390 NATIONAL HOSPITAL FOR THEPARALYSED AND EPILEPTIC, 23 and 24, Queen-square, Bloomsbury.-The physicians attend every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and
sicians and surgeons in ordinary conjointly. The housesurgeon is permitted to take apprentices, to whom, with the concurrence of the physicians and surgeons, certificates of Physicians : Drs. Ramskill, BadcliS’e, Hughlings Jackson, attendance on the practice may be conceded without fee. and Buzzard. Assistant-Physician : Dr. H. Charlton Bas- Two new wards have been built for an additional number tian. Medical Superintendent : Dr. Herbert Tibbits. of in-patients, one being fitted as a convalescent ward. Medical Registrar: W. R. Gawel’s, 1’.I.B. Medical practiBRITISH LYING-IN HOSPITAL, Endell-street, St. Giles’s, tioners and students will be admitted on showing their W.C.-Consulting Physician: Dr. Priestley. Consulting cards. Surgeon : Sir William Fergusson, Bart. Physicians : Dr. ROYAL ORTHOPEDIC HOSPITAL, 315, Oxford-street.-Sur- Heywood Smith, Dr. Arthur Edis, and Dr. Wiltshire. eons : R. W. Tamplin and W. Adams. Assistant-Surgeons: Matron : Miss Freeman. This institution receives women B. E. Brodhurst and J. D. Hill. House-Surgeon: M. J. as midwifery pupils. The pupils reside in the hospital, Edwards, M.D. Apothecary : H. L. Sequeira. Secretary: and attend the patients in-doors and within half a mile Mr. Maskell. Operations on Thursdays at 2 P.M. The radius, under the direction of the matron and physicians. hospitalis open to all legally qualified practitioners. Pupils A course of lectures is also given by the physicians. The fee for the course of three months is ten guineas. Pupils are admitted to witness the practice of the hospital on the following terms: Six months, £3 3s. ; twelve months, that prove themselves competent receive a certificate signed £5 5s. ; perpetual, £10 10s. The annual course of lectures by the physicians, enabling them to practise midwifery. will be duly announced. THE LADIES’ MEDICAL COLLEGE.-Established by the NATIONAL ORTHOPÆDIC HOSPITAL, Great Portland-street. Female Medical Society for teaching to educated women - Consulting Physician: Dr. H. Gueneau de Mussy. Con- the Theory and Practice of Midwifery and the accessory sulting Surgeon: Mr. Holmes Coote. Surgeons: Mr. T. branches of Medicine. President: Lord Shaftesbury. Hon. Carr Jackson, Dr. Henry Dick, Mr. Louis Stromeyer Little. Sec.: Dr. Edmunds. The seventh annual session will Attendance: Mondays and Thursdays, at 10 A.M.; Tuesdays commence on October 3, 1870, and extend to April, 1871, and Fridays at 2 P.M. Operations, Tuesdays, 2 P.M. Lec- with a vacation of two weeks at Christmas. The lectures tures during the year by the surgeons. The practice of the will occupy the afternoons of the Mondays, Tuesdays, hospital is open to all members of the profession and stu- Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 3 o’clock till 5. Midwifery: dents of medicine. Dr. E. W. Murphy. Anatomy and Physiology: Mr. D. H. ROYAL WESTMINSTER OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL, Charing- Dyte. Outlines of Medical Science: Dr. James Edmunds. cross.-Fee for attendance on the practice and lectures: Hygiene and Preventive Medicine: Dr. C. R. Drysdale. three months, £3 3s. ; perpetual, £5 5s. The office of House- Elementary Materia Medica : (vacant). Diseases of Wosurgeon is open to the competition of the students attend- men : Dr. C. R. Drysdale. Diseases of Infants: Dr. Geo. Ross. Outlines of Chemistry : Mr. J. R. Newlands. The ing the hospital. theoretical and scientific teaching of the College requires LONDON SCHOOL OF DENTAL SURGERY, 32, Soho-square.to be supplemented with an appropriate course of practical Lectures are delivered in winter on Mechanical Dentistry, tuition and clinical instruction at a Lying-in Hospital or on at on Mr. 7 P.3i.; by Hepburn, Wednesdays, Metallurgy !, Maternity charity, including personal attendance on not in its Application to Dental Purposes, by Mr. G. H. Makins, ’, Fee for two sessions’ less than twenty-five deliveries. M.R.C.S., on Fridays, at 6.30 P.M. In summer, Mr. Cart- attendance on the lectures on Anatomy and wright, F.R.C.S., lectures on Dental Surgery and Patho- Physiology, Medical Science, andMidwifery, .,810 10s. Fee Hygiene, logy, and Mr. Ibbetson, F.R.C.S., on Dental Anatomy and for each of the extra courses, one session, £1 ls.; two Physiology (Human and Comparative). General fee for sessions, £1 11s. 6d. Further details may be obtained by special lectures required for the curriculum, £15 15s.