First international minerals exhibition

First international minerals exhibition

Semiconductors materials will be excluded. Technical sessions will cover the followinotooics: I. Recycling of materials: hazards to chemical compositi...

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Semiconductors materials will be excluded. Technical sessions will cover the followinotooics: I. Recycling of materials: hazards to chemical composition of both ferrous and non-ferrous alloys as a result of tramp element accumulation: predicted long-term changes in content of particolar residual ele’ments. 2. Fabrication: effect of res’idual impurities on hot shortness, liquidation crackin’g, weld reheat cracking, etc. 3. Performance in servimce: nature and role of minor elements in creep cavitation, temper brittleness, intergranular fatigue, ductility troughs in non-ferrous materials, hydrogen occlusion, irradiation induced voids and swelbing, etc. 4. lmprovement of properties: remedial processes for damaging residuals; assessment of tolerance in bulk impurity levels; beneficial effects of addsitives in high-temperature oxidation, creep performance of nickel-base and austenitic steels, and in other- properties. The Conference is beina oraanised bv Dr. E.D. Hondros (represent&g the National Physical Laboratory and The Metals Society], Dr. A. Kelly, FRS and Dr. W. Pashlev. FRS [representing the Royal Societyj: Dr. C: Lea [NPL] 1s the Secretary. Information: The Conference Department The Metals Society 1 Carlton House Terrace London SW1 Y 5DB

IVth INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SCIENCE AND RESEARCH IN SILICATE CHEMISTRY The Symposium will take place in BRNO on May 15-17, 1978. Topics of the Symposion: al Vitreous phase in silicates b) Hydrosilicates al The vitreous chase forms a very important part of the microstructure of a great deal of eihcate products. The purpose of the Symposion’is to discuss the problelms of the vitreous phase inception, its properties, its identification by means of various physical and chemical methods and its behaviour under different thermal conditions. b) Natural and synthetic hydrosilicates represent important initial components in the silicate production and also a microstructure portion of important silicate products in the field of binding materials. In continuity with the lllrd SILICHEM, the progress will be discussed in the field of research of natural and synthetic hydrosilicates and their contribution to the technology. Further information can be obtained from the Organization Committee: Brno House of Technology Otto Polak POB 113, Vystaviste 1 656 88 BRNO 2 - Czechoslovakia

ments. characterization of metals and nonmetals, criteria, test methods and structural applications. Send 288word abstracts by. December:-‘1 to Jane B. Wheeler, ASTM, 1916 Race St., Philadelphmia, Pa. 19103. A special session on fracture mechanics tests for brittle, nonmentallic materials will discuss test procedures and problems associated with testing techniques. Abstra’cts of 200 words -should be sent by December 1 to S.W. Freiman, Code 6363, Naval Research Lab, Washington, D.C. 20375.

4th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS FOR THE STUDY OF BAUXITES, ALUMINA AND ALUMINIUM This is beinn organized bv ICSOBA (International -Committee for- the Study of Bauxites, Alumina and Aluminium) jointly with the Mineralogy, Petrography and Geology Department of the Technical Universitv of Athens under the sponsorship of* the Ministry of Culture and Science of Greece, and will take place in Athens, Greece on October 9th - 12th. 1978.



The Institute of * Gesteinshtittenkunde * of the Technical University at Aachen, the Research Institute for Refractories at Bonn and the Dechema Deutsche Gesellschaft fijr Chemisches Apparatewesen, Frankfurt/Main extend an invitation to the XXI. International Refractorv Collwuium on October 19 and 20. 1978, at A&hen. The main theme will be: a Refractories for Incineration Plants Burning Industrial and Domestic Refuse m. Papers to be presented must contain the title of the paper, the name and address of the authors as well as an abstract of one or two pages with sufficient details to allow evaluation of its contents. The deadline for submission is 7th April 1978, and papers must be addressed: lnstitut fi_ir . G’esteinshBttenkunde der RWTH Aachen, MauerstraBe 5. D - 5100 Aachen. The presentations will be in either German, English or French. Simultaneous translation will be provided in the three languages. The complete manuscript of the- paper must be submitted by 1st September, 1978. The complete papers and abstracts, the latter in the three above mentioned languages will be available in printed form before the meeting and will thus serve as basis for discussions. Those papers which have already been published or orally presented elsewhere are not acceptable for presentation at this meeting. The organizers retain the right to select from the papers submitted those acceptable for presentation.

FRACTURE MECHANICS PAPERS INVITED The ASTM 11th National Symposium on Fracture Mechanics will be held June 12-14, 1978, at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Va. Papers are invited on all aspects of fracture, including theoretical develop

the mAssociation Francaise de Calorimetric et d’Analyse Thermiquem (AFCAT) and by the Italian Group of = International Confederation for Thermal Analysis * (I.C.T.A.). The themes of J.C.A.T. ‘78 are: I. Thermochemistry of Iinteractions at the interfaces: 2. Thermochemistry of transformations in materials; 3. Thermochemistry of systems of biological interest. The scientific sessions will be open by plenary lectures. The number of papers is limited to 36. with 20 minutes time allowed including discussion. The papers may be given in English language. All $mitted papers will be acknowledged subjected to refeering before acceptance. Reprints of conferences and papers will be available before the meeting. During the Symposium the E. Calvet award, recently founded by the A.F.C.A.T. will be assigned. An exhibition of apparatus for calorimetry, thermal analysis and data orocessing, is also planned. Information: Prof. G. Della Gatta, J.C.A.T. ‘78 Organizing Committee Secretary, lstituto di Chimica Generale ed Inorganica. Facolta di Farmacia, Via Pietro Giuria 9. I-10125 Torino (Italy) - Tel. (011) 657.000/682.205.

JOURNEES DE CALORIMETRIE ET D’ANALYSE THERMIQUE A Symposium on calorimetry and thermal analysis, J.C.A.T. ‘78, will be held from 28 to 30 June 1978 in Turin (Italy]. The meeting is being co-organized by

FIRST INTERNATIONAL MINERALS EXHIBITION A new international exhibition, Minerals 79 International. will take place in Hall 3A of the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, England, from Monday, June 18th to Friday, June 22, 1979. The exhibition will include actual minerals [but not metal-bearing ores or fossil fuels) as well as the machinery used to extract and process them. The latest equi,pment for drilling, refining, separating, classifying, crushing, grinding, calcining, drying and storing minerals will be seen alongside highprecision analytical and quality-control instruments. The exhibition will also provide a un’ique market-place for the display of the minerals themselves from rare earths and purified metal salts and oxides to non-metallic materials for use in the steel,making, foundry, paint, plastics, rubber, construction, ceramic and chemical industrtis. Minerals 79 International is organised by International Symposia & Exhibitions Ltd. (an Industrial Newspapers Group Company) of Redhill. Surrey, England. manufacturers and traders Suppliers, from all over the world will occupy some 4500 m2 of actual display space at Europe’s new exhibition complex in Birmingham, and the show will be of importance to all concerned with the use of production of general and highquality industrial minerals. For further information contact: Mike McIntyre, Publicity Officer, International Symposia & Exhibitions Ltd., Queensway House, 2 Queensway, Redhill, Surrey RHI IQS, England.






has announ-