304 minor parts, are not ~CXhd UpOn a8 qU&tatijy4$ of the ~0~4s different * on the ground of an extensive exadmtbn of a few, hundreds of Amsterdam undeqra u&es @9 it seems correct
remains in the background, relevant. The articulatory component ussell 71, Huizinga
is formed
dynamic and acoustic representation of the mud f SOme influence here but it is o in the rounded back-vowel e paramount importance for t if one examines the articulation of the dipht’n~~~g~ ei, ou, u%, by fllean5 of palatograms, then it is sur rising how the place of contact on the palate does raft remind to the slightest degree of the articulation of the second element, at hzas:t if one has to do with unconcerned speakers, for it is quite asy to pronounce the second CQmponent intentisnalily, as m >stly h pens in declamation. t in the second p scnatory component is r&t; passes over into an tt does not trouble. about the articulatsry component, Therefore it is not impartant whether in the case of ui one T rQSes3ts this component as ie or as UU, for these two have the s distinguish themselves exclusively articulaturily, as also se has the same resonant sound. y tapping against the rynx, as sugges man 10) and Factde resonant sound du of er’,