- letter from the Lady Secretary, 164, Great Portland-street. DENTAL HOSPITAL OF LONDON (in connexion with the PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN, BloomsSurgeons : Messrs. Fox, Underwood, Gregson, above). London, W.C.-School of Pharmacy. The bury-square, Charles and Assistant-surColeman, Hepburn. Rogers, session (1870-71) will commence on Monday, Oct. 3rd, and geons : Messrs. Moon, Medwin, H. Harding, Lane, Bartlett, and A. Hill. Dental House-surgeon: Mr. Milward Harding. extend to the end of July. Lectures on Chemistry and Fee for two years’ hospital practice required by the curri- Pharmacy will be delivered by Professor Redwood on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday mornings, at 9, commencing culum, £15 15s. on Monday, Oct. 10th. Also lectures on Botany and Materia, SEAMEN’S HOSPITAL (late -Dreadnoug7it), Greenwich, S.E.by Professor Bentley. The first and second parts This institution is established for the relief of seamen of all Medica, of this course, extending over the winter months, will be nations. Casualties are received at all hours. Apartments delivered at 17, Bloomsbury-square, on Friday and Saturare provided in the he spital for students and others who at 9, commencing on Friday, Oct. 7th. The day mornings, may be desirous of studying diseases incidental to tropical third part of the course, on Systematic Botany, will be debefore the climates services or going abroad. Un- livered at the entering Royal Botanic-gardens, Regent’s-park. usually good opportunities also exist for the practice of SOUTH LONDON SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY AND PHARMACY, Budd. Dr. operative surgery. Honorary Physician : George New Kennington Institute, 289, Kennington-road, S.E. ’Visiting Physicians: Dr. Stephen H. Ward and Dr. Director, Dr. Muter. This school, although specially Jackson. Medical Leach. Officer: Mr. Harry Iiughlings for Pharmaceutical also affords to Medical designed Surgeon : Mr. Rooke. Students the opportunity of pupils, for their Preliminary Honorary Surgeon: Mr.Mr.W.Busk. preparing Johnson Smith. Assistant-Surgeon : Scientific or Matriculation examinations, at moderate class THE HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN, Great Ormond-street, fees, without the necessity of retaining private tutors. The Queen-square, W.C., and Cromwell House, Highgate.- classes, being all in the evening, can be attended without Physicians : Drs. West and Dickinson. Assistant-Phy- interrupting any of the daily avocations of the students. sicians : Drs. Gee, W. B. Cheadle, J. J. Phillips, J. F. Payne, We believe that this is the only institution of such a nature and F. B. Nunneley. Surgeons : Mr. T. Smith, Mr. F. available for students resident on the Surrey side. The Howard Marsh, and Mr. J. Warrington Haward. Surgeon- branches taught are Classics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Dentist : Mr. T. Edgelow. Fee for three months’ attend- Physics, Zoology, Botany, Materia Medica, Pharmacy, and ance, .23 3s.; perpetual, £5 5s. Secretary : S. Whitford. Modern Languages. ROYAL INFIRMARY FOR CHILDREN AND WOMEN, Waterloobndge-road. Consulting Physician : Dr. W. Hughes ENGLISH PROVINCIAL HOSPITALS AND Willshire. Consulting Surgeon: Mr. Walter Cooper Dendy. Drs. P. A. B. and J. J. J. MEDICAL SCHOOLS. Phillips, Physicians: Shepherd, Hartree. Surgeon : Mr. Richard Rendle. Surgeon-Dentist : Mr. Thomas Poberts. Resident Medical Officer: Dr. QTTEEN’SCOLLEGE, BIRMINGHAM-.Two Warneford ScholarW. Park. Secretary : Mr. C. J. F. Renton, L.S.A. Advanced ships and the Sands Cox Prize, value £20, are awarded anstudents in medicine, and such practitioners as may desire nually after examination. The Warden’s Prize, value £55s., it, are permitted to attend the practice of this hospital is awarded annually to the most proficient student of the gratis. If a certificate signifying such attendance be re- first year. The Percy Prize is awarded for proficiency in quired, the sum of five guineas must be paid to the phy- German, and class prizes and certificates of honour are
