From far and wide

From far and wide

152 FROM FAR AND WIDE BIOLOGICAL COUNCIL GRANTS IN SUPPORT OF STUDENT EXPEDITIONS Each year the Biological Council awards a number of grants to stude...

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FROM FAR AND WIDE BIOLOGICAL COUNCIL GRANTS IN SUPPORT OF STUDENT EXPEDITIONS Each year the Biological Council awards a number of grants to students (postgraduate , under-graduate or school) who are planning to make expeditions the following year. The individual grants are not large (somewhere between £ 100 and £250 depending on the number of expeditions considered worthy of support) but they provide a valuable lever when applying to other sources such as industrial firms . Grants have been awarded to groups going as far afield as Brazil and New Guinea, but so long as the project can be categorized as an expedition there seems to be no reason why a foray to one of the remoter parts of the United Kingdom should not qualify . For the last two years the British Mycological Society has had a representative on the awards subcommittee who has noted that no mycological applications have been presented . This representative will be serving a third and final year in 1985, so here is a chance to redress the balance and put in a mycological showing! Application forms are obtainable on request from Mrs Barbara Cavilla, General Office, Biological Council, c/o Institute of Biology, 20 Queensberry Place, London SW7 2DZ, and the closing date for 1985 awards is 31 December 1984. INDIVIDUALS INVITED TO JOIN NOMENCLATURE SUBCOMMITTEES The Special Committee for Fungi and Lichens of the International Association for Plant Taxonomy invites all interested botanists to join one or more of their new working subcommittees on proposals for changes in the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. Four subcommittees will begin work immediately, and exchange comments by mail . The work of the subcommittees will need to be completed by January 1986 if changes are to be enacted at the 1987 International Botanical Congress. Readers interested in serving on subcommittees should so advise the convener of the subcommittee(s) : SUBCOMMITTEE A: (Taxa that may be treated in different taxonomic groups now specified under Art. 13.1(d) when such groups have different sanctioning authors) . Convener: Dr Vincent Demoulin, Departernent de Bot anique, Universite de Liege, Sart Tilman, B-4000 Liege, Belgium. SUBCOMMITTEE B: (Citation and transfer of sanctioned names under Art. 13.1(d) and Rec. 50E.2). Convener: Dr David L Hawksworth, Commonwealth Mycological Institute, Ferry Lane, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AF, England. SUBCOMMITTEE C: (Other problems with Art. 13 and the starting-point for nomenclature of fungi and lichens, and with Art. 59 on pleomorphic fungi). Convener: Dr Walter Gams, Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, POBox 273,3740 AG Baarn , The Netherlands. SUBCOMMITTEE D: (Fossil Fungi) Convener: Dr Don R Reynolds, Natural History Museum, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles CA 90007, USA. (Prepared by: Richard P Korf, Secretary, IAPT Special Committee for Fungi and Lichens, Plant Pathology , Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY 14853 USA.)

