Lil mture Fibre optics market forecast The n e e d for i m p r o v e d sensors to achieve optimum p e r f o r m a n c e in sophisticated systems is growing, and light-based m e a s ur e m ent / detection technology is r e c ognized to b e among the most sensitive and selective available. A b u r g e o n i n g market is pr edicted b y Frost and Sullivan, particularly for fibre-optic sensors. Recent fast growth in fibre-optic telecommunications has already familiarized Eu r opean industry with optical fibre, while helping to bring down the cost of components, thus paving the way for fibre-optic sensors. 'Fibre optic sensors in Eu r o p e ' forecasts steep growth curves from 1986 to 1990 in all major markets, as fibre optic sensors e m e r g e from the r e s e a r c h stage in their many applications.
The overall market is e x p e c t e d to reach $85.9M by 1990, up from $4.2M in 1984. The 345-page r e p o r t discusses in detail the chief applications and components, as well as the main advantages. Among the current advantages is high electrical isolation: fibre-optic sensors are electrically passive, making them especially suitable for high voltage and medical environments. They are also chemically inert, a useful characteristic for hight e m p e r a t u r e or corrosive conditions. Useful, too, are the extremely small size, low weight and low inertia of fibre-optic sensors. In the future, other factors will b e c o m e e v e n m o r e influential: simplified interfacing with optical fibre data-transmission systems;
the possibility of 'smart' sensors with no electrical connection, as a result of incorporating signal processing. For each applications market - from e n e r g y and utilities to the medical and military/aerospace markets - - the report p ro v id e s both a detailed analysis of current E uropean market size and forecasts for the immediate future. At present, the military/aerospace market dominates ($5.2M in 1985). But the authors expect the medical market to grow most rapidly o v e r the next two y e a r s (more than 300% annually). By 1988, the start of a healthy consumer market is projected, as fibre-optic sensors b e c o m e part of m o r e automobiles and appliances. The r e p o r t is available for $2 25O.
Fro~t and Sullivan, Ltd, 104-112 Marylebone Lane, London, UK.
Barbican, London, UK 2-5 September 1986 7th international conference on the computer as a design tool
organized by the journal Computer-AidedDesign For paper submission date, conference programme, and further details contact the CAD 86 Conference Organizer, Butterworth Scientific Ltd, Westbury House, Bury Street, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 5BH, UK. Telephone: 0483 31261. Telex: 859556 SCITEC G.
rnq Butterworths