391 BRISTOL GENERAL HOSPITAL.-130 beds. Medical or Surgiven in each class after examination. Students may reside within the College, where they will be provided with rooms gical Practice: Six months, £6; one year, £10; perpetual, and board, and be under the supervision of the warden and .820. Library fee, .61Is. per annum. Dressership or clinical resident tutors. Fee, £50 per annum. Hospital Practice clerkship, £5 5s. for six months. Two scholarships of £15 may be attended at either the General Hospital or the each are awarded annually, and a scholarship founded by Queen’s Hospital, which are equi-distant from the College. the late John Naish Saunders, Esq., for the encouragement. GENERAL HOSPITAL, BIRMINGHAM.-Physicians: Dr. Bell of the study of medicine and surgery by pupils in the hosFletcher, Dr. Russell, Dr. Wade, Dr. Foster. Surgeons : pital. Dressers reside in the hospital in weekly rotation Mr. Baker, Mr. Pemberton, Mr. Bartleet, Mr. Goodall. free of expense. Resident pupils, £100 for the first year,. subsequent year ; or five years, with House-Physician and Medical Tutor: Dr. Welch. House- and .860 for each to the hospital, .8260, including board and. apprenticeship Mr. medical and May. Fees, surgical practice, Surgeon : six months, X10 10s. ; one year, £15 15s.; perpetual, lodging. Physicians: Drs. Martyn, CT. F. Burder, Fripp, Swayne£31 10s. Clinical lectures are delivered by the physicians (ace.). Surgeons : Messrs. Coe and F. P. Lansdown, Drs. and surgeons every week during the session. Special clinical courses, with demonstrations, will also be given on Marshall and G. F. Atchley. House-Surgeon : Mr. N. C. the following subjects-viz., stethoscopy, laryngoscopy, Dobson. Dentist: Mr. Parson. BRISTOL MEDICAL SCHOOL.-Prizes and certificates of’ ophthalmoscopy, dermatology, bandaging and minor surThe following resident ap- honour are given after competitive examinations amongst gery, and clinical microscopy. pointments, with board, lodging, and washing, are filled students of the first, second, and third years respectively. up from amongst the students, without extra fee-viz., The interest of £500 will be given to the prizeman of theresident medical assistant, tenable for twelve months; re- third year, who shall have been educated at the infirmary,. sident surgical assistant, tenable for twelve months; two and can produce certificates of good conduct and moral chaExtern racter. resident dresserships, tenable for six months. clerks and dressers are also appointed without extra fee. ____
Prizes in books or money (at the discretion of the medical board) to the value of X25 are given annually. QUEEN’S HOSPITAL, BIRMINGHAM.- Incorporated by special Act of Parliament as a clinical hospital. 180 beds. Wards set apart for the diseases of children, for fever, and for venereal cases. Physicians : Drs. Fleming, Johnston, and Heslop. Surgeons: Mr. West, Mr. Gamgee, Mr. Jordan, and Mr. Wilders. Dental Surgeon : Mr. S. A. Parker. Clinical lectures and instruction are given daily by the physicians and surgeons. The following clinical prizes will be awarded to students during the coming session :-Second year: First prize .233s., second prize .222s., for the best reports of four cases in each physician’s practice, with an elementary examination in medicine at the end of the summer session ; first prize .233s., second prize £22s., for the best report of any six surgical cases, with an examination in the subjects treated in the bandaging class, at the end of the summer session. Third and fourth years : First prize =855s., second prize =633s., for the best reports of four cases in each physician’s practice, with an examination in clinical medicine at the end of the summer session; first prize £5 5s., second prize £3 3s., for the best reports of four cases in the practices