Cumulative Index NOTE: Page numbers of clinic titles are given in boldface type ABDOMEN, acute surgical conditions, in aged and poor risk patient, June, 745-759 emergencies requiring immediate operation, Feb., 27-52 injuries, Feb., 28 management, immediate, Oct., 1460 pain, intractable, relief of, Feb., 269275 surgery of, anesthesia for, Feb., 17-26 parenteral fluids and electrolytes in, Feb., 3-16 symposium on, Feb., 1-235 Abdominothoracic operations, combined, in treatment of surgical abdominal lesions, Feb., 95-112 Abscess, anal, surgical treatment, Feb., 251 of brain, angiography in, Aug., 1057 pericholecystic, Feb., 163 subphrenic, following biliary tract surgery, Oct., 1388 Achromycin in surgical infections, Oct., 1308 Acid burns of esophagus, April, 344 Acidosis in gastrointestinal surgery, Feb., 15 ACTH, in crush injuries of hand, April,
in hemolytic states, Feb., 129 properties calling for extreme care in use, Oct., 1215 uses in general surgery, Oct., 12011213 contraindications, Oct., 1215 Adenoma, chromophobe, stroke-like syndrome in, June, 650 of rectum and rectosigmoid, surgical management, April, 561-565 Adenomatosis of colon, polypoid, total colectomy for, one-stage, April,
Adhesions, intestinal obstruction due to, June, 731 Adrenal gland, tumor, cortical, combined abdominothoracic operation in, Feb., 96 Adrenal insufficiency, potential, in colonic and rectal surgery, Oct., 1427 surgery for, cortisone and hydrocortisone in, Oct., 1206 Adrenalectomy, bilateral, cortisone and hydrocortisone in, Oct., 1206, 1207 Adrenogenital syndrome, surgical treatment, ACTH, cortisone and hydrocortisone in, Oct., 1207
Aged person, pre- and postoperative care, Oct., 1473-1477 surgical procedures on, symposium on, June, 537-363 Air embolism, venous or pulmonary, Oct., 1274 Alevaire in abdominal surgery, Feb., 24 Alkali burns of esophagus, April, 344 Alkalosis in gastrointestinal surgery, Feb., 15 Ammonium chloride in gastrointestinal surgery, Feb., 15 Amniotic fluid, embolism due to, Oct., 1273 Androgen therapy in carcinoma of breast, Oct., 1330 Anectine in abdominal surgery, Feb., 19 Anemia, hemolytic, acquired, splenectomy in, Feb., 128 splenectomy for, ACTH, cortisone and hydrocortisone in, Oct., 1210 Anesthesia, for abdominal surgery, Feb., 17-26 for biliary tract operations, Oct., 1382 for cardiovascular surgery, Aug., 1015 for colon surgery, Feb., 221; Oct., 1427 for esophageal operations, Aug., 1014 for poor risk patient, Oct., 1249-1263 for repair of diaphragmatic hernia, Aug., 1014 for surgery of mitral stenosrs, Aug., 882, 1015 for thoracic surgery, Aug., 1007-1013 management, in elderly patient, June, 619 spinal, in abdominal surgery, Feb., 19 Anesthesiologist, role, in prevention of postoperative pulmonary complications, Oct., 1369 Aneurysm, intracranial, angiography in, Aug., 1051 ruptured, treatment, Aug., 10631075 Angiography, cerebral, in diagnosis of intracranial lesions, Aug., 1051-
Angiolymphoma of mediastinum, Aug., 976 Anorectum, surgery of, pre- and postoperative management, Feb., 255 problems and techniques in, Feb.,
241-267 surgical spaces, Feb., 253 Antibiotics, sensitivity reactions, June, 615; Oct., 1302 in surgical infections, Oct., 1302 use, in surgery of aged, June, 609-613
1480 Antipyretic agents, ACTH and corticoids as, Oct., 1213 Antisepsis, intestinal, preoperative, Oct., 1425 Antithyroid drugs in toxic goiter, preoperative, Oct., 1360, 1361 Anus, abscess, surgical treatment, Feb., 251 fissure, excision of, Feb., 249 fistula, pathogenesis, Feb., 252 surgical treatment, Feb., 251 infection, Feb., 241 Aorta, coarctation, surgical treatment, present status, Aug., 904 terminal, arteriosclerotic occlusion, surgical treatment, April, 403-414 Aortography, translumbar, April, 405 Apicolysis in tuberculosis, Aug., 938 Apoplexy, brain tumor simulating, June, 643-654 Appendicitis, acute, Feb., 34 in aged, June, 747 Appendix, carcinoids, Feb., 188 mucocele, Feb., 189 Arachnoid-peritoneoscopy for hydrocephalus, Aug., 1031 Arachnoid-ureteral shunt for hydrocephalus, Aug., 1029, 1030 Arnold-Chiari malformation, treatment, Aug., 1033 Arteriosclerosis, cerebral, angiography in, Aug., 1054 foot infections in, enzymatic-surgical treatment, April, 415-421 obliterans, sympathectomy, Aug., 1177 Arteriosclerotic occlusion of terminal aorta, iliac and femoral arteries, surgical treatment, April, 403-414 Arteriosclerotic ulcers, June, 825 Arteriovenous malformations, cerebral, angiography in, Aug., 1052 Artery, grafts, in arteriosclerotic occlusion, April, 411 Arthritis, degenerative, of hip in aged, treatment, June, 829-837 Arthroplasty, of hip, prosthetic, Eicher, June, 834 preoperative preparation, ACTH, cortisone and hydrocortisone in, Oct., 1210 Judet, June, 831 Asthma in elderly patient, preparation for surgery, June, 629 surgical risk in , June, 627-633 Astrocytoma of brain, stroke-like syndrome in, June, 644 Atelectasis, postoperative, pathogenesis, Oct., 1365 Aureomycin in surgical infections, Oct., 1308 Auscultation in mitral stenosis, Aug., 879 BACITRACIN, in surgical infections, Oct., 1307 use, in surgery of aged, June, 613
