1675 in, and the committee’s sanguine expectation of £14,000 will evidently not be very much out of reckoning.
The New Sanatorium. A valuable addition to the existing benevolent institutions of the town was formally opened at Sutton Coldfield by the Lord Mayor on the 4th inst. This institution is the gift of Lieutenant-Colonel J. H. Wilkinson. The site is a splendid one, the building, formerly an hotel, being well adapted and fitted for the purpose. It is intended more particularly for clerks, warehousemen, assistant school teachers, shop assistants, and small tradespeople-those of a class often poorly paid, whose breakdown in health means stoppage of supplies and great inconvenience and frequently privation. A large audience witnessed the opening and cheered the various proceedings. Donations amounting to f:2000 have been promised as well as annual subscriptions of £500. The institution is thus favourably floated. It is entitled to confidence and success for the future. .
Singnlar Death : Heavy Insurance. involved in exceptional and even extraordinary is now occupying the attention of the police authorities at Acock’s Green. A servant girl aged twentynine years had been in the service of a family for a little over twelve months. She had been subject to attacks of hysteria and had been warned by the medical man against drinking brandy to what was obviously a detrimental degree. At 7.30 on June 3rd she was apparently in normal health, at 11.30 the same night the medical man received a note to say that she was dead. He wrote to the coroner stating the fact and also that as he had not attended her lately he should recommend an inquest to be held. An inquest was accordingly held, a post-mortem examination made, and evidence of acute inflammation of the stomach of long standing was found. In the medical man’" opinion she died from syncope the result of continued sickness, due to the state of her liver and stomach, brought about by the undue use of stimulants. It seems that the girl was examined for insurance on May 6th and passed as quite sound. Now a claim for E8000 has been made by the people with whom she lived, in whose favour she made a will. The body has been again opened and the contents of certain parts placed in the hands of the A
held at the Royal county analyst. Medical Benevo’ent Society. Dr. W. Stuart Palm, At the annual meeting, held on May 29th, the directors president, Dr. J. Sutherland Mackay moved a resolution : "That the holding of amedical aid’ society’s appoint- reported that the invested funds now amounted to ment shall render the holder ineligible for membership in £12,109 ; sixteen annuitants were upon the books, and the this association." This was seconded by Dr. Curror and annual grants ranged from Z15 to f:40. The society was to be in a flourishing condition. unanimously agreed to. The correspondence between the stated June 8tli. association and Dr. Bruce of Dingwall was then read, and discussion ensued upon the whole question, in which Dr. Nasmyth, Mr. Berwick, Mr. Graham, Dr. Petrie, and Dr. LIVERPOOL. Douglas took part, and the council was instructed that member should be any holding such appointment requested (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) either to resign it or his membership. After the meeting a notice of motion was handed in by Dr. Hamilton Kyle, who The Deadlock at the Lying-in Hospital. was unavoidably prevented from being present at the THE offer made by the board of management to submit meeting: "That a committee be appointed to inquire and the questions of difference between them and the late staff report as to the conditions upon which members of the asso- to the arbitration of the Loid Mayor has been declined both ciation may hold friendly or other society appointments, to the staff and by the council of the Medical Institution as formulate a code of ethics for the guidance of its member, by the profession. The reasons assigned by the representing and to define the powers and duties of an ethical committee." latter for declining the intervention of Lord Derby are as follows : That the existing difference involves a question of principle in regard to which the medical profession are BIRMINGHAM. wholly unable to modify their view. They will, as has been so often stated, with readiness give their services to the (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) charity on condition that their position and responsibilities are those accorded in other hospitals to honorary medical officers. That is to say, they shall have sole and Hospital Saturday. HOSPITAL Saturday in Birmingham has always been a entire professional charge of the patients and a proper popular occasion. It is essentially a working-class move- representation on the board of management. Upon ment and has been always conducted with much enthusiasm these points no compromise is permissible. If the and vigour. Last year the amount realised was £13,057 ; this board has not sufficient confidence in the honour and disyear an appeal for a larger sum was made, not only for the cretion of its medical officers to place in their hands the full distribution among the medical charities of the town, but charge of the patients, and, while withholding it from them, for the maintenance of the convalescent homes in Wales. places that charge in the hands of the matron-midwife, the These separate institutions for men, for women, and now, profession, once for all, decline to have any share in a thanks to a liberal anonymous donor, for children also, have system so unprecedented, so unsatisfactory in the interestsbeen ever regarded with high favour ; they have been pro- of the patients, so dishonourable to themselves, and so subductive of an untold amount of benefit and happiness. versive of all progress in medical science." They suggest With the same untiring energy and zeal which have charac- that a special meering of the subscribers be summoned under terised the many workers on former occasions the amount the presidency of ttie Lord Mayor at which both reprethis year has reached the sum of £13,777. More will yet sentatives of the profession and of the late staff be present,
At the last
meeting of this association,
Hotel, St. Andrews,
June 8th,