Whatever the author's aim may be, he misses the mark as far as I am concerned. Volumes I and II of the 35th series of the International Clinics (March and June) have been received. 41 As usual, a large amount of diverse material is dealt with. Lewellys F. Barker has returned to his early love, the neuron, at least for the moment, and gives us a delightful and instructive talk on psychoneurosis and the milder forms of psychoses. An unusual topic is that of Christopher who deals with the surgical diseases of Meckel's diverticulum. In Volume II, Erdmann deals with a topic of interest to all of us; namely, that of abdominal diagnosis. Krumbhaar enters into the very interesting, although difficult theme of the reticuloendothelial system, as well as some of the defense mechanisms of the body. Copher and also White have written books dealing with aspects of surgical technic, although the titles are so much dissimilar. Copher's Methods in Surgery 42 depict the technics of the Barnes Hospital, St. Louis City Hospital, and the Washington University Dispensary, and emphasizes in particular, history taking, pre- and postoperative care, diets, and all the various minutiae which play such an important role in determining whether an operation is to prove successful or not. White 43 on the other hand, in his S1trgical Handicraft stresses what we in the United States have called "minor surgery." Although this term might be considered to belittle the importance of the smaller interventions, this by no means holds true, because by proper care, and prophylaxis, the larger and more serious interferences may often be avoided. White's book also considers emergency measures which may arise.
Selected Abatracts New Growths Bera.rd, L., a.nd Dun.et, Oh.: No. 104, p. 1029.
Oysts of the Bartholin Gla.nd. Presse medicale, 1921,
Unilateral single cysts of the Bartholin gland are the most frequent. Bilateral cysts are not at all rare and occasionally there are two cysts on the same side. 'l~hey usually develop between the ages of twenty and forty years. The cysts may involve the glandular structure and consist of dilated acini or excretory ducts; there are also some proliferating cysts and others with a single layer of epitheF. L. ADAlR. lium. Pauliucu-Burla.: On the Pathology of Vaginal Cysts. schrift, 19231 xxxvi, 639.
Wiener klinische Wochen-
Such cysts may arise as the result of pinching off parts of the miillerian ducts during embryonal development, especially those found on the front and back "InternatlonaJ. CUnles. Volumes I & II 30th Series. J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia and London, 1925 .. Hethods ln Surgery. By Dr. Glover H. Copher. C. V. Mosby company, St. Louis, 1921.1. fiA ~extbook of SnrKery Handicraft. Dr. J. Renfrew Wlhlte. Macm!llan Company, New York. 1924.