Assistant ;!5urgeons . lvlp. T. ri. and Mr. A. M. liUCK. ENGLISH PROVINCIAL ANCILLARY SCHOOLS AND Mr. W. A. Bowring, and Mr. H. N. Fletcher. lonides, HOSPITALS. Honorary Medical Clinical Assistant: Dr. Rivaz Hunt. Under this heading we include all the hospitals which are Honorary Surgical Clinical Assistant: Mr. H. J. Walker.. recognised by the English Royal Colleges for a part of the Ophthalmic ( Surgeon : Mr. W. W. Griffin. Dermatologist: required attendance on medical and surgical practice, for Dr. A. W. Williams. Dental Surgeon: Mr. W. R. Wood.. medical clerkships, and surgical dresserships. The list Assistant Dental Surgeon : Mr. T. S. Worboys. includes nearly every hospital of a general character in the KENT AND CANTERBURY GENERAL HOSPITAL, Canterbury.. country having more than 150 beds, though occasionally a The hospital contains 104 beds. Pupils of the staff arelarge hospital is omitted because equally good opportunities admitted to the practice of the hospital and have the use of are afforded to students at other institutions in its neight the library of the East Kent and Canterbury Medical Societybourhood, while a small hospital may be included because no for f .&7 7s. A Roentgen ray apparatus has recently been, such facilities for study are present elsewhere. The list is to the hospital. Operation day, Thursday, 11 A.M. given arranged alphabetically as to the town where the hospital is Physicians : Dr. Harold Wacher and Dr. M. T. Williams.. located.( Consulting Surgeon : Mr. Frank Wacher. Surgeons : Mr. BATH ROYAL UNITED HOSPITAL, Bath.-This hospitalJ. Mr. Sidney Wacher, Mr. Z. Prentice, and) contains 130. beds, and possesses a fine library and museum. Dr. Greasley, D. Whitehead Reid. Dentist: Mr. R. S. N. Faro.. E. Considerable alterations and rearrangements are contem- " : Mr. Arthur J. Lancaster. plated in the out-patient department during the comingSecretary DERBYSHIRE ROYAL INFIRMARY, Derby.-This hospital Conyear. Consulting Physician: Dr. A. E. W. Fox. beds. It was founded in 1810. and was. contains 256 F. R. H. K. Mr. J. Mr. Scott, Green, sulting Surgeons : rebuilt on the most modern lines at a cost. 1892-1909 and Mr. T. D. Ransford. Physicians : Dr. G. A. Banna-entirely of over £140,000. There is a separate ophthalmic block of Cave. Dr. W. and Dr. E. J. Assistant T. Smith, tyne, children’s block of 30 beds, and a special Physicians : Dr. G. E. Bowker, Dr. L. H. Walsh, and Dr. R.32 beds, a separate Waterhouse. Surgeons : Mr. H. G. Terry, Mr. F. Lace,department for gynaecological cases. There are three resiand Mr. F. Fraser. Assistant Surgeons : Mr. W. S. Melsome, dent house surgeons and a resident house physician. There Mr. E. L. Fuller, and Mr. W. G. Mumford. Physician to is also a well-equipped Finsen light and X ray department. Electrical Department : Dr. P. King. Assistant Physician Registered medical students are admitted to witnessto Electrical Department : Dr. G. E. Bowker. Pathologist the medical and surgical practice on payment of 10, and Curator of Museum: Dr. R. Waterhouse. Anaesthetist: guineas annually. Consulting Physicians: Dr. Charles A.. :. Mr. A. de V. Blathwayt. Assistant Anæsthetist : Dr. F. G. Greaves, Dr. Winfred Benthall, and Dr. G. Rice. Physicians Thomson. Dental Surgeon: Mr. W. J. Royal. Assistant Dr. Edmund Vaudrey, Dr. Maurice Parry-Jones, and Dr. Dental Surgeon: Mr. S. Carter. Secretary: Mr. J. M. Hugh Barber. Consulting Surgeons : Mr. John A. Sharp,, H. Hough, and Mr. John L. Wright. SurSheppard. House Surgeon: Mr. W. M. Murray. House Mr. Charles Dr. Richard H. Luce, Mr. John A. Southern, Mr.. geons : Physician : Dr. V. Wiley. BEDFORD COUNTY HOSPITAL, Bedford.