OTHER PROVINCIAL MEDICAL SCHOOLS. 645 E28 at commencement of second year of study, and R28 at commencement of third year of study. A composition fee...

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E28 at commencement of second year of study, and R28 at commencement of third year of study. A composition fee of B80 entitles the student to attendance on all the courses of lectures and practical classes except pharmacy, vaccination, and instruction in anaesthetics required for a degree course in the University or for the ordinary qualifications in medicine and surgery of the Examining Boards. The composition fee does not include medical and surgical hospital practice, clinical lectures, practical instruction in mental diseases, diseases of women, and infectious diseases, the fee for the full period of both medical and surgical hospital practice required by the Examining Boards being L36 15s. if paid in one sum at commencement of hospital practice ; or R37 16s. if paid in two sums of 18 18s., one on beginning UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD : FACULTY OF MEDICINE.- hospital practice the other twelve months later. The new buildings of the University opened in 1905 are The various athletic and other students’ societies are under situated at the west end of the city, adjoining Weston Park, the management of a students’ representative council, and the Medical department occupies the entire north wing elected annually. There are large and comfortable common .of the University quadrangle. The University is within easy rooms both for men and women students. A refectory is - reach of the various hospitals with which it is connected for open daily at the University where students may obtain .clinical purposes. These are as follows : The Royal Infir- refreshments, lunch, dinner, &c., at extremely moderate mary, containing 255 beds, with an annual average number prices. The University journal Floreamus, edited by a comof over 3800 in-patients, over 8000 out-patients, and over mittee of staff and students, is published each term. The 21,000 casualties ; the Royal Hospital, with 172 beds, and an University Hostel, Ashgate-road, is recognised by the Senate .annual number of 2500 in-patients, over 7000 out-patients, as a residence for women students, full particulars of which and over 14,000 casualties ; and the Jessop Hospital for may be obtained of the Lady Tutor. Other societies of Diseases of Women, with 80 beds, nearly 500 in-patients, interest to the medical student are the Biological, Chemical, and over 2000 out-patients ; also a Maternity department, and Clinical and Pathological Societies. with over 250 in-patients per annum and over 700 out-patient Staff of the Sheffield Royal Infirmary.-PhysiciansDr. cases attended. Special courses on Fevers are held at the W. Dyson, B.A., Dr. W. S. Porter, and Dr. W. Tusting - City Fever Hospitals (547 beds) and on Mental Diseases at Cocking. Surgeons: Mr. Sinclair White, Mr. Arthur ’the South Yorkshire Asylum (1610 beds). For purposes of Connell, and Mr. Archibald Cuff. Ophthalmic Surgeon: clinical practice the practices of the Royal Infirmary and Mr. Simeon Snell. Medical Officer to the Skin DepartRoyal Hospital are amalgamated, giving a total of 427 beds ment : Dr. W. Tusting Cocking. Medical Officer to the for the treatment of medical, surgical, and special cases. Ear and Throat Department: Mr. W. S. Kerr. Pathologist: There are special departments for the treatment of Diseases Professor J. M. Beattie. Medical Officer in Charge of Elec’of the Eye at such institution, with wards assigned to them. trical Department : Dr. A. Rupert Hallam. Anaesthetists : In addition to these the Royal Infirmary has special depart- Mr. H. T. Wightman, Mr. J. Wilfred Stokes, and Dr. A. ments for the treatment of Diseases of the Skin and Ear, Rupert Hallam. Honorary Secretary to the Medical and -with beds assigned to them, whilst at the Royal Hospital Surgical Staff : Mr. Arthur Connell. there are special out-patient departments for Diseases of the Staff of the Sheffield Royal Hocpitccl.