153 LIST OF MYCOLOGICAL BOOKS FOR SALE FROM THE ESTATE OF FBHORA Members wishing to buy any of these books should write to Mrs C Hora , 51 Eastern Avenue, Reading, Berks making an offer. Ainsworth, G C and Bisby, G R. A Dictionary of the Fungi, IMI (1945). Batista, A C Monografia dos Fungos Micropeltaceae (1959). Becker, Georges La Vie Privee des Champignons (1952) . Bessey, E A Morphology and Taxonomy of the Fungi (1950). Bigelow, H E North American species of Clitocybe Pt 1 (1982). Christensen, C M Common Fleshy Fungi (1965). Cleland, J B Toadstools and Mushrooms and Other Larger Fungi of South Australia. Dennis , R W G, Orton, P D and Hora, F B New Check List of British Agarics and Boleti (1960) 5 copies , and Part IV Validations, new species and critical notes by F B Hora, 8 copies . Donk, M A The Generic Names Proposed for Agaricaceae (1962) . Dumee, P Nouvel Atlas de Poche des Champignons Comestible et Veneneux, Serie I (192 9) Serie II (1932). Ellis, E A British Fungi Books I and 2 (1976). Favre, J Les associations fongiques des hauts-marais iurassiens et de quelques regions voisines. Findlay , W P K Wayside and Woodland Fungi (I 967) . Findlay , W P K The Observer's Book of Mushrooms and Other Common Fungi (I 977) I copy (I 978) I copy. Gilbert, E-J La Spore des Champignons Superieurs (1927). La My cologie sur te Terrain (I 928). Les Bolets (I 931). (Les Livres du Mycologie, Tomes I, II, III). Gluchoff, Katia Etude Chlmiotaxinomique des Pigments des Russules (Thesis). Grove, W B The British Rust Fungi (Uredinales] (1913) . Gussow, H T and Odell, W S Mushrooms and Toadstools - An Account of the more Common Edible and Poisonous Fungi of Canada (1927). Habersaat, E Schweizer Pilzflora - Bliitterpilze (? date) . Harwerth, W Das kleine Pilzbuch (Leipzig, ? date). Kalarnees, K Eesti Seents Maaraja I and II (Tartu, 1971-72). Kalamees , K and Lasting , V Eesti Puravikulised Strobilomyceteae, Gyrodontaceae and Boletaceae (I 974) 2 copies. Kern , H Die Rohrlinge, Boletaceae (1945) . Kibby, G Mushrooms and Toadstools - A Field Guide (1979). Knudsen, Henning Checkliste over Danmarks Hatsvampe. Lange, Morten Greenland Agaricales Macrornycetes Pt II (I955). Pt III (1957). Lange, Morten. Notes on Danish Fungi etc. Lange, Morten Species Concept in the Genus Corpinus (1952). Langeron, M Precis de My cologie (1945). Leisner, T Eesti Pilvikud (1973). Locquin, M V My cologie du gout (1977) . Loiseau, J Chercheur de Champignons (1943). Lundell, Sand Nannfe1dt , J A Svenska Svampar (Uppsala , 1979). Lutz, Louis Traite de Cryptogamie (1942) . Mason, F A and Grainger, J A Catalogue of Yorkshire Fungi. Moser, Meinhard Kleine Kryptogamenflora von Mitteleuropa Band lIa Ascomycetes. lIb Agarica1es and Gastromycetes. Moser, Meinhard Keys to Agarics and Boleti (English translation , published Roger Phillips , 1983).

154 Nilsson, Sven and Persson, OUe Penguin Nature Guides of Northern Europe Larger Fungi (excluding gill fungi) (1977) 2 Gill fungi (1978). Oetker, Dr Pilz Kochbuch (? date). Pegler, D N The Polypores (2nd edition). Pilat, A The Bohemian Species of the Genus Agaricus (1951) 2 copies. Portevin, G Ce qu'il [aut savoir des Bons et des Mauvais Champignons (Lechevalier, 1945). Ramsbottom, J A Handbook of the Larger British Fungi (1923). Ramsbottom, J Mushrooms and Toadstools (Collins, 1953 and 1969 editions). Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh British Fungus Flora Agarics and Boleti: Introduction (1969) Boletaceae; Gomphidiaceae; Paxillaceae (1970). Singer, Rolf The Agaricales in Modem Taxonomy (Ed. 1 1947), Ed. 2 1962). Smith, A H North American Species ofMy cena (I 947). Svrcek, Mirko A Colour Guide to Familiar Mushrooms (Octopus, 1975). Swanton, E W Fungi and How to Know Them (1909). Tuymans, N Nos Amanites (Extrait du Bulletin mensuel des Naturalistes Belges No.10, 1935). Walty, Hans Schweizer Pilztafeln Band I, II, III. Watson, W Census Catalogue of British Lichens (1953) 8 copies. Zeitlmayr, L Wild Mushrooms (1968). Zeitlmayr, L Knaurs Pilzbuch (1976) - illustrated by C Caspari. Elias Fries' Autobiography (published by the Danish Mycological Society on 50th anniversary of its founding, 1955).