Plasma osteocalcin concentrations in cattle under various pathophysiological conditions

Plasma osteocalcin concentrations in cattle under various pathophysiological conditions

131 Plasma osteocalcin concentrations in cattle under various pathophysiological conditions M.-J. Davicco, V. Coxam, R. Roux and J.-P. Barlet M,ne,n...

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Plasma osteocalcin concentrations in cattle under various pathophysiological conditions

M.-J. Davicco, V. Coxam, R. Roux and J.-P. Barlet M,ne,nlMelubolirmoni*,IN&4 Theu. F.63122.cqvrar.France (Received 14hdy 1989) (Accepted 20 April 1990)

Summary Plasmaortecalcin



were meaured

using an homologous radioimmunoassay in

plasma sampler (n = 6-14 per group) from fetal and newborn calves, 16month.old and pregnant lactadng cows.

The highestvalues (nM) (62 ? 3) weremeasured

lowest (1.5 f 3) in P-year-old pregnant and lactating cow

heifers and bulb,

in fetal calves and the

No significant relationship could be dernan-

waled between plasma BGP and somatomedm C. or 1,25(OH),D or calcium concentrations. In eight normally calving cows, parturition was followed by a pragrersive mcreax in plasma BGP concentration, maximum 3daysaftercalving.

It returned toprepartum YLIBCI I0dayslarer.

hypocalcaemw and paretic cows, hypocalcaemia occurrmg wthin


12 h following calving was associated

with a prompt and very rran6wd increase in plasma BGP concentrations. These results indicate that OSteocakin might play a role in the regulation of bone metabolism in cattle.

Key wards: Bone; Cattle; Hypocalcaemra; Gsteocalcl”


In the bovine PS in other mammalian species skeletal growth is affected by genetic, hormonal and nutritiona: factors. Little is known on the mechanism of bone growth, mineralization and bone metabolism because, until recently, no specific marker of bone formation was available. The occurrence of a vitamin K-dependent calcium binding protein, containing y-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla) was reported in bovine and swordfish bone and called bone-Gla-protein or BGP by Price et al. [l], and by Hauschka et al. [Z] in chicken bone (termed osteocalcin). BGP is a 49-r&due protein specifically synthesized by the osteoblasts. It circulates in the blood where it can be measured by radioimmunoassay [3]. This measurement provides a Correspondence to: I.-P. Bark,

Mmeral Metabobsm Unit, INRA

Weix. F-63122CeyraL


132 marker of skeletal growth [4] and bone metabolism [5,6], specific for osteoblastic bone formation [7,8]. Because of lactation and the marked drain of calcium (Ca) into the milk, the cow has active and responsive bone homeostatic mechanisms. A failure in these control mechailisms at parturition and the initiation of lactation results in the development of d clinicai ayudtome ciralacterixd by severe hypocalcrmis and hypopi,ospbatrmia, associated with muscular weakness, paresis and death if appropriate treatment is not rapidly initiated [9]. Investigations into the cause and prevention of the syndrome have shown ttat FTH synthesis and secretion is normal [10,11], but trabecular and Haversian bone surfaces are inactive [12]. Using an homologous radioimmunoassay, we have measured plasma BGP concentrations in cattle, more espeilaZy Lnhypocalcemicparturient cows.

Animals and Methods Animalsand treatments Fourteen 9-year-old Holstein parturient cows (6th parturition) weighing 694 + 9 kg were used. Each cow was fed maize silage and grain concentrate allowing a daily intake of 110 g calcium and 95 g inorganic phosphorus. Jugular blood samples were collected daily at 8 a.m. before feeding on each animal, before and after calving, and 3 months later, when cows were both pregnant and lactating. Blood samples were also collected on ten 265-day-old-fetuses (four males and six females obtained from ten slaughtered pregnant cows), on twelve S-day-old calves (six males and six females), on six 16-month-old heifers and on six bulls of the same age. Blood was collected in heparinized tubes by puncture of an external jugular vein. In paretic cows, sampling occurred just before treatment (calcium gluconate intravenous injection) for paresis. Plasma was collected after centrifugation and kept frozen until analysis.

Assay procedure Plasma BGP concentrations were measured by homologous radioimmunoassay (RIA) [6] using the Osteocalcin Assay System from 3ris (Gif sur Yvette, France). In our experimental conditions the sensitivity of the method was 8 pmol.l-‘. The intra- and interassay precisionswxe 6 and 9%. respectively. Plasma somatomedin C (IGF,) concentrations were determined by RIA after extraction [13]. In order to dissociate and separate IGF, from its carrier protein, calf plasma was mixed with 4 vol. 0.5 M-hydrochloric acid and incubated in stoppered glass tubes at room temperature 1141. After incubation, an ODS-siiica extraction was performed (Sed Pak C,, Cartridges; Waters Associates, Milford, MA, USA). IGF, being identical in human and bovine species [15], the efficiency of IGF, extraction in bovine plasma was examined by adding pure recombinant human IGF, (Ciba-Geigy. Basel, Switzerland) to OS-ml portions of calf plasma. The RIA doseresponse curves of these samples paralleled those of pure IGF, alone, but only 88 + 2% of the added IGF, could be detected. Thus the results were corrected according

133 to this extraction efficiency. In our experimental conditions intra- and interassay variations were 7 and ll%, respectively. The minimum detectable amount wasless than 4pmol.l-‘. Plasma 1,25(OH),D concentrations were determined using a previously described radiocompetitive protein-binding assay [16]. Ca concen.rations in plasma were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry ;i’er~in Elmer400). Inorganic phosphorus was determined by calorimetry (Technicon Au~aanalyxx). Results are expressed as mean f SEM. This statistical signifiance of differences observed between groups was calculated using the Mann-Whitney U-test.