-Physicians : Dr. Throat, Ear, Skin, Orthopaedics, and Mental Diseases. Duncan Burgess and Dr. Arthur Hall. Surgeons: Mr. During the last year over 6000 patients passed through the Mr. H. Lockwood and Mr. G. Wilkinson. Ophthalmic wards of the two institutions, while those attending as out- Surgeon: Dr. S. Riseley. Physician for Mental Diseases : patients numbered over 45,000. The medical and surgical Mr. G. E. Mould. Assistant Surgeons: Mr. G. Simpson staffs attend daily and give clinical instruction in the wards and Mr. A. Garrick Wilson. Assistant Physicians for Outand out-patient rooms at stated times. Clinical lectures patients : Dr. A. E. Naish and Dr. A. Young. Anaesthetists: in Medicine and Surgery are given weekly at stated times. Mr. H. Hallam, Mr. N. Milner, and Dr. G. Murray. Medical Instruction in the practical administration of anaesthetics is Officer to the Electrical and X Ray Department: Dr. W. H. given at either institution by the Anaesthetists. The labora- Nutt. Pathologist: Professor J. M. Beattie. Honorary tories and lecture rooms connected with the subjects of the Secretary to the Medical and Surgical Staff : Dr. S. Riseley. first and second examinations-namely, chemistry, physics, Dental Surgeons : Mr. F. G. Mordaunt, Mr. F. Harrison, biology, anatomy, and physiology-which are in the Univer- Mr. D. Dathl Davies, Mr. H. J. Morris, and Mr. C. C. sity buildings are, both as regards structural arrangements Drabble. Assistant Dental Surgeons : Mr. H. J. Stoner, and scientific equipment, on the most modern and complete Mr. P. Southwell Stokes, and Mr. W. J. Law. There are other institutions at which the students of lines. No expense has been spared in the matter of apparatus for teaching or research work and the facilities for practical the University of Sheffield can receive clinical instruction. study in these subjects are second to none. The department These are the City Fever Hospitals (Medical Superintenof Pathology and Bacteriology in the University is replete dent, Dr. Egerton H. Williams), the South Yorkshire with every requirement for the most advanced work in these Asylum (Medical Superintendent, Dr. W. S. Kay), and subjects. There is a large Pathological Museum in the the Jessop Hospital for Women, Gell-street, Sheffield. department open daily to students. The post-mortem rooms The hospital contains 54 beds for gynaecological cases and of the Royal Infirmary and Royal Hospital are under the 18 for obstetric cases. A staff of midwives connected charge of the Professor of Pathology and afford ample with the hospital attend lying-in women at their own homes, material for demonstrations. In connexion with the University and, in case of need, are assisted by the members of the there is a complete dental department, fully recognised by medical staff. A 12 weeks’ course of instruction (theoretical the various examining bodies, at the Sheffield Royal Hos- and practical) is also provided for resident pupil midwives, pital. A list of the various Scholarships and Fellowships the institution being approved by the Central Midwives Board as a training centre. Medical Officers : Mr. Richard will be found in another column. Students who have passed their examination in anatomy Favell, Dr. J. W. Martin, and Mr. Percival E. Barber. and physiology can hold the usual dresserships and clerkships, Assistant Medical Officer : Mr. M. H. Phillips. Honorary the appointments being for a period of three months except Secretary to the Staff : Mr. Percival E. Barber. in the case of casualty dresserships, which last two months. All students beginning hospital practice in Sheffield will be required to hold the post of casualty dresser before OTHER PROVINCIAL MEDICAL SCHOOLS. being eligible for any other of the above appointments. In addition to the laboratories above mentioned the Medical THE institutions which follow provide facilities for difdepartment of the University contains lecture rooms for the various subjects of the curriculum, a complete materia ferent forms of clinical instruction for the medical student medica museum, and the large library and reading-room of or medical graduate. For the most part they are the the Medico-Chirurgical Society which is open daily to general hospitals of large towns which are not, at any rate, students for purposes of study. -Fees.-Composition fee of E80, payable in three instal- yet the seat of a university. There are university colleges ments-viz., 24 at commencement of first year of study, at Bristol and at Cardiff, and at both cities the Schools of

