THE BACTERIAL FLORA IN MOUTH AND VENOM OF SOME SPECIES OF SNAKES Delfin Gonzâlez,Jorge Mas and Manuel Almela Delfin Gonzâlez,Dpto . de Anatomie Humana ; fac .d e Medicine, Universidad AutSnoma de Harcelona,Bellaterra(Barcelona) Jorge Mas and Mânuel Almela,Catedra de Microbiologia y Parasitologia ; Fac .d e Medicina,Universidad de Barcelona . C/ Casanova 143-Barcelona-36- Spain It is known that snakes have in their oral cavity and in their venom different bacterial species .Some of them are of medical interest in relation with the side effects of the bite and the poisoning . In the oral cavity and venom of 20 snakes from the Viperi _dae and Colubridae families, different bacteria were found . Gram-negative bacilli from the Pseudomonas and Prot_eus genera, bacterium coli and several species of gram-positive cocci were prevalent .
Poster presentation
ENVENOMATION BY THE MDJAVE RATTLESNA&E (CROTALIIS SCIITIILATIIS SCIITULATUS) IN SOUTHERN ARIZONA, II .S .A . David L . HARDY Arizona Poison Control System IIaivereity of Arizona Health Sciences Çentar Tucson, Arizona 85724 IISA The Mojave rattleanaka Crotalus acutulatus acutulatus) is notable among North American crotalina snakes for its venom a high tozicity in mice (i .v . LD50 0.14-0 .21 mg/kg), eumnarisad by GLENN and STIIAICHT (in press), and presynaptic blocking affect at the nauro-auscular junction in animal preparations (CASTILONIA at al ., is press; GOPALASRISHI~AKONE at al ., 1980) . Clinical eavenomatioa by Ç. a. acutulatus has bean charactarizad (47 references) as producing neurotozic effects (22) and respiratory muscle paralysis (17) with little or none of the folloviag : local reaction (13), evening (13), necrosis (8), pain (8) or local hemorrhage (7) . Hovwar, sports of actual bites are eomevhat different . In one case described in detail (RHOTSN and
GENKARO, 1968) and 15 cases mentioned by others (BOYS and SMITH, 1959 ; McFAßLAND, 1973 ; RUSSELL, 1969 ; SMITH and RUSSELL, 1965), local swelling (15/16) and necrosis (1/16) ware present . ßespiratory paralysis was not mentioned. It ie important to know if Ç. _e . ecutulatus enveaomation is clinically different from other North American rattlesnakes and the sigaificanca of such findings . A clinical study was made of tea patients hospitalized with Crotalus eavenomation in which the snake involved was identified by the author as Crotalus _s . scutulatue from specimens (8) or photographs (2) . Correct identi fication was important siaca five of the snakes were said to be Ç. atroz . Medical management was by different physicians at four hospitals in Tucson (9) and one in Phoeniz (1) . Nine males and one female ranged in age from 4 to 31 years . The ratio of upper to lower extremity bites was 7/3 and illigitimate to ligitimate bites was 5/5. Clinical signs were : evening (10), swelling of eatira eztremity (4), ecchymosie (6), blebs (3), necrosis (1), acute hypoteasion (1) and eyelid ptosie (1) . Abnormal laboratory findings were :hypofibrinogenemia (3), thrombocytopenia (1), anemia (1), and an elevated BUN and creatinine plus hemoglobinuria (1) . Treatment consisted of i .v . crystaloid solution (10), and i.v . polyvalent antivenin (Wyeth) 20 to 100 ml (8) . Incision and suction vas also used (4) . ßecovery was complete except for local necrosis (1 cm2) of finger tissue in one patient . Although eyelid ptosis occurred 36 hr poet-bite in a four year old male eavenomated by an 84 cm snake, none had dysphagia, dyaphonia or respiratory muscle paralysis . It appears that in southern Arisona, Ç. s. scutulatus envenomation produces significant local effects and is similar in this regard to Ç. atroz. Although the incidence of neurological signs ie low, their importance deserves further investigation . BOYS, F . and SMITH, H.M . (1959) Poisonous amphibians and reptiles . Springfield : C.C . Thomas . p . 125. CASTILONIA, R.R ., PATTABHIRAMAN, ß.T ., RUSSELL, F.E . and GONZALEZ, H . Toxicon, in press . GLENN, J.L . and STRAIGHT, R.C . Rattlesnake veaome : their action and treatment. (TU, A.T ., Ed .), New York : Marcel Dekker, in press. GOPALARRISSNA&ONE, P., HAWGOOD, B .J ., HOLBROORE, S .E ., MARSH, N .A ., SAKTAKA DE SA, S . and TU, A.T . (1980) Br . J . Pharmac. 69, 421. McFARLAND, J .O . (1973) Video Tape 144. Tucson : Ariz . Health Sci . Ctr . RHOTEN, W.B . sad GENKARO, J.F . (1968) J . Florida Med . Assoc . 55, 324 . RUSSELL, F .E . (1969) Toxicon 7, 23 . SMITH, H .M. and ßUSSELL, F.E . (1965) Copeia 4, 541.
Institute of Pathophyaiology Charles University, 128 53 Praha 2, U nemocnice 5 Czechoslovakia
The efficiency of antivenoma is evaluated usually by their ability to neutralise the lethal effects of venoms in mice by i .v . injection of a venom-antivenom mixture . Little attention is paid to the capacity of antivenoma to inhibit systemic (e .g . defibrination) or local effect (e .g . necrosis) . Three venoma - Echis carinatus from India : Echis carinatus from Africa and Bitie arietans were tested against three different antivenoms - Behringwerke Orient, Behringwerke North Africa and Haffkine Inat . in experiments on white mice or rata .
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