Plasma BGP concentrations (nM) measured in ten 265-day-old fetuses (62 + 3) were higher than those measured in their dams (16 + 2; P < O.Ol), in six 16-monthold heifers (27 i: 1; P < O.Dl), in six 16-month-old bulls (34 + 3; P < 0.01) and in six &day-old male (49 + 4; P c 0.01) or female (53 k 6; P <: 0.01) calves. Sex had no significant influence on plasma BGP concentrations in fetal (male 61 f 2; n = 4; female 64 f 3; II = 6) or in 8-day-old calves. However, in the 16-month-old animals, plasma BGP level was higher in bulls than in heifers (P< 0.05). No significant relationship could be established either between plasma BGP and IGF, concentrations

134 or between BGP and 1,25(OH),D, or between BGP and Ca, or between BGP and inorganic phosphorus (not shown). Highest plasma IGF,, l,ZS(OH),D and Ca plasma concentrations were measured in &month-old cattle. calves and ietusoa, respectively (Fig. 1). Among the 14 parturient cows. six developed clinical symptoms (muscular tremors, slight paresis, hypoesthesia, hypothermia) and biochemical evidence (hypocalcaemia and hypophosphataemia; Fig. 2) of parturient paresis between the 10th and the 12th hour following calving. They were treated by calcium gluconate intravenous injection (0.5 mg Ca per kg body weight) and each animal quickly recovered. No relapse was observed. A slight but significant (P < 0.05) decrease in plasma Ca

and inorganic phosphora concentrations at the time of calving was also observed in control parturient EOWS(Fig. 2). Plasma BGP concemrations were similar in both groups of cows until calving time. They climbed up to 74 f 3 at the time of Ca intravenous injection in paretic cows and returned to control values 12 h later, after

260 .$


v;;:i .2


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4 .-cl DAYS

Fig. I. %sma osteocalcin(BGP). calcium(Ca) and inorganicphosphorus(P) concentrationsin eight normallycalvmgcomrolcows(dotted lines)and in six panurientpareticcows(fulllines)(mean? SEM; ‘P < 0.05;“P 4 0.01,comparisonbetweenthe IWOgroupsofcows).

135 which they did not significantly vary. fn control Icows plasma BGP concentrations significantly increased 48 h after calving (P < 0.01, comparison with values at calving iirnr). They remained significantly higher than in paretic COWS untl!dnj S z&x calving (Fig. 2).

Plasma BGP concentrations measured in ads:: :att!- _,cd in this experiment are in good agreement with those reported in adult cows (15-30 q/ml) [17,18]. Plasma BGP concentrations higher in fetal calves than in their dams have already been reported by others [17] and ourselves (131. Similarly, in the ovine species, sennn EGP (@ml) rapidly and significantly decreased from 535 at birth to 240 at 45 days, 152 at 90 days and 5.9 at 7 years of age [lS]. In the same way, in a wild ruminant, the white-tailed deer, plasma BGP is higher in fawns (37.6 &I) than in adults (16.3 pgll). in which plasma BGP increased during antler mineralization [ZO]. In the human species serum BGP is higher during the growing period than in adults 141,and in healthy adults a negative correlation exists between age and plasma BGP [Zl]. It has been demonstrated that 1,2S(OH),D increased serum levels of EC? in rats, and thus BGP might have a direct or an indirect role in carrying the action of vitamin D on bone 1221. However, in our animals given a Ca-rich diet, no relationship could be demonstrated either between plasma BGP and l,?S(OH)& or between plasma BGP and IGF,, a known stimulator of bone cell replication and matrix synthesis [23]. Both plasma BGP and IGF, concentrations are decreased in growh hormone-deficient children [4]. At present, serumBGP is the most useful bone protein for assisting in the diagnosis and management of high turnover metabolic disease states [24]. The use of plasma BGP measurements to indicate bone formation rate depends upon the clearance of BGP being constant and variations in the plasma concentrations being solely due to variations in osteohlastic activity. BGP metabolic clearance rate is presently unknown in cattle. However data obtained in oophorectomized ewes suggest that most of the variability in plasma BGP is attributable to variations in plasma production rate since the plasma clearance is practically constant 12.51. The mobilization of skeletal reserves appears to contribute significantly to Ca homeostasis near parturition in cows and factors, such as calcitonin 1261,which interfere with rapid mineral resorption result in the development of profound hypocalcaemia [27]. In humans, plasma BGP concentrations increase in high-turnover metabolic hone diseases [7] and decrease in low-turnover osteopathy [S]. Since bone turnover is high in normal prepartal cows [12] and low in hypocalcaemic paretic cows [26,27], this might explain differences after parturition in plasma BGP concentrations measured in normal and paretic cows (Fig. 2). However, the reasons for the sudden increase and decrease in plasma BGP concentrations in paretic cow (Fig. 2) remain obscure. In ewes, BGP plasma production rate increased by 15 days after parturition and achieved a IO-fold elevation at 49 days post parturn [28]. In paretic cows, the increase in plasma BGP concentration cannot be related to Ca glu-


conate intravenous injection since blood was collected before Ca treatment. In conclusion, in the bovine species, in adult parturient cows as well as in very young calves, BGP appears to be a good marker of bone remodelling; it may play a role in the regulation of bone metabolism in these animals.

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