Curriculum vitae

Curriculum vitae

CRYOBIOLOGY 12, 440453 (19%) CURRICULUM Name: Prof. Basile J( oseph) Born: Saviese, Switzerland, VITAE Luyet. July 10, 1897. U.S. Citizen. Educ...

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440453 (19%) CURRICULUM

Name: Prof. Basile J( oseph) Born:

Saviese, Switzerland,


Luyet. July 10, 1897. U.S. Citizen.


B. A. Fribourg, Switzerland, Ordained a Catholic Priest, L.Sc. University of Geneva, D.Sc. University of Geneva D.Sc. University of Geneva





1917 Order St. Francis de Sales, 1921 1923 (Switzerland) (Natural Science, Biology) 1925 (Physics) 1927,

1921-I929-Lecturer in Biology and Physics, College Florimont, Geneva, Switzerland 1927-192%Privat-docent, University of Geneva 192%193&Postgraduate Research-Fellow in Biology, Yale University 1930-1931-Research-fellow in Biophysics, Rockefeller Institute, New York 1931-1936-Associate Professor of Biology, St. Louis University 193P1974-Founder and Editor of the journal Biodynamics 1936-195sProfessor of Biology, St, Louis University 1956-1959-Director of Biophysics Laboratories, American Foundation for Biological Research, Madison, Wisconsin 1959-1974-Director of the American Foundation for Biological Research. Conducted

ReseaTch in the Following


Analysis of Growth Physical Structure of Living Matter Physical Properies of Cellular Constituents State of Water in Protoplasm Comparative Analysis of Life Cycles Mechanism of Death Mechanism of Action of Radiations Biological Effects of Low Temperature and of High Pressure Latent Life at Low Temperatures Survival at Reduced Water Content Survival of Frozen Protoplasm Physical Aspects of the Freezing of Solutions and of Protoplasm Cryobiology. Othm Acahmic


Directed scientific investigations and research of the Ph.D. degree to 17 students. Membership

in Scientific


Society for Cryobiology Biophysical Society 440 Copr$ht 9

1975 by Academic Preps. Inc. All rig ts 0 reproduction in any form reserved.


leading to the award



Society for General PhysioIogists American Physiologica Society Society for Experimenta Biology and Medicine American Society for ZooIogists Society for Protozoologists Botanical Society of America American Society of PIant Physiologists American Physical Society American Crystallographic Association American Association for Advancement of Science British Association for Advancement of Science International Institut du Froid SociBte de chime physique (Paris) SocietC Botanique de Genbve Soci& Valaisanne des Sciences naturelles Societtk Linneenne de Lyon. Other interests: He maintained, in his earlier years, a strong interest in the native folklore of the small alpine community where he was born. He devised a means to write what had, up to that time, been a spoken language of its own, and published 12 papers of the “Folklore and Romance Dialects” of his community and edited a monograph entitled “Cahiers Valaisans de Folklore.” He also had a keen interest in astronomy. Upon moving to Madison, he constructed a small observatory on the roof of his residence from which he could on clear nights, observe the heavens through one of his three telescopes. Honors: President-Society for Cryobiology, 1965 Permanent Co-Chairman and organizer of the Conferences on Cryopreservation of Tissues and Organs, sponsored by the Office of NavaI Research, held annually 1965 through 1970, in conjunction with the Annual Meetings of the Society for Cryobiology. Deceased: March 30, 1974. Family: Survived by a brother and two sisters in SwitzerIand. B. J. LUYET SCIENTIFIC


1. Luyet, B. “Etudes Sur Les Lois de Croissance de la Matiere Vivante,” No. 763, pp. l-64, Universite Geneve, 1925. The five following papers are separate reprints of five parts of the thesis: a. Bibliographie de lois de croissance. Pp. 1-8, 1925. b. AperFu historique sur les Iois de croissance. Pp. 1-18, 1925. c. Nouvelles recherches sur les courbes de croissance. Pp. l-14, 1925.





