Method for Making Abrasive Grain U.S. Patent
July 4, i995
HA. Larmie,assignor to Minnesota Manufacturing Co, St. Paul, Minn.
Mining and
Vacuum Coating Device US. Patent 5,429,705. July 4, 1995 P Mahler Hanau,
A nlethod of prepanng abrasive grain, comprising preparing a dispersion comprising alumina hydrate and a sufficient amount of a sol of ceria particles to provide an abrasi\e _qain having greater than 0.5% by weight ceria. wherein at least 97% by weight of the ccl-ia particles are less than 0.5 micromerer in size; forming alumina base grits fr(w, the dispersion; and nintering.
Process for Inducing Porosity in an Abrasive U.S Patent 5,429,648. July 4, 1995 M Wu, assfgnor fo Norton Co.. Worcester,
A process of manufacturing an abrasive an~cle compnsing forming an unfired artclc comprising a polymer resin. a vitreoub bond, and an abrasive. and firing thereby drcomposing the polymer resin and form inp a porous abrasive article.
and W. Stang, assrgnors
to Leyboid AK,
U.S Patent 5429.729. July 4, 1995 M. Kame,and E. Setoyama,assignors Ltd.. Tokyo
An apparatus for coating and/or etching substrates in a vacuum chamber.
A method for exchanging a target electrode in an in-line sputtering apparatus.
Platina Device
U.S. Patent 5,426,882. Ju!y 4. 1995 D.M. Makowiecki el a/., assjgnors to The Regents of fhe University of Calrfomia, Oakland, Calrf.
U.S. Pafe;;t5,429.733.Sly 4, 1995 Ishrda,assrgnorto Elecfroplaling Engrneers of JapanLId., Tokyo
A process for the fabrication of aluminum metallixed pyrolytic grapbitc sputtering targets.
A de\ ice for plating a wafer in which the lower surface of the circumferential edge of the wafer is held by a holding means onlo a posittoning base portion formed in an opening portion of a plating bath and a plating fluid is applied onto the lower SW face of the wafer- for plating. characterized in that the holding means comprises an air bag, which is adapted to constrain only the upper surface of the circumferential edge of the wafer at an expanded state and releases the constraint by contracting to restore an initial configuration at a nonexpanded state
Dual Air Supply Spray Gun U.S.Patent $429,307. Ju& 4, 1995 J.B Darroch. assignor to Apollo lntemational inc., Vista, Cakf
A spray gun suitable for use with both high-volume, low-pressure (HVLP) and high pressure
air sowxs
for atomizing
We’ Got ve thePower! Rameo ha8 reinvented the multi stage cleaning console. Born @ona the industrial factory floor, not a laboratory, and built production.
’ We started rnth a heavy gauge stainless steel tank ( 7ga. and 12ga.j and added a transport elevator to each stage to take the work in and out of solution automatically. * WC added a versatile oscillation package to each elevator that could move the workload within all zones of the cleaning chamber. * We designed the system to be easily senwed with parts (pumps. motors, filters, pneumatics, electric, etc.) outside the console, not tucked under “acce~s~ pan&.
hMSf CO& CFC-free fully-automated parts cleaning system
And then we added power* Powerful turbulence created by cast stainless steel high volume pumps and multiple inlectors drected
at the work zone.
An ~wesc~me sweep frequency ultrasonic system combined with our
oscillating elevator to move the work through the wave energy An air knife blow-off drxr usine the elevator to cut in and out of the high volume Aot air &ream for rapid drying without excessive heat. * And a revolutionary “cable ready” transfer system that moves all baskets through all stages, all at the same time. ??
.he Vector is a high throughput ultrasonic cleaning system that icorporates a combination of the most effective cleaning techlotogles available (pat. #4,409,999). Baskets are processed III IOnmute intervals. Deslgned for parts larger than 3” In size, the Vector bliminatesthe inefficiencies commonly found in fully-automated multiankcleaning systems. Initial and operating costsare lowerthan any ompetitive system. Contact Zenith for details.
Zenith Ultrasonics, Inc. I 85Oak Street, Nomood, NJ 07648 201-767-l 332 I 600.432.SONICS I FAX 201-768-6999 Circle 065 on reader Information card METAL FINISHING
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