.and Dr. W. H. M. Telling. Consulting Obstetric Physician: Dr. J. Braithwaite. Obstetric Physician : Dr. J. B. Hellier. .Consulting Surgeon : Mr. C. G. Wheelhouse, Mr. T. P. Teale, Mr. T. R. Jessop, and Mr. A. W. M. Robson. Surgeons : Mr. E. Ward, Mr. H. Littlewood, Mr. R. L. Knaggs, and Mr. B. G. A. Moynihan. Assistant Surgeons: Mr. W. Thompson and Mr. J. F. Dobson. Consulting Surgeon to the Eye and Ear Department: Mr. J. A. N unneley. Surgeons : Mr. H. S. Walker and Mr. A. L. Whitehead. Assistant Surgeon: Mr. ,G. C. Hayes. Consulting Dental Surgeon : Mr. T. S. Carter. Dental Surgeon : Mr. J. B. Horden. Anaesthetists : Mr. D. :Seaton, Mr. W. C. Mayo, Mr. J. Nicholson, Mr. T. B. Rowling, Mr. F. J. Birks, and Mr. St.Clair Stockwell.


646 Medicine


able to

students, however,





curriculum. The elsewhere for degrees or


diplomas. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, BRISTOL : FACULTY OF MEDICINE. -Extensive additions have been made to the Anatomical, Bacteriological, and Pathological Departments. Students of the College are admitted to the Clinical Practice of the Bristol Royal Infirmary and the Bristol General Hospital conjointly, and consequently both these institutions are open to all students, men and women alike. The Infirmary and the Hospital comprise between them a total of 470 beds ; and both have very extensive out-patient departments, special departments for the Diseases of Women and Children, and of the Eye, Ear, and Throat, besides large outdoor Maternity Departments and Dental Departments. Students may also attend the practice of the Bristol Royal Hospital for Sick Children and Women, containing 104 beds, and that of the Bristol Eye Hospital, with 40 beds. The total number of beds available for clinical instruction is 614. Very exceptional facilities are thus offered to students for obtaining a wide and thorough acquaintance with all branches of Medical and Surgical work. Each student has the opportunity of personally studying a large number of cases and of acquiring practical skill in diagnosis and treatment. The annual prize distribution will take place on Oct. lst. C01l’l’ses of Leatures.-MedicineProfessor F. H. Edgeworth and Professor J. Michell Clarke. Surgery: Professor C. A. Morton and Professor James Swain. Anatomy: Professor Edward Fawcett. Practical Anatomy : Demonstrators, Mr. E. W. Hey Groves. Mr. W. S. Vernon Stock, Mr. C. B. Goulden, and Mr. J. H. E. Elliot. Physiology and Histology : Professor A. F. Stanley Kent. Demonstrator: (vacant) Chemistry : Professor Public Health : Dr. D. S. Davies. Francis Francis. Midwifery: Professor W. C. Swayne. Medical Jurisprudence : Dr. R. Eager and Dr. G. Parker. Pathology and Morbid Anatomy: Professor I. Walker Hall. Demonstrator : Dr. Carey F. Coombs. Operative Surgery : Mr. J. Paul Bush. Practical Medicine: Professor Edgeworth and Professor Michell Clarke. Practical Surgery: Dr. R. G. Poole Lansdown. Practical Midwifery : Mr. D. C. Rayner. Materia Medica and Practical Pharmacy: Mr. 0. C. M. Davis. Pharmacology and Therapeutics : Dr. Newman Neild. Biology: Professor S. H. Reynolds. Practical Chemistry : Professor Francis Francis. Practical Bacteriology : Professor I. Walker Hall. Comparative Anatomy: Professor C. Lloyd Morgan. Dental Anatomy and Physiology and Dental Histology: Mr. E. A. G. Dowling. Dental Bacteriology : Professor I. Walker Hall. Dental Surgery and Practical Dental Surgery : Mr. W. R. Ackland. Dental Mechanics and Dental Metallurgy and Practical Dental Metallurgy : Dr. C. A. Hayman. Composition fee for lectures and hospital practice, 133 guineas. Composition fee for Dental lectures and surgical practice, 75 guineas ; for two years’ instruction in Mechanical Dentistry, 75 guineas; if whole curriculum be taken the composition fee is 140 guineas. Special six months’ course for Diploma in Public Health. 1. Lectures on Public Health : Dr. D. S. Davies. 2. Bacteriology : Professor A. F. Stanley Kent. 3. Laboratory Course of Hygienic Chemistry : Mr. F. W. Stoddart. 4. Demonstrations on the Various Acts, Orders, By-laws, &c. : Mr. J. C. Heaven. 5. Practical Outdoor Sanitary Work: Dr. D. S. Davies. Fee for the entire course 25 guineas. The prizes and scholarships in connexion with the Bristol Medical School will be found on p. 667. Full information can be obtained on application to the Dean, Professor Edward Fawcett, University College, Bristol. Professors-Chemistry F. Francis, D.Sc. Experimental Physics: A. P. Chattock. Zoology: S. H. Reynolds, M.A. Psychology: C. Lloyd Morgan, LL.D.. F.R.S. Medicine: F. H. Edgeworth, M.D., and J. Michell Clarke, M.D. Surgery : C. A. Morton, F.R.C.S., and J. Swain, F.R.C.S. Anatomy: E. Fawcett, M.D. Physiology and Histology : A. F. Stanley Kent, M.A. Midwifery : W. C. Swayne, M.D. Pathology : I. Walker Hall. THE ROYAL INFIRMARY, Bristol, has 270 beds, the number of in-patients is 4000, and the number of out-patients 45,000 annually. There are separate wards for diseases of children. eye cases, diseases of women, and diseases of throat and