d. Revision des methodes de culture ultilisies dans ]es recherches biomktriques sur les champignons infkrieurs. Pp. l-11, 1925. e. Observations sur l’application des principles mathkmatiques a I’Btude des lois de la nature. Pp. 1-8, 1925. 2. Luyet, B. Nouvelle theorie sur les lois de croissance. BuEZ. Sot. Bot. Gendve Ser, 2 17, 1-7, 1925. 3. Luyet, B. Mesure de l’intelhgence. Bull. Z’lnst. F,%&nont, 1926. 4. Luyet, B. Un dispositif pratique pour la microphotographie. Bull Sot. Linndenne Lyon 6, 13, 1926. 5. Luyet, B. “Recherches Sur la Rotation de la DBcharge Electrique dans un Gaz DCcomposable.” These No. 813, pp. l-51, Universite de Gem&e, 1927. 6. Guye, Ch, E., et B. Luyet. Recherches sur la rotation de la d&charge electrique dans un gaz d&omposable. Arch. SC. Phys. Nat Ge&ve 9, 191-263, 1927. 7. Luyet, B. La radiosensibilite d l’ultra-violet chez les mucorinkes en fonction de leur Age. Arch. SC. Phys. Nat. Gen&e Suppl. 46, 107-108, 1929. 8. Luyet, 3. The killing of moulds by an ordinary electric bulb. PTOC. Sot. Exp. Biol. Med. 27, 668-670, 1930. 9. Luyet, B. Observations on maternal instinct of birds. AWT, Nat. 64, 476480, 1930. 10. Luyet, 3. An attempt to produce mutations in Mucoraceae by means of ultravioIet rays. Proc. Sot. Exp. Biol, Med. 29, 107-108, 1931. 11. Wyckoff, R. W., and B. Luyet. The effects of X-rays, cathode, and ultra-violet rays on yeast. Radiology 17, 1171-1175, 1931. 12. Luyet, B. Variation of the eIectric resistance of plant tissues for alternating currents of different frequencies during death. J. Gen. Physiol. 15, 283287, 1932. 13. Luyet, B. The effects of ultra-violet X-, and cathode rays on the spore of Mucoraceae. Radiology 18, 1019-1022, 1932. 14. Luyet, B. Current intensity factor in electrocution of Paramaecia. Proc. Sot. Exp. Biol. Med. 30, 9.24-926, 1933. 15. Luyet, B. Death of a yeast culture, as registered by the electric resistance. PTOC. Sot. Exp. Biol. Med. 31, 800-801, 1934. 16. Luyet, 13. R&partition d’un couranl Blectrique entre l’organisme et le milieu dans une culture de param6cies. Comptes Rendus Sot. Biol. 115, 15681570, 1934. 17, Luyet, B. Some physical properties of the nuclear membrane, PFOC. Sot. Exp. Biol. Med. 31, 1225-1227, 1934. 18. Luyet, B, Action des rayons X sur la croissance et la multiplication d’une algue monocellulaire, Comptes Rendus SOC. Biol. 116, 878-879, 1934. 19, Luyet, B. On the duration of some imbibition processes. Science 80, 168169, 1934. 20. Luyet, B. Working hypotheses on the nature of life. Biodynamics 1, l-7, 1934. (No. 1) 21, Luyet, B,, and Ft. A. Ernst. On the comparative specific gravity of some cell components. Biodynumica 1, 1-14, 1934. (NO. 2)




22. Luyet, B., and R. A. Ernst. Sur l’inexistence de la membrane nucl&aire. Compfes Rendus Acaci. Sci. 200, 1353-1354, 1935. 23. Luyet, B. Absence d’action dun champ klectrostatique sur les hyphes de rhizopus en croissance. Comptes Rendus Sot. Biol, 119, 139-140, 1935. 24. Luyet, B. Culture de moisissures dans un champ magnkque Comptes Rendus Sot. Biol. 119, 470471, 1935. 25. Luyet B. La structure nucleaire etudiee in viva par la methode de la photographic ultraviolette. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. 200, 2035-2036, 1935. 26, Luyet, B., and C. F. Frei. On the specific gravity of nucleated and nonnucleated erythrocytes. Biodynamics 1, 1-8, 1935. (No. 3) 27. Luyet, B., and P. M. Gehenio. Comparative ultra-violet absorption by the constituent parts of protozoan cells (Paramaecium), Biodynamics 1, l-14, 1935. (No. 7) 28. Luyet, B,, and E. F. Gilchrist. On the specific heat of nucleated and nonnucIeated erythrocytes. Biodynamics 1, 1-7, 1935. (No. 8) 29. Luyet, B. Behavior of the spindle fibers in centrifuged cells. PTOC. Sot. Exp. Biol. Med. 33, 163-165, 1935. 30. Luyet, B. Mesure directe de la dose Whale de courant Bectrique chez les paramkcies. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. 202, 511, 1936. 31. Luyet, B. Sur la r&stance klectrique du lait et de ses constituants. Comptes Rendus Sot. Biol. 122, 64-65, 1936. 32. Luyet B., and P. M. Gehenio. On the ultra-violet absorption in living and dead celIs. Biodynamics 1, l-8, 1936. (No. 11) 33. Luyet, B., and C, R, Frei. On the specific heat of live and dead yeast. Biodynumica 1, l-4, 1936. (No. 12) 34. Luyet, B, On the absorption of soft X-rays by nuclear material. Biodynamics 1, 14, 1936. (No. 13) 35. Luyet, B. J., and S. M, Grell. A study with the ultracentrifuge of the mechanism of death in frozen cells. Biodynamics 1, l-16, 1936. (NO. 23) 36. Luyet, B. J., and P, M. Gehenio. Cellular pigments versus vital stains in the spectral absorption of living and dead matter. Biodynamics 1, 1-4, 1936. (No. 24) 37. Luyet, B. J, Differential staining for living and dead cells. Science 85, 106, 1937. 38. Luyet, Basile, Sur le mecanisme de la mort cellulaire par les hautes pressions; l’intensite et la duree des pressions lkhales pour la levure. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. 204, 121P1216, 1937. 39. Luyet, Basile. Sur le mkcanisme de la mort cellulaire par les hautes pressions; modifications catologiques accompagnant Ia mort chez la levure. Comptes Renders Acad. Sci. 204, 1506, 1937. 40. Luyet, B. Sur le mkcanisme de la mort cellulaire par les hautes pressions: Lasimilarite d’action de la chaleur et de la pression SLX la levure. Comptes Rendus Sot. Biol., 125,403, 1937. 41. Luyct, B. J., and E. L. Hodapp. Mechanism of cellular death by high pressure, compression of yeast in sodium chloride solutions. PTOC. SQC. Exp. Biol, Med. 36, 615617, 1937. 42. Luyet, B, J., and M. C. Gibbs. On the mechanism of congelation and of death in the rapid freezing of epidermal plant cells. Biodynamtcn I, 1-18,

1937. (No. 25)