of each of the following surgeons-viz., Messrs. West, Gamgee, and Jordan, with an examination in clinical surgery at the end Two students are elected by comof the summer session. petitive examination to the office of resident physician’s and resident surgeon’s assistant respectively, every six months, who receive board and lodging in the hospital in lieu of their services. There is no extra fee for clerkships or dresserships. Fees : for six months, £10 10s. ; for one Special instrucyear, X15 15s. ;for three years, C31 10s. tion in dental surgery by Mr. Adams Parker ; fee, £22s. Resident Physician and Medical Tutor : Dr. Sawyer. Resident Surgeon and Surgical Tutor: Dr. Jolly. BRISTOL ROYAL
Drs. Brittan,
ADDENBROOKE’S HOSPITAL, CAMBRIDGE.-Clinical Lectures in connexion with the Cambridge Medical School are delivered at this hospital twice a week during the academical year. ____
LEEDS SCHOOL OF MEDICINE.-Attendance at the lectures of this school will confer the same qualifications for- . examination as are obtained in the medical schools of London. The Hardwick Clinical Prize, value .810, is conferred annually upon the most deserving student who exhibits a
Clinical Medicine. The Surgeons’ Clinical Prize, value £10, given by the surgeons of the hospital, is conferred annually on the most deserving student who exhibits a proficiency in Clinical Surgery. In addition to the silver medal awarded in Medical Jurisprudence, there is a prize of .810, for which a special examination is annually held. Arragements have been made for teaching Practical Surgery and Practical Physiology in accordance with thenew regulations of the Royal College of Surgeons. In the Infirmary there are six clinical clerkships and eight dresserships. Four resident house-surgeons are chosen from the senior students; board and residence free. Besides the Infirmary there is a large Dispensary, and a Fever Hospital; both are in the town and open to students attending the School.
satisfactory proficiency in
LIVERPOOL ROYAL INFIRMARY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. value £42, consisting of a gold medal, value X10 10s., and six months’ free board and residence, with dressership and clerkship in the Royal Infirmary. Four Exhibitions, value .831 10s. each, consisting of free board and residence in the Royal Infirmary for six months, with dresserships, on award of the Medical Board. Six dressers and six clinical clerks are elected quarterly. Pupils of theinfirmary are admitted to learn Pharmacy in the dispensing department for six months. The surgeons of the infirmary will award, in May, 1871, a Prize of the value of £5, for the best report of twelve surgical cases occurring in the in-
Fairbrother, E. L. Fox, and J. Beddoe. Surgeons: Messrs. firmary. Bernard, Leonard, Clark, Tibbits, and Steele. House-SurFees.-For six months’ medical or surgical practice, five geon : Mr. Ludlow. each; twelve months, six guineas; perpetual mediguineas Fees.-Surgeon’s pupil: First year, £12 12s. ; two years, cal and surgical practice, thirty guineas. Students are ad£21 three years, £26 5s. Dresser (extra fee) : one year, mitted to the practice of the Lock Hospital attached to the £12 12s.; two years, £21 ; three years, £26 5s. Physician’s Infirmary: fee, three guineas per annum; six months, pupil: six months, £8; one year, £15; eighteen months, Royal two guineas. £20; perpetual, =825. Each physician appoints a clinical The hospital contains 254 beds, including wards contain-
clerk without extra fee. Each is required to pay an entrance fee to the infirmary of £25, and a subscription of .81Is. per annum to the library, which numbers about 2700 volumes, and contains most of the standard works on medicine and surgery, and also the medical periodicals. Prizes.-Suple Prize : A gold medal, value £25 5s., with £77s. in money, is given annually to each of the two successful candidates in the medical and surgical examinations. Clark’s Prize: The interest of about £500 is given annually to the prizeman of the third year’s examination at the Bristol Medical School, if educated at the Bristol Royal
ing 40
beds for the treatment of Diseases of Women.
