Society for Cellular TheraP~
--Cytotherapy (2003) Vol. 5, No. 2, 169-173
(!aylor&Francis • healthsciences
Derivation of lung epithelium from bone marrow
cells DN Kotton and A Fine The Pulmonary Center, Boston University School ofMedicine, MA, USA
Recent studies demonstrate the capacity ofBM-derived celts to engraft
summarize our work demonstrating that cultured adherent marrow
as differentiated celts of a van'ety of organs, including lung. In this
celts can serve as progenitors oflung alveolar epithelium.
paper, we review the current state-of-the-art in this area. We also
Introduction Fresh BM culmred on plastic can be separated into two general populations: plastic-adherent and non-adherent cells. Cells that remain floating in the supernatant contain
been identified in humans [6,7) and rats [8), but have not yet been described in mice. Fibroblast-like MSCs are able to synthesize matrix proteins, such as Collagen I, Collagen IV, laminin and fibronectin [2,4,5,9).
hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). These cells serve as precursors to circulating cells of the blood [I). In contrast, marrow cells that adhere to plastic grow into colonies of heterogeneous cells. Enriched within plastic-adherent marrow are cells referred to either as marrow stromal cells (MSCs), because they appear to arise from the complex array of supporting strucmres found in marrow, or as mesenchymal stem cells (also abbreviated MSCs), because of their ability to proliferate and differentiate into cells such as bone, cartilage, and muscle [2 - 5). Whether MSCs and HSCs originate from a single precursor is not clear at this time. Plastic-adherent BM cells consist of three discernible morphologic subtypes: • Small rounded cells posltlve for Factor VIII Ag that may be of endothelial stem-cell lineage • Small stellate cells positive for mac-I ICD II band CD45 that are likely of myeloid lineage
• Large polygonal fibroblast-like cells negative for CD34, and negative for myeloid markers [4,5). A progenitor of fibroblast-like MSCs with rapid proliferative potential, recycling stem cells (RS cells) have
Non-hematopoietic tissue derived from BM cells The in vivo ability of culmred MSCs, fresh unfractionated whole marrow, or highly enriched HSC types to form nonhematopoietic tissue has been demonstrated in a variety of publications. In most of these smdies, labeled donor BM cells are infused into marrow-ablated recipient mice. In several such experiments, precursor cells, thought to be of HSC origin, successfully served as progenitors for fully differentiated cells of liver, muscle, brain, heart, and lung, while also successfully reconstimting the recipients' ablated BM [10-16). In other experiments, cells of MSC origin differentiated into mesenchymal tissue, such as bone, cartilage, and muscle, as well as non-mesenchymal tissue, such as endothelium, hepatocytes, and neural cells after direct injection into brain [2,17- 24). Recipient marrow ablation, which facilitates and permits migration of injected cells into and through the marrow, could be a factor affecting the outcome of engraftment smdies involving BMT The importance of marrow ablation during engraftment of MSCs is not evident, however, particularly in view of
Corresp011dence to: DN Kotton, The Pulmonary Center, R-304, Boston University School of Medicine, 715 AI&any Street, Boston, MA 021182397, USA
2003 ISCT
001: 10.1080/14653240310001073
DN Kottorl arid A Firle
studies demonstrating the marked radio- and chemo-
its ability to rapidly home to an intermediate recipient's
resistance of this cell type [3].
marrow [13] .
Ability of BM cells to engraft in lung tissue After BMT, the appearance of donor marrow-derived
Engraftment of plastic-adherent marrow cells as Type I pneumocytes
collagen-producing cells in lung tissue occurs in a time-
We found that cultured plastic-adherent marrow cells from
dependent process [19,20] . The role of pre-BMT TBI, a
lacZ + donor mice can engraft in bleomycin-injured
known inducer of lung injury, in mediating these observa-
recipient lungs as Type I cells of the alveolar epithelium
tions is uncertain. Histologic analysis of recipient murine
[26]. Through X-gal staining of lacZ + cells, we identified
lungs 1- 20 weeks after injection of labeled donor marrow
donor-derived cells in recipient lungs with the typical
.. , cells found donor-derived cells in the lung parenchyma '..:"[ 19,25]. Most notably, Krause et al. showed widespread
Type I alveolar cell morphology (Figure 1). These engrafted cells express the Type I cell apical membrane
multi-lineage engraftment as epithelial cells in various
protein, Tlrx [26]. Analysis at early time points (1- 5 days)
organs, including lung alveolar Type 11 and bronchial cells
after injection [26] demonstrated no evidence of engraft-
11 months after transplantation of a single BM stem cell.
ment as Type 11 pneumocytes, the endogenous progenitor
This cell was functionally purified from donor marrow by
of Type I cells [27] .