-This hospital Francis L. A. Greaves, and Mr. John E. Kilvert. Ophhas 100 beds. A new X Ray and Pathological Department thalmic Surgeon : Mr. Edwin Collier Green. Gynæcologist: is being built, and a steam laundry is being instituted. Mr. Henry T. Hicks. Anæsthetists: Mr. W. St. A. St.. Consulting Physician: Dr. G. P. Goldsmith. Consulting John, Dr. J. D. C. Allen, and Dr. J. W. King. Pathologist:. Surgeons : Mr. E. C. Sharpin and Mr. R. H. Kinsey. Dr. Hugh Barber. Dental Surgeons: Mr. Charles J. Allin Physicians: Dr. R. Coombs and Dr. W. Phillips. Sur- and Mr. J. Montague Murphy. ROYAL DEVON AND ExETER HOSPITAL, Exeter.—Medical geons : Mr. W. Gifford Nash and Mr. Henry Skelding. Dr. and H. Assistant Goldsmith. Surgical Staff : Consulting Physician: Dr. Drake. Phy-Ophthalmic Surgeon: Physicians : Dr. A. C. Perram and Dr. G. T. Birks. Assistant sicians : Dr. H. Davy and Dr. William Gordon. Surgeons Surgeons : Dr. S. J. Ross and Mr. Walter Sharpin. Dental Mr. J. D. Harris, Mr. E. J. Domville, Mr. Charles E. Surgeon: Mr. F. W. Williams. Secretary: Mr. Beauchamp Bell, and Mr. A. C. Roper. Assistant Physician and Wadmore. Pathologist: Mr. Reginald V. Solly. Surgical Registrar and’ BRADFORD ROYAL INFIRMARY, Bradford.-This hospital Assistant Pathologist: Mr. Robert Worthington. Surgeon. The material passing through the Dentist: Mr. J. M. Ackland. Anæsthetists : Mr. Henrycontains 210 beds. of major operations, chiefly abdo- Andrew and Mr. J. Shirley Steele-Perkins. The hospital wards consists Surgical minal, and gynaecological work, and affords excellent facilities contains 200 beds (including special children’s wards) and) for either students or post-graduates. Plans for a new has a good library, museum, dissecting room, and postAttendance on the practice of this hospital’ hospital of 260 beds have been adopted, and the building mortem room. for all the examining boards. Arrangementsoperations will be commenced as soon as the funds in qualifies hand will allow. Consulting Physicians : Dr. Reginald G. can be made by which students can attend Midwifery Alexander, Dr. Herbert C. Major, and Dr. David Goyder. on application to the House Surgeon. There is also an Staff attached to the hospital. For Physicians : Dr. Henry J. Campbell, Mr. Thomas Wilmot, Private Nursing Dr. Richard Honeyburne, Dr. F. W. Eurich, and Mr. W. particulars as to fees, &c., apply to the Matron. A new wing Con- was added in 1897. Arrangements may be made by which, Mitchell (in charge of Electrical Department). in practice desiring to increase their qualificasulting Surgeons : Mr. Philip E. Miall and Mr. gentlemen tions have the use of the museum and library and other F. M. Charles Dr. Meade. Mr. may Althorp, Harry Surgeons: Thomas J. Wood, Mr. John B. Hall, and Mr. James Phillips. facilities and by which students may attend midwifery. A. of Mrs. Consulting Gynaecologist : Dr. A. C. F. Rabagliati. Gyæ- new Operating Theatre was opened in 1906 (theAngift Electrical Newlands, Dawlish, Devon). Charles F. M. Mr. Nosworthy of Consulting LaryngoAltborp. cologist : Department (the gift of Mrs. M. A. Sanders) was, logist : Dr. Adolph Bronner. Laryngologist : Dr. Andrew Treatment Little. Assistant Surgeons: Mr. Francis W. Goyder and opened in 1907 by Lady Duckworth-King. Mr. Peter McEwan. Assistant Physicians : Dr. John B. WEST OF ENGLAND EYE INFIRMARY, Exeter.-Physician:: Dental Dr. William Gordon. Surgical Staff : Mr. A. C. Roper and and Dr. William Consulting Wrangham. Dunlop Surgeon: Mr. Arthur A. Matthews. Dental Surgeon: Mr. Mr. Ransom Pickard. Assistant Surgeon: Mr. G. P. H. Alvin Mahony. Hawker. Secretary: Mr. Sidney E. Whitton. The infirmary THE ROYAL SUSSEX COUNTY HOSPITAL, Brighton (195 contains 64 beds. Students of the Exeter Hospital canbeds).