive arterial disease, Oct., 1297 intestinal, surgery of, Feb., 171 Claw hand from plaster cast, June, 785 Clinical instruction in surgery, symposium on, Oct., 1087-1333 Clips, vena cava, Feb., 201, 202; Aug., 1023 Clostridial infections, hyperbaric oxygen in, Feb., 216 Coarctation, of thoracic aorta, Aug.
893-899 surgical treatment, Aug., 894 Colectomy, for cancer, Oct., 1163-1177 technique, Oct., 1165 Colitis, ulcerative, roentgen diagnosis, June, 515 Colles' fracture, June, 785 Colon, ascending, resection for lesions of, Oct., 1167, 1168 carcinoma of, surgical treatment, Oct.,
1163-1177 diverticulitis, complications, June, 655663 emergency surgery in, June, 653-664 diverticulosis, complications, June, 655663 injuries, treatment, June, 634 left, resection for lesions of, Oct., 1172 transverse, resection for lesions of, Oct., 1169,1170 upper descending, resection for lesions of, Oct., 1170, 1171 volvulus, roentgen diagnosis, June, 515, 516 Colostomy, terminal, in abdominoperineal resection of rectum, Oct., 1197, 1199 Coma, hepatic, pre- and postoperative, in emergency portacaval shunt, Feb., 52 Common duct, carcinoma of, resectability, Oct., 1208 exploration of, Oct., 1113-1128 differential diagnosis of lesions leading to, Oct., 1117 lesions of, diagnosis, Oct., 1114 protection of, during surgery on biliary tract, Oct., 1126 stones in, differential diagnosis, Oct., 1117 stricture, differential diagnosis, Oct., 1119 due to operative injury, Feb., 73 malignant, Feb., 74 surgical injury and repair of, Oct., 1321 Congenital vascular ring, Aug., 885-892 Cooling, intragastric, effects, technique, indications and results, April, 463-475
1340 Cordotomy, percutaneous, for pain, Feb., 3-12 intramedullary, direct current, technique, Feb., 5-8 radio-frequenry, technique, Feb., 8 strontium, technique, Feb., 4 Coronary arteriography, technique, Aug., 844 Coronary artery, occlusive disease, myocardial revascularization for, Aug., 863-871 surgery of, present status, Feb., 192 Coronary atherosclerosis, surgery for, Feb., 169 Coronary endarterectomy, Feb., 170 Corpus luteum, ruptured, of pregnancy, June, 676 Corticosteroids, in renal transplantation, complications, June, 723 ulcer due to, April, 303 Croup, June, 756 Curling's ulcer, April, 314 Cushing's syndrome, operation for, Oct., 1288 treatment, Oct., 12!H Cushing's ulcer, April, 312 Cysts, ovarian, tor~ion or rupture, in adults, June, 678 in children, June, 666
DACRON blood vessel grafts, Aug., 833 Deafness due to otosclerosis, surgery for, Feb., 112-118 Dialysis. peritoneal, in acute hyperparathyroidism, June, 740 Diaphragm, injuries, June, 6~5 Diaphragmatic hernia in child, June, 751 Dislocations, immediate treatment, June, 786 cervical spine, June, 775 elbow, June, 783 hip, June, 777 knee, June, 779 shoulder, June, 782 Dissection of axilla, technique, Feb., 77-83 Diverticulitifl, cecal, simulating appendicitis, Oct., 1109 Merkel's, simulating appendicitis, Oct., 1109 of colon, complications, June, 655-663 emergency surgery in, June. 653-664 Diverticulosis, of colon, complications, June, 655-663 Diverticulum, Meckel's, June, 762 Dizziness in Meniere's disease, relief of, Feb., 118
Drainage, af.ter lobectomy, Oct., 1262 after vagotomy, Oct., 1160 peritone:11, for peritonitis, Oct., 1107 Dumping syndrome, jejunal interposition for, April, 441 mechanism, April, 425-439 operations for, April, 442 Poth's operation, technique and results, April, 442, 444, 449 treatment, April, 4:34 Dunlop's traction, June, 784 Duodenal stump, closure of, in gastric resection, Oct., 1147 Duodenotomy and biopsy of ampulla of Vater, in diagnosis of ampullary cancer, Oct., 1206 Duodenum, carcinoma of, resectability, Oct., 1208 in gastric resection, management of, Oct., 1146 in production of pepetic ulcer, April, 300 influence on gastric function, April, 288 injuries, treatment, June, 633 mobilization of, Oct., 1145 obstructing hematoma of, traumatic, operation for, Feb., 85-97 pathogenesis and clinical picture, Feb., 86, 87 obstruction, in child, June, 762 ulcer, choice of operation in, April, 341 effect of gastric vagotomy on, Oct., 1155 failure of vagotomy in, causes, Oct., 1162 gastrectomy for, subtotal, history of, April,237 gastrojejunostomy for, history of, April,236 massive bleeding in, operation for, April, 341, 363, 387-396 nervous origin of gastric juice, hypersecretion in, Oct., 1154 operative results, April, 345 perforation in, operation for, April, 342,364,379-385 selective gastric vagotomy with pyloroplasty for, April, 367-377 surgery of, empiricism and rationality in, changing emphasis, April, 235244 vagotomy for, alone, history of, April, 239 vagotomy and antrectomy in, indicationfl, technique and results, April, 349-358 vagotomy and pyloroplasty in, history of, April, 2·H indications, technique and complications, April, 359-365
EAR, microsurgery of, Feb., 111-130 Ebstein's malformation, correction of, Feb., 183 Edethamil in acute hyperparathyroidism, June, 739 Elbow, fractures and dislocations, immediate treatment, June, 783 Elderly patients, diagnosis of appendicitis in, Oct., 1103 Electrolyte disturbances, after adrenalectomy, Oct., 1291 Embolectomy, arterial, June, 596 techniques, Aug., 1016 pulmonary, Aug., 1025, 1027 for massive pulmonary embolism, June, 558 indications and technique, Feb., 27-36 Embolism, air, after thyroidectomy, Oct., 1224 aortic, saddle, surgical technique, Aug., 1016, 1017 arterial, diagnosis, Aug., 1013 pathology, Aug., 1013 peripheral, June, 591 surgical considerations, Aug., 10131020 pulmonary, diagnosis and treatment, Feb., 28; June, 551-561 embolectomy for, Aug., 1025, 1027 prevention, vena cava operations for, indications and technique, Feb., 195-207; Aug., 1023 Embolus, saddle, June, 593, 596 Emergencies, gynecological, June, 665683 in renal transplantation, June, 713-726 neurosurgical, June, 527-538 surgical, management, symposium on, June, 483-812 urologic, June, 685-712 Emphysema, lobar, in child, June, 754 mediastinal, in child, June, 754 End-to-end anastomosis, of small bowel, Oct., 1181 End-to-side anastomosis, of small bowel, Oct., 1186 Endarterectomy, and patch graft angioplasty in occlusive disease of femoral artery, Aug., 992, 996 aorto-iliac, for occlusive disease, technique, Aug., 950, 952 carotid, and patch graft angioplasty, technique, Aug., 882 for stroke, technique, Feb., 167 coronary, Feb., 170 and patch graft angioplasty, technique, Aug., 866 renal artery, for renovascular hypertension, Aug., 936