for the exclusive

of students and research workers, and post-graduate may be taken over bv arrangement with the pathologist. In the Pharmaceutical Department special classes are held by the pharmacist. Clinical appointments : All students must undergo before holding Clinical appointments preliminary instruction for three months in pathological, medical, surgical, and dental methods of diagnosis, &c. Pathological Clerkship for three months. Surgical Dresser for six months : the dressers reside in the Infirmary free of expense in rotation a week at a time, taking a part in the whole daily routine of surgical work. Medical Clerk for six months ; Obstetric Clerk for three months ; Ophthalmic Clerk for three months. In other special departments attendance is made during the fifth year of study. A Resident appointconvenient students’ room is provided. ments : The posts of House Surgeon, House Physician, Resident Obstetric Officer, Junior House Surgeon, and Casualty Officer are all salaried. The two senior posts are usually held for one, two, or more years, the obstetric post is held for 12 months, and the two junior posts are tenable for six months each. Honorary and Physicians: Dr. W. H. Dr. H. Waldo, and Dr. R. Dr. Smith, Spencer, Shingleton J. E. Shaw. Honorary and Consulting Surgeons : Mr. E. C. Board, Mr. W. H. Harsant, and Mr. A. W. Prichard. Honorary and Consulting Ophthalmic Surgeon: Mr. F. Richardson Cross. Honorary Physicians : Dr. A. B. Prowse and Dr. F. H. Edgeworth. Honorary Surgeons: Mr. J. Paul Bush, Mr. G. Munro Smith, Dr. J. Swain, and Mr. T. Carwardine. Honorary Ophthalmic Surgeon: Dr. Ogilvy. Honorary Obstetric Physician : Dr. Walter Swayne. Honorary Dental Surgeon : Mr. W. R. Ackland. Honorary Physician to the Throat and Nose Department: Dr. P. Watson Williams. Honorary Assistant Dental Surgeon: Dr. Charles A. Hayman. Honorary Assistant Physicians : Dr. J. R. Charles and Dr. J. A. Nixon. Honorary Assistant Surgeons :-. Mr. H. F. Mole and Mr. E. H. E. Stack. Pathologist: Dr. I. Walker Hall. Honorary Demonstrator of Morbid Anatomv: Dr. J. J. S. Lucas. Honorary Anaesthetist: Mr. A. L. Fleming. Honorary Assistant Ansthetist : Mr. S. V. Stock. Honorary Skiagraphist : Mr. James Taylor. House Surgeon and Senior Resident Medical Officer : Mr. A. L. use




BRISTOL GENERAL HOSPITAL.-Number of beds 200;p number of in-patients over 2000 ; number of out-patients about 40,000 annually. The arrangements are practically similar to those at the Royal Infirmary. Honorary and Consulting Physician : Dr. A. J. Harrison. Honorary and Consulting Surgeons : Mr. Robert W. Coe, Dr. George F. Atchley, Mr. Nelson C. Dobson, Mr. F. Poole Lansdown, and Mr. Chas. F. Pickering. Physicians : Dr. J. Michell Clarke, Dr. George Parker, and Dr. J. 0. Symes. Surgeons : Mr. C. A. Morton, Dr. R. G. Poole Lansdown, Dr. J. Lacy Firth, and Dr. H. Greville Kyle. Physician Accoucheur: Dr. W. H. C. Newnham. Physician to Department for Diseases of the Skin: Dr. W. Kenneth Wills. Surgeon to the Throat and Noser Dr. J. Lacy Firth. Ophthalmic Surgeon: Mr. Cyril H. Walker. Assistant Physicians : Dr. Newman Neild and Dr. Carey F. Coombs. Assistant Surgeon : Mr. E. W. H. Groves. Assistant Physician Accoucheur : Mr. D. C. Rayner. Anaesthetists: Dr. J. Freeman and Dr. Hedley Hill. Dental Surgeon: Mr. E. A. G. Dowling. Pathologists : Mr. E. V. Dunkley. Curator of Museum: Dr. Coombs. Skiagraphist: Mr. J. Ellington Jones. Resident 1 pointnents.-There are five resident appointments in the Hospital, and the Dressers reside in rotation, free of expense. The Maternity students also have rooms provided in the institutions. Fees.-Medical Practice: three months, 4 guineas ; six months, 7 guineas; one year, 12 guineas; perpetual, 2U guineas. Surgical Practice : three months, 4 guineas ; six months, 7 guineas ; one year, 12 guineas; perpetual, 20 guineas. Medical and Surgical Practice together in one payment : six months, 12 guineas ; one year, 20 guineas ; perpetual, 35 guineas. Dental Surgical Practice : one year, 7 guineas ; perpetual, 12 guineas. The above fees include Clinical Lectures. Clinical Clerkship : 5 guineas for six months. Dressership: 5 guineas for six months. Museum feer 3 guineas (composition on entrance), or 1 guinea annually. Dispensing Fee : 2 guineas. Students from other schools or qualified medical men wishing to attend Clinical Practice nose. The Pathological and Bacteriological Departments for short periods and not requiring certificates for such have been newly equipped and are under the direction of the attendance may do so for the following fees :-Medical pathologist. In clinicalpathology a special room is set apart and Surgical Practice conjointly: one month, 2 guineas ; two



