Entries from the surface to new mines

Entries from the surface to new mines

8A 791060 USE OF UNDERGROUND SPACE FOR DEVELOPING OIL AND GAS RESERVES Tarkoy, P J Underground Space, V2, N3, April 1978, P159161 Discusses in genera...

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791060 USE OF UNDERGROUND SPACE FOR DEVELOPING OIL AND GAS RESERVES Tarkoy, P J Underground Space, V2, N3, April 1978, P159161 Discusses in general terms alternative schemes for developing oil and gas reserves in the North American Arctic. Novel concepts of underground production, development and transport have been proposed to minimise climatic effects. The feasibility of such a scheme, which includes drilling from chambers off-shore linked by networks of tunnels, is examined briefly. 791061 STORAGE OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS IN UNLINED CAVERNS Janssen, G Underground Space, V2, N1, Sept 1977, P27-37 Deals with: (1) general principles ~ n i n g storage, including the use of a fixed or mobile water-bed, (2) blasting and constructional work, (3) equipment, (~) storage of special products, (5) preliminary site investigations, and costs (relating to Sweden). 791062 UNDERGROUND SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTs Rosander, A Undergroumd Space, V2, NI, Sept 1977, P39-45 Describes the planning, design and, briefly, the construction of a tunnel system and underground treatment plant to serve 9 suburbs to the north of Stockholm. Tunnelling started in 1958 and was completed in 1970. Groundwater inflow was the major problem encountered. The treatment plant at Kappala was the 4th to be constructed mnderground in Sweden. 791063 UNDERGROUND PARKING AT QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY McC ahill, G Underground Space, Vl, ~ , Aug 1977, P347-353 Describes the planning, design, and construction of an underground two and one-half level garage on the campus playing field at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. The site was completely excavated and the playing field replaced with a 21 in soil depth. 791064 MINING TECHNOLOGY CLEARING HOUSE OF lEA COAL RESEARCH AND ITS ACTIVITIES RELATED TO TUNNELLING AND STRATA CONIROL Sabels, B E Proc 19th US Symposit~n on Rock Mechanics, Stateline, Nevada, 1-3 May 1978, V2, I%5-71. Publ Reno: University of Nevada, 1978 This clearing house activity of the International Energy Agency is operated by NCB (IEA Services) Ltd, a subsidiary of the National Coal Board in the UK. The scope of activities reviewed includes t h e Mechanised Drivage Register, optimised cutting techniques investigation, and the collection of data in the areas of tunnel support and strata control to form a new Register on Strata Control.




Since the Steker4okk (Sweden) copper-zlnc mine opened in 1976 ma~y changes in mining methods and production rate have been made, for both technical and economic reasons. The extensive folding and convolution of the orebody is discussed, and the necessity for ore location by continued diamond drilling, an average of 10,000 m each year to 1983. A cc~bined stoping method, room and pillar with subsequent backfilling of the rooms, is in operation, and only hydraulic drilling is used. 791066 MINING METHODS IN FINLAND Sarkka, P World Min, V31, N3, March 1978, P50-54 Sublevel stoping has become the most widely used mining method in Finland. The technique and its applications are described. Two other methods in use, concrete pillar stoping and inclined cut-and-fill, are also discussed, with comparative work rates and costirgs. 791067 ENFRIES FROM THE SURFACE TO NEW MINES Simpson, D N Min Engr, V137, N202, May 1978, P601-615 A review of current and planted activity in shaft sinking and drivage of drifts from the surface throughout the U.K. coal industry. The study includes a discussion of the causes of delay in developing new drifts, particularly problems with grour~water and weak strata. Preliminary investigations and plans for pretreatment at Selby New Mine are reported in some detail.

7 9 1 ~ CAVABILITY OF ORE DEPOSITS Kendorski, F S Min Engng, V30, N6, June 1978, P628-631 Treats the cavability study as part of a mine feasibility investigation, and discusses the geologic and engineering factors to be considered. Apart from measurements of rock strength and other mechanical properties, a detailed study of fracture distribution and fault location within the rock mass is required. A suitable operational plan may be based on this data combined with information concerning the proposed mine layout and engineering design. 791069 UNDERGROUND MINING Min Ergng, V30, NS, May l978, P518-519 New mining methods reviewed for 1977 include water-Jet mining, borehole mining, and unlerground augerlrg (HI-REAM project of US~). Developments in roof control are also sunmmrised, including automated support systems and automated roof bolting. 791070 WATER MINEs, TRANSPORTS SOVIET COAL Wilkinson, J F Coal Age, V83, N3, March 1978, P68-V4 Hydraulic mining methods used in the USSR for a sms/1 proportion of the total coal output are described briefly. High pressure water Jets (1500-1800 psi) are applied to the face from a distance of about 15ft. Advantages and probl~ns of the technique are smmmerised, also current Russian development werk in hydraulic equipment.