1341 Endarterectomy (Continued) with patch graft angioplasty in abdominal angina, Aug., 921 Endolymphatic sac, operations on, for Meniere's disease, Feb., 125 Endometrioma, ovarian, June, 678 Endometriosis of appendix, surgical management, Oct., 1110 Endoscopic diagnosis, early, in gRstrointestinal hemorrhage, June, 499-512 Enterogastrone, April, 264 relation to duodenal inhibition of gastric secretion, April, 289 role in ulcerogenesis, April, 301 Enzymes, serum, in pulmonary embolism June, 553 Epididymovasostomy, for repair of surgical injury to vas deferens, Oct., 1332 Epiphyseal separations, traumatic, management, June, 786 Esophagitis, Oct., 1227-1236 caused by chemical burns, Oct., 1227 of unknown etiology, Oct., 1228 peptic, April, 245-256 Esophagogastric j unction, identification by radiography, Oct., 1233 Esophagogastric varices, bleeding, diagnosis, Feb., 38 Esophagoscopy, early, in gRstrointestinal hemorrhage, June, 499-512 in esophagitis, Oct., 1231 Esophagus, hiatus, hernias of, April, 247 paraesophageal, April, 247 sliding, April, 248; Oct., 1237-1244 diagnosis, Oct., 1237 esophagitis from, Oct., 1229, 1230 postoperative management, Oct., 1243 preoperative management, Oct., 1240 surgical repair, Oct., 1233, 1239 results, Oct., 1244 technique, Oct., 1240 surgical correction, April, 253 identification by radiography, Oct., 1233 incompetent, esophagitis from, Oct., 1229 motility determination, in esophageal disease, Oct., 1232 peptic ulcer of, April, 245-256 in presence of columnar epithelium lining, April, 251 of hiatal hernia, April, 247 operations for, April, 253, 254 varices, bleeding from, treatment, June, 485-498 in children, June, 761 shunts for, June, 492
1342 Exophthalmos, malignant, after thyroidectomy, Oct., 1225 Extremity, lower, arterial disease, surgery of, Feb., 172 upper, lymphatic drainage, Feb., 78
FEMORAL artery, aneurysm, surgical treatment, Aug., 979, 983 embolism, operative technique, Aug., 1018 occlusive disease, Aug., 991-1000 pathology and diagnosis, Oct., 991, 993 surgical treatment, Feb., 173; Oct., 996 Femoral arteriography, technique, Aug., 858 Femoral bypass, Oct., 1293-1310 Femoral hernia, associated with direct inguinal hernia, Oct., 1100 Femur, fractures, immediate treatment, June, 778 Fenestration, aortic, June, 583 operation for otosclerosis, Feb., 113 Fibroids, uterine, pedunculated, torsion or degeneration of, June, 679 Fibula, fractures, immediate treatment, June, 780 Filter operation, vena cava, Feb., 201, 202, 204 Finney pyloroplasty, with selective gastric vagotomy for duodenal ulcer, April, 375 with vagotomy for duodenal ulcer, April, 359-365 Fistula, after small bowel resection, Oct., 1188 arteriovenous, traumatic, repair of, Aug., 1008 Foot, fractures, immediate treatment, June, 781 Forearm, fractures, immediate treatment, June, 784 Fracture(s), Colles', June, 785 immobilization, for transportation to hospital, June, 771 management, immediate, June, 771-778 ankle, June, 780 carpal bones, June, 786 elbow, June, 783 femur, June, 778 fibula, June, 780 foot, June, 781 forearm, June, 784 hip, June, 777 humerus, June, 783 patella, June, 778 pelvis, June, 776
Fracture(s) (Continued) management, immediate, June, 782 spine, June, 775, 776 tibia, June, 779, 780 wrist, June, 785 spontaneous, following renal tation, June, 723 Freezing, intragastric, effects, results, complications, April,
transplantechnique, 463-475
GALLBLADDER, effects of vagotomy on, April,456 removal of. See Cholecystectomy. Gallstone ileus, roentgen diagnosis, June, 521 Gangrene of small intestine, roentgen diagnosis, June, 515, 517 Gas gangrene, antibiotics in, June, 608 hyperbaric oxygen in, Feb., 216 Gastrectomy, exploration in, Oct., 1144 for peptic ulcer, afferent loop syndrome following, April, 411-423 dumping syndrome following, April, 425-439 mobilization in, Oct., 1144 partial, for duodenal ulcer, April, 322, 339-348 principles of, Oct., 1143-1152 reconstruction in, Oct., 1150 seventy per cent, line of resection for, Oct., 1148, 1149 subtotal, for duodenal ulcer, April, 339-348 history of, April, 237 for gastric ulcer, April, 322 line of resection for, Oct., 1148, 1149 wound closure after, Oct., 1152 Gastric antrum, function, April, 269-279 significance in peptic ulcer, April, 274,300 resection, combined with vagotomy, for peptic ulcer, Oct., 1159 Gastric cooling and freezing, April, 463475 Gastric decompression, after vagotomy, Oct., 1160 Gastric juice, hormonal origin of hypersecretion in stomach ulcer, Oct., 1154 nervous origin of hypersecretion in duodenal ulcer, Oct., 1154 Gastric secretion, in bleeding gastritis and recurrent ulcer after operations for peptic ulcer, April, 397-409 influence of liver, pancreas and duodenum on, April, 281-296 role of gastric antrum in, April, 269-279
Gastric secretion (Continued) stimulation and inhibition of, April,
257-268 Gastrin, April, 259, 263 release, factors inhibiting, April, 273 factors leading to, April, 271 role in ulcerogenesis, April, 300 Gastritis, bleeding, after peptic ulcer operation, gastric secretion and, April,
397-409 vagotomy in, June, 613-618 Gastroduodenostomy, Oct., 1150, 1151 Gastroenterostomy, combined with vagotomy, for peptic ulcer, Oct., 1159, 1162 Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, in children, June, 760 upper, early endoscopic diagnosis in, June, 499-512 results compared with x-ray, June, 504 Gastrointestinal tract, perforations, in children, June, 763 Gastrointestinal ulcerations with central nervous system lesions and burns, April,