Cumulative Index Biliary colic, Feb. ,'J59 Biliary tract, operations on, anesthesia for, Oct., 1382 complications of, Feb., 159-181; Oct., 1387 pre- and postoperative management, Oct., 1375-1390 Biopsy, aspiration, in carcinoma of lung, Aug., 923 in tumors of mediastinum, Aug., 962 Bladder, dysfunction, following resection of rectum, Oct., 1431 neck, vesicovaginal fistulas involving, April, 293-302 Blood, transfusions. See Transfusions. vessels, intra-abdominal, rupture of, Feb., 50 volume determinations in poor risk patients, value, June, 605-608 Bone, disease, metastatic, patterns of, and their implications, June, 859-
grafts, in surgery of face, April, 375-
401 transplantation, history of, April, 376 Bone marrow embolism, Oct., 1272 Brain, aneurysm, angiography in, Aug., 1051 ruptured, treatment, Aug., 1063-
1075 carcinoma, metastatic, stroke-like syndrome in, June, 649 edema, following cardiac arrest, postoperative treatment, Oct., 1262 injuries, treatment, Aug., 1077-1093; Oct., 1349-1358 immediate, Oct., 1461 lesions, diagnosis, cerebral angiography in, Aug., 1051-1062 meningiomas, experiences with, Aug.,
1037-1049 tumors, acute episodes in, June, 643-
654 Breast, carcinoma, bone metastasis in, June, 860 collaboration of irradiation and surgery in, Oct., 1345 therapeutic alterations of steroid metabolism in, Oct., 1328 Paget's disease, prognosis, June, 773-
783 Bronchogenic carcinoma, present challenge, Aug., 911-930 Bronchogenic cyst, Aug., 972 Bronchopleural fistula following lung resection for tuberculosis, Aug., 944 Bronchoscopy, during anesthesia in poor risk patient, Oct., 1260 in carcinoma of lung, Aug., 923 suction, in thoracic surgery, Aug" 1012
Cumulative Index Burns, of esophagus, corrosive, early management, April, 343-351 late treatment, April, 353-361 severe, treatment, Oct., 1313-1320 Bursitis, surgery of, ACTH, cortisone and hydrocortisone in, Oct., 1210 CALCIUM chloride in cardiac arrest, Oct., 1294 Carbohydrates, role in nutrition, Oct., 1241 Carcinoids of gastrointestinal tract, Feb., 183 Carcinoma, advanced, management, therapeutic alterations of steroid metabolism in, Oct., 1321-1335 bronchogenic, present challenge, Aug., 911-930 hormone therapy, Oct., 1321-1335 in leg ulcers, June, 827 intraoral, present status, June, 663-
Cervix uteri, carcinoma, collaboration of irradiation and surgery in, Oct., 1347 cytologic smear in, significance, June, 785-790 exenteration in, April, 308, 311, 312 hormone therapy, Oct., 1333 radiation therapy, combined with surgery, April, 317 present status, April, 304 radium treatment, April, 304, 310, 312, 315 treatment, critical evaluation of various methods, April, 303-
322 .
Chest, examination, in carcinoma of lung, Aug., 922 injuries, Aug., 951-958 management, initial, Oct., 1459 stove-in, Aug., 953 surgery of, in aged and debilitated 672 patient, June, 681-686 metastatic, in bone, patterns and symposium on, Aug., 873-1188 their implications, June, 859-863 surveys, mass, in early diagnosis of of organs. See under name of organ. carcinoma of lung, Aug., 924 renal cell, apparently unilateral solitary pulmonary metastasis from, Children, postoperative complications, Oct., 1470 June, 801-808 pre- and postoperative care, Oct., surgery and irradiation in, collabora1463-1471 tive role, Oct., 1337-1348 Chloromycetin, in surgical infections, Cardiac arrest, cerebral edema followOct., 1309 ing, treatment, Oct., 1262 sensitivity reactions, June, 616 during surgery, Oct., 1289-1298 Chlortetracycline. See Aureomycin. treatment, Oct., 1291 Cholangiography, operating room, in mitral valve surgery, Aug., 896 Feb., 151-158 Cardiac emergencies in operating room, Cholecystectomy, complications, premanagement, June, 602 vention. Feb., 159-181 Cardiac status of poor risk patient, in acute cholecystitis, Feb., 139 evaluation, June, 597-603 in chronic cholecystitis, Feb., 141 Cardiovascular surgery, anesthesia for, persistence of symptoms after, Feb., Aug., 1015 148 in infancy and childhood, present pre- and postoperative management, status, Aug., 903-910 Oct., 1376, 1383 Carotid ligation for intracranial aneuCholecystitis, acute, Feb., 42, 137 rysm, Aug., 1066 in aged, June, 748,697-700 Carpal tunnel, median nerve comprespreoperative preparation in, Oct., sion in syndrome of, June, 853-857 1380 Castration in carcinoma of breast, Oct., chronic, Feb., 141 1330 Cholecystostomy tube, care of, Oct., in carcinoma of prostate, Oct., 1332 1387 Catheter, intermittent or indwelling, Choledochostomy, technical details, postoperative use, Oct., 1450 Feb., 168 Catheterization, postoperative, routine Choledochotomy for exploration of common duct, Feb., 144 orders, Oct., 1448 ureteral, preoperative, in colonic and Cholelithiasis, differential diagnosis, rectal surgery, Oct., 1426 Feb., 159 Causalgia, sympathectomy in, Aug., Chordotomy for visceral pain, Feb., 274 Choroid plexectomy for hydrocephalus, 1185 Cecostomy in carcinoma of sigmoid' Aug., 1029 Choroid plexus, adenoma, treatment, colon, April, 540 in colonic obstruction, April, 556 Aug., 1033 Cecum, carcinoma, choice of operation, Cirrhosis, portal, surgery in, physiological basis, Feb., 113-122 Feb., 223 Cerebrovascular disease, brain tumor Coarctation of aorta, surgical treatment, present status, Aug., 904 simulating, June, 643-654
Cumulative Index
1482 Colectomy. See Colon, resection. Colic, biliary , Feb., 159 Colitis, ulcerative, pre- and postoperative management, Oct., 1420 preoperative preparation, ACTH, cortisone and hydrocortisone in, Oct., 1208 surgical management, Feb., 199-207 total colectomy for, one-stage, April,509-522 Collapse therapy in tuberculosis, Aug., 935 Colon, adenomatosis, polypoid, total colectomy for, one-stage, April,