For 1Private Nursing Staff attached to the hospital. to A as the Matron. new to &c., fees, Iparticulars apply wing on application toNwas added in 1897. Arrangements may be made by which in practice desiring to increase their qualificaE gentlemen t tions may have the use of the museum and library and other J UNIVERSITY OF WALES : MEDICAL FACULTY.-Under the facilities and by which students may attend midwifery. A i heading of the University of Wales we have already men-new Operating Theatre was opened in 1906 (the gift of Mrs. tioned that that University now possesses the privilegeNosworthy of Newlands, Dawlish, Devon). An Electrical Welsh medical studentsTreatment Department (the gift of Mrs. M. A. Sanders) was of granting degrees in medicine. Thisopened in 1907 by Lady Duckworth-King. can attend the practice of the Oardiff Infirmary. infirmary contains 178 beds. Consulting Physicians : Dr. NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE INFIRMARY AND EYE HOSPITAL, W. T. Edwards, Dr. William Taylor, and Dr. C. T. Vachell. Consulting Surgeon : Dr. T. Wallace. Consult- Hartshill, Stoke-on-Trent.-The New Infirmary, opened in ing Dental Surgeon : Mr. John C. Oliver. Physicians: Dr. 1869, is built on the pavilion plan, has accommodation for H. R. Vachell and Dr. A. E. Taylor. Surgeons : Mr, P. over 200 patients, including Children’s wards, special Ovarian Rhys Griffiths, Mr. William Sheen, and Mr. J. Lynn wards, and a special department for the treatment of Diseases Thomas, C.B. Assistant Physicians : Dr. W. Mitchell of the Eye. In-patients last year, 2281 ; out-patients, 13,937. Stevens, Dr. Cyril Lewis, and Dr. Alfred Howell. Assistant The attendance of pupils at this infirmary is duly recognised Surgeons: Mr. H. G. Cook, Mr. Cornelius A. Griffiths, by all the examining boards ; and there are unusual facilities and Mr. William Martin. Ear, Throat, and Nose Surgeon : for acquiring a practical knowledge of the profession. PhyDr. D. R. Paterson. Consulting Ophthalmic Surgeon : Mr. sicians : Dr. H. Nicholls and Dr. S. King Alcock. J. T. Thompson. Ophthalmic Surgeon : Mr. H. C. Ensor. Surgeons: Dr. G. Stokes Hatton and Dr. Wheelton Hind. Assistant Ophthalmic Surgeons: Mr. F. P. S. Cresswell Assistant Physicians : Mr. John Russell and Dr. W. E. L. and Mr. R. Russell Thomas. Gynaecologists: Dr. Ewen J. Horner. Assistant Surgeons : Mr. Reginald Alcock and Dr. Maclean and Dr. E. Tenison Collins. Pathologist: Dr. W. C. Allardice. Ophthalmic Surgeon: Mr. Herbert H. W. Mitchell Stevens. Bacteriologist and Assistant Patho- Folker. Assistant Ophthalmic Surgeon : Mr. R. H. Dickson. logist : Dr. H. A. Scholberg. Sanitary Adviser :Dr. E. Medical Officer in Charge of the Electrical Department: Dr. Walford. Anaesthetists: Dr. Fredk. W. S. Davies, Dr. G. H. List. Dental Surgeon: Mr. A. Baines. Secretary and W. G. Williams, and Dr. Alex. Brownlee. Dental Sur- House Governor : Mr. Albert E. Boyce, F.C.LS., F.L.A.A. Mr. Kittow W. and Mr. Thomas T. Quinlan. Resident geons : SUSSEX COLTNTY HOSPITAL (196 beds).-During the year Medical Officer : Dr. John Wallace. 1907, 2260 in-patients have been treated. The total number of attendances on the books during 1907 was WOLVERHAMPTON AND STAFFORDSHIRE GENERAL Hos- out-patient affords ample facilities for students, PITAL.-There are 200 beds. It is recognised by the Univer-36,132. This hospital a large out-patient department, a library, and a possessing sity of London, the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Sur- well-appointed clinical research and bacteriological departgeons, and other examining boards. The in-patients number ment. The hospital does not take resident pupils, but 2490 ; the out-patients 19,888. Special departments for may attend the practice of the hospital for any out-pupils Children, Gynaecology, Ear, Throat, and Nose Diseases, not exceeding two years on payment in advance of Electro-therapeutic and X Ray departments. There is an period a fee, not exceeding 20 guineas, as the Committee of such excellent library. The resident officers are a resident shall direct. Consulting Physicians: Dr. Rutter, surgical officer, a resident medical officer, and two house Management Dr. Hollis, and