309-317 Gastrojejunostomy, for duodenal ulcer, history of, April, 236 with vagotomy for gastric ulcer, April, 324 Gastroscopy, early, in gastrointestinal hemorrhage, June, 499-512 Gastrostomy, in abdominoperineal resection of rectum, Oct., 1198 temporary, for decompression of gastric pouch, Oct., 1152 Glottic rehabilitation in vocal cord paralysis, Feb., 99 Goldblatt phenomenon, surgical relief, Feb., 170 Grafts, blood vessel, Aug., 831-842, See also A ngioplasty. bypass. See Bypass grafting. in repair of aneurysm of infrarenal aorta, Oct., 1248 Great vessels, damage, in chest injury, June, 548 Gynecologic emergencies, June, 665-683 in childbearing ages, June, 667 in post-childbearing ages, June, 680 pediatric, June, 665
HALSTED radical mastectomy, Oct., 1267, 1270 thyroidectomy, Oct., 1216 Hand, injuries, management, June, 797-
Harrington's method of instrumentation in treatment of scoliosis, Feb., 57 Head injury, recognition and management, June, 533 Heart, block, surgery of, present status Feb., 191 disease, acquired, surgery of, Feb.,
189-193 in children, new operations in, Feb.,
175-187 pulmonary embolism with, June, 557 stab wounds, June, 548 Hematoma, retroperitoneal, June, 635 traumatic, obstructing, of duodenum, operation for, Feb., 85-97 pathogenesis and clinical picture, Feb., 86, 87 Hemicolectomy, right, incisions for, Oct., 1167 Hemigastrectomy, line of resection for, Oct., 1148, 1149 Hemorrhage, after thyroidectomy, Oct., 1224 control, in major chest injury, June, 541 from esophageal varices, management, June, 485-498 gastrointestinal, in children, June, 760 upper, early endoscopic diagnosis in, June, 499-512 results compared with x-ray, June, 504 intravesical, June, 710 massive, in diverticulitis of colon, June, 662 postoperative, in emergency portacaval shunt, Feb., 51 urologic emergencies due to, June, 709 vaginal, in carcinoma of uterus, June, 680,681 Henley's operation for dumping syndrome, April, 442, 446 Heparin in pulmonary embolism, June, 556 Hepatic flexure, resection for lesions of, Oct., 1169 Hepatitis, cholangiolitic, differential diagnosis, Oct., 1118 viral, differential diagnosis, Oct., 1118 Hepatoduodenal ligament, exploration of, in pancreaticoduodenectomy, Oct., 1209 Hernia, diaphragmatic, in child, June, 751 femoral, associated with direct inguinal hernia, Oct., 1100 hiatal, esophageal, sliding, April, 248; Oct., 1237-1244 diagnosis, Oct., 1237 esophagitis from, Oct., 1229, 1230 postoperative management, Oct .• 1243
Hernia (Continued) hiatal, preoperative preparation, Oct., 1240 surgical repair, Oct., 1233, 1239 results, Oct., 1244 technique, Oct., 1240 paraesophageal, April, 247 incarcerated or strangulated, diagnosis and management, June, 789-796 inguinal, direct, associated with femoral hernia, Oct., 1100 associated with indirect hernia, Oct., 1093, 1100 surgical repair, Oct., 1096 indirect, associated with direct hernia, Oct., 1093, 1100 surgical repair, Oct., 1090, 1092 sites of, June, 789-796 Hernial sac, inadequate resection of, in inguinal hernioplasty, Oct., 1090 Hernioplasty, inguinal, Oct., 1089-1100 Herniorrhaphy, hiatal, esophageal, technique, April, 253 Hiatal hernia. See Hernia, hiatal. paraesophageal, April, 247 Hip, injuries, immediate treatment, June, 777 History taking in vascular disease, Aug., 825 Homografts, blood vessel, Aug., 831 Homotransplantation, hyperbaric oxygen in, Feb., 216 renal, Feb., 13-25 Hormonal origin of gastric juice hypersecretion in stomach ulcer, Oct., 1154 Humerus, fractures, immediate treatment, June, 783 Humoral mechanisms, relation of, to ulcerogenesis, April,. 297-308 Hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, quantitation of, April, 257 secretion of, role of gastric antrum in, April,269-279 stimulation and inhibition of, April,
257-268 Hygroma, cystic, June, 758 Hymen, imperforate, June, 666 Hyperbaric oxygen. See Oxygen, hyperbaric. Hypercalcemia, differential diagnosis, June, 737 Hyperparathyroidism, acute, diagnosis and treatment, June, 727-746 in production of peptic ulcer, April, 298 Hypertension, management before adrenalectomy, Oct., 1290 pulmonary, in septal defect, right pulmonary artery banding in, Feb., 176 renovascular, Aug., 931-948 surgical techniques and results, Feb., 173; Aug., 936, 945
Hyperthyroidism, recurrent, after thyroidectomy, Oct., 1225 Hypoparathyroidism, after thyroidectomy, Oct., 1224 in production of peptic ulcer, April, 297 Hypotension, after adrenalectomy, Oct., 1291 Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in genesis of peptic ulcer, April, 303, 304 Hypothalamus, lesions of, gastrointestinal ulcerations with, April, 310 Hypothermia, hyperbaric oxygen with, Feb.,2l4 Hypothyroidism, after thyroidectomy, Oct., 1225 ILEITIS, regional, simulating appendicitis, Oct., 1108 Ileus, gallstone, roentgen diagnosis, June, 521 Iliac artery, embolism, Aug., 1016 occlusive disease, surgical treatment, Aug., 949-961 Iliofemoral thrombectomy for phlegmasia cerulea dolens, Aug., 1022, 1023 Immunosuppressive therapy, in renal transplantation, Feb., 22 emergencies in, June, 722, 723 Imuran. See Azathioprine. Incision, for cholecystectomy, selection of, Oct., 1131 for gastric resection, selection of, Oct., 1143 relaxing, in direct inguinal hernioplasty, Oct., 1097 Infant, acutely ill, transport of, June, 747 Infection, after thyroidectomy, Oct., 1224 anaerobic, treatment with hyperbaric oxygen, Feb., 216 control, in major trauma, June, 605-612 genitourinary, septicemia due to, June, 702 small bowel resection in, Oct., 1187 Inflammatory disease, pelvic, June, 676 Infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm, surgical treatment, Oct., 1245-1254 Inguinal hernia. See Hernia, inguinal. Inguinal hernioplasty, Oct., 1089-1100 Inguinal ligament, in hernioplasty, Oct., 1096 Inguinal ring, abdominal, improper closure of, in inguinal hernioplasty, Oct., 1091 Inguinal wall, posterior, damage by hernioplasty, Oct., 1094 evaluation of strength of, in inguinal hernioplasty, Oct., 1095 reconstruction, Oct., 1096, 1098 Injury. See Trauma.
