Oisplays news
New BCS group for computer hianml-us
Tornado video contra
Human-computer interaction is the subject to b e covered by a new specialist group of the British Computer Society. The group aims to bridge research and the practicalities of implementing ideas in commerce, industry and government in human-computer interaction. It will also aid communication between users, designers and researchers of interactive computer systems in order to improve the interface, and will provide opportunities to share ideas, experiences and knowledge for the design and use of computer systems. The group's inaugural meeting, 'Will computers aiways be difficult
Displayed data video recorders (DDVRs) for the Panavia Mark 3 Tornado aircraft will b e supplied by Ferranti in a contract worth £1.8 million. The contract covers the design and manufacture of prototype recorders, their electronics and ground replay facilities. During flight, the signals which generate each of up to five cockpit displays will b e time divisionmultiplexed according to a preselected sequence. They will be recorded on a Philips video cassette recorder contained in an environmentally controlled module in the observer's cockpit. Recordings will be used in past-flight debriefing and, though primarily intended as a training aid, the DDVR's capacity for immediate replay could enable it to play a significant role in wartime for mission briefing. Each ground replay facility will have five indepemient screens, controlled by a computer with menu-drive facilities. The de-multiplexed signals will b e displayed through framestores which make possible a normal screen refresh rate and eliminate related, onscreen timing errors, Fen'anti claims. For more detailed analysis, the computer control will allow separate frame freezing of each display or simultaneous display of sequenced time frames from the same cockpit display. Ferranti plc, Navigation Systems Department, Silverknowes, Edinburgh E84 4AD, UE (31) 332 2424.
to use?', held last month will be reported in the next issue of Displays. Speakers included Tam Fry of the BBC Breakfast Time electronic news-gathering service, W. T.11i.~ Manager of Central Sevices for BP Intemationai, and Mike Underwood of the Alvey MMI committee, seconded from ICL. They represent respectively the user, designer and researcher. For details of membership of the group, contact Tony Rubin, Publicity Secretary, R19.2.I, Human Factors Division, British Telecom Research Laboratories, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich, 8.ffolk IP8 2RE, UE (4~)6432]0.
EL and plasma additions to panel range Electrohiminescent and plasma display additions have been made to the range marketed in the UK by Waimore electronics. One display is a ~.O00-character fully populated electroluminescent panel from Sharp. This can display graphics and 8 x 8 dot characters. The second panel is a 330 × 120 dot ac plasma graphics display from Fujitsu. A special drive method and the use of dielectric monolithic integrated circuits reduces the power consumption to 25 W and makes the unit comparatively thin and compact. The inter-
Sharp thin film EL display face is set up to match standard CRTs. Walmore Electronics Ltd, 9-15 Betterton Street, Drury Lane, london WC2H 9BS, UK (1) 836 1228.
Subtractor image comparison
Fujitsu ac plasma display
T w o images may be compared and the difference displayed using a video subtractor from Colorado Video. The device is intended for use in inspection, registration, quality control and other applications where difference between two images can be used for decision making or process control. A digital
input-output option allows the use of a computer to analyse either image. Raec-e ,~fen~c /nstru-
men~, Umt B, Newspaper House, Faraday Road, Newbury, Berks RGI3 2DW, UE (635) 32827.