ESP Newsletter

ESP Newsletter

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology, 5 (1990) 521 - 530 527 ESP NEWSLETTER Editor: Giuliana Moreno Laboratoire de Biophysique,...

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Journal of Photochemistry

and Photobiology,

B: Biology, 5 (1990)

521 - 530


ESP NEWSLETTER Editor: Giuliana Moreno Laboratoire de Biophysique, INSERM U 201, CNRS UA 48 1 MusCum National d’Histoire Naturelle 43 rue Cuvier, 75231 Paris Cedex 0.5, France Telephone: (1)43 3107 34 Fax: (1) 45 35 70 72




Physiological Aspects of Photomorphogenesis Many photomorphogenetic effects in plants are a consequence of a modification in gene expression. It is therefore not surprising that molecular biologists have concentrated on how pigments such as phytochrome can switch genes on and off. However, how this occurs remains largely unknown and is complicated by the recent observations of more than one type of phytochrome. The cloning of more than one phytochrome gene from a single species [ 11 has raised the question as to what are the functions of the different phytochrome types. The phytochrome gene from one species has now been genetically engineered into another and the physiological consequences studied. In the course of 1989 three independent groups successfully transformed one species with the phytochrome gene from another using an Agrobacterium vector. The existence of appropriate antibodies which specifically recognize the host and introduced phytochromes has enabled their quantification in the resultant transgenic plants. Reviews of the current state of knowledge on phytochrome genes [2] and the molecular properties of phytochrome [ 31 have recently been published. Keller et al. [4] transformed two tobacco species with the phytochrome type I gene from oat with either its own light-sensitive promoter or the cauliflower mosaic virus 35s promoter. Not only was the introduced gene expressed, but it had a marked consequence on the phenotype, the plant being semi-dwarf, with darker green leaves, increased tillering and reduced apical dominance in comparison with the control plants. Kay et al. [5] also successfully transformed tobacco using the phytochrome gene from rice. While the phenotypes were not so dramatic, clear over-expression of the introduced gene coupled with the cauliflower mosaic virus 35s promoter was measured using antibodies and spectrophotometry on extracts from both dark-grown and lightgrown plants. Despite the lack of a dramatic phenotype, these plants showed modification of the circadian rhythm in chlorophyll a/b binding protein mRNA which is known to be phytochrome regulated. Boylan and Quail [6] transformed tomato with the phytochrome type I gene from oat coupled with cauliflower mosaic virus 355 promoter. The resulting plants had the most dramatic phenotype of the three reports to date, being dwarf with dark green leaves and immature fruits, and the hypocotyls of young seedlings having elevated anthocyanin levels compared with control plants. These authors conclude that monocot phytochrome is functional in dicot cells and that the functional parts of the molecule have been conserved during evolution. An interesting mutant (det 1) of Arabidopsis was recently described by Chory et al. [7] which constitutively exhibits de-etiolation (i.e. exhibits many characteristics 0 Elsevier Sequoia/Printed

in The Netherlands

528 of light-grown wild-type plants including leaf and chloroplast development, anthocyanin accumulation, and several light-regulated nuclear and chloroplast genes). The authors conclude that the recessive nature of the mutation indicates that there is a negative control of growth and leaf development in dicot plants in the absence of light. While the photoreceptor involved in higher plant phototropism remains unknown, KonjeviC et al. [B] in a recent paper proposed, on the basis of response at different fluence rates, that there are at least two blue-light photoreceptor pigments involved in Arabidopsis. For the future, studies using mutants, either conventionally produced or engineered using anti-sense technology and site-directed mutagenesis, will provide the tools and techniques to understand the complexity of photomorphogenesia. R. A. Sharrock and P. H. Quail, Genes Devel., 3 (1989) 1745 - 1757. K. Tomizawa, A. Nagatani and M. Furuya, J. Photochem. Photobiol., in the press. M. Furuya, Adu. Biophys., 25 (1989) 133 - 167. J. M. Keller, J. Shanklin, R. D. Vierstra and H. P. Hershey, EMBO J., 8 (1979) 1005 1012. S. A. Kay, A. Nakatani, B. Keith, M. Deak, M. Furuya and N.-H. Chua, Plant Cell, (1989) 775 - 782. M. T. Boylan and P. H. Quail, Plant Cell, 1 (1989) 765 - 773. J. Chory, C. Peto, R. Feinbaum, L. H. Pratt and F. Asubel, Cell, 58 (1989) 991 999. R. KonjeviL, B. Steinitz and K. Poff, Proc. Nat. Acad. Ski., U.S.A., 86 (1989) 9876 9880. RICHARD E. KENDRICK, Wageningen, The Netherlands.








