The Eighth Annual Congress of the EEA will be held at the University of Helsinki from Friday, 27 August to Sunday, 29 August 1993 (with registration and welcome reception on Thursday, 26 August). The Congress will feature three special lectures, a series of invited paper sessions on specific topics, panel debates and a large number of contributed paper sessions. There will also be a Jobs and Fellowships Market. In addition, social events will be arranged to encourage contracts among participants. The language of the Congress is English. Registration forms can be obtained from the Congress Secretariat: European Economic Association Congress Team, Area Travel Agency PO Box 227 SF-00131 Helsinki Finland Tel: +358 0 1855 382 Fax: +358 0 654 987 Call for contributed papers
Contributed papers in all areas of Economics are welcome (one submission per person). Submission in English should include two compies of the paper and three copies of a short (max. 100 words) abstract with keywords and must reach the Programme Chairman, by mail, bejhe 1 March, 1993. EEA Congress Programme Professor Daniel COHEN Ecole Normale Superieure 142 rue de Chevaleret 75013 Paris France 01762680/93/$06.00
8~: 1993-Elsevier
Chairman and CEPREMAP
B.V. All rights
Special lectures Lecture King: ‘Debt
Presidential Mervyn
Alfred Marshall Lecture Lars Suensson (University
and evidence’
of Stockholm):
rates: what
we learned? Joseph Schumpeter Lecture Jean Tirole (University of Toulouse):
‘On banking
and intermediation’
Invited paper sessions The preliminary
list of session
and organizers
Charles Bean (LSE): ‘Unemployment, two decades later’ Roland Benabou (MIT): Theories of persistent inequalities’ Barry Eichengreen (Berkeley): ‘Restructuring and adjustment:
perspectives from post-World War II Europe’ David Encaoua (Paris-I): ‘Antitrust policies in Europe and in the United States: recent development and policy implication’ Wulf Gaertner (Osnabriick): ‘Normative economics and social ethics’ Danny Quah (LSE): ‘Business cycles and trends: new empirical approaches’ Xavier Sala-Z-Martin (Yale): ‘Growth theory: where do we stand? Philippe Weil (ULB): ‘Finance theory today’ Aluyn Young (MIT): ‘Patterns of economic growth in the developing countries: lessons from Asian countries’ Klaus Zimmerman (Munich): ‘New patterns of labor mobility’ Programme
The Programme
Antoine d’Autume Samuel Bentolila Elisabetta Bertero Jean-Claude Berthelemy Giuseppe Bertola Helmut Bester Patrick Bolton Carlo Carraro Jonathan Leape Thierry Magnac Albert Marcet Jacques Melitz
will include: Philippe Michel Sergio Rebel0 Lucrezia Reichlin Patrick Rey Ailsa Roe11 Gerard Roland Gilles Saint-Paul, Deputy Chairman Mark Salmon Andri: Sapir Thierry Verdier . Rick van der Ploeg Axe1 Weber