of the first dose
; if in these cases the pla-. irregular pulse, muco-purulent discharge should follow the foetus immediately ;; from the bladder, and colliquative sweats. if the haemorrhage consequent to the pla-About a fortnight before she died, the dropcental separation were less than ordinary,, sical effusion disappeared, and she became and ’the after-pains greater than usual, thenvery much emaciated, and died on the 16th I would admit the ergot to be a " moment-of February. The catamenial discharge had deficient for twelve ous medicine ;" and, if he were the experi- been irregular and menter, that Mr. Lanyon, of Lostwithiel,was! months previous. We examined the body its most successful champion. twenty-four hours after death, and the fol-. I remain, Sir, lowing appearances presented themselves. Your obedient servant, Externally, the features appeared anxiW. A. WALFORD. ous, and there was an enlargement of the 39, Speldhurst Street, Burton Crescent, right side of the abdomen, extending from the umbilicus to the spine, and occupying March 27th, 1830. the hypocondriac and iliac regions, where fluctuation was very apparent. Upon laying open the abdominal cavity, which was done by making an incision from the scrobiculus cordis to the pubes, and then from the umDISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS. bilicus towards the spine, a large tumour centa
presented itself, occupying
great portion
of the above regions; it was found adherent to the peritoneal lining of the abdominal muscles, is illuscolon, pylorus, and concave surcase SIR,—The following very ttative of the great difficulty of diagnosis in face of the right lobe of the liver ; that part visceral diseases of the human body, and which was adherent to the liver, occupied shows how mistaken the most eminent men the space of about the size of half a crown. in the profession may occasionally be in Upon dissecting out this tumour, it was to be the capsule of the right kidney, forming their opinions ; I beg leave, there- found fore, to request that you will insert it in distended with pus, the substance of the your valuable and widely-circulated journal. kidney being completely absorbed. The tumour was divided into five different cells, I am, Sir, yours, &c. which communicated with each other by WILLIAM DUNN. small orifices, and contained, in the whole, Welton Terrace, Southwark. upwards of a pint and a half of pus ; there ’ Rhoda Freeman, aged 23, of sanguineouswere found in these different cells seventeen temperament, and short stature, was repeat- stones, the largest of which was of all irreedly attacked (according to her own, and gular shape, and weighed sixty-four grains ; relatives’ account) when a child, witha the others were of smaller dimensions (about violent pain in the right side of the ahdo- the size of small peas). The ureter and men, accompanied with excessive vomiting, renal artery were found considerably en. headach, and frequent and difficult micturi- larged. The left kidney was about three tron. The urine, after standing some time, times its natural size, though not materially deposited a thick matter, which adhered to changed in its structure. The mucous memthe sides of the vessel. About nine years brane of the bladder was found much inago the above symptoms became more fre- flamed, and thickened, and contained a quanquent and distressing ; and about fifteen tity of muco-purulent matter. The mucous membrane of the stomach premonths back, she was obliged to leave her situation as a servant. She was under me- sented a mottled appearance, with inflamdical treatment, for (as she was told) a mation, and aplithous ulceration3 of the cartumour on the liver. Finding herself get diac and pyloric orifices; the mucous memworse, she resolved to try a hospital, and brane of the duodenum and other intestines, was accordingly admitted into Bartholo- exhibited nearly the same appearances. The pancreas was cartilaginous, and parmew’s in August last, where she remained scirrhous. tially of three underand there months, upwards The mesenteric gands were much eRe stood she was afflicted with lumbar abscess To the Editor
I ovary).larged. Ilarly
report, disease of the The uterus and its appendages particuSo soon as she left the hospital, about three small. months ago, she became anasarcous, the The remaining viscera of the abdomen and the in the tumour right side, pain and thorax perfectly healthy ; the lungs and got worse, attended with violent ing, diarrhma, and hiccup. About three liver particularly so. weeks before she died, Mr. Coulthred was called in, and found her labouring under the above symptoms; with aphtha, intermittent,
(by hospital