NEWS FROM INDUSTRY F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Basle, Switzerland Photoreactivity

of Drugs: A Challenge for Pharmaceutical Industry?

The strenuous effort of pharmaceutical companies towards drug safety should include the careful investigation of the photoreactivity of pharmaceuticals (i.e. drugs, cosmetics, disinfectants, detergents, food additives and dyes) for several reasons. The administration of certain pharmaceuticals [ 1 ] may lead to severe light-induced effects in humans - mainly ocular damage or cutaneous responses which are classified as phototoxic or photoallergic. The physiological and pathological consequences of the interaction of UV light and a drug or an endogenous metabolite on human skin may be severe burning, painful sensation, erythema, edema, vesiculation and the development of severe skin cancer. However, photochemotherapy using the controlled application of photosensitizers to treat skin diseases like psoriasis (PUVA therapy), acne (aromatic retinoids), Herpes simplex and different malignant tumors (photodynamic therapy), and photophoresis [ 21 is an expanding field in photomedicine. Exploration of new drugs that are activated by irradiation leading to a high degree of specificity by affecting the biological target precisely is very promising for the treatment of such diseases. An additional result of photodegradation studies of drugs in vitro may be the syntheses of novel sophisticated compounds using light as a clean and selective reagent. Furthermore, the knowledge of the photostability of drugs is essential for the drug development process and the choice of the final formulation (i.e. storage of the drug


in colorless or brown bottles, ampoules etc.). Prolonged exposure of drugs to light may lead to a dramatic decrease of drug activity. For several years the photochemistry group at Roche (Basle) has been concerned with the photochemical behavior of pharmaceuticals with respect to the aspects mentioned above. Our photochemical and photophysical in vitro assay [3] enables us to describe the photoreactivity of drugs and to estimate their in vivo photochemical behavior in view of their possible phototoxic responses in humans. This was demonstrated for the antimalarial FANSIDAR@ [4, 51. Recent investigations of the light-induced changes in aromatic retinoids in solution [ 61 and the solid state [7] again demonstrate the importance of photochemistry in pharmaceutical research. Finally, to answer the title question it is obvious that the challenge of photochemical studies turns into a necessity for pharmaceutical industry in order to diminish the increasing number of problems related to drug-induced phototoxicity/photoallergy in humans. This may be achieved by interdisciplinary cooperation between the disciplines of photochemistry, photophysics, photomedicine, toxicology and photobiology. 1 S. Schauder, H. Ippen, in E. Fuchs and K. H. Schulz (eds.), Manuale Allergologicum, Dustri-Verlag Dr. K. Feistle, Deisenhofen, 1988. 2 R. L. Edelson, Sci. Am., August 1988, p. 68. 3 K. H. Pfoertner, unpublished results. 4 T. OppenlCnder, Chimia, 42 (1988) 331. 5 B. Ortel, A. Sivayathorn and H. Honigsmann, Dermatologica, 178 (1989) 39. 6 K. E. Pfoertner, G. Englert and P. Schonholzer, Tetrahedron, 44 (1988) 1039. 7 K. H. Pfoertner, G. Englert and P. Schonholzer, Tetrahedron, 43 (1987) 1321. THOMAS OPPENLANDER, Switzerland.