Instruction, clinical, in surgery, symposium on, Oct., 1087-1333 Instrumentation, internal, in treatment of scoliosis, Feb., 55-67 urethral, septicemia due to, June, 702 Intestines, anastomosis by triangulation, single-layer, end-to-end, technique, Feb., 223-228 effect of vagotomy on, April, 458 ischemia, surgery for, Feb., 170 obstruction, after small bowel resection, Oct., 1188 from incarcerated or strangulated hernia, management, June, 7!H-796 small, contU/dion or perforation, in child, June, 750 examination, with contrast media, June, 521 gangrene, roentgen diagnosis, June, 515,517 injuries, treatment, June, 633 obstruction, following renal transplantation, June, 721 in diverticulitis of colon with perforation, June, 656 pseudo-mass in roentgen diagnosis, June, 519 resection and anastomosis, Oct., 1179-1190 trauma, antibiotics in, June, 610 Intraperitoneal small vessel surgery, Feb., 170 Intussusception, roentgen diagnosis, June, 515, 517 Irradiation, combined with mastectomy, in treatment of breast carcinoma, Oct., 1274,1277 Ischemia, intestinal, surgery for, Feb., 170 JAUNDICE, causes of, Oct., 1113, 1114 Jejunal interposition, for certain postgastrectomy syndromes, April, 4·U453 for peptic ulcer of esophagus, technique, April, 254 KELLJNG-MADLENER operation for gastric ulcer, April, 329 Kidney, autotransplantation, in repair of surgical injury to ureter, Oct., 1320 bjop~y, needle, hemorrhage after, June, 710 calculus, hemorrhage in, June, 710 injuries, puthophysiology, diagnosis and treatment. June, (j:H, (j35-li!l-1 tranl'piuntation of. Feb., 13-25 emergencies in, June, 713-726
Kidney (Continued) transplantation of, immune suppression in, Feb., 22 operative technique, Feb., 15 team approach. Feb., 15 tumor, hemorrhage in, June, 700 Knee, dblocation, immediate treatment, June, 779
LABYRINTHECTOMY and labyrinthotomy for Melliere'll disease, Feb., 12-1 Laryngectomy, subtotal. for cancer, laryngeal function conserved by, Peb., 100 Laryngotrucheobronchitis, acute, in child, Jlme, 756 Larynx, carcinoma, advanced, combined radiation and 8urgery in, Feb., 104 preservution of fUliction by subtotal laryngectomy, Peb., 100 surgery of, recent trends, Feb., 99-109 trauma, Feb., 106 Ligation of vena cava, Feb., 201, 202, 203; Aug., 102:i Lintou triple lumen one-balloon tube for intragastric tamponage, June, 487, 488 Liver. effects of vugotomy on, April. 456 functional tests, before shunt surgery, June,4!J4 in diagnosis of biliary tract lesions, Oct., 11 1-1, 1116 influence on gastric function, April, 281 injuries, in child, June. 74!J peptic ulcer and, April, 305 treutment. June, (j32 Lobectomy, preoperative and postoperativl! considerations, Oct., 1262 technique, Oct., I:WO pneumonectomy, Oct .• 1255-1264 Lumbar sympathe('tomy, ill peripheral arteriosclerotic disease, Oct., 1aO!J Lung, carcinoma, preoperative irradiation and bronchopulmonary sleeve resection for, Feb., U5-159 damage, in chellt injury, June, 548 Lymph nodes, axillary, Feb., 78 examination, in diagnosis of ampullary cancer, Oct., 12U6 Lymphangioma in child, June, 758 LympllGdcrna of arm, after radical mastectomy, Ocl .• 127!J Lymphoma. primary malignant. of appendix, surgical managemeut of, Oct., 1110
tion, Oct., 1188
after small bowel resec-
1346 Malnutrition, after small bowel resection, Oct., 1188 Mammary artery, implantation technique, in coronary artery disease, Aug., 868 in myocardial revascularization, Aug., 868 Mastectomy, radical, chemotherapy combined with, Oct., 1276, 1278 complications, Oct., 1279 Halsted's, Oct., 1267, 1270 in pregnancy, Oct., 1280 modified, Oct., 1274 oophorectomy combined with, Oct., 1278 radiotherapy combined with, Oct., 1277 simple, combined with radiotherapy, Oct., 1274 superradical, Oct., 1273 McWhirter technique of breast carcinoma treatment, Oct., 1274 Meckel's diverticulitis, simulating appendicitis, Oct., 1109 diverticulum, June, 762 Meniere's disease, surgery for, Feb., 118126 symptoms and histopathology, Feb., 118,120 ultrasonic therapy for, Feb., 126 Mesenteric artery, occlusive disease, June, 600 producing abdominal angina, operative technique, Aug., 926 Mesocolon, transverse, root of, exploration in pancreaticoduodenectomy, Oct., 1209 Microsurgery of ear, Feb., 111-130 Mitral stenosis, surgllryof, present status, Feb., 189 Mitral valvular insufficiency, surgery of, present status, Feb., 190 Mucocele of appendix, surgical management, Oct., 1109 Myocardium, revascularization of, Aug.,
863-871 Myxedema, after thyroidectomy, Oct., 1225
NEPHRECTOMY, recipient, in renal transplantation, Feb., 20 Nephrostomy, in repair of surgical injury to ureter, Oct., 1325, 1326, 1327 Nervous origin of gastric juice hypersecretion in duodenal ulcer, Oct., 1154 Nervous system, central, expanding spacetaking lesions, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment, June, 528,536
Nervous system, lesions of, gastrointestinal ulcers with, April, 309-
317 Neurohumoral mechanisms in peptic ulcer, April, 303 Neurologic examination in acoustic neuroma, Feb., 128 Neuroma, acoustic, diagnosis and surgical treatment, Feb., 127-129 Neurosurgical emergencies, early recognition and management, June, 527-538
