First international LIMS meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 23–25 June 1987

First international LIMS meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 23–25 June 1987

Monitor w The symposium programme is planned to consist of a few talks, two to three each day, approximately 45 minutes long; these talks should be se...

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Monitor w The symposium programme is planned to consist of a few talks, two to three each day, approximately 45 minutes long; these talks should be seen as introductions to vivid discussions. The organization committee will try to find a balance between

theory and application. There will be no proceedings from the symposium. Participation will be limited and is by invitation. Planned speakers are Hal MacFie, Bruce Kowalski, Harald Martens, Roger Phan Tan Luu, Jerome Fried-

First International LIMS Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 23-25 June 1987 This meeting is being organized by a volunteer committee chaired by Dr. Gerst A. Gibbon of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center. The meeting will discuss all facets of laboratory integrated management systems (LIMS) including design,

specification, construction or acquisition, installation, and evaluation, and will also offer laboratory managers and scientists considering the construction or purchase of a LIMS an excellent opportunity to meet with experienced users and a wide range of vendors.

Eighth International Conference on Computers in Chemical Research and Education, Beijing, China, 25-30 August 1987 This meeting (ICCCRE VIII) will discuss advances made since the last meeting (ICCCRE VII) held in Garmisch-Partenkirchen in 1985. The conference will be held under the auspices of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Chemical Society, in co-operation with the Chinese CODATA Committee and the China Association for Science and Technology. The programme has been arranged by an international scientific committee. The conference will emphasize the following eleven topics: advances in chemometrics; artificial intelligence/ expert systems; computer graphics in

chemistry; education of chemists; intelligent instrumentation, laboratory automation and robotics; molecular modelling; personal computers, scientific workstations and super-computers in chemistry; process simulation control and optimisation; structure property correlation and molecular design; structure representation and searching for genetic chemicals; data acquisition, evaluation, dissemination and retrieval systems. Most of these topics will be linked to fccussed discussion sessions lead by key-note speakers. In addition, there will be several plenary lectures. All contributed papers will be in the form of

man, Agnar Hoskuldsson, Paul Geladi, Svante Wold, Bill DUM, and Kim Esbensen. A conference report will appear in this journal. H.J.H. MacFIE

Papers are solicited from both analytical and clinical laboratories addressing all areas of general interest. Preference will be given to papers discussing actual experience in the acquisition and use of LIMS. Authors should send preliminary abstracts to Dr. Harmon Brown, FILM Program Chairman, Nelson Analytical, 10061 Bubb Road, Cupertino, CA 95014, U.S.A. All other inquiries should be addressed to: FILM, P.O. Box 18375, Pittsburgh, PA, 15236, U.S.A. m posters, to allow plenty of time for discussion. The proceedings will be published. For further details please write to Professor C.Z. Zheng, Shanghai Institute of Chemistry, 345 Lingling Road, Shanghai, China.

Reprints We can supply any article in Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems at very reasonable rates (minimum order 100). Please apply for details to: Chemolab Editorial Office Elsevier Science. Publishers B.V. P.O. Box 330 1000 AH Amsterdam The Netherlands