carcinoma, choice of operation, Feb.,
obstruction in, June, 730 acute, diagnosis and management, April, 551-559 pre- and postoperative management, Oct., 1420 preoperative preparation and anesthesia, Feb., 221 sigmoid, surgical treatment, April,
537-549 splenic flexure, extension of operation in, April, 523-535 diverticulitis and diverticulosis, Feb.,
in aged, June, 737-743, 751 pre- and postoperative management, Oct., 1420 obstruction, neoplastic, acute, diagnosis and management, April, 551-
Cotton fibers, embolism from, Oct., 1273 Craniocerebral injuries, management, Oct., 1349-1358 immediate, Oct., 1461 Cranium, trauma, treatment, Aug.,
1077-1093 Crush injuries of hand, ACTH in, April, 363-374 Curare in abdominal surgery, Feb., 19 Cushing's syndrome, surgical treatment, ACTH, cortisone and hydrocortisone in, Oct., 1207 Cyclopropane anesthesia in abdominal surgery, Feb., 18 Cystic duct, stones in, surgical removal, Feb., 167 Cystoscopy, preoperative, in colonic and rectal surgery, Oct., 1426 Cysts, bronchogenic, Aug., 972 of mediastinum, Aug., 965 of thymus, Aug., 971 paratracheal, Aug., 971 springwater, Aug., 971 DACRYOCYSTITIS, June, 655-661 Decompression in intestinal obstruction, Oct., 1415 Decortication, pleural, in tuberculosis, Aug., 946 Defibrillation in cardiac arrest, Oct., 1292 Dehydration in gastrointestinal surgery, Feb., 5 postoperative, April, 326, 334 Dermoid cysts of mediastinum, Aug.,
preparation, for operation, Oct., 1424 Dextran as plasma expander, Oct., 1227 resection, extended, in carcinoma of Dextrose for parenteral nutrition, Oct., splenic flexure, April, 523-535 1245 in carcinoma of sigmoid, April, 542 Diabetes mellitus, foot infections in, in ulcerative colitis, Feb., 205 enzymatic-surgical treatment, total, one-stage, April, 509-522 April,415-421 surgery of, pre- and postoperative management of surgical patient in, management, Oct., 1419-1434 Oct., 1265-1270 Colostomy, transverse, in colonic ob- Diaphragm, hernia, Aug., 957 struction, April, 556 abdominal repair combined with Commisurotomy, mitral, Aug., 875-902 cholecystectomy, Feb., 108 Common duct, drainage, Feb., 146 in infancy and childhood, Aug., exploration, indications and tech997-1005 nique, Feb., 141 repair, anesthesia for, Aug., 1014 injury in gallbladder surgery, Feb., rupture, Aug., 957 147 Diethylstilbestrol in carcinoma of operative injuries, Oct., 1389 breast, Oct., 1330 stones in, surgical removal, Feb., in carcinoma of prostate, Oct., 1332 167 Digestive apparatus in injuries of Coronary disease, surgical risk in, June spinal cord and cauda equina, Feb., 600 259-268 Corpus luteum, hemorrhagic, Feb., 50 Digitalis, prophylactic use, in surgery Corticotropin. See ACTH. of aged, Oct., 1476 Cortisone, in hemolytic states, Feb., 129 . Dilatation of esophagus in corrosive preoperative, in colonic and rectal burns, April, 349 surgery, Oct., 1427 properties calling for extreme care in Diverticulitis of colon, Feb., 209-220 in aged, June, 737-743, 751 use, Oct., 1215 pre- and postoperative manageuses in general surgery, Oct., 1201ment, Oct., 1420 1218 contraindications, Oct., 1215 Diverticulosis of colon, Feb., 209-220
Cumulative Index Diverticulum, Meckel's carcinoids of, Feb., 186 Drainage, in biliary tract surgery, Oct., 1385 operations for pulmonary tuberculosis, Aug., 934 Drug reaction, ACTH, cortisone and hydrocortisone in, Oct., 1212 Ductus arteriosus, patent, surgical treatment, present status, Aug., 904 Duodenum, carcinoids, Feb., 184 operations, complications, Oct., 1399 pre- and postoperative management in, Oct., 1391-1402 ulcer, chronic, surgical pathology, April,474 gastrectomy, subtotal, management of difficult stump, April, 473-493 surgical treatment, Feb., 87-94 EFOCAJNE in abdominal surgery, Feb., 24 Eicher prosthetic arthroplasty of hip, June, 834 Electrolytes, in gastrointestinal surgery, Feb., 3-16 in surgery, Oct., 1231-1237 postoperative, disturbances, clinical approach, April, 323-342 requirements, in elderly patients, June,587-593; Oct., 1476 Embolism, Oct., 1271-1287 air, venous or pulmonary, Oct., 1274 fat, Oct., 1271 bone marrow, Oct., 1272 from amniotic fluid, Oct., 1273 from cotton fibers, Oct., 1273 mesenteric, Feb., 49 post-transfusion, Feb., 284 pulmonary, physiology of, Oct., 1276 postoperative, in aged, June, 839845 prevention and treatment, Oct., 1279 tumor, Oct., 1275 Empyema of gallbladder, Feb., 161 Endometrium, carcinoma, June, 791799 Endotracheal tube, use, in anesthesia in poor risk patient, Oct., 1258 in thoracic surgery, Aug., 1009 Enteritis, regional, preoperative preparation, ACTH, cortisone and hydrocortisone in, Oct., 1208 Enterostomy, care of patient after, Oct., 1432 Enzymatic-surgical treatment of chronic infections of feet in diabetic and arteriosclerotic patients, April, 415-421 Ependymoma of spinal cord, Aug., 1115 Epidermoid cysts of mediastinum, Aug., 965 Epidural hematoma, treatment, Aug., 1086