43. Luyet, B. J. Th e vitrification of organic colloids and of protoplasm. Riodynamic 1, l-14, 1937. (No. 29) 44. Luyet, B. J., and P. M. Gehenio. The double freezing point of living tissues. Biodynamics 1, l-23, 1937. (No. 30) 45. Luyet, B., and E. Hodapp. Sur les noyau cristallins dans un tissu v&g&l prkalablement chauffk ou geIB. Comptes Rendus Sot. Biol. 127, 786-787, 1938. 46. Luyet, B. Sur la survie des poissons plonges dans l’air liquide. Comptes Reodus Sot. Biol., 127, 78%790, 1938. 47. Luyet, Basile J., and Eugene L. Hodapp. On the effect of mechanical shocks on the congelation of subcooled plant tissues. Protoplasma 30, 254-257, 1938. 48. Luyet, B. J., and P. M. Gehenio. The lower limit of vital temperatures, Biudynamica 1, l-94, 1938. (No. 33) 49. Luyet, B. J., and H. M. Condon. Temperature reIationships and ice-water proportions during death by freezing in pIant tissues, Biodynamics 2, l-8, 1938. (No. 37) 50. Luyet, Basile and Gregoire Thoennes. Dkmonstration des prop&& isotropiques de massescellulaires vitrif&es B la temperature de l’air liquide. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. 206, 2002-2003, 1938, 51. Luyet, Basile J,, and Gregory Thoennes, The survival of plant cells immersed in liquid air. Science 88, 284-285, 1938. 52. Luyet, B. J., and P. M. Gehenio. The survival of moss vitrified in liquid air and its relation to water content. Biodynumica 2, l-7, 1938. (No. 42). 53. Luyet, J. J., and Eugene L, Hodapp, Revival of frog’s spermatozoa vitrified in liquid air. Proc. Sot. Exp. Biol. Med. 39, 433434, 1938. 54. Luyet, BasiIe and Grkgoire Thoennes. La reviviscence de fibres musculaires vitrifiees dans l’air liquide. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. 207, 1253, 1938, 55. Luyet, Basile J. Water and the ultra structure of protoplasm. Archiu. fiir Exp. Zellfors. 22, 487490, 1939. 56. Luyet, B. J,, and P. M. Gehenio. The physical states of protoplasm at low temperatures, Biodynumica 2, l-128, 1939. (No. 48) 57. Luyet, Basile. Letat vitreux de la mat&e vivante aux massestemperatures. Bull. Murithienne 56, 96-124, 1939. 58. Luyet, B. J. The devitrification temperatures of solutions of a carbohydrate series. J Phy. Chem. 43, 881-885, 1939. 59, Luyet, B. J, Vitrification of water, Phy. Aeu. 56, 1244, 1939. 60. Gehenio, P. M., and B. J. Luyet. A study of the mechanism of death by cold in the plasmodium of the Myxomycetes. Biodynumica 2, l-22, 1939. (No. 55). 61. Luyet, Basile J. The case against the cell theory. Science 91, 252-255, 1940. 62. Luyet, B. J+, and P. M. Eehenio. The mechanism of injury and death by low temperature. A review. Biodynamics 3, X3-99, 1940. 63. Luyet, Basile J., and P. M. Gehenio. “Life and Death at Low Temperatures” (a book), Published by Biodynamics, Normany, Missouri, 1940. 64. Luyet, B. J,, and G. Galas, The effect of the rate of cooling on the freezing point of Iiving tissues. Biodynamics 3, 157-169, 1940. 65, Luyet, B. J,, and M. C. Hartung. Survival of Anguillula aceti after solidification in liquid air. Biodynamics 3, 353-362, 1941.




66. Luyet, B. J,, and M. C. Hartung. Death by devitrification in the nematode Anguillulu ace& Btodynamica 3, 363-367, 1941. 67. Luyet, Basile J, The vitreous state of matter and the devkification temperatures. IFI “Temperature,” pp. 420-424. Reinhold Publishing Co. 1941. 68. Luyet, B. J. “The Resistance of Living Matter to Very Low Temperatures,” ibid., pp. 425-427, 1941. 69. Luyet, B. J., and P. M. Gehenio. The problem of the response of Mycetozoa to gravity. Biodynamics 4, 1-32, 1942. 70. Luyet, B. J., and M. M. Sheeley. Survival of excised frog’s muscle after desiccation. Biodynumica 4, 167-170, 1943. 71. Luyet, B. The physical states of protoplasm compatible with Life. Colloid Chem. 5, 859-863, 1944. 72. Luyet, B. J., and P. M. Gehenio. The lethal action of desiccation on the sclerotia of Mycetozoa. Biodynamics 4, 369-375, 1944. 73. Luyet, B. The existence of a three-generation cycle in several groups of Iower plants and animals. Biodywmica 5, 129-136, 1945. 74. Luyet, B. Abusive generalizations of the concept of alteration of generations. Biodynamics 5, 325-338, 1945. 75. Luyet, B. J., and P. M. Gehenio. The role of water in the lethal action of heat on dormant protoplasm. Biodynumica 5, 339-352, 1945. 76. Luyet, B. J., and P. M. Gehenio. Then-no-eIectric recording of vitrification and crystallization in ultra-rapid cooling of protoplasm. Biodynamics 6, 93-100, 1947. 77. Hodapp, E. L., and B. J. Luyet. On the mechanism of death by hydrostatic pressure in Paramecia. Biodynamics 6, 101-109, 1947, 78. Gehenio, P. M., and B. Luyet. Improved method for obtaining the survival of Vinegar “Eels” after their solidification at low temperatures. Biodynamics 6, 141-149, 1947. 79. Luyet, B., and A Gomez. Solutions of high devitrification point and their relation to the “Dangerous” low temperature range. Biodynamics 6, 151157, 1947. 80. Luyet, B,, and P. M. Gehenio. An attempt at inducing dormant life in Vinegar “Eels.” Biodynamics 0, 177-195, 1948. 81. Luyet, B. Ultra rapid cooling preserves life. Refrigerating engineering. Amer. Sot. Refrig. Eng., 1948. $2. Luyet, B. Effects of ultra-rapid and of slow freezing and thawing on mammalian erythrocytes. Biodynumica 6, 217-233, 1949. 83. Luyet, B., Ultra-rapid freezing as a possible method of blood preservation. in “The Preservation of Formed Elements and Proteins of Blood,” pp. 141-146, Published by American Red Cross, 1949. 84. Luyet, 13,An analysis and classification of reproductive developmental and sexual cycles. Biodynamics 6, 239-264, 1949. 85, Luyet, B. A comparative study of the life cycles of lower protozoa protophyta. Biodynamics, 6, 265-304, 1950. 86. Gonzales, I?., and 13. Luyet. Resumption of heart-beat in chick embryo frozen m Iiquid nitrogen. Biodynamics 7, l-5, 1950. 87. Gehenio, P. M., and B. Luyet. Complete development of a mycetozoon from a single spore or a single myxamoeba. Biodynamics 7, 11-23, 1950,