OLIGURIA following renal transplantation, June, 718 Omphalocele, June, 765 Oophorectomy, prophylactic, in treatment of breast carcinoma, Oct., 1278 Operations, new, symposium on, Feb.,
1-228 Otosclerosis, surgery for, Feb., 112-118 Ovary, acute problems, in childbearing ages, June, 678 in children, June, 666 Oxygen, hyperbaric, as protection during induced circulatory arrest, Feb., 212 in anaerobic infections, Feb., 216 in arterial insufficiency, acute and chronic, Feb., 218 in homotransplantation, Feb., 216 in hypovolemic shock, Feb., 219 physiologic considerations, Feb., 210 surgical uses, Feb., 209-221
PAIN, control, in chest injury, June, 542 in acute pancreatitis, relief of, June, 622 in dissecting aortic aneurysm, June. 576 percutaneous cordotomy for, Feb., 3-12 Pancreas, cancer of, surgical treatment, Oct., 1207 carcinoma of, resectability, Oct., 1208 effect of vagotomy on, April, 456 in production of peptic ulcer, April, 302 influence on gastric function, April, 286 Pancreatitis, acute, diagnosis and management, June, 619-626 Pancreaticoduodenectomy, Oct., 1201-1213 for cancer, results of, Oct., 1202 mortality and survival after, Oct., 1211, 1212 techniques of, Oct., 1210 following renal transplantation, June,
721 localized, differential diagnosis, Oct., 1119 traumatic, June, 633 in childhood, June, 749
Paralysis, vocal cord, glottic rehabilitation in, Feb., 99 Parathyroid glands, in production of peptic ulcer, April, 297 tumors, identification of, June, 741 Parotid gland, carcinoma, operation for, employing partial temporal bone resection, Feb., 131-143 Patella, fractures, immediate treatment, June, 778 Pelvic inflammatory disease, June, 676 Pelvis, fractures, immediate treatment, June, 776 Peptic ulcer, antral function and, April, 269-279, 300 antrectomy combined with vagotomy for, Oct., 1159 bleeriing, management, April, 341, 363, 387-396 duodenum in genesis of, April, 288, 301 etiology, Oct., 1153 gastric cooling and freezing in, April, 463-475 gastric secretion and, April, 257-268 gastroenterostomy combined with vagotomy for, Oct., 1159, 1162 genesis, relation of humoral mechanisms to, April, 297-308 in children, June, 760 influence of liver, pancreas and duodenum on, April, 281-296 liver injury and, April, 305 neurohumoral mechanisms, April, 303 of distal esophagus, April, 245-256 pancreatic disease and, April, 302 parathyroid disease and, April, 297 pathophysiology and treatment, symposium on, April, 233-475 perforation, following renal transplantation, June, 721 management, April, 342, 364, 379385 production, relation of humoral mechanisms to, April, 297-308 pyloroplasty combined with vagotomy for, Oct., 1159, 1162 recurrence after vagotomy, causes, Oct., 1159 recurrent, postoperative, gastric secretion and, April, 397-409 sex hormones' and, April, 305 steroids in genesis of, April, 303, 304 stimulation and inhibition of gastric acid secretion and, April, 257-268 stress, April, 303, 304, 395 surgical treatment. See also under Duodenum, Esophagus and Stomach. afferent loop syndrome following, April, 411-423
1347 Peptic ulcer (Continued) surgical treatment, dumping syndrome after, April, 425-439,441-453 empirirism and rationality in, April, 235-244 vagotomy, Oct., 1153-1162 thyroid disease and, April, 305 Zollinger-Ellison tumor and, April, 302 Perforation, in diverticulitis of colon, June, 656-661 of appendix. See Appendix, perforated. of gastrointestinal tract in children, June, 763 of peptic ulcer. See under Peptic ulcer. Pericardiocentesis in cardiac tamponade, June, 568 Peripheral arteriosclerotic aneurysm, surgical treatment, Aug., 979-989 Peritoneum, small vessels of, surgery on, Feb., 170 Peritonitis, antibiotics in, June, 610 generalized, intraperitoneal chemotherapy for, Oct., 1107 peritoneal drainage in, Oct., 1107 small bowel resection in, Oct., 1187 spreading, in diverticulitis of colon with perforation, June, 661 pH determinations, in esophageal disease, Oct., 1232 Phenoxybenzamine (Dibenzyline) in acute pheochromocytoma, June, 649 Phentolamine (Regitine) in acute pheochromocytoma, June, 649 Pheochromocytoma, acute, diagnosis and treatment, June, 645-652 precautions during adrenalectomy, Oct., 1290 treatment after adrenalectomy, Oct., 1291 Phlegmasia cerulea dolens, iliofemoral thrombectomy for, Aug., 1022, 1023 Photoscanning in acute hyperparathyroidism, June, 742 PLysical examination in vascular disease, Aug., 826 Physiology of gastric antrum, April, 269279 Pierre-Robin syndrome, June, 756 Pleural space, blood and air in, in chest injury, management, June. 545 Plication, vena cava, Feb., 201, 202, 203; Aug., 1023 Pneumomediastinography in acute hyperparathyroidism, June, 742 Pneumonectomy, preoperative and pestoperative consideration, Oct., 1262 technique, Oct., 1257 vs. lobectomy, Oct., 1255-1264 Pneumonia, after thyroidectomy, Oct., 1225