Central Research Units, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Basle,

ESP COUNCIL OF NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES The following is a list of ESP National Representatives, as established during the 3rd Congress of the ESP in Budapest (1989). The term of office for National Representatives is 2 years so this committee will operate until 1992. A new Council will be elected at the 4th Congress of the ESP in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (September 1 - 6, 1991). CHAIRMAN, T. M. A. R. DUBBELMAN, Department of Medical Biochemistry, Sylvius Laboratory, State University of Leiden, P.O. Box 9503, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands. SECRET’R Y, T. SZITC, Institute of Biophysics, Semmelweis Medical University, Puskin U. 9, POB 263, H-1444 Budapest, Hungary. AUSTRIA. H. HGNIGSMANN, Division of Photobiology, Department of Dermatology I, University of Vienna, Alserstrasse 4, 1090 Vienna. BELGIUM. J. PIETTE, Universite de Liege, Departement de Microbiologic, Unite de Virologie Fondamentale et Immunologie, Institut de Pathologie B23, 4000 Sart Tilman. BULGARIA. M. B. SHOPOVA, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Organic Chemistry, 1113 Sofia. CZECHOSLOVAKIA. J. HLADfK, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Albertov 2030, 128 40 Prague. DENMARK. N.-H. JENSEN, Radiometer A/S, Emdrupvej 72, 2400 Copenhagen NV. FINLAND. C. T. JANSEN, Department of Dermatology, University of Turku, 20520 Turku. FRANCE. P. VIGNY, Institut Curie, Section de Physique Chimie, Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie Biomoleculaire, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75231 Paris Cedex 13.

530 F.R.G. D.-P. HADER, Institut fiir Botanik und Pharmazeutische Biologie, FriedrichAlexander-Universitat, Staudtstrasse 5, 8520 Erlangen. G.D.R. B. RGDER, Humboldt Universitiit zu Berlin, Sektion Physik, Bereich lo-Experimentelle Biophysik und Spektroskopie, Invalidenstrasse 42, 1040 Berlin. IRELAND. W. J. M. VAN DER PUTTEN, Department of Chemistry, Trinity College, Dublin 2. ISRAEL. B. EHRENBERG, Department of Physics, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan 52100. ITALY. F. DALL’ACQUA, Universita di Padova, Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche, Via Marzolo 5, 35131 Padova. NORWAY. P. THUNE, Department of Dermatology, Ulleval Hospital, 0407 Oslo 4. POLAND. T. SARNA, Institute of Molecular Biology, Jagiellonian University, Mickiewicza 3, 31-120 Krakow. PORTUGAL. A. M. C. FIGUEIREDO, Clinica de Dermatologia e Venereologia, Hospital da Universidade (Celas), 3000 Coimbra. SPAIN. M. J. HAZEN, Departament de Biologfa, Unidad de Citologfa e Histologia, Facultad de Ciencias U.A.M., 28049 Madrid. SWEDEN. L. 0. BJCRN, Department of Plant Physiology, Box 7007, 220 07 Lund. SWITZERLAND. H. ZUBER, Institut fiir Molekularbiologie und Biophysik, ETH-HSnggerberg, 8093 Zurich. THE NETHERLANDS. R. E. KENDRICK, Wageningen Agricultural University, Department of Plant Physiological Research, Generaal Foulkesweg 72, 6703 BW Wageningen. U.K. A. R. YOUNG, Institute of Dermatology, Photobiology Unit, Lambeth Hospital, Renfrew Road, London SE11 4TH. U.S.S.R. T. KARU, Laser Technology Center, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, 14092 Troizk, Moscow Region. YUGOSLAVIA. Z. G. CEROVIC, Institute of Botany and Botanical Gardens, Faculty of Sciences, University of Belgrade, Takovska 43, 11000 Belgrade.



This report, which is one of the four assessment panel reports developed by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), deals mainly with the direct effects of increased UV-B radiation on man and the environment. In this monograph, the following areas are reviewed: (1) ozone reduction and increased solar UV radiation; (2) human health; (3) terrestrial plants; (4) aquatic ecosystems; (5) tropospheric air quality; (6) materials damage; (7) research needs. Copies of the report (1989, ISBN 92 807 1245 4) are available from: -United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), P.O. Box 30552, Nairobi, Kenya. -J. C. Van der Leun, Institute of Dermatology, State University Hospital Utrecht, Heidelberglaan 100, NL-3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands. -M. Tevini, Botanisches Institut II der Universitiit Karlsruhe, Kaiserstrasse 2, D-7500 Karlsruhe 1, F.R.G. -R. C. Worrest, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street SW (RD682), Washington, DC 20460, U.S.A.



Information on Photobiology

Meetings can be found in Newsletters 16 and 18.