88. Luyet, B. et F. .Gonzales. Reprise des contractions rythmiques du muscle amniotique apres congklation dans L’azote Liquide. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. 230, 2331, 1950. 89. Luyet, B. J, La survie aprcs la congklation d 195” au-dessous de zero. Bull. MurPhienne 67,43-50, 1950. 90. Luyet, B. J., and L. J. Menz. Hemolytic effect of freezing at near-zero temperatures. Biodynamka 7, 2539, 1951, 91. Gehenio, P. M., and B. J, Luyet. Effect of a preliminary slight dehydration on the surviva1 of “Vinegar EeIs” frozen at -77°C. Biodynamics 7, 41-52, 1951. 92. Luyet, B. J., and F. Gonzales. Survival of cells in embryonic heart of chick after freezing. Biodynamics 7, 61-66, 1951. 93, Locket, M., and B. Luyet. Survival of frozen seeds at various water contents. Biodynamics 7, 67-76, 1951. 94. Gehenio, P. M., and B. J. Luyet. Effect of light in inducing reproductive processes in the mycetozoon Phy~arellu oblunga. Biodynamics 7, 85-99, 1951. 95. Luyet, B. J., and F. Gonzales. Recording ultra-rapid changes in temperature. Refrig. Eng. 59, l-5, 1951. 96. Luyet, B. J. Survival of cells, tissues and organisms after ultra-rapid freezing. In “Freezing and Drying,” pp, 33-34. Inst, of Biology, Tavistock Sq., London, 1951. 97. Gonzales, F., and B. Luyet. Survie de cellules du coeur D’embryon de poulet apr&s un scjour of quatre semaines dans L’azote liquide. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. 234, 2651-2652,1952. 98. Luyet, B., and F. Gonzales. Protective action of glycerol against freezing injury in embryonic tissues of chick, Biodynamics 7, 101-106, 1952, 99. Luyet, B. J., and I’. M. Gehenio. Effect of glycerol in limiting ice formation in tissues subjected to low temperatures, Biodynamics 7, 107-118, 1952, 100. Luyet, B, J., and J. F. Keane, Jr. Comparative efficiency of ethylene glycol, glucose, and sodium chloride in protecting tissues against freezing injury. Biodynumica 7, 119-132, 1952. 101, Grand, Nicholas G., John F. Keane, Jr., William H. Bauer, and Basile J, Luyet. The transplantabihty of a mouse adenocarcinoma frozen in liquid nitrogen after treatment with ethylene glycol. Biodynamics 7, 133-140, 1952. 102. Luyet, B, J,, and J. F. Keane, Jr. On the Role of Osmotic Dehydration in the Protective Action of Glycerol Against Freezing Injury. Biodynamics, 7, 141-155, 1953. 103, Luyet, B., and F. Gonzales. Growth of nerve tissue after freezing in liquid nitrogen. Biodynumica 7, 171-174, 1953. 104. Gehenio, P. M., and B. J. Luyet. The survival of myxamoebae after freezing in Iiquid nitrogen, Biodynamics 7, 175-180, 1953. 105. Luyet, B. J. Evidence and lack of evidence of sexuality in myxomycetes. In “Proceedings of the 7th Intl. Botanical Congress, Stockholm,” pp. 433434. 1950, 1953. 166. Gonzales, Federico, and BasiIe Luyet, Resumption of development in chick embryos after freezing, Biodynamics 7, 181-192, 1954.




