health protection,
Combining ash streams - is it treatment? Clarke, R. A. Proc. Annu: Meeting - Air Waste Manage Assoc., Vol.l6B, 93/BAl117.01. 11 no. The paper describli how Northern States Power Company has completed an evaluation of the Method 1312 leachate data obtained from the ash disposal at NSP’s Becker? Red Wing and Wilmarth RDF Ash Disposal Facilities. The ash placed mto these facilities are generated at utility steam plants that utilizes, refuse derived fuel. Specifically, an asssessment was conducted to determine whether combining ash streams constitutes treatment as defined by the proposed rules. Provides a surmnary of the findings of the investigation.
95/03019 A comparison of NO, levels from R&D studies with values measured at different plants Gulyurtlu, I. Fuel, Feb. 1995, 74, (2) 253-257. For engineering design considerations, it is essential to correlate adequately the results obtained from R&D with those from commercial plants, so that the effect of scaling-up can efficiently be taken into account in predicing NO, levels when designing large combustion equipment to be employed in dtfferent end-use applications. INETI has very recently started compiling both R&D and field data on NO, emissions resulting from coal combustion. The eventual objective of this work is to establish an empirical correlation for coal burning equipment to relate NO levels from R&D work with those observed in full scale industrial units &rch a correlation, if derived, could successfully be employed in simulation models used for design.
Comparlaon of SO, capture capacltles of Ilme95lQ3020 stones and dolomite8 under pressure Yrjas, P. et aZ., Fuei, Mar. 1995, 74, (3), 395-400. The sulphur capture capacities of 11 limestones and six dolomites were determined by means of pressurized thermogravimetric analysis. The determinations were made under conditions relevant to pressurized fluidized bed combustion. The actual experiments were performed at two different temperatures (850 and 950°C) and at a pressure of 1.5 MPa. Additionally, some experiments were performed at atmospheric pressure for comparison. The partrcle size of the samples was screened to 200-400 micrometres. By using a thin (1 mm) sample layer diluted with an inert material (quartz sand), the external mass transfer and the interparticle diffusion problems were excluded. For each experiment the conversion versus time curve was determined. The results showed great variations between different sorbent qualities.
95/03021 Computer optlmlzatlon of a membrane device produclng N, of 96% purity for preserving museum relics In the Hermltage Gas Separation & Purification, Bozhenko, E. I. and Bozhenko, S. V. 1995, 9, (l), 31-33. A previously reported approach @I. Bozhenko and S.V. Bozhenko, Gas Sep. Purif: (1993) 7 123) and software for simulation of multicomponent membrane gas separation processes are further developed for two-stage processes and ermeate recycling. The described method was successfully applied to the x esign and optimization of a membrane device manufactured by the CLIMB1 Corn any, Moscow, Russia, for storage of museum relics in controlled gas me $ ta at the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Control of NO, and N,O In pressurized fluldlzed95103022 bed combustion Lu, Y. et al., Fuel, Mar. 1995, 74, (3), 317-322. Ex eriments with a test rig on the formation of NO, and N,O and their re a uction in pressurized fluidized-bed combustion of bituminous coal are re orted. The emission of NO, is controlled by two NO reduction metho 1 s-ammonia injection and staging of combustton air-and the emission of N,O by increasing the combustion temperature. Both ammonia injection and staging of combustion air are effective in NO reduction.
Countlng on fish protectlon 95103023 Lamarre, L. EPBIJ., Jan.-Feb. 1995, 20, (l), 30-36. The number of salmon migrating up US rivers has declined significantly in recent years, bring hydro plants under increased scrutiny. Indeed, fish protection has become the biggest issue in hydro plant relicensing, and utilrties across the country are under pressure to step up their fish rotection efforts. Currently, much of the regulatory emphasis is focuse B on downstream passage technologies. EPRI’s laboratory and field tests have identified the most promising of these technologies. However, the effectiveness of each approach varies according to the site and the fish species and life stage.