1348 Pneumoperitoneum with carbon dioxide, June .•'525 Pneumothorax, after thyroidectomy, Oct., 1224 in child, June, 753 tension. ill che~t injury, J 'lXne, 545 Poplitealllrtery, anflurysm, ~urgical treatment, Aug., 979, 1)85, 987 embolism, Aug., 1016 Portacaval shunt, emergenC'y, po~t,()PPrlt tive care and complications, Feb., 49 technique, Feb., 37-53 for esophageal varices, June, 492-497 Portnl vein, exploration of, in pancreaticoduodenectomy, Oct., 1209 Portal venography, in diagnosis of ampullury cancer, Oct., 1206 Postgastrectomy syndrome, afferent loop, April, 411-423 jejunal. interpo~ition for, April, 441-453 mechanism, April, 425-439 operations for, April, 442 treatment, April, 434 Potassium repletion, before adrenalectomy, Oct., 12!}0 Poth's opemtion for dumping syndrome, technique and results, April, 444, 449 Pregnancy, abdominal, June. 674 appendiciti~ in, diagnosis, Oct., 1103 brenst carcinoma in, Oct., 1280 cervical, June, 676 early, emergency problems, June, 668 ectopic, June, 673 ovarian, June, 676 ruptured corpus luteum of, June, 676 tubal, ectopic, June, 673 Procidentia, uterine, incarcerated, June, 680
Profunda revascularization in occlusive arterial disease, Feb., 174 Prosthetic grafts, blood vessel, A 7Ig., 8~2 Prothrombin test, in diagnosis of biliary tract lesions, Oct., 1115 Pulmonary angiography, June, 554 Pulmonary artery, atresia, with normal aortic root, new operation for, Feb. lSI right, banding of, in def<'rt with pulmonary hyp<'rt.nnsion, Feb., 176 Pulmonary edema, after thyroidectomy, Oct., 1225 Pulmonary embolectom~' indications and technique, Feb., 27-36; Aug., 1025, 1021
Pulmonary embolism, diagnosis and treatment,. June. 551-561 prevention, vena cava operations for, imlieations and technique, Feb., 195207; Aug., 1023
Pulmonary scan, June, 555 Pulse. paradoxical, in cardiac tamponade, June. 566 Pyelonephritis, hemorrhage in, June, 710 Pylephlebiti~, following appendectomy, management, Oct., 1110 Pyloropln~ty, alone, for gastric ulcer, April, ~32 and seleC'tive gastric vagotomy for duodenal ulcer, April, 375; Oct., 1159, 1162 and vagotomy for duodenal ulcer, history of, April, 241 indications, technique and complications, April, 359-365 for gnstric ulcer, April, 324, 332; Oct., 1159, 1I62 and wedge resection for gastric ulcer, April,329 for bleeding peptic ulcer, April, 38!} Pyometra in carcinoma of cervix, June, 681
RADIATION, with mastectomy, for breast carcinoma, Oct., 1274, 1277 with surgery for advanced laryngeal cancer, Feb., 104 Radlotherapy, with mastectomy, for brea~t carcinoma, Oct., 1274, 1277 Rectosigmoid, abdominoperineal resection of. Ree Abdominoperineal resection. carrinoma of, surgical treatment, Oct., 1163-1177 Recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, from thyroidectomy, Oct., 1224 Relaxing incision, in direct inguinal hernioplasty, Oct., 1097 Renal artery, disease, diagnosis, Aug., 924 etiology. Aug., 032 surgical techniques, Aug., 936 obstruetions, surgery of, Feb., 170 Renal autotransplantation, in repair of surgical injury to ureter, Oct., 1::12!} Renova~cular hypertension, Aug., 931-948 surgiclll techniques and results, Aug., n:l6,045 Rcppiratory distress in children, June, i51 Re~lIsC'itation in major chest injury, June, 540
Retroperitoneal hematoma, June, 635 Revascularization, deep, in occlusivo arterial disease, Feb., 174 myocardial, Aug., 863-871 splanchnic, for abdominal angina, Aug., 921 Right midrectuB incision, for cholecystectomy, Oct., 1131
Roentgen diagnosis, of acute abdominal disease in adults, June, 513-526 of acute hyperparathyroidism, June, 741 of gastrointestinal hemorrhage, results compared with endoscopy, June, 504 Roentgen treatment, preoperative, of lung cancer, bronchopulmonary sleeve resection after, Feb., 145-149 Rupture, of bladder, June, 696 of spleen, clinical picture, Oct., 1312 delayed, Oct., 1313 in child, June, 749 of urethra, June, 694-699
SACCULE, surgical rupture of, in Meniere's disease, Feb., 126 Saphenous vein graft, in coronary artery disease, Aug., 869 in myocardial revascularization, Aug., 869 in occlusive disease of femoral artery, Aug., 997, 998; Oct., 1303, 1307 operative technique, Oct., 1304 Scan, pulmonary, June, 555 Scoliosis, treatment, internal instrumentation in, Feb., 55-67 Harrington's method and review of cases, Feb., 59 Secretin, April, 259 mechanism of action, April, 290 relation to duodenal inhibition, April, 289 role in ulcerogenesis, April, 301 Septal defects with pulmonary hypertension, right pulmonary artery banding in, Feb., 176 Septicemia, due to genitourinary infection, June, 702, 703 Sex hormones in genesis of ulcer, April, 305 SGOT test, in diagnosis of biliary tract lesions, Oct., 1114 Shock, hypovolemic, hyperbaric oxygen in, Feb., 219 in acute pancreatitis, treatment, June, 622 Shoulder, fractures and dislocations, immediate treatment, June, 782 Shunts, caval and systemic combined, in pulmonary atresia with normal aortic root, Feb., 181 Sleeve resection, bronchopulmonary, after preoperative irradiation for lung cancer, Feb., 145-159 Small bowel anastomosis, Oct., 1179-1190 special types, Oct., 1185
Small bowel resection, Oct., 1179-1190 blind loop syndrome after, Oct., 1188 for obstructed or strangulated bowel, Oct., 1184 hazards and complications, Oct., 1187 in irradiated bowel, Oct., 1187 technique, Oct., 1181 Spasm, arterial, due to trauma, June, 587 Sphincter of Oddi, stenosis of, differential diagnosis, Oct., 1119 Spinal cord, injury, recognition and management, June, 535 space-taking lesions, pathophysiology recognition and management, June, 528,536 Spine, cervical, injuries, immediate treatment, June, 775 fractures, immediate treatment, June, 775,776 Splanchnic revascularization for abdominal angina, Aug., 921 Spleen, injuries, splenectomy for, Oct.,