107. Nemmer, Sister Mary William and Rev. Basile J. Luyet, Survival of dehydrated pea seedlings. Biodynamka 7, 193-211, 1954. 108. Luyet, B. J+, and P. M. Gehenio. Effect of the rewarming velocity on the survival of embryonic tissues frozen after treatment in ethylene glycol, Biodynamics 7, 213-223, 1954, 109, Luyet, B. J., and P. M. Gehenio. Effect of the rewarming velocity on the preservation of rapidly frozen blood, Biodynumica 7, 273-280, 1955. 110. Luyet, B., and J. Keane, Jr. A critical temperature range apparently characterized by sensitivity of bull semen to high freezing velocity. Biodynamica 7, 281-292, 1955. 111. Gehenio, P. M., and B. J. Luyet. Prevention of hemolysis in frozen blood by rapid freezing and thawing, Bibl. Haematol. Fax. 7, 330333, 1956. 112. Luyet, B. An analysis of the notions of cooling and of freezing velocity. Biodynamics 7, 293336, 1957. 113. Luyet, B,, and G. Rapatz. An automatically regulated refrigeration system for small laboratory equipment and a microscope cooling stage. Biodynamka 7, 337-345, 1957. 114. Rapatz, G., and B. Luyet, Apparatus for cinemicrography during rapid freezing. Biodynamka 7, 347-355, 1957. 115. Luyet, B. J. On the growth of the ice phase in aqueous colloids, Proc. Roy. sot. B 147,434-451,1957. 116. Luyet, B., and G. Rapatz. Patterns of ice formation in some aqueous solutions. Biodynumica 8, l-68, 1958. 117. Luyet, B., C. Kroener, and G. Rapatz. Detection of heat of recrystalhzation in gIyceroI-water mixtures. Biodynumica 8, 73-80, 1958. 118. Gehenio, P. M., and B. J, Luyet. On the existence of two ranges of recrystallization temperatures in gelatin gels. Biodynamics 8, 81-84, 1959. 119. Rapatz, G., and B. Luyet. RecrystaBization at high sub-zero temperatures in Gelatin gels subjected to various cooling treatments. Biodynamicu 8, 85-105, 1959. 120. Persidsky, M, D., and B. J. Luyet. Low-temperature recrystallization in gelatin gels and its relationship to concentration. Biodynamka 8, 107-120, 1959. 121. Rapatz, G., and B. Luyet. On the mechanism of ice formation and propagation in muscIe. Biodynamics 8, 121-144, 1959. 122. Luyet, B. The freezing of tissues as seen at the molecular 1eveI. In ‘Proceedings of the 11th. Research Conference,” pp. 3950. The American Meat Institute Foundation, Chicago, Ill., 1959. 123. Luyet, B, On the mechanism of growth of ice crystals in aqueous soIutions and on the effect of rapid cooling in hindering crystallization. In “Recent Researches in Freezing and Drying” (A. S. Parkes and A. U. Smith, Eds.), pp. 3-22. Blackwell, Oxford, 1960. 1~. Luyet, B. On various phase transitions occurring in aqueous solutions at low temperatures. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 85, 549569, 1960. 125. Persidsky, M. D., and B. J. Luyet. On some particular ice patterns the freezing of gelatin gels. Biodynamics 8, 145-163, 1900. 126. Persidsky, M. D., and B. J. Luyet. Periodicity in the freezing, of aqueous solutions. Biodynumica 8, 165-180, 1960.




127, Rapatz, G., and B. Luyet. Microscopic observations on the development of the ice phase in the freezing of blood. Biod~numica 8, 195-239, 1960. 128. Menz, L. J., and B. J, Luyet. An electron microscope study of the distribution of ice in single muscle fibers rapidly frozen. Biodynamics 8, 261-294, 1961. 129. Rapatz, G., and B. Luyet. Electron microscope study of erythrocytes in rapidly frozen frog’s blood. Biodynumica 8, 295-315, 1961. 130. Luyet, B. J. A method for increasing the cooling rate in refrigeration by immersion in liquid nitrogen or in other boiling baths. Bio&Srnamica 8, 331352, 1961. 131. Luyet, B. Recent deveIopments in cryobiology and their significance in the study of freezing and freeze-drying of bacteria. In “Proceedings, LOW Temperature MicrobioIogy Symposium,” pp. 63-87. Campbell Soup Company, Camden, N. J., 1981. 132. Luyet, B. J. Effect of freezing rates on the structure of freeze-dried materials and on the mechanism of rehydration. In “Freeze-Drying of Foods” (E. R. Fisher, Ed.), pp, 194-211. National Academy of SciencesNational Research Council, Washington, D. C., 1982. 133. Luyet, B. Principles governing the stability of the ice phase in frozen aqueous substances. Suppl. to the Bull. Internat. Inst. of Refrig., Commissions 2, 3, 4, 8a, Washington, D. C.: Annex 1982-1, pp+ I-12, 1982. 134. MacKenzie, A. P., and B. J. Luyet. A colIodion sandwich film technique for the study of the growth of ice in very thin layers of aqueous solutions, I~z “Electron Microscopy, Vol, 2” (Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress for Electron Microscopy, Philadelphia, 1962) (S. S. Breese, Ed.), p+ P-2. Academic Press, New York, N. Y., 1982. 135. Luyet, B., J* Tanner, and G. Rapatz. X-ray diffraction study on the structure of rapidly frozen gelatin solutions. Biodynamics 9, 2148, 1982. 136. Mackenzie, A. P., and B. J. Luyet. Electron microscope study of very rapidly frozen gelatin solutions. Biodynamics 9, 47-89, 1982. 137. Luyet, B., and R. Williams. Pseudo freeze-drying as studied in muscle tissue. Biodynamics 9, 71-76, 1962. 138. Gehenio, P. M., G. L. Rapatz, and B. J. Luyet. Effects of freezing velocities in causing or preventing hemolysis. Biodynumica 9, 77-82, 1963, 139, Rapatz, G., J. Nath, and B. Luyet. Electron microscope study of erythracytes in rapidly frozen mammalian blood, Biodynamics 9, 83-94, 1963. 140. Luyet, B. J., G. L. Rapatz, and P. M. Gehenio. On the mode of action of rapid cooling in the preservation of erythrocytes in frozen blood. Biodynumica 9,95-124, 1983. 141. Rapatz, G., and B. Luyet. Effects of cooling rates on the preservation of erythrocytes in frozen glycerolated blood. Biodynumica 9, 125-138, 1963, 142. Nath, J., and 3. Luyet. An electron microscope study of the distribution of ice in frozen blood plasma. Biodynamics 9, 137-146, 1983. 143. MacKenzie, A. P., and B. J. Luyet. An electron microscope study of the fine structures of very rapidly frozen blood plasma. Biodynamics 9, 147184, 1963. 144. Luyet, B. J, On the state of water in the tissues of hibernators. An&es Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae (Helsinki), Series A, IV Biologica 71/21, 297309, 1984.