1483 Epinephrine in cardiac arrest, Oct., 1294 Erythromycin in surgical infections, Oct., 1310 Esophagectomy with replacement, Aug., 979-995 Esophagitis, corrosive, April, 346 Esophagoduodenostomy, after total gastrectomy, April, 441-456, 457-471 postgastrectomy syndrome and, April,457-471 technique, April, 444 vs. esophagojejunostomy for restoring continuity after gastrectomy, April,463 Esophagogastric junction, carcinoma, combined abdominothoracic operation in, Feb., 102 . Esophagogastrostomy, for carCllloma of lower thoracic esophagus, Aug., 984 for carcinoma of midthoracic esophagus, Aug., 987 Esophagoj ej unostomy, intrathoracic, Aug., 989 subcutaneous, Aug., 991 substernal, Aug., 992 Esophagoplasty, by polythene tube, Aug., 990, 991 colonic, Aug., 990 extrathoracic, Aug., 990 Esophagus, benign lesions, surgical treatment, Aug., 979-995 burns, corrosive, early management, April, 343-351 late treatment, April, 353-361 carcinoma, Feb., 53-61 surgical treatment, Aug., 979-995 injuries, Aug., 956 operations, anesthesia for, Aug., 1014 reconstruction, Aug., 979-995 strictures, caustic, antethoracic jejunal substitution operation, technique, April, 356 dilatations in, April, 349 late treatment, April, 353-361 varices, bleeding, Feb., 114 Estrogen therapy, in carcinoma of breast, Oct., 1330 in carcinoma of prostate, Oct., 1332 Ether anesthesia in abdominal surgery, Feb., 17 Euphoretic agents, ACTH and corticoids as, Oct., 1213 Exenteration operation for cervical cancer, April, 308, 311, 312 FACE, pain, role of nerve of Wrisberg in, Jan., 847-851 surgery of, bone grafts in, April, 375401 Fallot, tetralogy of, surgical treatment, present status, Aug., 907 Fat embolism, Oct., 1271 Fats, role in nutrition, Oct.,-1241
Cumulative Index Femoral artery, arteriosclerotic occlusion, surgical treatment, April, 403-414 Femoral hernia, repair, in aged, June, 769 Femoral vein, ligation, in thromboembolic disease, Oct., 1280 Fibroblastoma, perineurial, Aug., 1168, 1170 Fibroma, of intestine, Feb., 195 of mediastinum, Aug., 972 Fibrosarcoma of radial nerve, Aug., 1170 Fissure, anal, excision of, Feb., 249 Fistula, anal, pathogenesis, Feb., 252 surgical treatment, Feb., 251 biliary, postoperative, Feb., 175, 177 bronchopleural, following lung resection for tuberculosis, Aug., 944 vesicovaginal, involving bladder neck and upper urethra, surgical management, April, 293-302 postoperative, Oct., 1444 Fistulotomy, technique, Feb., 254, 255 Fluid(s), balance, in diagnosis of intestinal obstruction, Oct., 1411 in elderly patients, June, 587-593; Oct., 1476 in surgery, Oct., 1231-1237 parenteral, in gastrointestinal surgery, Feb., 3-16 postoperative, clinical approach, April, 323-342 requirements, following colonic and rectal surgery, Oct., 1430 Fluoroscopy in mitral stenosis, Aug., 881 Foot, infections, chronic, enzymaticsurgical treatment in diabetic and arteriosclerotic patients, April, 415-421 Forceps, cotton sponge, in hemorrhage control in removal of rectal adenomas, April, 563 Foreign bodies in heart or pericardium, Aug., 958 Fractures, of ribs, Aug., 953 of skull, treatment, Aug., 1080; Oct., 1349-1358 Fructose for parenteral nutrition, Oct., 1246 GALLBLADDER, empyema, Feb., 161 surgery, dangers in, Feb., 146 pre- and postoperative management, Oct., 1375-1390 special problems in, Feb., 137-149 Gallstones, differential diagnosis, Feb., 159 Ganglioneuroma of mediastinum, Aug., 969 Gantrisin in surgical infections, Oct., 1301
Gastrectomy, for duodenal ulcer, Feb.' 92 for gastric ulcer, Feb., 91 for peptic ulcer, development, history of, Feb., 70 subtotal, for duodenal ulcer, management of difficult stump, April, 473-493 technique, April, 479 postoperative care, Oct., 1396 total, clinical sequelae, April, 458 esophagoduodenostomy after, April, 441-456, 457-471 physiological alterations after, April,458 postoperative care, Oct., 1398 Gastric suction, preoperative, in colonic and rectal surgery, Oct., 1426 Gastroduodenal surgery, pre- and postoperative management in, Oct., 1391-1402 Gastroenterostomy, for peptic ulcer, history of , Feb., 71 postoperative care, Oct., 1398 with vagotomy for duodenal ulcer, Feb., 92 Gastrointestinal surgery, symposium on, Feb., 1-285 Gastrointestinal tract, tumors, benign and potentially malignant, Feb., 183-198 Gelatin as plasma expander, Oct., 1228 Gingivae, carinoma, present status, June, 663-672 Glioma, of brain, stroke-like syndrome in, June, 643 of spinal cord, Aug., 1115, 1124 Glucose, requirements, of elderly patients, June, 592 Goiter, adenomatous, with hyperthyroidism in elderly, June, 674 nontoxic nodular, preoperative preparation, Oct., 1359 toxic, preoperative preparation, Oct., 1360 Grafts, arterial, in arteriosclerotic occlusion, April, 413 bone, See under Bone. skin. See Skin grafts. Groin, hernia in, repair in aged patient, June, 765 HAND, crush injuries, ACTH in, April, 363-374 Head injuries, management, Oct., 13491358 immediate, Oct., 1461 Heart, disease, congenital, surgery of, present status, Aug., 903-910 surgical risk in, June, 598 management of surgical patient in, Oct., 1265-1270 rheumatic, surgical risk in, June, 599 foreign bodies in, Aug., 958 injuries, Aug., 957 surgery of, anesthesia for, Aug., 1015
Cumulative Index Hemangioma of brain, stroke-like syndrome in, June, 645 Hematoma, cerebral, angiography in, Aug., 1058 epidural, treatment, Aug., 1086 intracerebral, treatment, Aug., 1091 subdural, treatment, Aug., 1089 Hemodialysis with artificial kidney in uremia, April, 423-440 Hemolytic anemia, acquired, splenectomy in, Feb., 128 Hemolytic jaundice, congenital, splenectomy in, Feb., 126 Hemolytic reactions to blood transfusions, Feb., 278 Hemolytic states, splenectomy for, ACTH, cortisone and hydrocortisone in, Oct., 1210 Hemorrhage, gastrointestinal, Feb., 49, 51 in gallbladder surgery, Feb., 146 in peptic ulcer, preoperative management, Oct., 1394 massive, acute, in peptic ulcer, June,