Dr. Branfoot. Physicians: Dr. J. F. G. Dill, surgeons. Pupils are allowed to witness the whole of the Dr. Hobhouse, and Dr. Maynard. Assistant Physicians : Dr. practice of the hospital and to be present at operations and W. Broadbent, and Dr. Bailey. Consulting SurDr. Hall, have every opportunity of acquiring a practical knowledge Mr. H. P. Blaker and Mr. W. Furner. Surgeons: geons : of their profession. Fees: £3 3s. a quarter, 10 10s. the Mr. T. J. Verrall, Mr. R. F. Jowers, and Mr. F. J. Paley. A course of first year, and £55s. subsequent years. Assistant Surgeons: Mr. A. Buck, Mr. T. H. lonides, and Practical Pharmacy is given by the dispenser. Fee £33s. W. A. Bowring. for three months. Applications should be made to the Secretary of the Medical Committee. NORTHAMPTON GENERAL HOSPITAL (established 1743; Staff.-Consulting Physician : Dr. W. Millington. Con- rebuilt 1793).-Two new wings were opened in 1904 and sulting Surgeon. Physicians: Dr. H. Malet, Dr. C. A. the old buildings entirely renovated and re-arranged. The Mr. J. O’B. Dr. J. A. Codd. MacMunn, and Surgeons: number of beds is 166. Non-resident are received and Kough, Mr. W. H. T. Winter, Mr. E. Deanesly, and Mr. have every opportunity of acquiring pupils a practical knowledge A. and H. Carter A. H. Hunt. Assistant Physicians: Dr. of their profession. The fee is £10 10s. Pupils can be Dr. E. H. Coleman. Assistant Surgeons: Mr. W. F. received at any time. Physicians : Dr. Frank Buszard and Cholmeley and Mr. H. Dent. Dr. Peverell S. Hichens. Surgeons : Mr. George H. Percival and Mr. R. A. Milligan. Ophthalmic Surgeon: Mr. E. NORFOLK AND NORWICH HOSPITAL (220 beds).—Non- ;Harries Jones. Assistant Physician: Dr. W. M. Robson. resident pupils admitted. Fees : For three months, £33s. ; Assistant Surgeon: Mr. N. Blake Odgers. Dental Surgeon: for six months, .655s. ; as permanent pupil, £8 8s. Con-Mr. E. Rogers Bull. sulting Physician : Sir P. Eade. Consulting Surgeons : Dr. LEICESTER INFIRMARY.-Instruction in the infirmary for Beverley and Mr. H. S. Robinson. Physicians : Dr. Barton, Dr. Burton-Fanning, and Dr. Long. Surgeons: Mr. S. H. first-year students is duly recognised by the various Burton, Mr. D. D. Day, and Mr. H. A. Ballance. Assistant examining bodies. At the General Infirmary there are 198 Physician : Dr. A. J. Cleveland. Assistant Surgeons: Mr. beds and at the Children’s Hospital in connexion 42 ; total T. H. Morse and Mr. E. W. Everett. Dental Surgeon: 240. There are upwards of 3000 in-patients annually and Mr. H. F. White. Electro-Therapeutist: Dr. A. J. Cleveland. 30,000 out-patients and casualties. A new wing containing Secretary : Mr. F. G. Hazell. 100 beds has recently been opened by H.R.H. the Duchess of Argyll. A new Nurses’ Home containing separate accomROYAL DEVON AND ExETER HOSPITAL, Exeter.-Medical modation for 110 nurses and servants is in course of erection. and Surgical Staff : Consulting Physician: Dr. Drake. Phy- There are eight resident medical officers. House Governor sicians : Dr. H. Davy and Dr. William Gordon. Surgeons: and Secretary, Harry Johnson. Mr. j. D. Harris, Mr. E. J. Domville, Mr. Charles E. THE ROYAL HOSPITAL, PORTSMOUTH (founded 1847).Bell, and Mr. A. C. Roper. Medical Registrar and Pathologist : Mr. Reginald V. Solly. Surgeon Dentist: Mr. The number of beds is 132. During the year 1907 there were J. M. Ackland. Anaesthetists: Mr. Henry Andrew and 1537 in-patients and 13,421 out-patients. Honorary PliysiMr. Brennan Dyball. The hospital contains 200 beds cians : Dr. John Phillips and Dr. C. C. Claremont. Sur(including special children’s wards) and has a good geons : Mr. C. P. Childe, F.R.C.S., Mr. T. A. M. Forde, library, museum, dissecting room, and post-mortem M.R.C.S., and Mr. A. B. Wright, M.R.C S. Honorary Anæsroom. Attendance on the practice of this hospital thetist : Dr. W. J. Essery. Honorary Assistant Physicians : qualifies for all the examining boards. Arrangements Dr. W. P. McEldowney, Dr. J. T. Leon, and Dr. E. J. Davis can be made by which students can attend Midwifery Taylor. Honorary Assistant Surgeons: Mr. L. Cole Baker, There is also a Mr. C. A. Scott Ridout, and Mr. H. Burrows. The hospital is on application to the House Surgeon.

