S-( - f-enantiorrw
The znecha&ms by which ~OEI~ diuretics lower blood pressure and induce salt and ~ter loss have been proposei LObe, at least in pan, mediated by prost&andins @ulinet et al., N!M), Tienoxc8ol(~~2~~x~~ $‘-tttittnyf~boxamido)-pfienoxy]-3-t~rbuty~a~n~2-prop~n~l~MI) is a new dru &I the same molecule diuretic and 18 blocking properties which have been previously demo~trated i ~~~ tzcmscim rats after oral dosing @oarec et al,, 1984). The effects of tienoxolol (& to 128 tng/kg) on urinary 6ketoPGFla excretion were investigated in rats, and wc?l with thQseof @adrenoceptor antagonists @cebutololand prupranoW, 128 q/kg), diuretic (furasemide, 3 aaid adeoosine receptor ~~80~s~ (IBMX, 16 mQkg; th~phyS~ne, 64 mglkg). These two latter compounds were included in this study because of their diuretic activity and since tienoxolaf, lik mh, has lxm shown to bind to A, and A2 adewsjinereceptors (data not pub~sh~). Sx hours after the oral ~s~tiun af the drugs, urine was ca;ueCted and filc@toPGFlar c~n~ntrat~ons we! do~-re~~t~ increasa of diuresis and urinary 6ketoPtSFla excretion. Acebutuloi ha no effect, while progwaml~~ and furosemide de~nstrat~ moderate and strong diuretic activity, respectively, br tiatibfr drug sigGficant.!yenhanced uiinary 6ketMGFlu excretion. Likewise,xanthines increased weakly diuresis an off wine 6ketoPGFla concentrations. that increased urinary 6ketoPGFlar excretion forgoing per os ad~~str~t~~n of tienoxoic could be the coaseq~nce of a s~u~a~n of the production of 6~~to~Fl~ which might contribute to the diuret actitity of this molecule.Whether A, and/or A, recqtors are invulved in this action remains to be confirmed. In coz~hisio~,this otiginal property of t~en~xo~o~, not observed with acebutolol and propranc$ol,could caufer D this ‘cilrug an irtserestingmechanism of diuretic activity. t