1363 The Citarite. In the fiscal year 1889-90 the number of patients treated in the Berlin Charit6 was 21,457, in 1890-91 only 20,352. This decrease is attributed to the opening of the hospital in Urban. 4on the other hand, the number of women who have been delivered in the Charite has been almost constantly increasing since 1876. In that year it was 879 and in 1889-90 it was
1564. The Berlin Hospitals. of the Central Committee of the Berlin meeting Medical District Associations on the 25th ult., it was resolved to express to the municipal authorities of Berlin the wish that greater opportunity should be afforded by the municipal hospitals for the practical training of medical men, and that the medical service in the said hospitals may be so organised that there may be one physician and two assistant-physicians for - every 100 or 120 patients. At
There are, roughly speaking, some 7000 millions of cubic metres of water stored in the irrigation basins of Upper Egypt in a high flood year, and this water has to be discharged again into the river, late enough to prevent any flooding in Lower Egypt, but early enough to ensure time for the crops to be sown and ripened before the hot weather can dry them up. If the basins are emptied at the slowest possible rate it means that 11,000,000 cubic metres of water are added every hour to the already overcharged river. In 1887 about 39,000 acres of crops were destroyed by the flood, and this damage is hardly worth mentioning in comparison to the disasters of 1878, when whole villages and miles of railway were swept away. In 1892 only 7700 acres of crops-mostly maize-have been destroyed. In order to successfully manage this year’s flood a special credit of 12,000 was voted and spent chiefly on stone, sacks, timber, trees and For the last month the river has been sinking rope &c. rapidly and all danger is long over.
Myxoedema. Malarial Fevers. Germany of the treatment of has not appeared this autumn, though it did so in myxoedema by implanting the thyroid gland of an animal, anDengue form after the high flood of 1887. Intermittent epidemic or injecting the juice extracted from such glands, has been rare and seldom before seen in Europeans fever, usually made Professor of who a Mendel, Berlin, recently by reports without previous malarial taint, has occurred several times slight improvement in the condition of the patients. this autumn in consequence of the high Nile. The victims The Hofmann House. can be traced to dwelling-houses the floors of which are The Hofmann House, called after the late Professoi below the height of maximum river rise, as in many of the Hofmann, which is to serve as the home of the German oldest parts of the town. The plasmodia of malaria have Chemical Society, is estimated to cost 1,200,000 marks. for the first time in Egypt been discovered in the blood of Treatment with some of these patients by Dr. Kauffmann. The Langenbeck House cost only 300,000 marks. blue has been tried in the cases of some natives, but methylene "An Indian Oculist. " it does not appear to be in any way superior to quinine for An "Indian oculist" was expelled from Munich by the uncomplicated malaria, as occasionally seen in this country. police last Thursday. Taenia Yana. December 4th. the worms tsenia nana variety were recently of Twenty The first trial made in
found in the small intestine of a negro, who was admitted moribund into the native hospital. This is only the second EGYPT. time the worm has been found in Egypt since Bilharz first (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) discovered it here in 1851. Port Said Hospitals. Visit of the Khedive. Dr. Robertson, after being eight years in charge of the HIS HIGHNESS THE KHEDIVE, accompanied by his Greek native hospital at Port Said, has lately succumbed to a severe physician and other members of his staff, paid an official visit attack of neglected dysentery. His death, which is universally to the School of Medicine on Nov. 24th and was much pleased regretted by all who knew him, is the first which has with the signs of recent progress which were shown to him. taken place among English doctors since they were admitted The pathological museum has now been seriouslv taken in to the Government service in 1884. He has been succeeded hand and has lately been enriched by a valuable collection of by Mr. Frank Milton. The hospital has 100 beds and is