1311-1319 treatment, June, 632 type of wound associated with, Oct., 1312 mobilization of, in gastric resection, Oct., 1146 rupture, clinical picture, Oct., 1312 delayed, Oct., 1313 in child, June, 749 Splenectomy, for splenomegaly with blood dyscrasia, technique, Oct., 1317 for traumatic injury of spleen, Oct.,
1311-1319 technique, Oct., 1314 with renal transplantation, Feb., 20 Splenic flexure, resection for lesions of, Oct., 1170, 1171 Splenoportography with shunt surgery, June, 494 Splenorenal shunt for esophageal varices, June, 492-497 Splints, fracture, for transportation, June, 772, 773 Stapedectomy, total, for otosclerosis, Feb., 116 Stapes, mobilization, in otosclerosis, Feb., 114 Stenosis of sphincter of Oddi, differential diagnosis, Oct., 1119 Steroid ulcers, April, 303, 304 Steroids, administration before adrenalectomy, Oct., 1289 Stomach, antrum, function of, April, 269-
279 cooling, effects, technique, indications, results, April, 464
Stomach (Continued) freezing, effects, technique, results, complications, April, 463-475 greater curvature of, mobilization of, in gastric resection, Oct., 1145 injuries, treatment, June, 633 parietal cell mass, stimulation and inhibition of, April, 257-268 physiology, influence of liver, pancreas and duodenum on, April, 281-296 resection. See Gastrectomy. secretion, in bleeding gastritis and recurrent ulcer after operations for peptic ulcer, April, 397-409 influence of liver, pancreas and duodenum on, April, 281-296 role of gastric antrum in, April,
269-279 stimulation and inhibition of, April,
257-268 ulcer, bleeding, management, April, 394 choice of operation, April, 322 effect of gastric vagotomy on, Oct., 1155 hormonal origin of gastric juice hypersecretion in, Oct., 1154 indications for operation, April, 320 surgical treatment, April, 319-327,
329-338 Stress ulcer, April, 303, 304, 395 Stricture, of common duct, differential diagnosis, Oct., 1119 due to operative injury, Feb., 73 malignant, Feb., 74 Stroke, acute, surgery of, Feb., 166 Strontium cordotomy, percutaneous, technique, Feb., 4 Subclavian artery, aneurysm, surgical treatment, Aug., 979, 982 bilateral infraclavicular catheterization, technique, Aug., 846 right, retroesophageal, operative technique, Aug., 891 Subcostal incision, for cholecystectomy, Oct., 1131 Surgery, clinical instruction in, symposium on, Oct., 1087-1333 vascular, symposium on, Aug., 823-1071 Surgical emergencies, management, symposium on, June, 483-812 Sutures, blood vessel, Aug., 840 Suture line tension, in direct inguinal hernioplasty, Oct., 1097 Sympathectomy, lumbar, in occlusive disease in lower extremity, Aug., 1000 TAMPONADE, cardiac, June, 563-572 in chest injury, June, 547
Tamponage, cardioesophageal, June, 487 Temporal lobe herniation, June, 531 Testes, torsion, in children, June, 767 Tetanus, antibiotics in, June, 608 Tetany, after thyroidectomy, Oct., 1224 Thio-TEPA, with radical mastectomy, for breast carcinoma, Oct., 1276, 1278 Thrombectomy, iliofemoral, for phlegmasia cerulea dolens, Aug., 1022, 1023 venous, technique, Aug., 1021 Thromboembolism, pulmonary, in surgical patients, June, 555 venous, surgical treatment, Aug., 10211031 Thrombophlebitis following renal transplantation, June, 722 Thrombosis, intra-arterial, June, 599 venous, deep, diagnosis, June, 551 Thymectomy with renal transplantation, Feb., 20 Thymol test, in diagnosis of biliary tract lesions, Oct., 1114 Thyrocalcitonin in acute hyperparathyroidism, June, 740 Thyroid crisis, after thyroidectomy, Oct., 1224 Thyroid gland, disease of peptic ulcer and, April,305 Thyroidectomy, Oct., 1215-1226 complications, Oct., 1223 Halsted's, Oct., 1216 indications, Oct., 1216 principles, Oct., 1216 technique, Oct., 1217 Tibia, fractures, immediate treatment, June, 779, 780 Tracheo-esophageal anomalies, June, 759 Traction, Dunlop's, June, 784 Translumbar aortography, in peripheral arteriosclerotic disease, Oct., 1300, 1301 technique, Aug., 855 Transplantation, of kidney, Feb., 13-25 emergencies in, June, 713-726 of tissues and organs, hyperbaric oxygen in, Feb., 216 Transportation, of acutely ill infant, June, 747 of patient with fracture, June, 771 Transposition of great vessels, complete, Feb., 176 Trauma, abdominal, diagnosis, June, 629 in childhood, June, 748 management, June, 627-644 Massachusetts General Hospital experience, June, 636-642 arterial, June, 590 repair of, Aug., 1004, 1005, 1006
Trauma (Continued) chest, antibiotics in, June, 609 major, surgical management, June,
539-550 cranial, recognition and management, June, 533 hand, acute, management, June, 797-
812 intestinal, antibiotics in, June, 610 kidney, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment, June, 685-694 laryngeal, Feb., 106 liver, in child, June, 749 major, antibiotic therapy, June, 605-612 pancreas, in child, June, 749 spinal, recognition and management, June, 535 urethra and bladder, June, 694-699 vascular, surgical management, Aug.,
