J. Photo&em.
B: Bid.,
12 (1992) 209-210
ESP NEWSLETTER Editor: Roy Pottier Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering The Royal Military College of Canada Kingston, Ont., Canada K7K 5L0 Tel: 1 613 541 6046 Fax: 1 613 542 9489 E-mail:
[email protected]
No. 37 February 1992
As indicated in past ESP Newsletters, there is a large number of Europeans active in the various subdisciplines of photochemistry and photobiology. Our journal is now a recognized success. The Society membership dues, 60 Swiss Francs (45 SF for students) is a real bargain, since it includes a subscription to the journal. Why then, do we only have slightly over 400 ESP members? The fact that ESP is only 5 years old is possibly related to the lower than expected membership. Society news is regularly published in the jourmd (NEWS AND VIEWS, as well as the ESP Newsletter). I think that many photobiologists have not realized that we need a strong society to play a role in the scientific community,in order to create new research projects in photobiology and to find financial support from either the government or industrial companies or other sources. One good example is the efforts of the Italian Society for Photobiology in cooperation with the ESP, resulting in the formation of CARP, the first European Laboratory for Photobiology. Therefore, I ask our members to convince their colleagues and friends working in the field of photobiology to join our Society. WILHELM NULTSCH, ESP President
FOCUS Tadeusz (Ted)
Sama, new JPB Associate
After the morning mist cleared, Ted Sarna first saw the partial light of day in Gloska, Poland, in 1943. Since his eyes were half closed, he was soon equipped with an ocular aid that covered most of his face. He is known to remove these when offered single malt whisky or when he hears quality jazz music. Ted obtained his M.Sc. in Physics (1968) from Moscow State University (USSR), then his Ph.D. (1974) and D.Sc. (1980) in Biophysics from JagieIlonian University (Krakow, Poland). After being on the receiving end of education, he turned around and began teaching at the same Institution - Research and Teaching Assistant (1964-74), Adjunct Associate (1974-81), Associate Professor of Biophysics (1981 to date), Chairperson, Biophysics Dept. (1984-88), Head, Photobiophysics Laboratory (1986 to date) and IInaIly Chairperson, Dept. of Biophysics (1991 to date). Ted was also a post-doctoral fellow at the Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (1972-76),
Elsevler Sequoia
210 where he later returned as a visiting scientist (1981-83) and visiting professor (1988-90). In 1986, he was also a visiting scientist at the College of Medicine, University of IIlinois and Urban-Champaign.Ted’s principal research Interest is in the field of melanin biophysics. Using electron psramagnetic resonance, pulse radiolysis and laser flash photolysis, he studied fundamental properties of melanin pigments: their paramagnetism, ion and electron exchange and the ability to act as antioxidants and free radical scavengers. He’s been fascinated by these ubiquitouspigments and wants to understandtheir biological function. His other research area is related to photosensitized oxidation reactions and in particular,to photoinduced electron transfer phenomena. Ted Ssrna is married and has three sons. He likes classical music and jazz, good red wine and single malt whisky. These last qualities should be an asset in his new duties as associate editor (Biophysics, Spectroscopy), and we all wish him success in this endeavour. SOCIETY
who in ESP
(1992) No.
Fax. No.
President President-Elect Past President Secretary
W. Nultsch D. Averbeck H. Hiinigsmann A. Andreoni
Treasurer Officer
R. QreII G. Ronto
Auditor Auditor
F. DaII’Acqua A. Young
49-6421-28061I2 33-l-43291242(3365) 43-l-430866 39-81-7463476 I7463479 41-21-6533061(360) 36-l-1186261 /1186656 39-49-831631 44-l-7930387
Fax. No.
33-l-43268087 43-l-4081928 39-81-7463476 /7701016 41-21-6526933 36-l-1187480 39-49-831660
CouncB of National Representatives country
Netherlands United Kingdom Austria Belgium Bulgaria Denmark Germany Germany Finland France Hungary Israel Netherlands
31-71-276053 44-l-7930387 43-l-430866 32-41-562422 35-92-7248 17
33-l-43291242(3147) 36-l-1180240 972-3-5318427 31-71-274652
33-l-46331038 36-l-1187480 972-3-344622 31-71-274537
Norway Poland Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland Yugoslavia
T. Dubbehnan (Chairperson) A. R. Young (Secretary) H. H5nigsmann J. Piette M. B. Shopova N. H. Jensen B. Rdder D. P. Hiider C. T. Jansen P. Vigney B. BBddi B. Ehrenberg G. M. J. Beijersbergen van Henegouwen P. Thune T. Sama A. Figueiredo M. J. Hazan de San Juan L. 0. Bj6m H. Zuber Z. G. CerovIc
414-3664000 722115 34-l-3974028
JPB Editor Newsletter Editor
G. Jori R. Pottier
43-l-4081928 32-41-562481 35-92-700225
11-767988 39-49-8286357 l-613-541-6046
39-49-8072213 1-613-542-9489
Maihng addresses for the above may be found In the Membership Directory. National Representatives for countries not appearing on this Iist are currently being sought. Their names will be published subsequently.The Iist of Associate Editors of JPB can be found in the front cover of J. Photo&em. Photobid. B: Bid.