24-30 June 1990 2nd International Congress of Neuroendocrinology Bordeaux, France. Organized by the International Society of Neuroendocrinology (President: B. Flerko). The Scientific Program will consist of 4 plenary lectures and 16 symposia with invited speakers, free communications and poster sessions. The topics covered will include neuroimmunology, genomic control mechanisms, behavior, development, sub-cellular model systems, circadian rhythms, aging, comparative neuroendocrinology and clinical neuroendocrinology. Information: 2nd International Congress of Neuroendocrinology, Bordeaux Congres, 3300 Bordeaux-Lac, France. Tel: 56-508449. Fax: 56-431776. Telex: 540 519F.
1-6 July 1990 2nd European Congress of Endocrinology Ljubljana, Jugoslavia. Information: Secretariat Kompas Jugoslavia Congress Department, Pra~akova 4, 61000 Ljubljana, Jugoslavia. Tel: 3861-319445. Fax: 3861-319888. Telex: 31209 KOMPAS YU.