-This hospital affords ample facilities for students, attend the practice of the Eye Infirmary. Patients for the. possessing a large out-patient department, a library, and a year ending Michaelmas, 1911, 3292. THE GLOUCESTERSHIRE ROYAL INFIRMARY AND EYE well-appointed clinical research and bacteriological departThe hospital does not take resident pupils, but INSTITUTION, Gloucester.-This hospital, which was granted ment. out-pupils may attend the practice of the hospital for any the title of " Royal " on the occasion of King Edward VII.’s. period not exceeding two years on payment in advance of visit to Gloucester in the year 1909, has 140 beds. Consultsuch a fee, not exceeding 20 guineas, as the Committee of ing Surgeons : Mr. J. P. Wilton, Mr. T. S. Ellis, Mr. R. M: Management shall direct. Consulting Physicians: Dr. Rutter, Cole, and Mr. H. E. Waddy. Physicians : Dr. 0. W. Clark Dr. Hollis, and Dr. Branfoot. Physicians : Dr. J. F. G. Dill, and Dr. W. W. Grosvenor. Assistant Physician: Dr. D. E. Dr. Hobhouse, and Dr. Maynard. Assistant Physicians : Dr. Finlay. Surgeons: Mr. E. D. Bower, Mr. W. Washbourn, W. Broadbent, Dr. D. Hall, and Dr. Bailey. Consulting Sur- and Mr. G. W. Ancrum. Ophthalmic Surgeon: Mr. E. D. Bower. Assistant Surgeon: Mr. C. V. Knight. Secretary:d geons : Mr. N. P. Blaker, Mr. W. Furner, and Mr. T. J verrall. Surgeons: Mr. R. F. Jowers, Mr. F. J. Paley, Mr. H. P. Pike. In-patients, 1562 ; out-patients, 8999. ‘
NORFOLK AND NORWICH HOSPITAL, Norwich.-This NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE INFIRMARY AND EYE HOSPITAL, Non-resident pupils admitted. ’Hartshill, Stoke-on-Trent.-The New Infirmary, opened in hospital has 230 beds. 1869, is built on the pavilion plan, has accommodation Fees : For three months, f.,33 3s.; for six months, ’for about 230 patients, including Children’s wards, and a R55 5s. ;as permanent pupil, E88s. Consulting Phy-
for the treatment of Diseases of the Eye, excellent facilities for acquiring a ,practical knowledge of the profession. During the last 18 months, as the result of a special appeal, the sum of nearly £35,000 has been subscribed, and of this about £20,000 has - already been spent on new buildings and alterations. A new Oat-patient Department, costing £12,000, and a new Children’s Ward of 30 beds, are amongst the structural -improvements already practically completed. Further alterations and additions will follow, and the whole - institution will shortly be equipped in a thoroughly up-todate manner. Physicians : Dr. S. King Alcock, Dr. H. Nicholls, and Dr. J. Russell. Surgeons: Dr. G. Stokes Hatton. ’Dr. Wheelton Hind, and Mr. Reginald Alcock. Assistant Dr. W. E. L. Horner, Dr. G. H. Sowry, and >Physicians: Dr. E. C. Myott. Assistant Surgeons : Dr. W. C. Allardice, Dr. Harold Hartley, and Mr. Eric E. Young. Ophthalmic : Surgeon: Mr. Herbert H. Folker. Assistant Ophthalmic .-Surgeon: Mr. R. H. Dickson. Medical Officers in Charge of ’the Electrical Department: Dr. G. H. List and Dr. A. H. .John. Dental Surgeon: Mr. R. J. Hall. Secretary and House Governor : Dr. T. Basil Rhodes. HULL ROYAL INFIRMARY, Hull.-This hospital contains 249 beds. Consulting Physician: Dr. Edward 0. Daley. ’Consulting Surgeons : Sir John Sherburn, Mr. Thomas M. Evans, and Mr. Robert H. B. Nicholson. Consulting Ophthalmic Surgeon : Dr. W. C Rockliffe. Physicians : Dr, Frank Nicholson, Dr. Frank C. Eve, and Dr. Edward Turton. Surgeons: Mr Edmund H. Howlett. Mr. Alfred G. Francis, Mr. Henry W. Pigeon, and Mr. Edward Harrison. Ophthalmic Surgeon : Mr. A. Legge Roe. Assistant Ophthalmic :Surgeon: Dr Duncan A. Mackay. Assistant Surgeons: Mr. Harold Upcott, Mr. Edward M. Hainworth, Mr. Robert . Grieve, and Mr. Guy B. Nicholson. Dental Surgeon: Mr. .John C. Storey. Assistant Dental Surgeon : Mr. Arthur W. Turton. Anæsthetists: Mr. Harry L. Evans and Dr. A. T. Sissons. LEICESTER INFIRMARY, Leicester.