Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication - by C. J. HOOKE. Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication SI
edition by Dowson and Higginson, Pergamon International Library. FOR MANYyears it was recognised that contacts of low geometric conformity, such as cams and rolling contact bearings, were hydrodynamically lubricated in practice. However, conventional lubrication analysis treating the contacts as rigid and the fluid as isoviscous predicted oil film thicknesses that were far too low for hydrodynamic lubrication to operate successfully. The subject of elastohydrodynamic lubrication arose from attempts to reconcile this divergence between theory and practical experience by including in the analysis the elastic deformation of the surfaces by the pressure in the fluid separating them and the effects of pressure on the viscosity of the fluid. These attempts were largely successful and when Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication was first published in 1966 the subject, in the development of which the four authors had played a significant part, had reached a stage at which the major mechanisms of this type of lubrication had been established and their effects analysed. The publication of the first edition consolidated this work and largely brought about the subjects transformation from the exotic research interest of a few individuals to an accepted engineering topic of use in the design of actual contacts. For the non-specialist the book provided a simple introduction to a complex subject and is essential reading for all those concerned with the lubrication of non-conformal contacts. It covered a brief history of the subject up to 1966 together with an introduction to the theory of elastohydrodynamic lubrication. The effects of elastic distortion, pressure-viscosity changes and temperature-viscosity changes are discussed and their influence on film thickness and friction are explained and the theoretical results compared with the available experimental results. The application of these results to the lubrication of roller bearings and gears is then discussed. The new edition which is purely a reprint of the earlier edition with conversion of the units from Imperial to S.I. is to be welcomed since, although major advances have been made in the subject since 1966, no more complete or better text has been published. It must however be regretted that the authors did not feel able to revise the book to include this later work nor at the very least to include a review of the work since 1966. In spite of this drawback the book remains the best exposition of elastohydrodynamic lubrication available.