World Abstracts on Microclectronics and Reliability instrument design. However, as linear circuits dropped in price and performance improved, they became more widely acceptable for use in measuring instruments. This article discusses the effects of improved circuits together with the resultant sophistication attainable, upon the design of an 6. M I C R O E L E C T R O N I C S - - C O M P O N E N T S , Improved linear processing packs a-d converter onto two IC chips. G. GRANDBOIS. Electronics 93 (27 Jun. 1974). Sophistication in mixing bipolar and MOS devices on the same chips, plus simplification of the circuitry by a new algorithm, has made the monolithic analog-to-digital converter a reality; the flexible package has many uses. Semiconductor random-uccess memories. L. ALTMAN. Electronics 108 (13 Jun. 1974). Which of the many RAMs
spawned by a fast-changing semiconductor technology is best for which application? This survey relates the capabilities of available and soon-to-be,available device types to the needs of today's memory systems. Fundamentals of COS/MOS Integrated Circuits. R. A. BISHOP and D. R. CARLEY. Solid St. Tech. 85 (April 1974). The development of the technology that makes possible simultaneous fabrication of n-channel and p-channel metaloxide semiconductor (MOS) transistors on the same semiconductor pellet has given rise to a new family of monolithic integrated circuits, viz., a series of complementary-symmetry/ metal oxide semiconductor (COS/MOS) devices. This article discusses the MOS transistors used in COS/MOS integrated circuits, describes basic COS/MOS buildingblock elements, and explains the built-in protection against high-voltage transient and inherent high noise immunity of these integrated circuits. In addition, the major performance characteristics of COS/MOS devices are compared with those of other commercially available digital integrated circuits. Economical RGB colour decoder with three ICs. M. C. GANDERand R. P. GANT. Mullard Technical Communications No. 122. 66 (April 1974). The TCA800 colour synchronous
demodulator and matrix integrated circuit enables an economical colour decoder to be realised with three 16-pin integrated circuits. Simple RGB video output stages are employed. The results of detailed study of d.c. tolerances and operational drifts associated with simple video stages are given. The application of the TCA800 with the TBA540 and TBA560C in a complete decoder circuit is described. In-circuit IC tester cheeks TTL and C-MOS. R. G. FERRIE. Electronics 120 (30 May 1974). An in-circuit IC logic 7. S E M I C O N D U C T O R
A detailed analysis of the metal-semiconductor contact. B. PELLEGRINL Solid St. Electron. 17, 217 (1974). A general quantum and electronic theory able to explain the electric and photoelectric experimental properties of the metalsemiconductor contacts is proposed. The theory consists firstly in calculating the electric space charge due to the
instrument used for measuring the performance of a p.c.m. multiplex. Various aspects of the design axe discussed and it is shown how the use of integrated circuits helped to reduce the weight of the instrument and, more important, to improve its performance. SYSTEMS
tester, which can be built easily and inexpensively, can check ICs operating from supply voltages of 5-15 V. This means that the tester can be used for C-MOS devices, as well as TTL devices. The IC, however, must be powered from a single-polarity supply. Customized ICs make up d-a converter. ANDY SANTONI. Electronics (3 Oct. 1974). 12-bit high-performance unit, which is partitioned into a pair of custom monolithic chips within a single DIP, is priced at only $39. IC timer and voltage doublet form a dc-dc converter. TODD GARTNER. Electronics 101 (22 Aug. 1974). A de-de converter in which an IC timer serves as a free-running relaxation oscillator is ideal for powering op amps in battery-operated equipment or whenever a single positive supply is all that's available. Furthermore, the converter develops an output voltage of - 15 V that is regulated to within _+1% for load currents of up to 30 milliamperes. The circuit's no-load current is 11 mA. TTL level tester identifies logic levels by audible tone. JOHN M. JAMESON. Electronics 127 (3 Oct. 1974). The circuit
produces one of two tones in an earphone or loudspeaker: low-pitched when the probe is in contact with a pin at less than 0-8 V, and higher-pitched when the voltage is between 2.0 and 5.0 V. If the voltage is between 0-8 and 2.0 V, or if the test point is an open circuit, no tone is produced. The circuit uses a single quad operational amplifier such as the National Semiconductor LM324; two amplifiers serve as comparators and the other two generate the tones. Matsushita designs bucket-brigade IC for audio gear. Electronics 3E (22 Aug. 1974). Using only six masking steps, Japanese finn builds dual 512-stage BBD, which delays signal for various tasks. Playback control speeds or slows taped speech without distortion. MU~AY SCHIFFMAN. Electronics 87 (22 Aug. 1974). By processing recorded signals, an IC-based control in a conventional tape player can halve or triple playback rate without distortion; the special sound sheet inserted demonstrates how it sounds. CIRCUITS,
quantum mechanical tunneling of the electrons from the metal into the semiconductor, and vice-versa, and to the metal and semiconductor bands bending. Then the electric charge so obtained is utilised to solve in an appropriate and complete way the Poisson equation so as to determine the electric field and potential as functions of the abscissa x.