-Instruction in the infirmary for first-year students is duly recognised by the various examining bodies. At the General Infirmary -there are 230 beds. and at the Children’s Hospital in con- nexion 42 ; total 272. A new wing containing 100 beds was recently opened by H.R.H. the Duchess of Argyll, and .a new Nurses’ Home containing separate accommodation ’for 100 nurses has also been opened. A reconstruction scheme has been carried out, and £100,000 spent on bringing the accommodation of the institution to a modern - standard of efficiency. This scheme has included the provision of two modern operating theatres, as well as a -self-contained out-patients’ department. The Children’s ’Hospital is now being reconstructed and enlarged by the .addition of a third ward, at a cost of £9000. A central sterilizing department is being installed. There are eight ’resident medical officers-viz., two house surgeons, one ’house physician, two assistant house surgeons, one assistant ’house physician, and two dressers. All receive salaries. The - dressers are given an honorarium of E10 10s. on completion of six months’ satisfactory service. Consulting Physician : Dr. F. M. Pope. Consulting Surgeons : Mr. George C. Franklin and Mr. Claude Douglass. Physicians : Dr. Reginald Tratt, Dr. Astley V. Clarke, and Dr. Robert Seneshe. :Surgeons: Mr. Charles J. Bond, Mr. Henry J. Blakesley, Mr. Cecil E. Marriott, and Mr. J. S. Sloane. Ophthalmic ’Surgeon: Mr. Nicholas C. Ridley. Aural Surgeon : Dr. Frederick W. Bennett. Physicians to Out-patients: Dr. T. Villiers Crosby and Dr. T. Arnold Johnston (Honorary Pathologist). Surgeons to Out-patients: Mr. F. Bolton House Governor and ’Carter and Mr. W. I. Cumberlidge. Secretary : Mr. Harry Johnson. NORTHAMPTON GENERAL HOSPITAL, Northampton.’Two new wings were opened in 1904 and the old buildungs entirely renovated and re-arranged. The number ,of beds is 166. Non-resident pupils are received and ’have every opportunity of acquiring a practical knowledge of their profession. The fee is £10 10s. Pupils can be received at any time. Physicians : Dr. Frank Buszard and Dr. Peverell S. Hichens. Surgeons : Mr. George H. Percival and Dr. R. A. Milligan. Ophthalmic Surgeon: Mr. E. Harries Jones. Assistant Physician: Dr. W. M. Robson. Assistant Surgeon : Mr. N. Blake Odgers. Dental Surgeon: Mr. E. Rogers Bull.
special department -so
sician : Sir P. Eade. Consulting Surgeons : Dr. Beverley and Mr. H. S. Robinson. Physicians : Dr. Barton, Dr. Burton-Fanning, and Dr. Long. Surgeons: Mr. S. H. Burton, Mr. D. D. Day. and Mr. H. A. Ballance. Assistant Physician : Dr. A. J. Cleveland. Assistant Surgeons: Mr. E. W. Everett, Mr. A. J. Blaxland, and Mr. J. Burfield. Dental Surgeon: Mr. H. F. White. Electro-Therapeutist: Dr. A. J. Cleveland. Secretary : Mr. F. G. Hazell. NOTTINGHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL.-This hospital contains 254 beds. Consulting Physician : Dr. Henry Handford. Physicians : Dr. Charles H. Cattle, Dr. Frank H. Jacob, and Assistant Physicians : Dr. James Dr. William T. Rowe. C. Buckley and Dr. Samuel Ernest Gill. Consulting Surgeons : Mr. Rupert C. Chicken and Mr. Joseph Thompson. Surgeons: Dr. H. Owen Taylor, Mr. Alexander R. Anderson, Mr. Robert G. Hogarth, and Mr. W. Morley Willis. Assistant Surgeons: Mr. Charles H. Allen and Mr. Alexander Robert Tweedie. Dental Surgeon: Mr. John
