in two cases involved only Leads II and III. The tracing changed at times to the abnormal pattern during exercise or amyl nitrite inhalation, but at other times the abnormal pattern apOne case showed two abnormal patterns. The author’s peared and disappeared spontaneously. Figs. 4Cand 3B are particularly interesting examples of the change of abnormal RS-T segments and T waves in Leads II and III to normal; in one case spontaneously, and in the other after exercise. All five had normal cardiac function on exercise tests. Three of the cases had mitral stenosis. It is emphasized that pre-excitation is associated rather frequently with organic heart disease but SAYEN. its prognostic significance remains uncertain. Trier,
M. : Penicillin nav. 126:140 (Nos.
Treatment of Subacute II-III), 1946.
The author reports four cases and reviews the literature in part. Two patients were “cured” (five and nine month follow-ups). The two fatalities were thought at necropsy to have resulted from cardiac failure, although in one case there was still slight bacterial activity deep in the vegetations. Three to six weeks of therapy with 200 to 300 thousand units of penicillin daily is considered adequate for most cases. Since only small quantities of the drug are available in Denmark the author recommends that it be reserved for patients who do not have signs of advanced heart damage, particularly failure associated with aortic valve destruction, in order to minimize the number of those who die of congestive failure after a bacteriologic “cure.”
SAYEN. Altschul, 1946.
The writer was the first to study the reaction of skeletal muscle to experimental cholesterol arteriosclerosis. Rabbits, guinea pigs, and golden hamsters were placed on a diet of powdered egg yolk and yeast to produce an ample degree of experimental cholesterol arteriosclerosis. Three types of changes were noted in skeletal muscle: (1) waxy hyaline degeneration of the sarcoplasm; (2) basophilic granular degeneration of the sarcoplasm with infiltration of calcium salts in which the muscle nuclei did not disappear, but were liberated from the diseased sarcoplasm and were sufficiently proliferated to form a distinctive accumulation of cells; and (3) a survival of basophilic sarcoplasm, but with the fibers remaining very thin and the nuclei proliferating in longitudinal nuclear rows. Altschul admits that none of the above changes are specific for experiments with cholesterol feeding, since they occur under many circumstances, the most important of which may be regarded as nutritional myodegeneration. There is one change in skeletal muscle which he regards as specific for cholesterol arteriosclerosis; namely, transformation of muscle nuclei into foam cells. He points out that foam cells have never been found in skeletal muscle except under conditions of experimental cholesterol arteriosclerosis. He also states that these new proliferated nuclei show a distinct phagocytic activity and that the associated vascular change, lipoid arteriolosclerosis, is not directly connected with the changes in the skeletal muscle fibers. The vascular changes, per se, apparently callse no damage to the muscle tissue proper. GOULEY. Walser. A.: The cardiogram.
Influence Cardiologia
of Autonomic Drugs 10:231, 1946.
on the
T Waves
the Exercise
The author studied the effect of exercise on the T-wave patterns of ten athletes. He found, as had other investigators, that mild exercise was followed immediately by lowered T-wave amplitude which gave way in about five minutes to a longer period of increased amplitude before the height returned to normal. Violent exercise (eight flights of stairs) caused a reversal of this order, an immediate elevation of the T waves being followed by a period of subnormal amplitude. The latter type of response was said to occur with light exercise when the subjects were poorly trained or neurasthenic.