95103024 The cytotoxlclty of resplrable coal dusts Masse, J. et al., NATO ASI Ser., Ser.H, 1994, 85, 387-396. The paper evaluates the relative cytotoxicity of the coal mine respirable dusts using simple in vitro alveolar macrophage culture and verified the inhibitory effect of aluminum lactate treatment of these samples.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts
May 1995
95103025 Czech4J.S. EPA health study: Assessment of personal and amblent alr exposures to PAH and organic mutagens In the Tepllce district of Northern Bohemla Watts, R. et al., Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 1994, 56, (4), 271-287. For more than 40 years the North Bohemia area of the Czech Re ublic has been characterized by heavy industry, open pit mining, and utr.Przation of high S brown coal by industry and in residential home heating. These conditions resulted in severe environmental pollution and concern over evidence- of adverse health effects for residents. In 1991, Czech and USEPA scientists conducted pilot studies in the Teplice district, which is centrally located in the industrialized area, These studies deternuned arnbient concentrations, and personal exposures to airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organic mutagens. 95103026 Deepsea disposal for Brent Spar Cottrill, A. Oflshore Engineer, Mar. 1995, 12-14. As an increasing number of North Sea structures near the end of their useful life, an tmportant precedent could be set by the scheme just announced for deepwater disposal of Brent Spar. The author has details from the Spar disposal studies, and goes on to report the highlights from a London conference on abandoment. 95103027 Desulfurlzatlon and decyanatlon by PDS In cokeoven gas Li, J. et al., Mei Huagong, 1994, (2), 21-28. (In Chinese) as. The Discusses the study of sulphur and HCN removal from coke-oven H,S content in the coke oven-gas met the standard requirements Bor town gas. 95/03026 Detection and removal of a large area Cs-137 contamlnatlon at a scrap proceeslng plant Baumgartner, R. er al., Kerntechnih, Feb. 1995, 60, (1). 16-19. Radioactive contamination of larger quantities of scrap have been detected in several cases. One incident of this kind, which occurred in an aluminium factory, is presented in some detail. 7OOQ tons of aluminium scrap material had to be scanned for Cs-137. A portal monitor was used to scan the material, which had been loaded into railway wagons, automatically. It was proved that the s ecific activity limit of 100 Bq/kg was not exceeded. However, the asp R alt and gravel in front of the storage hall had to be removed and decontaminated. Determlnatlon of “‘Pb In coal, coal ash, coal cinder :%%; Jia, G. He Huaxue Yu Fangshe Huaxue, 1994, 16, (2), 88-95. p Chinese) A radiochemical method is described for the determination of’ opb in coal, coal ash, coal cinder and soil samples. This method provides a good separation of ‘raPb from other natural and artificial beta emitters. Although no expensive instruments are used, this method gives precision results. Four samples can be analyzed within 12 h (not including the time for counting). Thus technique is suttable for sample analysis on the environmental impact assessment of the coal-fuel power plant. 95lQ303Q Determlnatlon of coal tar pitch volatile materlals on sampllng filters. Comparlson of gravlmetrlc and spectroecoplc methods Hekmat, M. et al., Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J., 1994, 55, (lo), 942-045. Describes a spectroscopic method which has been developed to determine coal tar pitch volatile materials collected on poly(tetrafluoroethylene) followed by dichloromethane extraction. 95lQ3031 Dry process flue gas desulfurlzatlon Aoki, K. et al., (Assigned to Chiyoda Chem. Eng. Construct. Co., JAP. Pat. JP.O6,210,128, Aug. 1994. A process where SO, is removed from flue gas from coal burning furnaces by contacting a desulphurization agent, containing the bottom ash of the same furnace as the main component, at high temperature by reacting with the active components in the agent. 95103032 Dust control In the dealgn of coal-handling units Han, Q. Mei Huagong, 1994, (I), 54-59. (In Chinese) The paper describes the cause of coal dust occurrence and also the measures for controlling coal dust, which can be used in the design of coalhandling units. 95103033 An economic analysis of potential Impacts of cllmate change In Egypt On eji, S. C. and Fischer, G. Global Environmental Change, Dec. 1994, 4, r 4), 281-299. Projections of climate impacts on crop yields simulated for different General Circulation Model (GCM) scenarios are used, in a recursively dynamic general equilibrium framework, to account for potential economv-wide rmpacts of climate change in Egypt. Comparing ihese impact projects to those obtained under a reference, business-as-usual,scenario assuming some moderate changes in the political, economic or technological spheres, indicates that global warming has potentially negative effects. The analysis is based on a global assessment of potential climate change-induced variations in world commodity production and trade.