Description of a machine for raising and lowering miners

Description of a machine for raising and lowering miners

C%dZEn,hinewir~g. 16 tainly goes far to cslnblisl~ contklcnce ropes strain; ivilh lhosc made from hmp, which, it 11ns been slated, sccnrity of fl...

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tainly goes far to cslnblisl~ contklcnce ropes


ivilh lhosc made from hmp, which, it 11ns been slated,

sccnrity of flat wire

in the equal



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to Wap, or

Rlotdny Ing, \vllcll cq>loycd Co:lIs, tllc of lilC clJgilJ(;, (45 l10rsc power) 011 which a pair Of yonr ~‘cctcd 10 CllCCli thC Cnyinc wire ropes wcrc put ill June last, W+ !hi


~JrcabsJn3lJ flat

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W!lCn tljc: rivcls

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lllc ShWlill! is 111111, ‘r 011


wilicli yOlJ MlaClJ to 1hC it, wcrc drawn tllr011gli


ti:C strands OS11’10 rope, illId tll0 cas” 31 11~2top of l!iC pit, \vliic!l ~~lw131l~d llicir Mli1q doWI lllc pit, 80 1ll:lt 1 I~;lvc siilcc: ll1c1i l12il llle \\liru rOp(! 11x2 daniJgc di)llC was ICfiiilg. t:samincd, illld, i~ll!lO~l~ll !Il(: slraill 01) it rrillsl Il:lVC bCClJ wry pent. 10 ::lol) liw eil$iJ(:, vc:l it dots 1101iIl>~N!itr lo Il:\Vc snstaincd ally nijiir!., mp ~~cwc.l ;kS wIr[:(:tl it \\'iIS first IjIlt Oil. cL.. = and is, app::rcatly, ~~:a~r*~:;l~\V 1,11)1)Kl.J...“ LOIN!.hlil:g

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‘I’l1canllior states tlxi1 11~f great il::plli to wl~icii Ilk! col)pcr and liu Ilild tliXWl1 nlincs, in Cori~wall, :i~id in (krmany, had bc:!t: \\‘i~:.h!~l, sill~U!~~J~CotlSly, in ~110 two countries, llic nltc!llioiJ of c1i;:inccrs lo some Jnoclc of fkilitnting lllcnsccnt ancl clcscciit ol’lhc niiiicrs, whose s&n+ was osIinuslcd, arlcl tlicir health serioiisly :~tkctcd, by the fatigc of going to, and rclnrriing from, lhc sce1Ie of tlicir labors, by ~lcarly vcrlicnl IiKlLkrS, as lllc rncll Could not hC raisotl ur3c.llowcrcd as in the coal clistricts. by the rope of 1.110winclin, * engines, ‘I’ll0 ‘l’olytcchnic Society of Cornwall onircd prcmiiirns f0r inacl1incs for eflwtio;~ this object, and in 1~34, tllrcc priaos wcrc rcspcctivelv

nwardcd to Mr. Michael Loam, Capt. W. Xicltolns, and Capt. Iv;-. IQchards, for plaw., 11~ two first of which c~:lbrnced the principle which has since been adopted with modifications, both in Germany nnd in Cornwall. A prcwinm \vaS also offered by BIr. Trcmnpoe, ibr any new mctlioil, or for the most nvdilablc improvemeJJt on the Gxmcr plans, nnd was awarded in lS38 to Mr. John Philips, for ;L mctl1od, tliflcring, J1owcver, from that which has been pnt in practice. Abont this time it was ascertained that a machi11e, somewhat .similar to that. tlesigncd by >Ir. blichaei Loam, had been applied \vitll snccess to One of’ tllc deepest mines in the Hartz; cm_l drawings, wit11 a description, wcrc pnblislietl in thereport of the Polytechnic Society ill 1338. Mr. Chnrlcs POS also commenced a snbscription, for th0 pnr_ post of awarding a. Sllnl Of JJlOnCy to any prO]k?tor of mines ~110 Would



into active





5or the purpose in question. At length, the ndventarers of the Tresavcnn copper mints, nndcr_ took to erect a machine from the designs, and under the snpcrinten_

012 i3Zustiqg .ly Electricit?/.


dclxc of blr. Slichnel Loam; it was first used for a depth of 27 fathoms, on the 5tll of Jannary, lS42, has Silm been extended to 264. f~~tlioa~s, and it is uow contemplaled to carry it to the lowest part of dcejx the: mines, which is‘2SS fatho~~s ‘1’1~ machine, which is \vorkcd by a steam engine with a cylindcl of 36 iuchcs diainctcr, consists of’ tIv0 l’Ods, to which arc attached, at i0tcrv:lls of’6 f’cst throughout their length, platforms, upon which the men stand j these rods receive an nltcrnating motion from two cranI
_mlsti11g by Ebectricity. A vc;y intcrcstiiiq display of engineekl, 1 - skill took place at Ruock-1 huge mound of earth maroon MI, ir, the Plloxis I'ilrli,I)nbliu. covering a qwwy, had been perforated with nine clmrnbcrs, in which two tons’ weight of gnnpowder had bccll so distributed, as, by the The battery, to be exploded at once. applicntion of the galvanic operntion was conducted under the snpcrinteadcncc of Capt. Larcom, ot‘the Royal 11:nginccrs, nud, at a. little after three o’clock, every thing hciil~; iu prcpnrnrioti, and all due precaution being taken to preverlt accidci:rs, the cxpiosion took place without any very alarming noise, the vast iii3~1ud of earth Gin,, m wave like, ahorit three, or four, feet, and then rolling over in a dense mass into the hollow underneath. successful, was ‘l’hc object of the experiment, which WLL 3 completely for the purpose of cuttin, 0 away a high precipice, so as to form an inclincd level with the road, or pathway, below it. about tlventy feet of the onrlr mall close to the embankment, gave way from the cfhxts of the kxxusion, but no other casualty occkred. Mechanics’ Msg.