mems used previo~nly, such as B photon absorptiom which-providrs only a paramew equivalini to TA, failed to reveal increases in bone miner?: conk nt in renal osteodystrophy even when signs of orteosclerosis were present. Thus, gamma-ray CT helps ‘G document objectively the degree of osteosclerasis and its location.
I?eter,ioa of sdrenal tumors by computerlred tome. grayhic scan in emtaorine hypertension Ganguly A, Pratt JH, Yune HY, Grim CE. Wcinberger MH. Arch Intern Med 139589. 1979 Localization of adrenal lesions in variour, adrenal disorders can bc difficult. An attempt to idrntily the adrena! tumors in ten patients with pheochromocytoma, Curbing’s syndrome, or primary aEdasteronism was made using computerized tomographic (CT) scans. The adrenal tumor was visualized in eight pa. tients. ‘The CT scan appears to be a promising notun. vasivc rrshnique for localization of adrenal tumors. Author’s
diaenosz (diagnosis rate: ERCP-70Qo, duodenal drainage-32% c)mlogy-35%). The resu!ts ru,ggesi that .dtr&sonography is the bat noninvasive test. and that a wmbinatian of ERCP, pencrcntic juice assay, acd c:‘to:ogy in a single prcxedure may prove to be the bes! discriminating investigation.
RJ, lxyngoscope
There is weement that the morbidity and mortality of CPA tukors ate directly proportiokl to the size of the turnor. The dmgnostic difficulty, however, is indirectly proportional to the size: the large tumors are diaanosed with Xtde difficulty. th+! smaller ones with -on
low. To arrive at the diagnosis.
Eighty-tivc of I86 patients investigated for suspected pancreatic canew had an unequivocnl final diagnosis of eith:r pancreatic eanccr (58 patients) or chronic pancreatitls (27 patients). They had been studied prw spectively using ultrasonagraphy, computerized to. mography, radionuclide scan&g, endrkcopic retrotrade cholanniopartcreP.tozraphy (ERCP). selective &kc and sup&r n)fsentericangiogrrtBy, duodenal drainnge studies, cytologic studies. serum carcinwm. bryonic antigen ~(ssay, and pancreatic oncofetal autigen way. The rerultr were compared to determine which test would most frequently and r,eliably differentlatc between pancreaticcan& and pancrktitis in a paieut believed to have one or other disease. Criteria for interpreting results, first for highest rate of correct diagnoses. and second for highest accuracy, wwe derived. Ap: lying tb,:se criteria. ultraronography sehieved the high& rate of correct diagnoses (97Q+ of paticrtts di red with 84% accuracy). ERCP, ducdenal tlra e studies, and cytology were the most accurate tests @i% accuracy each test) but, wrt thiz sccuracy, ERCP most frequently gsve B
sled in any patient with unilateral iug loss, unilateral
roust be pur-
or vcntigo. In the past 12
years, 19/Xx3 new patients were seen in the office of the Pillsburgh
Otological Association.
tient population,
Mackie CR, Cooper MJ, Lewis MH. Moossa AR, Ann Surg 189:480, 1979
89z410. ,979
120 tumors
In this new pa-
were proven by surgery.
Six others (bilater4 tumors) were diagnosed but not operated on, and fourothcrswerediagnoscd but were operated on ekwhcre. for I total of 130 patients. An estimate of the cost of diagnosing these tumors is prcsented. Consideration
of diagnosing those direercs thut must also be considered in the differential diagnosi!. when the above symptoms zre present. These are: coogenitslchanges, trauma. metabolic neuropnthies, Menicrc’s disease. noise-induced hearing loss, lues, sudden hearing loss, wxd unilateral
of undetermined
A, Price HI,
S Ab
I 55,338,
computed tomography.
always possible, but computed tomogrnphyisof assistance in the delineation ofthe the degree of assmiatcd tomography
present R diverse appearance on great
tumor 8s well as of
also enables rapid non-invasive
up after surgery or radiotherapy,
is not
or both.