Figure 1. Paraffin and plastic sections of X-gal-stained mouse lungs 30 days after cell injection. (A) Low magnification (40 x) and (B) high magnification (1000 x ) views of a representative recipient lung showing engrafted donor-derived cells as thin, flat blue cells consistent with a Type I pneumocyte morphology. (e) For comparison, an X-gal-stained negative control lung (lacZ-negative marrow injected into a lacZ-negative recipient) shows no blue cells. (D) A thin plastic section (2 ).lm) of recipient mouse lung confirms the Type I pneumocyte morphology of engrafted donor-dm'ved cells. Sections are counter-stained with Nuclear Fast Red. Bars, 200 m (A); 30 m (B- Dj.
Marrow-derived lung epithelium
Figure 2. Histological analyses of adherem BM cultures. (A) Three cell morphologies are discerrtible: larger polygonal fibroblast-like cells (black arrow), smaller stellate myeloid cells (red arrow), and small round ertdothelial-like cells (purple arrow). (H- D) Immtmostaining of cultures with ami-mouse Tla Ab (brown staining; H, arrows). (C) At higher magnification, the T l a -positive cell demonstrates fibroblast-like morphology. (D) Staining within a cell colony is heterogerteous. Bars, 20 m (A); 200 m (H); 15 m (C); 25 m (D). (A)
C ultu red
T l a SPC AQ5
T la SPC AQ5
CC-lO (B)
Figure 3. (A). Nested RT-PCR analysis for lung epithelial markers in plastic-adherertt cultured marrow cells (7 days) and fresh BM. Positive expression of T la and aquaporirt-5 (AQJ) was rtoted urtder both conditions. Surfactant protein-C (SPC) was not expressed. (H). RT-PCR analysis showing expression of the airway Clara cell marker (CC 10) ifI plastic-adherent marrow cultured for 6 afld 13 days. Lung served as a positive contro/.
DN Kaftan and A Fine
replacement of specific cell types damaged or lost during disease. The identification of specific marrow cell type(s) that can assume lung cell phenotypes, and the characterization of mechanisms controlling this differentiation process are two of the many challenges facing this nascent field.
References Spangrude Gj, Heimfeld S, Weissman IL. Purification and characterization of mouse hematopoietic stem cells [published erratum
Figure 4. RT-PCR analysis for expression of transcription factors, TTF-l and HNF-3P in fresh (Fr) or cultured (Cx'd) BM cells. PCR
oflung cDNA was used as a positive control.
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Lung epithelial gene expression in plasticadherent cell cultures We sought to identify expression oflung epithelial genes in cultured plastic-adherent marrow cells. TIel, an apical membrane protein of unknown function, is highly specific in the lung for Type I alveolar cells [28- 32]. Approximately 10% of plastic-adherent marrow cells are TIel positive after 1 week in culture (Figure 2B). TIel positive cells have the morphological features of the polygonal fibrobast-like MSC cell sub-population. Expression of TIel within a clone of the polygonal fibroblast-like cells is heterogeneous (Figure 20) [26]. Aquaporin-5, another Type I cell marker, was found by RT-PCR to be expressed in marrow preparations (Figure 3A). In contrast, we found that the alveolar Type 11 cellspecific marker, surfactant protein-C (SP-C) was not expressed in fresh or cultured cells (Figure 3A) [26]. In addition, we found that the message for CC-10, an airway epithelial marker (Figure 3B) was expressed in cultured, but not fresh marrow. We also utilized RT-PCR to assess expression of the transcription factors, TTF-1 and HNF3p. These molecules regulate key transcriptional events in airway and alveolar epithelial differentiation [33,34]. We found that fresh and cultured BM cells express these genes (Figure 4).
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