postoperative, in biliary tract surgery, Feb., 176; Oct., 1388 in gastrointestinal surgery, Feb., 51; Oct., 1400 subarachnoid, management, Aug.,
Hemorrhoidal disease, Feb., 242 acute attack, Feb., 244 Hemorrhoidectomy, ligature-excision type, technique, Feb., 245 Hemorrhoids, Feb., 242 external, thrombosed, excision of, Feb., 243 Hemothorax in chest injuries, Aug., 954
Hepatic artery, injury in gallbladder surgery, Feb., 147 ligation, in portal cirrhosis, Feb., 121 Hepatitis, viral, post-transfusion, Feb., 282 Hernia, diaphragmatic, Aug., 957 abdominal repair combined with cholecystectomy, Feb., 108 in infancy and childhood, Aug.,
997-1005 repair, anesthesia for, Aug., 1014 in poor risk patient, surgical management, June, 761-771 Hernioplasty, femoral, in aged, June,
769 inguinal, in aged, June, 765 primary, study of 1375 cases, April,
567-579 technique, April, 569 strangulated, intestinal obstruction due to, June, 731 Hip, arthritis, degenerative, in aged, treatment, June, 829-837 arthroplasty, Eicher, June, 834 Judet, June, 831
Hodgkin's disease of mediastinum, Aug., 975 Hormone treatment of advanced cancer, Oct., 1321-1335 Hydrocephalus, treatment, Aug., 1021-
Hydrocortisone, properties calling for extreme care in use, Oct., 1215 uses in general surgery, Oct., 1201-
contraindications, Oct., 1215 Hypernephroma, apparently unilateral solitary pulmonary metastasis from, June, 801-808 Hypersplenism, concept of, Feb., 123 secondary, splenectomy in, Feb., 135 Hypertension, portal, surgery in, physiological basis, Feb., 113-122 surgical risk in, June, 600 Hyperthyroidism, in elderly patient, June, 673-680 thyroidectomy for, preparation of patient, Oct., 1359-1362 Hypokalemia in gastrointestinal surgery, Feb., 7,15 Hypotensive technique in abdominal surgery, Feb., 23 Hypothermia for surgery of mitral stenosis, Aug., 890 Hypoxia, postoperative, prevention in poor risk patient, Oct., 1261 Hysterectomy, for endometrial carcinoma, results, June, 796 radical, in carcinoma of cervix, April, 308, 311, 312 See Jaundice. Iliac artery, arteriosclerotic occlusion, surgical treatment,. April, 403-414 Ileostomy, care following, Oct., 1432 dysfunction and obstruction, Oct., 1433 in ulcerative colitis, Feb., 204 Ileum, carcinoids, Feb., 185 Ileus, adynamic, Feb., 49 Infants, postoperative complications in, Oct., 1470 pre- and postoperative care, Oct., ICTERUS.
Infections, surgical, prevention and treatment, Oct., 1299-1311 urinary tract, postoperative, Oct., 1450 Inguinal hernioplasty, in aged June, 765 primary, study of 1375 cases and technique, April, 567-579 lnj uries. abdominal, Feb., 28 craniocerebral, treatment, Aug., 1077-1093; Oct., 1349-1358 crush, of hand, ACTH in, April, 363-
374 multiple, care of patient with, Oct.,
1455-1462 operative, of urinary tract, Oct., 1435 peripheral nerve, Aug., 1147-1165
1486 Injuries, spinal cord, Aug., 1131-1146 and cauda equina, digestive apparatus in, Feb., 259-268 thoracic, Aug., 951-958 Intervertebral disks, cervical, herniations, Aug., 1095 lumbar, herniations, Aug., 1105 ruptured, Aug., 1095-1112 thoracic, herniations, Aug., 1103 Intes~ine(s), anastomosis, care of patIent after, Oct., 1431 antisepsis, preoperative, Oct., 1425 cleansing, preoperative, Oct., 1424 obstruction, Feb., 44 acute, diagnosis and management, Oct., 1403-1418 fundamental mechanisms, Oct., 1403 in aged, June, 729-735, 750, 756 tumors, benign, Feb., 192 Intussusception in aged patient, June, 753,758 Iodine in toxic goiter, preoperative, Oct., 1361 JAUNDICE, hemolytic, congenital, splenectomy in, Feb., 126 postoperative, in biliary tract surgery, Feb., 177 preoperative preparation in, Oct., 1378 Jejunum, leiomyoma, Feb., 194 Judet prosthetic arthroplasty of hip, June, 831 KIDNEY, artificial, role in treatment of uremia, April, 423-440 carcinoma, renal cell, apparently unilateral solitary pulmonary metastasis from, June, 801-808 disease, management of surgical patient in, Oct., 1265-1270 failure, acute, postoperative, Oct., 1452 injuries, surgical, Oct., 1435 LARYNX, carcinoma, collaboration of irradiation and surgery in, Oct., 1345 Leg, ulcers, chronic, in aged, June,
Leiomyoma of jejunum, Feb., 194 Ligation, carotid, for intracranial aneurysm, Aug., 1066 of hepatic artery in portal cirrhosis, Feb., 121 of veins in thromboembolic disease, Oct., 1280 Lipoma, of mediastinum, Aug., 972 of stomach, Feb., 196 Liver, operations, pre- and postoperative management, Oct., 1375-1390 Lobectomy, anesthesia for, Aug., 1007 Lumbar puncture in craniocerebral injuries, Oct., 1352 Lung, abscess, removal, anesthesia for, Aug., 1007
Cumulative Index Lung, carcinoma, bone metastases in, June, 861 diagnosis, Aug., 916 present challenge, Aug., 911-930 radical surgery for, Aug., 925 radiotherapy, Aug., 926 roentgenography, Aug., 919, 924 complications, postoperative, prevention and treatment, Oct., 1363-