Battersby. SOUTH DEVON AND EAST CORNWALL HOSPITAL, Plvmouth.-This hospital contains 158 beds. A second operation theatre has been recently added and will shortly be opened for use. Consulting Physician : Dr. R. H. Clay. Physicians : Dr. E. L. Fox and Dr. A. B. Soltau. Consulting Surgeons : Mr. P. Swain and Mr. R. H. Lucy. Surgeons: Mr. W. L. Woollcombe, Mr. H. W. Webber, and Mr. G. F. Aldous. Assistant Surgeons: Mr. W. Crosbie Hamilton, and Mr. G. C. F. Robinson. Pathologist : Dr. W. L. Pethybridge. Physician in charge of X Ray and Finsen Light Department: Dr. W. Cbeyne Wilson. Anæsthetists : Mr. C. H. Whiteford and Mr. E. G. Smith. Registrar and Out-patient Anesthetist: Mr. G. S. Earl. Registrar and Emergency Anæsthetist ; Mr. W. L. Hodge. Dental Surgeon : Mr. G. R. Brittan. THE ROYAL HOSPITAL, Portsmouth (founded 1847).The number of beds is 146. The hospital has X Ray and Massage Departments. Honorary Physicians : Dr. John Phillips and Dr. W. P. McEldowney. Surgeons : Mr. C. P. Childe, Mr. T. A. M. Forde, and Mr. A. B. Wright. Honorary Anæsthetist : Dr. W. J. Essery. Honorary Assistant Physicians: Dr. J. T. Leon, Dr. E. J. Davis Taylor, and Dr. H. Farncombe. Honorary Assistant Surgeons : Mr. L. Cole Baker, Mr. C. A. Scott Ridout, and Mr H. Burrows. The hospital is a preparatory School of Medicine and Surgery ; the attendance of pupils at this hospital is recognised by the Examining Boards. Particulars of the Secretary at the hospital. ROYAL BERKSHIRE HOSPITAL, Reading.-This hospital, which contains 188 beds, has been recently enlarged, the additions including a new Out-patient Department, a Casualty Department, an X Ray Department, a Laboratory, an Eye Theatre, and Eye Wards. Consulting Surgeon: Mr. James H. Walters. Physicians : Dr. Charles W. Marriott and Dr. Francis H. Hawkins. Assistant Physicians: Dr. William T. Freeman and Dr. George S. Abram. Surgeons : Mr. William J. Maurice. Dr. J. A. P. Price, and Dr. Lansdown M. Guilding. Assistant Surgeon: Mr. William J. Foster. Aural Surgeon: Mr. Arthur Roberts. Ophthalmic Surgeon: Mr. Richard P. Brooks. Consulting Dental Surgeon: Mr. Allan L. Goadby. Pathologist: Dr. R. Donaldson. SALISBURY GENERAL INFIRMARY, Salisbury.-This hospital contains 120 beds. Consulting Physician : Dr. G. G. Morrice. Consulting Surgeon : Mr. L. S. Luckham. Physicians : Dr. W. W. Ord and Mr. J. E. Gordon. Surgeons : Dr. C. G. B. Kempe and Dr. E. T. Fison. Assistant Surgeons: Mr. J. Armitage and Mr. T. B. Henderson. Physician in charge of the X Ray Department: Dr. G. E. Thornton. Ophthalmic Surgeon: Mr. P. C. Bardsley. Surgeon Dentist : Mr. F. Gordon. Secretary : Mr. S. B. Smith. In-patients, 95, weekly average; outpatients, 1148 ; attendances on casuals, 2680 ; dental cases, 503. Assistant Secretary : Mr. G. F. Henbest. SALOP INFIRMARY, Shrewsbury.-This hospital has 130 beds. Consulting Physicians : Dr. E. Burd, Mr. R. W. 0. Withers, Dr. E. Lycett Burd, and Dr. E. Cureton. Physicians : Dr. H. W. Gardner, Dr. R. H. Urwick, and Dr. C. V. Bulstrode. Consulting Surgeon : Mr. W. Eddowes. Mr. A. Jackson, Mr. H. H. B. MacLeod, and Surgeons: Mr. L. J. Godson. Ophthalmic Surgeon: Mr. C. G. Russ
Wood. Pathologist: Dr. Paul Mathews. Radiographer: II.—SCOTLAND. Mr. W. S. Edmond. Dental Surgeon: Mr. W. E. Harding. THE UNIVERSITIES. Honorary Health Officer: Mr. James Wheatley. Secretary : Mr. Joseph Jenks. In-patients, 1242 ; out-patients, 2771 out-patients’ attendances for the year, 26,039. UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. ROYAL SOUTH HANTS AND SOUTHAMPTON HOSPITAL, in Medicine and Surgery are conferred by Four Degrees contains beds. 130 Physi- the Southampton.-This hospital of Edinburgh-viz., Bachelor of Medicine University cians : Dr. J. L. Thomas and Dr. N. E. Aldridge. Assistant Bachelor of Surgery (Ch.B.), Doctor of Medicine H. Dr. (M.B.), Dr. H. and Dr. P. J. P. Ward, Fraser, Physicians: B. N. Tebbs. Surgeons Extraordinary: Mr. W. Sims and (M.D.), and Master of Surgery (Ch.M.). The degree of Mr. A. B. Wade. Surgeons : Mr. H. W. Shettle, Mr. J. R. Bachelor of Surgery cannot be conferred on any person does not at the same time obtain the degree of Bachelor Keele, and Mr. W. P. Purvis. Assistant Surgeon: Mr. who G. H. Cowen. Throat and Ear Surgeon : Mr. W. P. Purvis. of Medicine, and similarly the degree of Bachelor of Medicine Dental Surgeons : Mr. A. Saunders and Mr. E. G. Robertson. is not conferred on any person who does not at the same obtain the degree of Bachelor of Surgery. Electro-Therapeutic Department: Dr. N. E. Aldridge. time A diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (D.T.M. and Secretary: Mr. T. A. Fisher-Hall. In-patients, 2096; outH.) is granted to graduates in Medicine and Surgery of the patients, 11,468. of not less than six months’ standing. The course STAFFORDSHIRE GENERAL INFIRMARY, Stafford.