749 remaining unpaid at his death shall be paid to his personal representatives. Art. 3.-Tbe salary or remuneration assigned to such officer shall be payable quarterly, according to the usual feast days in the year-namely, Lady Day, Midsummer Day, Michaelmas Day, and Christmas Day ; but the sanitary authority or authorities may pay to him at the expiration of every calendar month such proportion as they may think
He shall, subject in all respects the directions of I the(10)sanitary the instructions of the authority, attend to
medical officer of health, with respect to any measures which can be lawfully taken by him under the Sanitary Acts for preventing the spread of any contagious, infectious, or epidemic disease of a dangerous character. (11) He shall enter from day to day, in a book to be pro-. vided by the sanitary authority, particulars of his inspectfit on account of the salary or remuneration to which he tions and of the action taken bv him in the execution of his duties. He shall also keep a book or books, to be provided. may become entitled at the termination of the quarter. Given under our seal of office this eleventh day of No- by the sanitary authority, so arranged as to form, as far as vember, in the year one thousand eight hundred and possible, a continuous record of the sanitary condition of£ each of the premises in respect of which any action, JAMES STANSFELD, President. seventy-two. has been taken under the Sanitary Acts, and shall keep JOHN IrA142BERT, Secretary. any other systematic records that the sanitary authority may
He shall, at all reasonable times when applied to by shall be the duties of an inspector of nui- the medical officer of health, produce to him his books, or sances in respect of the sanitary district for which he is apany of them, and render to him such information as he may, pointed, or if he shall be appointed for more than one dis- be able to furnish with respect to any matter to which the trict, or for a part of a district, then in respect of each of duties of inspector of nuisances relate. such districts, or of such part:(13) He shall, if directed by the sanitary authority to do, (1) He sha,ll perform, either under the special directions so, superintend and see to the due execution of all works of the sanitary authority, or (so far as authorised by the which may be undertaken under their direction for the supsanitary authority) under the directions of the medical pression or removal of nuisances within the district. officer of health, or in cases where no such directions are re(14) In matters not specifically provided for in this order quired, without such directions, all the duties specially im- he shan observe and execute all the lawful orders and direcposed upon an inspector of nuisances by the Sanitary Acts, tions of the sanitary authority, and the orders which the Local Government Board may hereafter issue, applicable to so far as the same are in force in the district, or by the his office. orders of the Local Government Board. (15) Where more than one inspector of nuisances shall be (2) He shall attend all meetings of the sanitary authority when so required. appointed by a sanitary authority, such authority, with the 2 of the Local Government Board, may either assign (3) ±M shall by inspection of the district, both sys- approval t each of the inspectors a portion of the district, or may matically at certain periods, and at intervals as occasion to ( the duties of inspectors of nuisances amongst may require, keep himself informed in respect of the nui- distribute iziii,li ;llQnøf1:t.lYf’Q sances existing therein that require abatement under the E Sanitary Acts. (4) On receiving notice of the existence of any nuisance within the district, or of the breach of any bye-laws or reguSURGICAL INSTRUMENTS AT THE COLLEGE lations made by the sanitary authority for the suppression of nuisances, he shall, as early as practicable, visit the spot, OF SURGEONS. and inquire into such alleged nuisance or breach of byelaws or regulations. No. II. (5) He shall report to the sanitary authority any noxious THE collection of instruments for the treatment of genitoor offensive businesses, trades, or manufactures established within the district, and the breach or non-observance of any urinary diseases of females is a very small one, and.. curiously enough, part of it is due to female benevolence, bye-laws or regulations made in respect of the same. (6) He shall report to the sanitary authority any damage one lady having presented two specula vaginae, and another done to any works of water-supply, or other works belonging two female catheters, one with a funnel" ! Gooch’s double to them, and also any case of wilful or negligent waste of canula for polypus uteri-a useful instrument in its day, water supplied by them, or any fouling, by gas, filth, or but now almost superseded by the wire-ecraseur-is shown; of for water used domestic purposes. otherwise, shall from time to time, and forthwith upon com- and also two complicated instruments for the removal of (7) He plaint, visit and inspect the shops and places kept or used polypi, the invention and donation of Dr. Beaumont, of for the sale of butchers’ meat, poultry, fish, fruit, vege- Toronto, whose name is so well known in connexion with tables, corn, bread, or flour, or as a slaughter-house, and ex- Alexis St. Martin, of gastric-fistula celebrity. The only amine any animal, carcase, meat, poultry, game, flesh, fish,< instrument connected with the modern operation of ovariø fruit, vegetables, corn, bread, or flour which may be thereis a cautery clamp, invented last year by Mr; J. Kemptomy him be to and in case such article to in ; any appear tended for the food of man, and to be unfit for such food, he thorne, in which a screw close to the hinge obviates the shall cause the same to be seized, and take such other pro-I difficulty of want of parallelism in the blades. We would ceedings as may be necessary in order to have the same suggest to Mr. Spencer Wells, now a member of the College dealt with by a justice : Provided, that.in any case of doubt Council, that a complete set of ovariotomy instruments arising under this clause, he shall report the matter to the would be a valuable addition to the collection, and woul4 medical officer of health, with the view of obtaining his serve to illustrate his own labours. advice thereon. The amputating instruments go back nearly two hundred (8) He shall, when and as directed by the sanitary authority, procure and submit samples of food or drink, and years, a case containing an amputating knife, catlin, and drugs suspected to be adulterated, to be analysed ’by the saw, being dated 1682, and having the name " George analyst appointed under the Adulteration of Food Act, Horsenell" attached. The saw is a heavy bow-saw, with 1872, and upon receiving a certificate stating that the straight handle, and the knife curved like a bill-hook. An articles of food or drink, or drugs, are adulterated, cause a old French army-surgeon’s case of instruments has the complaint to be made, and take the other proceedings pre- following attached to is :-" These instruments were the scribed by that Act. property of the Surgeon of the 69th demi. brigade of French (9) He shall give immediate notice to the medical officer: Infantry, who was killed by a cannon-ball in an attack of health of the occurrence within his district of any, made by the 54th British regiment of the line on Fort contagious, infectious, or epidemic disease of a dangerous9 Mirabout, four miles west ofAtexandria,, in Enypt, on the character; and whenever it appears to him that the inter-- 19th August, 1801, and given by the grenadiers of the vention of such officer is necessary in consequence of thes regiment (who took the fort) to Mr. Morlen, their surgeon. existence of any nuisance injurious to health, or of any over.- Presented by Thomas Keate, Esq., Surgeon-General to the crowding in a house, he shall forthwith inform the medical.1 Army, 1811." The case contains tourniquet, scalpels, eiBcer thereof. straight-backed knives and catlins, a bow-saw, &c., also two