1001-1011 Triangulation technique of single-layer, end-to-end intestinal anastomosis, Feb.,
223-228 Tricuspid atresia, correction of, total, Feb., 182 Triethylenethiophosphoramide, with radical mastectomy, for breast carcinoma, Oct., 1276, 1278 Trunk, upper, lymphatic drainage, Feb., 79 Tumor(s), of kidney, hemorrhage in, June, 709 of parathyroid, identification, June, 741 simulating appendicitis, Oct., 1109 Zollinger-Ellison, peptic ulcer and, April,302 Tyramine test for pheochromocytoma, June, 647 ULCER, Curling's, April, 314 Cushing's, April, 312 duodenal. See Duodenum, ulcer, and Peptic ulcer. esophageal, April, 245-256 gastric. See Stomach, ulcer, and Peptic ulcer. gastrointestinal, with central nervous system lesions and burns, April,
309-317 peptic. See Peptic ulcer. Ulcerogenesis, relation of humoral mechanisms to, April, 297-308 Ultrasonic therapy for Meniere's disease, Feb., 126 Uremia, transplantation of kidney for, Feb., 13-25 Ureter, anastomosis, in renal transplantation, Feb., 19
Ureter (Continued) injuries, treatment, June, 634 obstruction, intrinsic, June, 701 reimplantation into bladder, Oct., 1327, 1328, 1329 substitution by small bowel, in repair of surgical injury, Oct., 1328 surgical injury of, Oct., 1324 repair, Oct., 1325 Ureterocutaneous anastomosis, in repair of surgical injury to ureter, Oct., 1327 Ureterointestinal anastomosis, in repair of surgical injury to ureter, Oct., 1328 Urethra, injuries, treatment, June, 634 instrumentation, septicemia due to, June, 702 rupture, June, 694-699 Urine, obstruction, in children, June, 766 in women, emergencies in, June, 681 retention of, vesical, total, June, 699 Urologic emergencies, June, 685-712 in children, June, 766 Uropathies, obstructive, June, 699 Uterine bleeding, dysfunctional, in childbearing ages, June, 668 in children, June, 667 Uterus, carcinoma, emergencies in, June, 681,682 fibroids, pedunculated, torsion or degeneration of, June, 679 procidentia, incarcerated, June, 680 abdominal, total, vs. selective gastric vagotomy, April, 372 alone, for duodenal ulcer, history of, April,239 and antrectomy for duodenal ulcer, indications, technique and results, April, 349-358 for peptic ulcer, Oct., 1155 and gastroenterostomy, for peptic ulcer, Oct., 1159, 1162 and gastrojejunostomy for gastric ulcer, April,324 and pyloroplasty, for duodenal ulcer, history of, April, 241 indications, technique and complications, April, 359-365 for gastric ulcer, April, 324, 332 for peptic ulcer, Oct., 1159, 1162 effect on peptic ulcer healing, Oct., 1155 extragastric effects, April, 455-462 for bleeding gastritis, June, 613-618 for bleeding peptic ulcer, April, 389 for duodenal ulcer, causes of failure, Oct., 1162 for peptic ulcer, Oct., 1153-1162 antral function and, April, 278
1352 Vagotomy (Continued) for peptic ulcer, technique, Oct., 1157 gastric, selective, with pyloroplasty for peptic ulcer, April, 367-377 gastric decompression and drainage after, Oct., 1160 truncal versus selective, Oct., 1156 Valves, cardiac, diseases of, status of surgery in, Feb., 189 prosthetic, Feb., 191 Varices, esophageal, bleeding from, treatment, June, 485-498 in children, June, 761 shunts for, June, 492-497 esophagogastric, bleeding, diagnosis, Feb., 38 Vas deferens, surgical injury to, Oct., 1330 repair, Oct., 1331 Vascular ring, congenital, Aug., 885-892 surgical treatment, Aug., 888 Vascular surgery, angiographic evaluation of patient for, Aug., 843-862 evaluation of patient for, Aug., 825-829 replacements and suture materials in, Aug., 831-842 symposium on, Aug., 823-1071 Vascular trauma, surgical management, Aug., 1001-1011 Vaso-epididymal anastomosis, for repair of surgical injury to vas deferens, Oct., 1332 Vasovasostomy, for repair of surgical injury to vas deferens, Oct., 1331 Vena cava, clips, Feb., 201, 202 exploration of, in pancreaticoduodenectomy, Oct., 1210 filter operation, Feb., 201, 202, 204 injuries, management, Aug., 1008 ligation or plication, in pulmonary embolism, Feb., 201, 202, 203; Aug., 1023 operations on, to prevent pulmonary embolism, indications and technique, Feb., 195-207; Aug., 1023
Venography, portal, in diagnosis of ampullary cancer, Oct., 1206 Venous thrombectomy, technique, Aug., 1021 Venous thromboembolism, surgical treatment, Aug., 1021-1031 Vertebral subclavian steal syndrome, surgical treatment, Feb., 169 Vestibular function, total or partial destruction, for Meniere's disease, Feb., 124,125 Vestibular nerve, intracranial, section of, for Meniere's disease, Feb., 125 Vestibular testing in acoustic neuroma, Feb., 127 Vineberg procedure for myocardial revascularization, Aug., 867, 868 Viral hepatitis, differential diagnosis, Oct., 1118 Visceral injury with chest trauma, June, 547 Vocal cord, paralysis, glottic rehabilitation in, Feb., 99 Volkmann's contracture from plaster cast, June, 785 Volvulus, midgut, in child, June, 762 of sigmoid, roentgen diagnosis, June, 515,516
WEDGE resection, and pyloroplasty for gastric ulcer, April, 329 of bowel, Oct., 1180 Wrist, fractures, immediate treatment, June, 785
ZOLLINGER-ELLISON tumor, peptic ulcer and, April, 302