months, 3 guineas; three months, 4 guineas ; and six months, 7 guineas. Further information may be obtained the Dean of the Faculty. -






preparatory School of pupils at Examining Boards. hospital. a


of Medicine and Surgery ; the attendthis hospital is recognised by the Particulars of the Secretary at the -

AND CANTERBURY GENERAL HOSPITAL.-The contains 104 beds. Pupils of the staff are admitted hospital to the practice of the hospital and have the use of the library of the East Kent and Canterbury Medical Society for .877s. Operation day, Thursday, 11 A.M. Physicians : Dr. Harold Wacher and Dr. M. T. Williams. Consulting Surgeons : Mr. James Reid and Mr. Frank Wacher. Surgeons : Dr. T. Whitehead Reid, Mr. J. Greasley, Mr. Sidney Wacher, and Mr. Z. Prentice. Dentist: Mr. R. S. N. Faro. Secretary: Mr. Arthur J. Lancaster. Over 900 inpatients, 2000 out-patients and casualties, and 800 dental cases are attended in a year.


Hall, Minto House, Nicolson-square,

and the New


Bristo-street. LectlWe’l’8

and fees.-Winter

Session: Demonstrations, Dr.

Anatomy, Practical

Ryland Whitaker Anatomy, £44 4s.) ;; Chemistry (Practical, &c.), (,E33 5s. Mr. Gemmell, and Dr. T. W. Drinkwater* ; Physiology (Institutes of Medicine), Dr. Alex. Goodall (£33 5s.) ;; General Pathology, &c., Dr. Shennan and Dr. Stuart McDonald (£35s.) ;Biology, Mr. Malcolm Laurie (£35s.) ; Zoology, Mr. Malcolm Laurie ; Physics, Dr. Dawson Turner (.633s.); Bacteriology, Dr. Taylor and and

Grant, Dr. Theodore Shennan, and Dr. Stuart McDonald: Practice of Physic, Dr. Gibson, Dr. Bruce, Dr: Philip,

Fleming, Dr. Lovell Gulland, Dr. W. Russell, and Harry Rainy (£35s.); Surgery, Mr. Hodsdon, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Miles, Mr. ScotSkirving, Mr. Dowden, Dr. Craig and Mr. Chiene (£35s.); Materia Medica, &c., Dr. and Dr. F. D. Boyd(.635s.); Midwifery, &c., WEST OF ENGLAND EYE INFIRMARY, Exeter. -Physician: Haig Ferguson, Dr. Macrae Taylor, Dr. Hart, Dr. Haultain, Dr. William Gordon. Surgical Staff : Mr. A. C. Roper and Dr. Ballantyne, Dr. Fordyce, and Dr. Elsie M. Inglis Dr. Aitchison Mr. Ransom Pickard. Assistant Surgeon: Mr. Leonard R. (.633 5s.) ;; Medical Jurisprudence, &c., Tosswill. Secretary: Mr. Sidney E. Whitton. The infirmary Robertson (f.35s.) ; Public Health, Dr. Aitchison Robertson contains 64 beds. Students of the Exeter Hospital can and Dr. W. Robertson ; Hospital Practice (Edinburgh Royal attend the practice of the Eye Infirmary. Patients for the Infirmary) : Physicians, Dr. Bramwell, Dr. Gibson, Dr. Bruce, Dr. Philip, Mr. Wallace, and Dr. Brewis for Gynxcology; year ending Michaelmas, 1907, 2871. Dr. R. A.



SCOTLAND. MEDICAL SCHOOLS WITH FULL CURRICULUM.’ SCHOOL OF MEDICINE OF THE ROYAL COLLEGES, Edinburgh.—The number of students varies much in the classes and subjects. It is within the limit to say that about 1200 students avail themselves each session of the opportunity of attending the school. The lectures qualify for the University of Edinburgh and other Universities, the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons of London, Edinburgh, and Dublin, the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, and other Medical and Surgical and Public Boards. A post-graduate vacation course commences on August 31st. The anatomy rooms and laboratories will open on Thursday, Oct. 1st, and the lectures will commence on that date. In accordance with the statutes of the University of Eiinburgh one-half of the qualifying classes required for graduation may be attended in this school, in addition to the class of Practical Materia Medica and the classes of Clinical Medicine and Clinical Surgery. The regulations require that the fee for any class taken for graduation in Edinburgh shall be the same as that for the corresponding class in the University. The whole education required for graduation at the University of London may be taken in this school. The appointment of Resident Physician to the wards in the Royal Infirmary under the care of the Ordinary Physicians is open to those members of their clinical class who have held the office of clerk in their wards for at least six months. Six Residentships are appointed for a period of six months each. Resident Surgeons are also appointed by the Ordinary Surgeons to the Hospital. In all respects the students are taught under regulations similar to those at the University of Edinburgh and the other Universities of Scotland, and they receive similar certificates at the close of each session. Moreover, the University and College authorities in Edinburgh and the governing board of the school call upon each recognised lecturer to supply them at the close of each session with a statement giving the number of students attending the class, the number of lectures or prelections delivered during the session, the class examinations held, and the general mode of conducting the class. The

special non-qualifying subjects have for the last quarter of a century formed a marked feature of the school. Indeed, such medical subjects could be studied in Edinburgh

courses on

only in this school until lately, when the University of E linburgh appointed from the school lecturers on Diseases of the Eye, Insanity, and Diseases of Children to take charge of classes intra-murally. A list of the classes and lecturers will be found below. Special courses of instruction for dental students and for women are also included in the curriculum of this school. The classes of the school are conducted in several separate buildings, such as at Surgeons’ 1



see p. 668 et seq.