145. Luyet, B. J. Human encounters with coId from early primitive reactions to modem experimental modes of approach. Cwobiology 1, 4-10, 1964, 146. MacKenzie, A, P., and B. J. Luyet. Apparatus for freeze-drying at very low, controlled temperatures. Biodynamics 9, 177-191, 1964, 147. MacKenzie, A. P., and B. J, Luyet. Apparatus for the automatic recording of freeze-drying rates at controlled specimen temperatures. Biodynamics 9, 193-206, 1964. 148. Gehenio, P. M., and B. J, Luyet. Development of periodicity in the freezing of albumin solutions. Biodynamics 9, 233-246, 1964. 149. Luyet, B. J. The vitrification theory and the preservation of living matter in the frozen and in the freeze-dried state, In “‘Progress in Refrigeration Science and Technology” (Proceedings of the XIth. International Congress of Refrigeration, Munich, 1963), pp, 1601-1607. Pergamon Press, New York, N. Y., VI C-2, 1965. 150. Rapatz, G., and B. Luyet. The problem of the effect of intracelIular ice on hemolysis. In “Progress in Refrigeration Science and Technology” (Proceedings of the XIth. International Congress of Refrigeration, Munich, 1963), pp. 1567-1572. Pergamon Press, New York, N. Y., VI C-2, 1965. 151. MacKenzie, A. P., and B. J. Luyet. Effect of recrystallization upon the velocity of freeze-drying. In “Progress in Refrigeration Science and Technology” (Proceedings of the XIth. International Congress of Refrigeration, Munich, 1963), pp. 1573-1581. Pergamon Press, New York, N. Y., VI C-2, 1965. 152. Luyet, B. J, Attempt at correlating some of the extant data on Xow-temperature preservation of various cells. Fed. hoc. 24, 531%S322, 1965. 153. Luyet, B. J. Phase transitions encountered in the rapid freezing of aqueous solutions. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 125 (Art. 2), 502521, 1965. 154. Menz, L. J., and B. J. Luyet. A study of the lines of fracture observed in the freeze-drying of aqueous solutions crystallized into spherulites. Biodynamica 9, 265-275, 1965. 155. Luyet, B. J., G. L. Rapatz, and P. M. Gehenio. Observations on the sequence of events encountered in the passage of muscle fibers into “thaw-rigor.” Biodynumica 9, 283-296, 1965. 156. Luyet, B., and G. Rapatz. Structural disintegration of muscle fibers resulting from freezing and thawing. Biodynumica 9, 297303, 1965. 157. Menz, L. J., and B. J. Luyet. Electron microscope study of the mechanism of formation of “irregular bands” in muscle undergoing thaw-rigor. Biodynamica 9, 305-318, 1965. 158. Luyet, B., and D. Pribor. Direct observations of hemolysis during the rewarming and thawing of frozen blood. Biodynamics 9, 319332, 1965. 159. Rapatz, G., and B. Luyet. Effects of cooling rates on the preservation of erythrocytes in frozen blood containing various protective agents. Biodgnamica 9, 333-350, 1965. 160. Luyet, B. J. Some panoramic vistas in the realm of cold, glances to the past and future. (Presidential address delivered at the Second Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology, Madison, W&c., 1965.) Cryabiology 2, 159-164, 1966. 161. Luyet, B. J. An attempt at a systematic analysis of the notion of freezing rates and at an evaluation of the main contributory factors (contribution





