exhibit available State, county and I,o cal pharmaceutical associations an? schools oj pharmacy may obtain on loan a pharmacy exhibIt (right) from Eli Lilly. Exhibit is designed for display at state and county fairs, health fairs or other appropriate gatherings of the general public under the sponsorship of associations or schools of pharmacy. Eight feet in length, the exhibit features six-minute film entitled "Friend of the Family" which tells story of the contribution of community pharmacy and pharmaceutical industry to ' health care. Space is provided for the sponsoring group's name above film screen. To the left of the exhibit is a storage compartment on ' the top of which ' brochures and pamphlets may be placed for distribution. The 16-mm color film is projected by a Ka/art projector which utilizes a magazine and is constantly running. Eli Lilly will pay shipping costs to the exhibit state and return to Indianapolis. Interested assoCiations or schools need to send the following rnformation-l. name and dates of show including set-up date; 2. exact name of sponsoring organization which should appear on the slip-in panel above film screen, and 3. name and address of one individual who will be responsible for setting up exhibit, manni:n g it during shoW hours and dismantling, repacking and returning exhibit to Indianapolis: Address requests to Eli Lilly and Company, Professional Relations Department, IndianapoHs, IN 46206.
Parke-Davis, Frank E. Willson, director of special products division and APhA member, leaves firm after almost ' 43 years of service. Two new appointments at company are those of APhA members Rolland W. Dittmer, associate control pharmacist in government applications department, ' and Kuchibhotla S. Murthy, research pharmacist in product development department.... Alcon Laboratories, Inc. and its two founders-R.D. Alexander and W.C. Conner-were honored by Newcomen Society in North America at dinner in Fort Worth, Tex., Oct. 21. Conner is president and board chairman and Alexander is board vice chairman. Both men are APhA members. N ewcomen Society in North America is non-profit membership corporation iIiterested in material history, as distinguished from political history.... David E. Guttman, APhA member, has joined Smith Kline & French as associate director, analytical and physical chemistry.... At Eli Lilly, following APhA members 'have joined firm as sales representatives-Alfred K. Beightol, Walton A. Robinson Jr., John T. Sutcliffe, John R. HeriIla and Phillip G. VanDenBerg.... Earl W. Seugling, APhA member, was named director of research for Block Drug' Company Inc. . . . L.E. Bingenheimer, APhA member, has been appointed director
of quality control, pharmaceutical products division, at MaIlinckrodt Chemical Works. Fraternities-Dean Joseph A. Bianculli, dean of University of Pittsburgh school of pharmacy, received 1969 AZO Achievement Medal at fraternity's recent annual meeting.... August G. Danti has been elected to serve as 'grand regent of Kappa Psi. Other officers are Norman A. Campbell, Edward Krupski and John Atkinson Jr., grand vice regents; Robert R. Auger, grand oounselor; PatrickR. Wells', grand ritualist; James D. Seymour, grand historian, and Benjamin R. Hershenson, executive committee. William A. Fitzpatrick 'h as been appointed assistant executive secretary for graduate development of fraternity . . . . J(appa Epsilon held its biemiial meeting in Aug. at University of Utah. Keynote luncheon speaker was Rae Del Ashley, community pharmacist from Salt Lake City, who discussed "The Woman's Partioipation in Pharmacy". Also speaking at meeting were Ewart A. Swinyard, pharmacology professor, University of Utah, and Kathleen McGee, alumnae delegate from Philadelphia. New officers are president, Metta Lou Henderson; vice presidents, Margaret Shaw, collegiate 'programs; Donna Myers, alumnae programs, and Lola Hopkins, province program; Judith Ozbun, executive secretary; Rosalee Richmond, treasurer, and Vassar Chumley, collegiate representative.
necr~logy Harold M. Goldfeder, co-chairman of NARD's committee on national 'legislation, died recently in Washington, D.C. APhA member Goldfeder was founder and president of Metro Drugstores Chain. He was a past president of the Maryland Pharmaceutical Association, Prince George's-Montgomery County Pharmaceutical Association (which he founded) and Beth Sholom Congregation.
'I I
Drug Distribution in Hospitals
A Portland, Oregon tv reporter (left) interviews Heber W. Youngken Jr. (center), University of Rhode Island, and Philip Catalfomo, Oregon State University, regarding the problems and potentials for exploring marine sources for new drugs. Interview took place during American Society of Pharmacognosy meeting recently held at Oregon State University. Two days of meeting were devoted toO symposium on marine biomedicina/s. 642
Hill-Burton Program, Public Health Service-single free copies of PHS publication No. 930-C-19 may be obtained from Health Facilities Planning and 'Construction Service, 7915 Eastern Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Multiple copies are aViaiiableat 35 cents a copy from the Documents Office, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402
-Six-chapter publication covers hospital administrator's responsibility for drug distribution, legal responsibilities, tailoring pharmacy systems to current technology, unit dose systems and automated processing ' of drug distribution. , Papers in collection appeared in Hospitals, journal of American Hospital Assn.