-This University of study includes (1) Practical Bacteriology ; (2) Diseases of hospital has 77 beds. Honorary Consulting Physician : Dr. Tropical Climates ; (3) Tropical Hygiene ; (4) a Practical’ G. Reid. Physicians: Dr. C. Reid and Dr. L. Gray. Course in Medical Entomology and Protozoology and Surgeons: Mr. F. M. Blumer and Mr. F. H. Marson. I Venomous Animals; and (5) a Course of Clinical InstrucAssistant Honorary Surgeon: Mr. F. N. Cookson. Ophin tion Diseases. Any two of these courses Tropical thalmic Surgeon : Mr. A. B. Cridland. Surgeon Dentist: be taken under Extra-academical Teachers and exMr. W. H. Ridge. Secretary: Mr. R. Battle. In-patients, may emption from the latter course may be granted to those 941 ; out-patients, 4578. who have been engaged for a period of at least ROYAL HANTS ;COUNTY HOSPITAL, Winchester.-This graduates 12 months in the treatment of Tropical Diseases in any hospital has 108 beds. Honorary Consulting Physicians : Dr. The examinations for the or subtropical country. W. M. Harman and Dr. H. E. Wingfield. Physicians : Dr. tropical which will embrace all the foregoing subjects, are diploma, G. F. A. England, Dr. A. E. Bodington, and Dr. G. A. Tullis. held in December and July of each year. Surgeons : Mr. C. Wace, Mr. H. J. Godwin, and Mr. F. J. Before commencing his medical studies each student must Child. Honorary Ophthalmic Surgeon : Mr. J. F. a preliminary examination in (1) English, (2) Latin, Bullar. Honorary Dental Surgeon: Mr. L. M. Balding. pass (3) Elementary Mathematics, and (4) Greek or French or Honorary Medical Officer in charge of the X Ray Depart- German: provided always that, in the case of a candidate ment : Dr. Norman Aldridge. Secretary: Mr. A. D. whose native language is not English, an examination in White. of the candidate may be substituted the native WOLVERHAMPTON AND STAFFORDSHIRE GENERAL Hos- for one in language either French or German, and an examinaPITAL, Wolverhampton.-There are 200 beds. Special depart- tion in any other classical language for one in Latin or ments for Children, Gynaecology, Ear, Throat, and Nose Greek. Diseases, Electro-therapeutic and X ray departments. There No one is admitted to the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine is an excellent library. The resident officers are a resident and Bachelor of Surgery who has not been engaged surgical officer, a resident medical officer, and two house in Medical and Surgical study for five years. No course surgeons. Consulting Surgeon: Mr. W. H. T. Winter. of lectures will be allowed to qualify unless the lecturer Physicians : Dr. H. Malet and Dr. J. A. Codd. Surgeons : certifies that it has embraced at least 100 lectures, Mr. E. Deanesly, Mr. A. H. Hunt, and Mr. W. F. Cholmeley. or 50 lectures, as may be required by the regulations, Assistant Physicians: Dr. A. H. Carter, Dr. E. H. Coleman, and that the student has also duly performed the work and Dr. T. H. Galbraith. Assistant Surgeons: Mr. H. Dent of the class. and Mr. C. A. Stidston. Anaesthetists : Dr. E. W. Strange Candidates for the degrees of M.B. and Ch.B. must have and Mr. David Mann. Pupils are allowed to witness the attended for at least three academic years the medical and whole of the practice of the hospital and to be