Fracture of the Atlas a Toy Pom

Fracture of the Atlas a Toy Pom

Fracture 0/ the Atlas. g land of the gastro-hepatic omentum. Much m ore fibrosis is seen here, and the spaces are much smaller. The ce ll s, too, a...

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the Atlas.

g land of the gastro-hepatic omentum. Much m ore fibrosis is seen here, and the spaces are much smaller. The ce ll s, too, are smaller, and have nuclei which nearly completely fill them. The lining cells of the lymphatics in the fibrous tissue have large nuclei. which stain heavily, and the malignant ce ll s are seen to form channels in some places. The appearances are suggestive of endothelioma. As primary malignant di sease of the liver is a very rare disease, not only in man but also in animals, the notes of this case may prove of interest.



By GUY SU TTON, F.R.C.V. S. Kewillg lotl.


was attacked by a bull terriel-, seized by the back of the neck, and vio lently shaken . With in a few seconds the terrier was driven off and his victim rescued. Paralysis was almo st complete and contin ued for forty-eight hour s. Conscio u sness was now rega ined and the animal endeavoured to raise her hea d, but completely fa iled, and only succeeded in moving the lower jaw and screa ming. When an attempt to forcibly raise the head was made the m ovement produced a convulsion and unconsciousness. A radiograph was taken three days after the accident, and showed a fracture of the at las fa·i rly distinctly. There was littl·e precedent to help in formin g a prognosis, but realizin g the marvell o us recoveries which Nature brings abo ut , if not unduly handicapped by treatment , the whole circum stances ,of the case were explained to the owner. Absol ute quiet and rest were stip ulated for. Feed in g was with liquids. The patient lay on a pad of Gamgee. An enema was g iven every third day, an d the bitch discharged her u rine once every twelve hours . At the end of three week s she was able to raise her head and get up on her chest, The paralysis gradually subsided, and now after ten month s the only sign of In jury is pain when the muzzle is brought towards the chest. POM