to the Symposium on Freezing Rates, Madison, Wis., August 1965). Cryobiology 2, 198-205, 1966. 162. Luyet, B. J. Behavior of muscle subjected to freezing and thawing. In YI’he Physiology and Biochemistry of Muscle as a Food” (E. J, B&key, R. G. Cassensand J. C. Trautman, Eds.), pp. 353-362, University of Wisconsin Press, 1966. 163. Luyet, B. The problem of structural instability and molecular mobility in aqueous solutions ‘solidified” at low temperatures, Biodynamics 10, l-32, 1966. 164. Luyet, B., and C. Kroener. The temperature of the “glass transition” in aqueous solution of glycerol and ethylene glycol. Biodynamics 10, 3340, 1966. 165. Kroener, C., and B. Luyet. Discontinuous change in expansion coefficient at the glass transition temperature in aqueous solutions of glycerol. Biodynamica 10, 4145, 1966. 166. Kroener, C., #andB. Luyet. Formation of cracks during the vitrification of glycerol solutions and disappearance of the cracks during rewarming. Biodynamicca 10, 47-52, 1966. 167. Luyet, B., D. Rasmussen, and C. Kroener. Successive crystallization and recrystallization during rewarming of rapidly cooled sohrtions of glycerol and ethylene glycol. Biodynamics 10, 53-60, 1966. 168. Amrhein, S. M., and B. J. Luyet. Evidence for an incipient melting at the “recrystallization” temperature of aqueous solutions. Biodynamka 10, 61-67, 1966. 169. Rapatz, G., and B. Luyet. Patterns of ice formations in aqueous solutions of glycerol. Biodynamics 10, 69-80, 1966. 170. Luyet, B. J. Notes on the coordination of basic research in cryobiology and of applied research in the cryopreservation of organs and organized tissues, which particular reference to skin. Cyobiology 3, 97-108, 1966. 171. Luyet, B. J. Anatomy of the freezing process in physical systems. In “Cryobiology” ( H. T. Meryman, Ed. ), pp. 115-138. Academic Press, London, England, 1966. 172. Rapatz, G. L., L,. J, Menz, and B. J. Luyet. Anatomy of the freezing process in biological materials. In “Cryobiology” (H, T. Meryman, Ed.), pp, 139162, Academic Press, London, England, 1966. 173. Masat, R. J,, and B. J. Luyet. The effect of magnesium ion on blood-clotting times in an active-phase hibernator and non-hibernator, Biochem. Physiol. 22, 2931, 1967. 174, MacKenzie, A. P., and B. J. Luyet. Water sorption isotherms from freezedried muscle fibers, Cyobiology 3, 341344, 1967, 175. MacKenzie, A. P., and B. J. Luyet. Freeze-drying nnd protein denaturation in muscle tissue; lossesin protein solubility. Nature (London) 215, 83-84, 1967. 176. Rapatz, G., and B. Luyet. On the instability of frozen glycerol solutions stored at various low temperatures. Biodynamka 10, 81-93, 1967. 177. MacKenzie, A. P,, and 13.J. Luyet. Electron microscope study of recrystallization in rapidly frozen gelatin gels, Biodynumica 10, 95-122, 1967. 178. Luyet, B. J., D. Sager, and P. M. Gehenio. The phenomenon of “premelting recrystallization.” Biodynamku 10, 123-132, 1967.




179. Luyet, B., and D. Sager. On the existence of two temperature ranges of instability in rapidly cooled solutions of polyvinylpyrrolidone. Btidynamica 10, 133-136, 1967, 180. Luyet, B., and D. Rasmussen,Study by differential thermal analysis of the temperatures of instability in rapidly cooled solutions of polyvinylpyrrolidone. Biodynamics 10, 137-147, 1967. 181. Luyet, B. Various modes of recrystallization of ice. In “Physics of Snow and Ice (Proceedings of a Conference on the Physics of Snow and Ice, Sapporo, Japan, August, 1966) (H. i>ura, Ed.), pp. 51-70. Institute of I dow Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 1967. 182. Luyet, B, Attacks from different fronts on some complex cases of instability in aqueous solutions solidified at low temperatures. In “Physics of Snow and Ice (Proceedings of a Conference on the Physics of Snow and Ice, Sapporo, Japan, August, 1966) (H. &ra, Ed. ), pp, 71-78. Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 1967. 183. Luyet, B. On the possible biological significance of some physical changes encountered in the cooling and the rewarming of aqueous solutions. Zn “Cellular Injury and Resistance in Freezing Organisms” (Proceedings of a Conference on Cryobiology, Sapporo, Japan, August, 1966) (E. Asahina, Ed.), pp. l-20. Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 1967. 184, Luyet, B. Preservation ‘and Storage of Living Cells at Low Temperatures. Zn “Human Transplantation” (F. Rapaport, and J. Dausset, Eds. ), pp. 655-668. Grune and Stratton, Inc., 1968. 185, Rapatz, G., and B. Luyet. Combined effects of freezing rates and of various protective agents on the preservation of human erythrocytes. Cryobiology 4,215-222, 1968. 186. Rapatz, G., J. J. S&van, and B. Luyet. Preservation of erythrocytes in blood containing various cryoprotective agents, frozen at various rates and brought to a given final temperature. Cryobiology 5, 18-25, 1968. 187, Luyet, B. Basic physical phenomena in the freezing and thawing of animal and plant tissues. In “The Freezing Preservation of Foods, Fourth Edition, Vol. 2” (D. K. Tressler, W. B. Van Arsdel, and M. J. Copley, Eds.), pp. l-26. Avi Westport, Corm,, 1968. 188. Rapatz, G., and B. Luyet. Patterns of ice formation in aqueous solutions of polyvinylpyrrolidone, and temperatures of instability of the frozen solutions. Biodynumicu 10, 149-166, 1968. 189. Luyet, B., and D. Rasmussen. Study by differential thermal analysis of the temperatures of instability of rapidly cooled solutions of glycerol, ethylene glycol, sucrose and glucose. Biodynamics 10, X7-192, 1968+ 190. Rapatz, G., and B. Luyet. Electron microscope study of erythrocytes in rapidly cooled suspensionscontaining various concentrations of glycerol. Biodynamics 10, 193-219, 1968. 191. Luyet, B. Resumption of rhythmic pulsations in small pieces of frog hearts after freezing in liquid nitrogen. Biodynamics IO, 211-218, 1968. 192. Luyet, B, J. The formation of ice and the physical behavior of the ice phase in aqueous solutions and in biological systems. In “Low Temperature Biology of Foodstuffs” (J. Hawthorne, Ed. ), pp. 53-77, Pergamon Press, New York, N. Y., 1968.




