B o o k s & Publications THE RELIABILITY OF NONDESTRUCTIVE INSPECTION by M G Silk, A M S t o n e h a m and J A G Temple, Adam Hilger, UK, July 1987, pp xlii + 207, index price £ 2 9 . 9 5 ISBN 0 8 5 2 7 4 5 3 3 8 The aim of the book is to stress the importance of following the correct procedures in the nondestructive testing of large-scale structures such as nuclear installations, off-shore oil rigs and aircra~ for which failures in service could result in serious damage and loss of life. At~er a brief introduction which summarises the aim of the book, there is a short account entitled "systems reliability" which includes an analysis of system failure, taking into account the reliabilities of the equipment, in relation to performance and probability of breakdown, and of the operator, regarding his proficiency and integrity. Legal and economic aspects and also social and moral responsibilities are discussed. The following chapter deals with defects and failure. It provides a brief introduction to simple fracture mechanics and follows with an account of formations of defects in metals at the casting and welding stages but not during forging and machining. It continues with a more-or-less theoretical treatment of the appearance of defects in service due to fatigue, stress corrosion and high strain-rates. Diverting from the main theme of the book, there is a short discussion on defects in "non-engineering systems" in relation to biology, medicine and semi-conductor technology. Following this and compressed into about 40 pages is a critical survey devoted to the techniques and applications of nondestructive testing. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the mechanisms of the more common techniques and the main emphasis is on performance. In this
way, advantage has been taken to discuss the more modern methods such as acoustic emission, thermography, AC potential drop and fluxleakage. Under the chapter-heading "failure of inspection", the various contributions to this p h e n o m e n o n are discussed, i.e. the methods and types of equipment employed, the nature and place of location of the item to be tested and the human errors arising from the accuracies of the observations and the ways in which they are interpretated. It is shown how the introduction of standards of testing enables quantitative analyses to be made. The final chapter, entitled "idealised inspection studies", shows the importance of measurements on testblocks and how one can relate the results of these measurements with those obtained from tests on real structures. Recourse is made in this respect to the use of probabalistic fracture mechanics. Examples are given on tests organised by the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority in which the performances of various techniques are compared with one another. A short appendix outlines the statistical theories relevant to the treatment of data derived from nondestructive tests. The book is of value in that it is unique in covering the philosophy of the subject rather than dealing mainly with descriptions of techniques and it can be thoroughly r e c o m m e n d e d to all concerned with the study of NDT.
DIRECTORY OF UK FIRE RESEARCH 1 9 8 6 Building Research Establishment 1987 72 pp £ 1 2 . 0 0 ISBN: 0 8 5 1 2 5 2 5 7 5 The Directory aims at providing a means of contact between researchers
studying fire and its effects. Research at industrial establishments and research associations is described in the Directory in a way that identifies the research area without breaching confidentiality. The audience for the information embraces all those engaged in fire research in the UK, many in the fire brigades and in management in the fire engineering industry. A VAII.~BLE FROM: Publication Sales Building Research Establishment Garston Watford WD2 7JR
CIRIA TECHNICAL NOTE NO. 129, 1 9 8 7 PRESTRESSED CONCRETE BEAMS P Undsell and S H Buchner £25.00 The extent of prestress losses has implications for the long term performance of all prestressed concrete structures - but how accurate are design predictions of losses? And how safe and effective are conventional and specialist techniques for demolishing such structures? CIRIA's Technical Note ] 29 investigates both these issues. Obtainable from: Publications Department, CIRIA, 6 Storey's Gate, London SW] P 3AU
lntemaUonal Directory The 5th Edition of the FIDIC International Directory of Consulting Engineers is now in print. It contains details of the major international consulting firms that conform with the FIDIC statutes on independence, competence and professional status. An invaluable aid to anyone who employs, works with, or even competes with international consulting engineers, the new directory lists