LIVERPOOL NORTHERN HOSPITAL.-Physicians: Dr. Waters and Dr. Glynn. Surgeons: Mr. Manifold, Mr. Lowndes, Junior Surgeon : Mr. John and Mr. Branston Nash. Bradley. Dental Surgeon : Mr. James Lloyd. House-Surgeon : Mr. J. D. Chalmers. Junior House-Surgeon : Mr. G Andrews. 146 beds. A special ward for the diseases and accidents of children. Clinical lectures are regularly delivered by the physicians and surgeons during the winter and summer sessions. Surgical operations on Thursdays at 1 P.M. Post-mortem examinations are made at 1 P.m-
392 and instruction in Morbid Anatomy is given by the medical staff.. A class will be formed for instruction in bandaging and the minor operations of surgery. Clinical clerkships and dresserships are open to all the students, without additional fee. Clinical prizes will be awarded at the termination of the winter session. Fees for hospital practice and clinical lectures :-Perpetual, twenty-five guineas; one year, ten guineas; six months, seven guineas ; three months, four guineas. One resident pupil received, fee sixty guineas per annum. Attendance on the practice of this hospital qualifies for all the examining boards. LIVERPOOL SOUTHERN HOSPITAL.-122 beds. Hospital attendance: Six months, nine guineas; one year, twelve guineas; unlimited, thirty guineas. The practice of this hospital is recognised by the Royal College of Surgeons. Students can reside in the house, and are admitted at any time on application to Mr. Davies at the hospital. 18G9: In-patients, 1414 ; out-patients, 4113 ; total, 5527. New hospital nearly ready, to hold 210 beds. LIVERPOOL COLLEGE OF CHEMISTRY, Duke-street. Founder : Dr. Sheridan Muspratt, M.D. (Hon.), F.R.S.E., &c. Director of Studies and Analyst: Martin Murphy, F.C.S. The system adopted at this College is one wholly devoted to a course of practical instruction and demonstration of the principles of Chemistry in its various sections and a
relations. The session is three months, which may commence from the date of entrance. Students provide their own apparatus, and such reagents of the precious metals as they may want. Ordinary reagents, gas, fuel, &c., provided by the College. Students can enter for one session, or for a course of four sessions. Fee per session, payable in advance, twelve guineas; per course,
forty guineas.
The Certificates of Attendance are acknowledged by the University and Apothecaries’ Hall of London, and the Apothecaries’ Hall of Ireland. Full prospectus on application. -
MANCHESTER ROYAL SCHOOL OF MEDICINE.- Connected with this school are Museums of Human and Comparative Anatomy, and Materia Medica, and a Chemical Laboratory. In addition to three scholarships, of the value respectively of £20, £15, and £10 for perpetual students, prizes for general proficiency have been substituted for class prizes, in accordance with the suggestions issued by the Royal College of Surgeons. At the end of the sessions, certificates of honour will be awarded for regularity of attendance upon lectures, and general good conduct. The Oxford MiddleClass Examinations (Senior), and the Matriculation of the London University, both of which are held during the summer months at Manchester, are recognised as evidence of previous education. The lectures qualify for examination at the Royal College of Surgeons, and Apothecaries’ Society. The students of this school are admitted to the degrees of Medicine, and for the honours, exhibitions, and scholarships conferred by the University of London. The composition fee may be paid in two instalments. The composition has been reduced to £42. fee for the MANCHESTER ROYAL INFIRMARY AND DISPENSARY.-216 beds, and 42 fever wards.-Consulting Physicians : Sir J. L. Bardsley, Drs. P. Wood, R. F. Ainsworth, and F. Renaud. Physicians : Drs. M. A. E. Wilkinson, T. H. Watts, H. Browne, W. Roberts, H. Simpson, and J. C. Morgan. Consulting Surgeons: Messrs. T. Turner and J. Jordan. Surgeons: Messrs. W. W. Beever, W. Smith, A. W. Dumville, G. Southam, F. A. Heath, and E. Lund. Dispensary Surgeon : Mr. G. Bowring. Visiting Apothecaries: Messrs. T. Standring and J. P. Bateman. Resident Medical Officer: Dr. G. Reed. Senior House-Surgeon: A. Boutfiower. Junior House-Surgeon : W. H. Carruthers, M.D. Physicians’ Assistants : Messrs. J. P. Slightholme, H. 0. Pilkington, Samuel Buckley, A. E. Sutcliffe. Secretary: Mr. B. Brown.
CASTLE-ON-TYNE.-Four Scholarships of £25 a year, in the University of Durham, tenable for four years by students pursuing their medical studies in the University or at Newcastle, and not of sufficient standing to proceed to a licence in medicine. A scholarship will be awarded in October next. Dickinson Memorial Scholarship, .615, for general pro-
ficiency. By a recent Act of Convocation the terms necessary for degrees in Medicine and Surgery may now be kept by residence either at Durham or Newcastle. Medical Tutor, Supervisor of Dissections, and Curator of the Museums, W. H. Spencer, 1N-’L.A., F.L.S.
NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE INFIRMARY.-:230 beds. Medical and Surgical Clinical lectures are delivered, and clinical instruction is given in the wards. There is a special ward for diseases of the eye. Physicians : Dr. Charlton, Dr. Embleton, Dr. Philipson. Surgeons: Dr. Heath, Mr. Russell, Dr. Arnison, Mr. L. Armstrong. Assistant-Surgeons: Mr. A. Bell, Dr. Hume, Mr. J. Hawthorn, Ilr. C. S. Jeaffreson. House-Surgeons: Dr. Page and Mr. G. Rowell. Fees for hospital practice and clinical lectures : twelve months, seven guineas; six months, five guineas; three months, four guineas. Perpetual fee, seventeen guineas ; or, if paid by instalments, first year, seven guineas ; second year, six guineas ; third year, five guineas. These fees are to be paid on entering the hospital. Two resident clinical clerks,four resident dressers, and four non-resident dressers are nominated by the Medical Board half-yearly, and, if approved, are appointed by the House Committee. The clinical clerks and resident dressers are provided with apartments and board free. These appointments are made without any extra fee. ____
NORFOLK AND NORWICH HOSPITAL. --150 beds. One attendance recognised by examining boards. Fees: For the physicians’ practice, ten guineas, perpetual. For the surgeons’ practice, including dressership, ,820 for one year; £30 for two years ; and £40 perpetual. Pupils, resident and non-resident. Physicians : Dr. Copeman, Dr. Eade, Dr. Bateman. Surgeons : Mr. Nichols, Mr. Firth, Mr. Cadge. Assistant-Surgeons: Mr. Crosse and Mr. Williams. Resident Medical Officer: Dr. Beverley.
SHEFFIELD SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. - The Infirmary contains 150 beds ; a Museum of Pathology, Library, and Postmortem Theatre, with microscopes, and all the appliances for clinical research. Perpetual fee for attendance on all the lectures required by the Royal College of Surgeons and the Apothecaries’ Hall, £40. Prospectuses and all further information may be obtained upon application to the Hon. Secretaries. SHEFFIELD PUBLIC HOSPITAL AND DISPENSARY. - 100 beds. Physicians: Drs. J. C. Hall, J. Law, and S. Mitchell. Surgeons: Messrs. Chesman, A. Jackson, and Keeling. Accoucheurs : Drs. Waterhouse and Mason. House-Surgeon : Mr. J. R. A. Taylor. Assistant House-Surgeon : Mr. G. E. K. Thorpe. A physician and surgeon attend every morning at 10 o’clock to prescribe for the out-patients. Operations in the theatre of the hospital on Friday at 1 The medical o’clock. Several of the staff receive pupils. and surgical practice is open to students on terms which may be known on application at the hospital. SHEFFIELD HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN.-Medical Officers: Dr. Jackson, Dr. Keeling, Dr. Hime, and Mr. F. Woolhouse. The hospital contains twelve beds, devoted more especially to cases requiring obstetric operations and difficult midwifery. Out-patients are attended daily at the hospital Midwifery cases are attended at their homes by the hospital midwives. Students can attend the practice of the hospital, and be supplied with cases of midwifery, on payment of a fee of £1Is. ____
SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE GENERAL HOSPITAL, WOLVERHAMPTON.-One year’s attendance recognised by examining boards. Pupils resident and non-resident. Fees for hospital practice: one year, ten guineas; perpetual, twenty guineas. The fees must be paid to Mr. W. T. Grant, secretary to the hospital, from whom, or from the medical officers, any further information may be obtained. Physicians: Dr. Millington and Dr. Miller. Surgeons: Mr. Vincent Jackson, Mr. J. O’Brien Kough, and Mr. C. A. Newnham. House-SurgeonMr. H. L. Snow. Physicians’ Assistant: Dr. A. Bottle. Operations are performed in the theatre every Thursday morning, at 11 o’clock. YoRg COUNTY HOSPITAL.-Establisbed 1740; rebuilt 1851. Physicians: Drs. G. Shann and W. Matterson. Surgeons : Messrs. W. D. Husband, H. Keyworth, and G. Hornby. House-Surgeon: Mr. R. Hewitson.