193. Luyet, B. J. Physical changes in muscle during freezing and thawing. In “Proceedings of the Meat Industry Research Conference,” pp. 138-156. The Amer. Meat Instit, Found., Chicago, Ill., 1969. 194. Pribor, D., and B. Luyet. A search for the factors of injury in the rewarming of rapidly frozen blood. Biodynamics, 10, 229-243, 1969. 195. Luyet, B., and L. Menz. Effects of freezing on peripheral Ieucocytes. Biodynumica 10, 241-260, 1969. 196. Luyet, B. Resumption of activity in spontaneously and nonspontaneously beating pieces of frog’s hearts after freezing in liquid nitrogen. Biodynamica 10, 261-276, 1969. 197. Luyet, B. On the amount of water remaining amorphous in frozen aqueous solutions. Biodynamics 10, 277-292, 1969. 198. Luyet, B., and G. Rapatz. Mode of distribution of the ice and of the nonfrozen phase in frozen aqueous solutions. Biodynamics 10, 293-318, 1969. 199. Rasmussen, D., and B, Luyet. CompIementary study of some nonequilibrium phase transitions in frozen solutions of glycerol, ethylene glycol, glucose and sucrose. Biodynamics 10, 319332, 1969, 200. Luyet, B. Resumption of contractions after freezing in liquid nitrogen in small pieces of rat heart containing pacemaking centers. CryobioEogy 6, 246-248, 1969, 201. Luyet, B. Some aspects of the process of freezing as seen at the molecular level. J. Cryosurgery 2, 249-262, 1969. 202. Luyet, B. J. Physical changes occurring in frozen solutions during rewarming and melting. Zn “The Frozen Cell” (Proceedings of a CIBA Foundation Symposium) (G. E. W. Wolstenholme and M. O’Connor, Eds.), pp, 2750, J. & A. Churchill, London, 1970. 203. Luyet, B., and G. Rapatz. A review of basic research on the cryopreservation of red blood cells. Cryobiology 6, 425482, 1970. 204. Luyet, B, On the inhibitory action of some cryoprotective substances on the beating mechanism in cardiac tissue. Biodynamics 11 E-32, 1970, 205. Rasmussen, D., and B. Luyet. Contribution to the establishment of the temperature-concentration curves of homogeneous nucIeation in solutions of some cryoprotective agents. Biodynamics 11, 3344, 1970. 206. Klose, A. A., B. J. Luyet, and L. J. Menz. Effect of contraction on tenderness of poultry muscle cooked in the prerigor state. 1. Food Sci. 35, 577581, 1970. 207. Rapatz, G., and B. Luyet. HemoIysis in severa anima1 species after rapid freezing of blood. J. CdZ Physiol. 77, 373-376, 1971. 208. Luyet, B. A. A review of research on the preservation of hearts in the frozen state. Cryobiology 8, 190-207, 1971. 209. Luyet, B., and R. Keener. Conditions for recovery of hamsters’ hearts after freezing at high subzero temperatures in the absence of cryoprotective agents. Cryobiology 8, 216-219, 1971. 210. Luyet, B., and G. Rapatz. Comparative effects of ethylene glycol, glycerol, and dimethylsulfoxide in inhibiting the beating mechanism in frog cardiac tissue. Cyobiology 8, 366-370, 1971. 211. Rapatz, G., and B. Luyet. Effects on Ieucocytes of pIasma concentrated by freezing at high subzero temperatures. Biodynamic 11, 53-57, 1971.



212. Menz, L., and B. Luyet. Electron microscope study of rapidly frozen suspensions of leucocytes. Biodynamics 11, 59-68, 1971. 213. Rapatz, G., and B. Luyet. Electron microscope study of slowly frozen suspensions of human Ieucocytes. Biodyndmica 11, 69-81, 1971. 214. Luyet, B., and R. Keener, Relationship between freezing injury and amount of ice formed in suspensions of human leucocytes, Biodynamics 11, 83-94, 1971. 215. Luyet, B., and G. Rapatz. Search for concentrations of cryoprotectants that would permit a close-to-normal beating activity in cardiac tissue. Biodynamics 11, 101-109, 1971. 216. Luyet, B. J., M. L. Riechert, and R, E. Keener. Recovery of sinus-atria part of the frog heart after freezing in liquid nitrogen, Biodynamics 11, 111-116, 1971. 217. Luyet, B. J., and R. E. Keener. Recovery of frog heart after freezing at high subzero temperatures in the absence of cryoprotectants. Proc. XIIIth Internat. Congr. Refriger., Vol. 3, pp. 841-845. The International Institute of Refrigeration, Washington, D. C. 1971. 218. Rapatz, G., and B, Luyet. Patterns of ice formation and rates of ice growth in gelatin solutions. Biodynamics 11, 117-123, 1972. 219. Rapatz, G., and B. Luyet. Patterns of ice formation in albumin solutions. Biodynamics 11, 125-136, 1972. 220. Luyet, B., and G. Rapatz. Comparative inhibitory effects of methyl alcohol and ethylene glycol on the beating mechanism of cardiac tissue. Biodynamka 11, 137-147, 1972. 221. Rasmussen, D. H., and B. Luyet. Thermal analysis of “partially dehydrated” heart tissue, Biodynamics 11, 149-155, 1972. 222. Luyet, B., and RI. Keener, Resumption of contractility in frog heart ventricle after freezing in liquid nitrogen. Biodynamics 11, 157-167, 1972. 223. Rapatz, G., and B. Luyet. The cryopreservation of blood by the method of two-step freezing. Biodynumka 11, 169-179, 1973. 224. Rapatz, G., and B. Luyet. Effect of short exposures of frozen blood to low temperatures in the range of -10” to -50°C with and without cryoprotectants. Biodynamka 11, 181-191, 1973. 225. Luyet, B., and D. H. Rasmussen. On some inconspicuous changes occurring in aqueous systems subjected to below zero C temperatures. Biodynamics 11, 209-215, 1973.