Cultures identical both in their cultural and morphological characters with Periconia igniaria Mason & M. B. Ellis (1953) produced stromatic ascocarps when grown on plates of potato dextrose agar with pieces of wheat straw lying on the surface and subjected to a near ultraviolet source (Leach, 1962). Single-ascospore isolates from these ascocarps also produced identical conidial and ascocarpic states when grown under similar conditions. The species, therefore, is homothallic. Didymosphaeria igniaria sp.nov, (PI. 61; Text-fig. I) Ascocarpi sunt uniloculata stroma, globosa vel pyriformia 250-300 p diam et 350P alta. Paries 18-24 p crassitudine, cellulis fuscis oblongatis 10-14 x 2·5-3 p. Asci bitunicati, cylindraci 150-165 x 8-12 p, brevi stipite. Ascosporae ellipsoideae vel inequilateralae, ellipsoideae, r-septate, brunneolae, verruculosae, 26-30 x 8-g p. Typus: Cultura ex D. T. N. Rai, Botany Dept. Lucknow, India. Comm. July 1967(IMI 128479).
A conidial culture of Periconia igniaria was received for identification from DrJ. N. Rai, Botany Department, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, India, in July 1967. Transfers from this culture were inoculated on to pieces of sterile wheat straw lying on the surface of potato dextrose agar in plastic Petri dishes. These gave rise to a pale vinaceous to vinaceous coloration of the agar after 4 days. About this time abundant conidia began to develop and the vinaceous coloration gradually increased. The plates were removed from the incubator after IO days and placed under a near ultraviolet source (black light) and ascocarps began to develop. These occur as small scattered stromata covered with short hairs. Those developing in the agar were semi-immersed whereas those developing on the straw were superficial. Mature asci and ascospores were found 32 days after inoculation. The ascocarps are uniloculate stromata. These are black and globose to obpyriform when mature, due to a well-developed neck bearing the ostiole. In some the neck has a bulbous apex due to the formation of short incurved and somewhat malformed setae. The ascocarps measure 250-300 p diam and 350-400 p high. The lateral wall is 18-24 fl wide and composed of six to eight layers of dark-walled irregularly compressed rectangular cells, 10-14 x 2-5-3 p in longitudinal section. In surface view they are oval to hexagonal and measure 18-22 x 14-17 u, The locule is initially occupied by well-developed pseudoparaphyses which persist until the asci are mature. The ostiolar canal is lined by pseudoperiphyses 1.5-2 P diam with slightly swollen ends. Asci are bitunicate and cylindrical, with eight obliquely monostichous to very occasionally subdistichous ascospores which measure 150-165 x 8-12 u, Ascospores are ellipsoid or inequilaterally ellipsoid and constricted at the single central septum. The upper cell of the spore is usually more Trans. Br. mycol. SOC.5I (5), (1968). Printed in Great Britain
Transactions British Mycological Society
swollen and slightly larger than the basal cell. When mature they are 26-30 x 8-9 It and become light brown and verruculose. This is the first record of a perfect state for a species of Periconia.
Didymosphaeria igniaria sp.nov, A, Mature asci; B, mature ascospores; C, surface view of some cells of the outer ascocarp wall.
I wish to thank Dr M. B. Ellis for drawing my attention to this isolate, to Mr P. Basu for correcting the Latin diagnosis and to Mr D. Fry for the photographs. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 51 (5), (1968). Printed in Great Britain
Trans. Br. mycol. Soc.
Vol. 51.
Plate 61
(Facing p. 805)
Notes and Brief Articles
MAsON, E. W. & ELLIS, M. B. (1953). British species of Periconia. Mycol. Pap. 56,1-127. LEACH, C. M. (1962) 0 The sporulation of diverse species of fungi under near-ultraviolet radiation. Can. ]. Bot. 40, 151-16I. EXPLANATION OF PLATE
Didymosphaeria igniaria sp.nov.
Fig. J. 10 # section of ascocarp developed on agar, X 800. Fig. 2. Conidia from single ascospore isolate after 8 days, x 8000 C. BOOTH,
Commonwealth Mycological Institute, Kew
A new species of Penicillium has been isolated from soil and from the rhizosphere of Brassica campestris. It resembles P. echinosporum Smith (in Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 45, 387, 1962) in bearing long conidial chains with distinct connectives but differs in size of metulae, phialides and conidia. In particular the diameter of the conidia exceeds that of all known species. Hence P. giganteum sp.nov. is being proposed to accommodate it. Penicillium giganteum sp.nov. (Fig. I) Coloniae in agaro czapeck bene crescentes, attingentes diam. 1105 rom post hebdomadam ad 25 "C, fusco-brunneae, luteolo-brunneae in parte versa, paulum floccosae et rugosae; hyphae furcatae, tenues, vulgo 2-3 p, latae; conidiophora sat longa, emergentia ut rami laterales ex hyphis principibus, saepe simplicia, interdum furcata, septata, 2-4 p, lata, levibus parietibus; penicillia irregularia, e mono-verticillatis, sterigmatibus 1-4 ad apicem conidiophororum brevium, biverticillata partialiter vel sat regulariter biverticillata, sed haud typica sectionis BlVERTICILLATA-SVMMETRlCA; metulae 2-6 in verticillo, 7-15 x 2'5-4 p,; phialides divergentes, basi tumescente, fastigatae abrupte in apicem longum et gracilem, 6-20 x 1'5 - 3 p,; conidia globosa, catenulata, conspicuis connectivis dotata, primo olivaceo-viridia, evadentia fusco-brunnea ad maturitatem, spinis eminentibus, vulgo 6-g p" interdum ad 12 P, diam, connectivis 1'5-2'5 P, longis, interdum 4 p,.
Colonies growing well on Czapek agar, attaining a diameter of I 1'5 mm in a week at 25 "C, dark brown; reverse yellowish brown, slightly floccose and wrinkled; hyphae branched, delicate, mostly 2-3 # broad; conidiophores fairly long, arising as lateral branches from the main hyphae, often simple but sometimes branched, septate, 2-4 # wide, smooth-walled; penicilli irregular, varying from mono-verticillate with 1-4 sterigmata at the apex ofa short conidiophore to partially biverticillate or fairly regularly biverticillate, but not typical of the section Biverticillata-Symmetrica; metulae 2-6 in a verticil, 7-15 x 2'5-4 #; phialides divergent with swollen base, tapering abruptly to a long, slender tip, 6-20 x 1'5-3 #. Conidia globose, in chains having conspicuous connectives, at first olive green becoming dark brown at maturity, with prominent spines, generally 6-9 #, occasionally up to 12 # diam. connectives 1'5-2'5 # long, occasionally 4#Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 51 (5), (1968). Printed in GreatBritain