Die Unfruchtbarkeit des Rindes, ihre Ursachen und Bekämpfung.

Die Unfruchtbarkeit des Rindes, ihre Ursachen und Bekämpfung.

REVIEWS. 173 The Annual Statistical and General Report of the Army Veterinary Department for the year ending 31st March J899. THIS report shows that...

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The Annual Statistical and General Report of the Army Veterinary Department for the year ending 31st March J899. THIS report shows that during the period to which it relates the health of the army horses was very satisfactory. The amount of inefficiency from diseases and injuries was 0'59 per cent. less than during the previous year, being 64'53 per cent., as compared with 65'12 per cent. The number of deaths from all causes was 379, or 2 '70 per cent. of the average strength. The admissions for treatment on account of surgical diseases and injuries were 566 in excess of those for the previous year, but there was a decrease in the number of cases admitted for diseases of the chest and air-passages, and specific diseases such as influenza and strangles. No case of glanders occurred among army horses during the year. The report also contains information regarding the health of the horses in Egypt and South Africa, and statistics regarding the work carried on at the Army Veterinary School at Aldershot and the Army Vaccine Institute. The latter institution continues to provide a large supply of lymph for the Army and Navy at a very trifling cost. During the year lymph was issued for 72,892 persons, at a total cost of .£88 IS . 2d. As in former years, the lymph issued from the Institute was proved to possess a high degree of efficiency. A Surgical Operating Table for the Horse. By Jno. A. W. Dollar, M.R.C.V.S., etc. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1900. DURING recent years surgical operating tables for the larger domesticated animals have been used on a considerable scale by Continental veterinary surgeons, but in this country such apparatus has not yet to any appreciable extent displaced the time-honoured hobbles and casting-ropes. Mr Dollar's monograph may do something to popularise what some would describe as the more scientific method of controlling horses under operation. He has devoted much study to the different forms of operating-tables in use in foreign countries, and, adopting as his model, the one invented by M. Vinsot, he has added improvements which greatly enhance the value of the apparatus. It is to be feared that cost and other considerations may make it impossible for many veterinary surgeons to discard the old methods, but it may be surmised that in large city practices the improved machine which Mr Dollar describes would be found a great convenience. A series of excellent illustrations shows the tabl e in use for different operations. Die Unfruchtbarkeit des Rindes, ihre Ursachen und Bekampfung. med. E. Zschokke, Professor an der Thierarzneischule, Zurich. Orell Fiissli, 1900-

Von Dr Zurich:

THIS is a monograph of 165 pages, dealing with the causes and treatment of sterility in the bovine species. The nearer consideration of the common causes of infertility is prefaced by an account of the anatomy of the genital organs of the cow and bull and the physiology of reproduction. The look is at once scientific and practical, and it treats of the obstacles to reproduction on the part of both sexes. It concludes with chapters on abortion and the infectious diseases of the genital organs. M