~lillllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllIlIlllll’lllllililliillillllilllll~!l~lllll~lllll~il~~lll~illl~llili~l~il~~l~ili!l~~~~~~i~~lrl;~~ill~~~iil: l,~llllllii~llllilliiliil,ll~,l~il;iliiiliilli~111!Illll!!lll~11ll1~11i1I1!I1!1i!1111~~lllllII~llllllllllllIIlllllllllllllllllliil~llill!!li,ii I; E 3 NUTRITION AND PEDIATRICS g szcx gj e BY
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It is the purpose of this JOURNAL to review so far as possible the most important literature aS it appears in English and Foreign periodicals and to present it in abstract form. Authors are requested to send abstracts or reprints of their papers to the publishers.
11. C’hildrcy-, W. C’. Alvarez,
g g: z e;
Foods and Under Various Conditions. ?J. ;2reh. Int. 31~1. 46: 0, 1930.
F. (‘. I\Iann.
These experts, reporting from The Mayo Clinic and The Mayo l?oundaillinn., tell of their rery interesting ant1 highly instructirc> tion, I~mOchester, observations on the digestion of rariolls foot1 substanws injected in six dogs. They noted that sour milk was better digested than sn-ret milk. and also that milk was more digestible when pivcn wit,11 any of the following-meat, raw eggs, potato, Karo syrup and bread. Their observatiotls with large amonnts of lactose confirmed the results of others, in that it lwov~~l to be a laxative which not only interfered with the foot1 eaten that da>-, but also interfcretl with the foods eatcli tlic following day. In regard to such popular foods as meat and epgy these investigators found that meat was best digested when given in the form of lumps, and that) raw meat was handled better than cookctl meat ; soft boiled and hard boiled eggs were both digested better than raw egg albumen, which, as has been previously tlclllollstratc~d by IIosoi. was hartlly digested at all, and the authors confirmed tlic results of Rose and ,1IacI~od, who fonntl that raw egg white JIorco\-er, they justify was better ntilizcd after it was beaten up \rith the ;lir. the popular use of eggnog without, alcohol, because they noted that the addition of milk to raw egg resulted in a mixture which \vas better digested thwll egg a,lonc. As a result of t,liese experinirnts Clhildrey and his coworkers state that potatoes, stewed tomatoes, baked bananas, stewed prunes. stewed corn and Frets were all poorly digested and gave residues in the stool of the dogs rarying in amount from 30 to 7.5 per cwt. In their discllssion on the influence of various factors on digestion, the writers confirmed the interesting findings of Alvarez, who found that excitement and anxiety retarded the digestion of food, and that of Hawk who found that the temperature of food had no cfYect on the completeness of digestion. These experts also emphasized two very practical points in digestion of foodstuffs: (1) when food is taken in one large amount, it is betttlr utilized than when taken in SPVCI’iIl fractions at half-how intervals; ant1 (2) as mentioned 1232
Plasma Calcium and Organic of Parathyroid Extract-A (‘hiall
Phosphorus Following Intravenous Study on the Source of Mobilized
‘I’sai ant1 ~‘ong-l’~~1~-IIs~1. (‘hinrsr
In,jection Cadcium.
,I. I’h,vsiol. 4: :I, 1!)30.
'l'll(J anthers accept tllca well-kiiown action of (‘ollili’s parathyroitl extract, n-hkh establishes the fact that one of the functions of the pamthyroid glands is t0 lllitilltaill the hlOOd calcium iIt il c0llSt:lllt IrYc‘l. In ill1 t~x~~c~~illlc~llti1l Stlldy 011 follr hewlthy dogs, the jvritcrs injected them hltravriioukzly with :I single close of parathywitl extract and fount1 that bot,ll plasnla calciuuk increased immrdi;rtcly and inorganic pl~os~~l~orus increased about two hours after t-he injection. LIs to hnw the parathyroitl hormone mobilizes the calcium J)l~ospliate of bone. they are inclined to fall in \vith the assumption of Grernvald n-ho stated that oiic of tile actions of this liormo~~t~ is lo diswlvc~ the calcium phosphate, which is held in extremely insoluble form by the bont~. with the liberation of c:~l~illnl ant1 phosJ)horus from tire bonc~.
Are There Indicadions
for Operations
on the Adrenal
In a highly inst,ruct,ive and interesting article. (‘rile t:tI;rs up the funcof’ the adrenal glands and their partic~Ilai* iiiterrclr?tioilsJliJ~ with tliv 0tJlPr organs of tile body, CSpCCiilll>-the thyroid gland and the stoluacli. It is well lrno~vii that the adrenal gli~ncls are concerned in all of the major ;teii\‘ities of the organism. This is readily noted wheii thrrc is an insufficieiic\- in the functions of the adrenal glands, in that the roluntary II~IISCI~IRI’ system tliv involkintar,v inuwular becomes weak iind dcprrssctl. and, in addition. system illltt its innervation are also profoundly drp~~wsrtl since the lleart and blood resscls arc unable to maint;lin a normal blood pressure. IllCid~~llti~ll~~,it is t~nconra~ing to note that wwiitly k;tc~warcl and Kopoff. Hartman and others have prolonged the lives of ;~dre~~alectinizec\ animals b> menlls of a hormone wllich has been isolated from the ;itlrenal cortex. On the other hand, the effects of hyperilctivit\of the nerve-adrenal systern lead to a spdromc which ~~ww~bl~~smild 11~l’(~rth~vroidisl~i, coll(!ealed tuberculosis, and other chronic infections, such as recurring fat,igue, cshaustion, gastric hyperacidity. rilllicl llei\rt action. fille twinors, sweating hantls, and dilated pupils. IVitli t~hcsc clinical pictures of adrenal liypcractivity ;rntl atlrenal ins&icicncy in mind, this eminent, authority and investigator attcmptetl in ;I few instances to reduce and control thr rfYects of the adrenal activity by performing in a series of 22 cases unilat~eval aclr(~nal(,ctomi~,s on individuals who had epilepsy, nelIr&llcl~ia, cardiovascular iliwwse, and Ri~~naud ‘S disease. C’rilc states that his results were nrgatire in his c’ascs of Raymud’s disease. and of doubt,fnl value in the other conditions. St~Yeral of these cases had a partial thywiclc~ctom~- in addition to a unilater;~l a~lrenalectom~. tions