World Abstracts on Microetectronics and Reliability
by scanning electron microscopy, proton back-scattering in order to characterise the ion beam plated film. The possible applications of ion beam plated films will be discussed.
Inline production magnetron sputtering A. ARONSONand S. WErN1G. Vacuum 27, (3) 151 (1977). Considerable interest has been shown in the use of planar magnetron sputtering to obtain higher deposition rates than those obtained by conventional diode sputtering. However, there are other valuable benefits of magnetron sputtering that greatly extend the range of use. These include reductions in substrate heating, in radiation damage and in film contamination as well as being favorable for operation in modes that result in lower coating costs. The deposition of multilayer films on to moving substrates using magnetron cathodes simplifies the problem of attaining uniformity and at the same time, provides high substrate throughput. A microprocessor controlled inline sputtering system has been designed that is capable of providing a high order of process repeatability.
Silicon films growth in vacuum by pyrolysis of silane. L. N. ALEXANDROV,F. L. EDELMANand V. V. VOSKOBOrNIKOV. Vacuum 27, (3) 145 (1977). The characteristics of growth of polysilicon films on silicon oxide or nitride substrates are discussed. Operative mechanisms of growth are studied, and the expitaxial formation of polysiiicon film is given for comparison. The comparison of the observed rates of grain growth with the calculated ones and distribution of grains over sizes and on a surface indicate the action of diffusion processes and processes of building-in of atoms into a lattice. It is shown that recrystatlisation growth of grains in the film influence considerably their finite sizes.
The production of complex thin film circuits. V. NEEDHAM. Electrocomp. Sci. Technol. 3, p. 209 (1977). In-house manufactured thin film circuits are used by Lucas Aerospace in gas turbine engine fuel control systems where stability and reliability in a harsh environment are required. The construction of a complex active thin film circuit is reviewed with emphasis on some less obvious aspects of production. Where component attachment and engineering techniques used are thought to be of special interest a more detailed explanation is given. As is normal in the avionics industry a high degree of system integrity is required so that quality control is essential. Therefore, the role of Quality Engineering in the production plan is described. Drain characteristics of thin film MOS FET's. S. T. Hsu. RCA Review 38, p. 139 (March 1977). Theoretical expressions for the static I-V characteristics of thin film MOS FET's have been derived in terms of doping concentration, current carrier mobility, device geometry, and gate voltage. The drain saturation current of a deep-depletion type thinfilm MOST operated in depletion mode depends strongly on the doping and carrier mobility profiles in the semiconductor film. At large gate biases, the drain saturation current increases with the square of Vc,-Vp~. The drain saturation current of an enhancement-type thin-film MOST is proportional to the square of VG-Vr. The threshold voltage, 1:~, is a function of the thickness of the gate insulator, the doping concentration, and the thickness of the silicon film. The theoretical results are shown to be in good agreement with experimental data. It is shown that the anomalous drain characteristics of thin-film MOST's are due to the modification of charge density at the space-charge region by the drain biases, while those of thick-film MOST's are due to the floating-substrate effect.
Electromigration and hall effect in cobalt films. (i. J. ~AN GURP. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 38, p. 627 (1977). Electromigration in Co films at 530C is directed towards the anode, in contradistinction from earlicr measurements b3 Ho :Lt about 1300:C in bulk Co. where the electromigralion is directed towards the cathode. This result is correlated with the sign of the normal Hall coefficient Ro ira Co. instead of with the sign of the anomalous Hall coefficient R~, Rc~ is shown to be negative below and about 400 C and positive at higher temperatures, while R~ is positive at all temperatures above room temperature. It is also found that R 0 is hardly affected by a large density of grain boundaries. The difference in the temperatures where the normal Hall coefficient and the clectromigration momentum transfer change sign is ascribed to the different mechanisms involved in the two experiments. It is suggested thal the change of sign of Ro is related to conduction in t~o bands and is caused by electron-magnon scattering. Some electrical properties of amorphous thin-film sandwiches of Cu-BaO (50?/o)SiO(50°,~)-Cu. A. E. RAKUSHANr and C. A. HOGARTH. Int. J. Electron. ,12, (5) 465 (t977). The d.c. electrical properties and electroforming of CuBaO(50~,~)/SiO(50°,oFCu thin-film samples with different thicknesses of insulator layer have been studied. Devices with dielectric layers 500-1000 A thick show very highly stable electrical properties and maximum electron emission efficiency. The thermal-voltage memory effect and the relaxation of the induced memory states at low temperature were investigated. Contrary to other observations of the irreversible character of the induced memory states at low temperatures, loading voltage and temperature cycling methods were found for the high to low-resistance state transition. The transition times increase with decreasing temperature, loading voltage and the initial conductance of the memory states. In the temperature cycling method a minimum voltage of I,%,~ 2 3 V is required for the transition. The filamentary model of conductance was used for the interpretation of the experimental results. Phase and amplitude tracking of hybrid RF components. TALIAFERRO H. TAYLOR arl.d MARK R WILLIAMS. Prnc. Electron. Components Co1!/i Arlington, Va., May 1618, 1977. p. 48. Many electronic systems being developed today require extremely precise amplitude and phase tracking. These applications range from wideband monopulse and direction finding to any multichannel system which must compare the information contained in each channel. This paper addresses the design and hybrid fabrication techniques used to develop two types of components used in many multichannel receiver systems---IF ban@ass filters and two-way power dividers. The first sets of four bandpass filters track to within -+-0.4 and +0.01 dB. The power dividers track to within ± 0 . 1 and ±0.01 dB. Hybrid microcircuit tape chip carrier materials processing trade-offs. J. M. SMITH and S. M. STUHLBARG. Proc. Electron. Components Conj. Arlington, Va., May t6-18, 1977. p. 34. Interconnect metallization systems used for automated bonding of semiconductor chips to hybrid microcircuits and lead frames for plastic DIP products are proliferating as producers and microcircuit suppliers attempt to reduce assembly costs. This paper surveys and compares several metallurgical structures and compositions used in the various reel-to-reel gang bonding processes now being implemented by high volume semiconductor manufacturers. Various gang bonding techniques are reviewed briefly as background. Thermal compression (TC), hard solder, and soft solder inner lead bonding processes are compared, as well as TC, welding, and solder processes for outer lead bonding to lead frames or alumino-based networks.