present at either of the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, or practice surgical operations and haveevery opportunity of acquiring a of a general hospital elsewhere which accommodates not practical knowledge of their profession. Fees: £3 3s. a fewer than 80 patients and possesses a distinct staff of quarter, 10 10s. the first year, and £55s. subsequent physicians and surgeons. They must have attended Clinical A course of Practical Pharmacy is given by the years. Surgery during a course or courses extending over not less dispenser. Fee £3 3s. for three months. Applications than nine months. These courses may be conducted by the should be made to the Secretary of the Medical Comprofessor of clinical surgery, or by professors or lecturers mittee. appointed for the purpose by the University Court, or by WORCESTER GENERAL INFIRMARY, Worcester.-This the ordinary surgeons of the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, hospital has 132 beds. Pupils are taken by members of the or of a general hospital defined and recognised as hereinHonorary Medical and Surgical Staff. Number of opera- before provided, and shall consist of regular instruction at tions last year 1071. New X Ray and Electrical Depart- the bedside, along with clinical lectures. A similar course ments have been recently erected and are now in use. of clinical medicine during a course or courses extending Additional accommodation for the Honorary Staff and Out- over not less than nine months is required. The candidate patients and also an Outdoor Shelter in connexion with the must have attended a course of instruction in Mental Diseases Children’s Ward are being built as a memorial to King given by the University Lecturer, or by a recognised Edward VII. Consulting Physician: Dr. E. H. W. Teacher, consisting of not less than six Class-room Swete. Physicians: Dr. G. W. Crowe, Dr. M. Read, and meetings for lectures and demonstrations and ten Dr. H. A. Watson. Consulting Surgeons: Mr. G. E. Hyde meetings in the Wards of a recognised Asylum for the and Mr. T. Bates. Surgeons: Mr. T. P. Gostling, Mr. C. insane. The candidate must have attended a coarse of Pollard, and Mr. T. Bates, jun. Secretary : Mr. W. Stallard. 25 meetings on Practical Pharmacy in a university In-patients, 1282 ; out-patients, 6777. or recognised school of medicine, or have dispensed drugs IUHK. COUNTY HOSPITAL, YORK.—This nospluat contains for a period of three months in a hospital or dispensary, or 150 beds. There are balconies for outdoor treatment and in an establishment recognised by the Pharmaceutical two installations of X Ray apparatus. Consulting Physicians : Society. The candidate must have attended for at least six Dr. Richard Petch and Dr. Richard Turner. Physicians : months, by apprenticeship or otherwise, the out-practice of a Dr. William A. Evelyn and Dr. J. S. Gayner. Consulting hospital, or the practice of a dispensary, or of a physician or Surgeon : Mr. Frederick Shann. Surgeons : Mr. William H. surgeon, or of a member of the London or Dublin Society Jalland, Mr. G. Wilfred Gostling, Dr. Noel L. Hood, and of Apothecaries. He must have acted as clerk in the Mr. Gerald S. Hughes. Consulting Ophthalmic Surgeon : medical wards and dresser in the surgical wards of a public Dr. Tempest Anderson. Ophthalmic Surgeon : Dr. Peter hospital for a period of six months in each case ; and must Macdonald. Electro therapeutic Department : Dr. Hinton also have availed himself, to such an extent as may be E. Bateman. Anaesthetist: Mr. Robert Fell. Consulting: required by the Senatus, with the approval of the UniDental Surgeon : Dental Surgeon : Mr. Walter Glaisby. Court, of opportunities of studying at a hospital Mr. Leonard A. Glaisby. B or dispensary, Post-mortem Examinations, Fevers, Diseases .