injuries, Aug., 956 resection, in tuberculosis, Aug., 940 tuberculosis. See Tuberculosis, pulmonary. tumor, solitary, metastatic from renal cell carcinoma, June, 801-808 Lye burns of esophagus, early management, April, 343-351 late treatment, April, 353-361 Lymphedema, leg ulcers with, June, 824 Lymphoblastoma of mediastinum, Aug., 974 Lymphoma of spinal cord, Aug., 1114 Lysol burns of esophagus, April, 344 MAGENDIE'S foramen, atresia, treatment, Aug., 1032 Malaria, post-transfusion, Feb., 283 Malignancy, metastatic to bone, patterns and their implications, June, 859-863 Meckel's diverticulum, carcinoids, Feb., 186 Median nerve, compression in carpal tunnel, syndrome of, June, 853-857 Mediastinum, cysts, Aug., 965 tumors, Aug., 959-978 diagnosis, Aug., 961 surgical treatment, Aug., 964 Melanoma of brain, metastatic, strokelike syndrome in, June, 648 Meningioma, of brain, experiences with, Aug., 1037-1049 of spinal cord, Aug .. , 1114, 1115, 1120 Mental preparation of patient for biliary tract operation. Oct., 1376 for colonic and rectal surgery, Oct., 1422 Mesenteric embolism and thrombosis, Feb., 49 Mesenteric thrombosis in aged, June,
758 Mitral regurgitation, mitral valve surgery and, Aug., 898 Mitral stenosis, surgery of, anesthesia for, Aug., 882,1015 hypothermia as adj unct, Aug. , 890 in older and poor risk patient, June, 687-696 influence on natural prognosis, Aug., 900 results, Aug., 893 technique, Aug., 883 with and without surgery, Aug.,
Cumulative Index Mouth, carcinoma, present status, June, 663-672 Mucocele of appendix, Feb., 189 Myelography in ruptured intervertebral disks, Aug., 1097, 1102, 1104, 1107
Myeloma of spinal cord, Aug., 1114, 1122
Myxoma peri tonaei, Feb., 190 NEOMYCIN, in antiseptic preparation of bowel, Oct., 1425 in surgical infections, Oct., 1309 use, in surgery of aged, June, 612 Nerve, median, compression in carpal tunnel, syndrome of, June, 853-857 peripheral, injuries, Aug., 1147-1165 treatment, Aug., 1150-1165 immediate, Oct., 1461 tumors, Aug., 1167-1172 structure of, Aug., 1147 Wrisberg's, role in facial pain, June, 847-851
Nervous system, sympathetic, surgery of, Aug., 1173-1188 Neurinoma of spinal cord, Aug., 1115 Neurofibroma of mediastinum, Aug., 969
of peripheral nerves, Aug., 1168, 1171, 1172
of spinal cord, Aug., 1114, 1126 Neurological surgery, symposium on, Aug., 1019-1188 Neuromusculotonic agents, ACTH and corticoids as, Oct., 1213 Neutropenia, splenic, primary, splenectomy in, Feb., 133 Nitrogen balance, positive, attainment in surgical patient, Oct., 1245 Norepinephrine in abdominal surgery, Feb., 21 Nutrition, general, in burns, Oct., 1318 in gastroduodenal surgery, Oct., 1392 Nutritional problems in surgery, Oct., 1239-1248
OLD age, pre- and postoperative care in, Oct., 1473-1477 surgical procedures in, symposium on, June, 587-863 Oophorectomy in carcinoma of breast, Oct., 1330 Oral cavity, carcinoma, collaboration of surgery and irradiation in, Oct., 1343
Orchiectomy in carcinoma of prostate, Oct., 1332 Osteoarthritis of hip in aged, treatment, June, 829-837 Ovalocytosis, splenectomy in, Feb., 128
1487 Pain, abdominal, intractable, relief of, Feb., 269-275 facial, role of nerve of Wrisberg in, June, 847-851 pathways, visceral, anatomy, Feb., 271
Painful states, sympathectomy in, Aug., 1185 Palate, carcinoma, present status, June, 663-672 Pancreas, heterotopia, aberrant, Feb., 188
Pancreatitis, acute, in aged, June, 748, 756
chronic and recurrent, after biliary tract surgery, Feb., 180 postoperative, in biliary tract surgery, Oct., 1388 in gastroduodenal surgery, Oct., 1400
Pancytopenia, splenic, splenectomy in, Feb., 133 Papanicolaou smear, positive, significancer of, June, 785-790 Paratracheal cyst, Aug., 971 Parenteral fluids in gastrointestinal surgery, Feb., 3-16 Pediatrics, pre- and postoperative care in, Oct., 1463-1471 Penicillin, in surgical infections, Oct., 1306
prophylactic use, in surgery of aged, June, 611; Oct., 1476 sensitivity reactions, June, 615 Penis, carcinoma, collaboration of irradiation and surgery in, Oct., 1345 Pentothal sodium anesthesia in abdominal surgery, Feb., 18 Peptic ulcer, acute massive hemorrhage in, June, 701-710 bleeding, Feb., 81, 89 preoperative management, Oct., 1394
perforated, Feb., 39, 83, 88 closure, postoperative care, Oct., 1399
Pericardium, foreign bodies in, Aug., 958
preoperative management, Oct., 1395
closure, postoperative care, Oct., 1399
in aged, June, 748, 755 preoperative management, Oct., 1395
subtotal gastrectomy for, management of difficult duodenal stump, April, 473-493 surgical treatment, Feb., 87-94 history of development, Feb., 63-75
Ovary, carcinoma, collaboration of irradiation and surgery in, Oct., 1347 Oxytetracycline. See Terramycin.
indications, Feb., 77-85, 88 Perforation of peptic ulcer, Feb., 39,
PAGET'S disease of breast, prognosis, June, 773-783
injuries, Aug., 957 Pericholecystic abscess, Feb., 163
Cumulative Index
Peritonitis, ACTH, cortisone and hydrocortisone in, Oct., 1212 biliary, postoperative, Feb., 174 Phrenic paralysis in tuberculosis, Aug., 935 Pituitary surgery in aged, June, 635-641 Plasma, expanders, uses, Oct., 1225 fractions, uses, Oct., 1225 therapy, uses, Oct., 1224 Pneumonectomy, anesthesia for, Aug., lO07 Pneumonolysis, phrenic, in tuberculosis, Aug., 935 supraperiosteal, in tuberculosis, Aug., 936 Pneumoperitoneum, artificial, in tuberculosis, Aug., 935 Pneumothorax, artificial, in tuberculosis, Aug., 935 tension, in chest injuries, Aug., 954 Polymyxin B, in surgical infections, Oct., 1309 use, in surgery of aged, June, 614 Polyposis, adenomatous, of colon, total colectomy for, one-stage, April.