Cotterill, Mr. Cathcart, and Dr. Hodsdon

(perpetual ticket, £12) ; Clinical Medicine, Dr. Byrom Bramwell, Dr. Gibson, Dr. Bruce, and Dr. Philip; Dr. Brawis for Gynæcology (S35s.) ;Clinical Surgery, Mr. Cotterill, Mr. Cathcart, Mr. Hodsdon, and Mr. Wallace (£35,3.); Diseases of the Chest, Dr. Philip† and Dr. Lovell Gulland (£2 2s.) ; Vaccination, Dr. Buist† and Dr. W. G. A. Robertson (Sl1 is.) ; Diseases of Ear, Nose, and Throat. J. Malcolm Farquharson and Dr. J. S. Fraser Diseases of the Eye, Dr. Sym,† (£22s.) ; Ophthalmoscopy, Dr. A. H. H. Sinclair (£2 2s.) ; Gynaecology, Dr. Haig Ferguson and Dr. ELsie M. Inglis (Systematic), Dr. Brewis and Dr. J. Haig Ferguson (Clinical), and Dr. J. W. Ballantyne (Advanced) (£22 2s.) ; Neurology, Dr. J. J. Graham Brown (£22s.); Clinical Methods, Dr. W. Russell (£2 5t.); Medical Electricity, Dr. Dawson Turner (£212s. 6d.) ; Tropical Diseases, Major D. G. Marshall, 1.M.S. (£22 2s.). Summer Session: Practical Anatomy and Demonstrations, Dr. Ryland Whitaker (£2 2s.) ; Practical Physiology, Dr. Goodall (S33s.); Biology, Mr. M. Laurie ‡ and Miss Newbigin (£33s.); Practical Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Mr. Gemmell and Mr. Drinkwater § ; Practical Bacteriology, Dr. Shennan, Dr. Taylor Grant, and Dr. Stuart McDonald; Materia Medica, Dr. Craig and Dr. F. D. B)yd; Diseases of the Eye, Dr. Sym (£22s.); Medical Psychology and Insanity, Sir J. Batty Tuke and Dr. Robertson (S22s.) ; Medical Jurisprudence, Dr. Aitchison Robertson ; Public Health, Dr. Wm. Robertson (£22s.); Gynaecology, Dr. B,-ewis (£22s.); Midwifery Lectures, Dr. Ferguson, Dr. Ballantyne, Dr. Fordyce, Dr. Elsie M. Inglis, Dr. J. Lamond Lackie. and Dr. W. Macrae Taylor (.f:35s.); Operative Surgery, Mr. Hodsdon, Mr. Alexis Thomson, Mr. Alex. Miles, Mr. Dowden, Mr. Scot Skirving, and Mr. Chiene (£33s.) ;Practical Pathology, Dr. Shennan and Dr. Sbuart McDonald (£33s.) ;Physics, Dr. Turner&Dag er;(£33 3s.) ; Practical Medicine and Physical Diagnosis, Dr. Fleming, Dr. Lovell Gulland, and Dr. Harry Rainy (33s.); Clinical Medicine, Dr. Bramwell, andDr. Gibson (.62 2s.) ; Vaccination, Dr. Buist and Dr. W. G. A. Robertson (;&1 ls.); Neurology, Dr. Brace and Dr. Graham Brown ; Diseases of Ear, Nose, and Throat, Dr. J. Malcolm Farquharson and Dr. J. S. Fraser (£2 2s.) ;Tropical Diseases, Major D. G. Marshall, LM.S. (£2 2s.) ; Medical Electricity, Dr. Dr.

(£22s.) ;

Dawson Turner. Special Classes for Women, Winter Session :2 Practical Anatomy and Demonstrations, Dr. Ryland Whitaker (E4 4s.) ;; Chemistry (Lectures and Practical), Dr. T. W. Drinkwater (R35s. and .633s.)Practice of Physic, Dr. W. Russell (£35s.) ;Surgery, Mr. Wade (£35s.); Midwifery and Diseases of Wom3n, Dr. J. W. Ballantyne; General Pathology, Dr. S. McDonald (£35s.) ;Physiology (Institutes of Medicine), Dr. Goodall (£35s.) ; Materia Dr. Craig (S35s.) ;Clinical Medicine, Medica, &c., Dr. W. Russell, Royal Infirmary (£35s.) ;Clinical Surgery, Mr. Wallace, Royal Infirmary (S35s.); Physics, Dr. Dawson Turner (S33s.) ;Vaccination, Dr. Buist and 2 The scheme of Classes for Women is press and exact details are not available.

being rearranged

as we

go to