Polyps of stomach, Feb., 193 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) as plasma expander, Oct., 1227 Poor risk patients, anesthesia in, Oct.,
surgical procedures on, symposium on, June, 587-863 Portacaval shunt in portal hypertension, Feb., 119 Portal hypertension, surgery in, physiological basis, Feb., 113-122 Postcholecystectomy syndrome, Feb., 148 Postgastrectomy syndrome, esophagoduodenostomy and, April, 457-471 Postoperative management, of elderly patient, June, 625; Oct., 1473-
of infants and children, Oct., 1463-
symposium on, Oct., 1199-1477 Postphlebitic ulcers, June, 824 Potassium, deficits, in gastrointestinal surgery, Feb., 7, 15 requirements, of elderly patients, June, 590 Potassium chloride in cardiac arrest, oct., 1295 Pregnancy, ectopic, bleeding, Feb., 50 Preoperative and postoperative care, symposium on, Oct., 1199-1477 Preoperative preparation, in thyroid disease, Oct., 1359-1362 of "elderly patient, June, 620, 622; Oct., 1473-1477 of infants and children, Oct., 1463-
Pressure dressings in burns, Oct., 1315 Procaine in cardiac arrest, Oct., 1295 Procaine amide in cardiac arrest, Oct., 1295
Proctosigmoidectomy, abdominoperineal, for ulcerative colitis, Feb., 206 Prolapse of gastric mucosa, April, 495508 Propylthiouracil in toxic goiter, preoperative, Oct., 1360, 1361 Prostate, carcinoma, bone metastases in, June, 860 hormones and castration in, Oct., 1332 metastatic, management, June,
Prostatectomy in aged and poor risk patient, June, 801-808 Proteins, role in nutrition, Oct., 1239 Pseudopolyposis of stomach, Feb., 193 Pulmonary embolism, Oct., 1271-1287 Pulmonary stenosis, repair, anesthesia for, Aug., lO17 with patent foramen ovale, surgical treatment, present status, Aug., 907 Purpura, thrombocytopenic, idiopathic, cortisone in, Feb., 130 splenectomy for, ACTH, cortisone and hydrocortisone with, Oct., 12lO Pyrogenic reactions to blood transfusions, Feb., 278 RADIUM treatment, of carcinoma of cervix, April, 304, 3lO, 312, 315 of carcinoma of endometrium, status, June, 791 surgery and, collaborative role in cancer, Oct., 1337-1348 Raynaud's disease, sympathectomy in, Aug., 1184 Rectosigmoid, adenomas, surgical management, April, 561-565 carcinoma, choice of operation, Feb., 227 Rectum, adenomas, surgical management, April, 561-565 carcinoids, Feb., 187 carcinoma, choice of operation, Feb., 229 in elderly patients, June, 721-727 surgical treatment, with preservation of sphincters, Feb., 231-240 surgery of, pre- and postoperative management, Oct., 1419 Rheumatic heart disease, poor risk in, June, 599 Rhizotomy for visceral pain, Feb., 274 Rib, fractures, Aug., 953 Roentgen diagnosis, of carcinoma of lung, Aug., 919 of intestinal obstruction, Oct., 1412 mass chest surveys in, Aug., 924 of ruptured intervertebral disks, Aug., lO97, 1102, 1104,1106 of tumors of mediastinum, Aug., 961 Roentgen examination in craniocerebral injuries, Oct., 1352
Cumulative Index Roentgen treatment of carcinoma of endometrium, status, June 791 of ~arcinoma of lung, Aug., 926 of Intraoral cancer, June, 671 surgery and, collaborative role in cancer, Oct., 1337-1348 Rupture, of diaphragm, Aug., 957 of intervertebral disks. See Intervertebral dis ks . SARCOMA 975 of mediastinum ' A ug., 974 , neurogenic, Aug., 969 of spinal cord, Aug., 1114 Scalp, injuries, treatment Aug. 1078' Oct., 1355 " , Serum sickness, ACTH, cortisone and hydrocortisone in, Oct., 1212 Shock, ACTH, cortisone and hydrocortisone in, Oct., 1212 in burns, treatment, Oct., 1317 postoperative, differential diagnosis April, 338 ' in colonic and rectal surgery, treatment, Oct., 1428 Shunt operations for hydrocephalus, Aug., 1027 Sigmoid, carcinoma, choice of operation, Feb., 227 surgical treatment, April 537-549 Skin grafts in burns, Oct., 1319 Skull, fractures, treatment, Aug., 1080; Oct., 1349-1358 Smear, vaginal, positive, significance of, June, 785-790 Sodium chloride, requirements in elderly patients, June, 589; 'Oct. 1476 ' Sodium deficiency, in gastrointestinal surgery, Feb., 6, 13 postoperative, clinical approach April, 323-342 ' Sodium hydroxide burns of esophagus April, 344 ' Spherocytosis, hereditary, splenectomy in, Feb., 126 Sphincter, anal, preservation, in operation for carcinoma of midrectum, Feb., 231-240 Spinal anesthesia. See under Anesthesia. Spinal ~ord,.injuries, Aug., 1131-1146 dIgestIve apparatus in, Feb. 259-268 ' management, immediate, Oct., 1461 metabolic .alterations, Aug., 1140 non operative treatment, Aug., 1141 operative treatment, Aug., 1143 reflex action and, Aug., 1138 tumors, Aug., 1113-1130 Splenectomy, ACTH, cortisone and hydrocortisone with, Oct., 1210 contraindications to, Feb., 135 indications for, Feb., 123-136
1489 Splenic flexure, carcinoma in region of extension of operation in April' 523-535 " Springwater cysts, Aug. 971 Sputum, examination, i~ carcinoma of lung, Aug., 922 Stanolone in carcinoma of breast Oct 1331 ' ., Stero~d metabo.lism, therapeutic alteratIOns of, In management of advanced carcinoma, Oct. 1321-1335 Stoma, malfunctioning, after gastroduodenal surgery, Oct., 1400 Sto~ach, aberrant pancreatic tissue In, Feb., 188 carcinoma, gastrectomy, total, esophagoduodenostomy after, April, 441-456, 457-471 in elderly patient, June, 711-719 '4 mucosl!', prolapse. of, April, 495-508 operatIOns, comphcations, Oct., 1399 pre- and postoperative management in, Oct., 1391-1402 tumors, benign, Feb., 192 ulcer, ~urgical treatment, Feb., 87-94 Streptokmase-streptodornase in chronic infections of feet in diabetic and arteriosclerotic patients April,415-421 ' Streptomycin, in surgical infections Oct., 1306 ' prophylactic use, in surgery of aged, June, 611 Stricture of esophagus. See under Esophagus. Subphrenic abscess following biliary tract surgery, Oct., 1388 Suction, funnel tip, for removal of rectal adenomas, April 563 , Stroke, brain tumor simula:ting June 643-654 " Subarachnoid hemorrhage, management, Aug., 1064 Subdural hematoma, treatment Aug. 1089 ' , Sulfasuxidine m surgical infections, Oct., 1301 Sulfathalidine in surgical infections, Oct., 1301 Sulfonamides in surgical infections, Oct., 1301 Surgi~al patient, total care of, sympoSIUm on, Oct., 1199-1477 Surgery, cardiac arrest during Oct. 1289-1298 " Suture lines, leakage, after gastroduodenal surgery, Oct., 1399 Sympathectomy, Aug., 1173-1188 in painful states, Aug., 1185 in peripheral vascular disease Aug. 1175 ' , in vasospastic functional disease, Aug., 1184 in visceral pain, Feb., 274 limitations, Aug., 1173
Cumulative Index
Sympathectomy, lumbar, for arteriosclerotic occlusion of arteries, April,407 types, Aug., 1180 Syphilis, post-transfusion, Feb., 283 TAPAZOLE in toxic goiter, preoperative, Oct., 1360, 1361 Techniques, new, in surgery, rationale and methods, symposium on, April, 291-579 Tendinitis, surgery of, ACTH, cortisone and hydrocortisone in, Oct., 1210 Teratoma of mediastinum, Aug., 965 Terramycin in surgical infections, Oct., 1308 Testicle, carcinoma, collaboration of irradiation and surgery in, Oct., 1347 Testosterone in carcinoma of breast, Oct., 1330 Tetracycline in surgical infectons, Oct., 1308 Tetracyn in surgical infections, Oct., 1308 Tetralogy of Fallot, surgical treatment, present status, Aug., 907 Thoraco-abdominal operations, combined,in treatment of surgical abdominallesions, Feb., 95-112 Thoracoplasty in tuberculosis, Aug., 936 Thoracotomy, diagnostic, in tumors of mediastinum, Aug., 962 exploratory, in carcinoma of lung, Aug., 923 Thorax, injuries, Aug., 951-958 penetrating and nonpenetrating, Aug., 953, 955 surgery of, anesthesia in, Aug., 1007-
in aged and debilitated patient, June, 681-686 symposium on, Aug., 873-1018 Thrombectomy, auricular, in mitral stenosis, Aug., 887 Thromboangiitis obliterans, sympathectomy in, Aug., 1182 Thrombo-embolism, postoperative, in aged, June, 839-845 prevention and treatment, Oct., 1279 Thrombo-endarterectomy, April, 407 Thrombophlebitis, ACTH, cortisone and hydrocortisone in, Oct., 1210 chronic, leg ulcers with, June, 824 Thrombosis, Oct., 1271-1287 mesenteric, Feb., 49 in aged, June, 758 of terminal aorta, iliac and femoral arteries, surgical treatment, April,
physiology of, Oct., 1276 Thymoma, Aug., 970 Thymus, cyst, Aug., 971 Thyrocardiacs, surgical risk in, June, 599
Thyroidectomy, preoperative preparation, Oct., 1359-1362 Tongue, carcinoma, present status, June, 663-672 Torkildsen procedure for hydrocephalus, Aug., 1025, 1026 Transfusions, arterial, in abdominal surgery, Feb., 23 complications, Feb., 277-285 indications, methods and hazards, Oct., 1220 preoperative, in colonic and rectal surgery, Oct., 1426 reactions to, ACTH, cortisone and hydrocortisone in, Oct., 1212 Trauma. See Injuries. Trendelenburg operation in pulmonary embolism, Oct., 1283 Trepanation, exploratory, Oct., 1357 Tryptar in abdominal surgery, Feb., 25 T-tube, care, in biliary tract surgery, Oct., 1386 Tuberculosis, pulmonary, surgical treatment, Aug., 931-949 Tumor(s), emboli from, Oct., 1275 of bone, metastatic, patterns and their implications, June, 859-863 of colon, acute obstruction due to, diagnosis and treatment, April,
551-559 of brain, acute episodes in, June, 643-
of gastrointestinal tract, benign and potentially malignant, Feb., 183-
198 of mediastinum, Aug., 959-978 of peripheral nerves, Aug., 1167-1172 of spinal cord, Aug., 1113-1130 ULCER(S), arteriosclerotic, June, 825 leg, chronic, in aged, June, 823-827 peptic. See Peptic ulcer. varicose, in aged, June, 823 postphlebitic, June, 824 Ulcerative colitis. See Colitis, ulcerative. Uremia, treatment, artificial kidney in, April, 423-440 Ureters, injuries, surgical, Oct., 1436 prevention, Oct., 1436 repair, methods, Oct., 1440 Urethra, upper, vesicovaginal fistulas involving, April, 293-302 Urinary tract, infections, postoperative, Oct., 1450 injuries, surgical, Oct., 1435 traumatic, management, Immediate, Oct., 1460 surgery of, complications following, Oct., 1435-1454 Urination, drugs and other measures to aid, Oct., 1449, 1450 Urine, retention, postoperative, Oct., 1448 Urticaria, post-transfusion, Feb., 282
Cumulative Index Uterus, carcinoma, June, 791-799 collaboration of surgery and irradiation in, Oct., 1347 cytologic smear in, significance, June, 785-790 VAGINAL smear, positive, significance of, June, 785-790 Vagotomy, for duodenal ulcer, Feb., 92 postoperative care, Oct., 1398 Valvuloplasty, for mitral regurgitation, Aug., 899 preoperative preparation, ACTH, cortisone and hydrocortisone in, Oct., 1209 Varices, esophageal, bleeding, Feb., 114 Varicose ulcers in aged, June, 823 Varidase in chronic infections of feet in diabetic and arteriosclerotic patients, April, 415-421 Vascular complications of brain tumor, June, 643-654 Vascular disease, occlusive, of brain, angiography in, Aug., 1054 peripheral, sympathectomy in, Aug., 1175 Vasospastic conditions, sympathectomy in, Aug., 1184 Vein (s), ligation, for prevention and treatment of thromboembolic disease, Oct., 1280 Vena cava, ligation, in thromboembolic disease, Oct.D281, 1282
1491 Ventriculo-mastoidostomy for hydrocephalus, Aug., 1027 Ventriculo-peritoneal shunt for hydrocephalus, Aug., 1027 Ventriculo-pleural shunt for hydrocephalus, Aug., 1027 i I Ventriculostomy, third, for hydrocephalus, Aug., 1025 Ventriculo-ureterostomy for hydrocephalus, Aug., 1027, 1028 Vesicovaginal fistulas, involving bladder neck and upper urethra, surgical management, April, 293302 postoperative, Oct., 1444 Vitamins, dosages in severe depletion, Oct., 1244 role in nutrition, Oct., 1242 Volvulus, in acute obstruction of colon, April,552 of colon in aged, June, 752, 757 WALLERIAN degeneration, Aug., 1149 Water, intoxication, postoperative, April,337 requirements, in elderly patients, June, 589 Wookey two-stage operation for reconstruction of cervical esophagus, Aug.,980 ' Wound sepsis in biliary tract surgery, Feb., 176 Wounds, abdominal, Feb., 28 Wrisberg's nerve, role in facial pain, June, 847-851