Giant magnetoresistance in manganese oxides CNR Rao* and Rajappan Mahesh Giant magnetoresistance (GMR) was known to occur in metallic bilayers and granular materials. In 1993, GMR was also found to occur in thin films of manganates of the formula Lat_xAxMnO3 (A=alkaline earth metal). Since then, there has been intense research activity relating to the GMR of rare earth manganates and other oxides.
Addresses Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit and CSIR Centre of Excellence in Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India "e-mail:
[email protected] Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science 1997, 2:32-39 Electronic identifier: 1359-0286-002-00032 © Current Chemistry Ltd ISSN 1359-0286
Abbreviations CO charge ordering EXAFS extended X-ray absorption fine structure GMR giant magnetoresistance H magnetic field I--+M insulator--rmetal MR magnetoresistance Tc Curie temperature Tim insulator-->metal transition temperature TN Neel temperature
Magnetoresistance (MR) is the relative change in the resistivity of a material caused by the application of a magnetic field as defined by the equation %MR=(pH -
po)x lO0/po
where PH and P0 represent the values of resistivity or resistance in the presence and absence of a magnetic field respectively. T h e sign of M R can be positive or negative. While most of the metals give a few % M R (-5%), giant magnctoresistance ( G M R ) was first observed in metallic muhilaycrs and granular materials [1]. In 1993, G M R was reported in thin films of perovskite oxides of the formula Lal_xAxMnO 3, where A is an alkaline earth metal [2,3]. Since the reports of G M R in these films, the p h e n o m e n o n has b e e n studied in extensive detail in a variety of manganates in thin film, single c u s t a l [4"] and poiycrystal [5"] forms. T h e intense interest in this field arises from potential applications in magnetic recording, actuators and sensors. We shall describe the main features of rare earth manganates and other oxide materials with respect to G M R and related properties and present an account of certain novel features of these solids, such as the high resistivity even in the metallic state and charge ordering.
Rare earth manganates GMR and related properties
T h e parent manganate, LaMnO3, is an orthorhombic perovskite with distorted MnO¢~ octahedra (with three different M n - O distances) arising from J a h n - T e l l e r distortion. L a M n O 3 is antiferromagnetic and its magnetic structure is well understood [6]. W h e n La in LaMnO3 is replaced by a divalent ion such as Ca, St, Ba or Pb, Mn 4+ ions are created. W h e n the Mn 4+ content is sufficiently large, the material becomes ferromagnetic and exhibits an insulator--+metal (I-->M) transition amt, nd the Curie temperature, T c, because of the Z e n e r double exchange mcchanism [71. In Figure 1 we show the magnetization and electrical resistivity behaviour of a sample of Lal_xCaxMnO 3 as an illustration of the Z e n e r double exchange mechanism. Application of a magnetic field decreases the resistivity m a r k e d l y around T c (see Fig. 1), the decrease being m a x i m u m around the Curie temperature. Around 30% Mn 4+ is the o p t i m u m for observing both ferromagnetism, and G M R effects in Lal_xAxMnO 3. T h e changes in the electronic and magnetic properties of these manganates with the change in composition have been worked out in several systems and we show typical electronic and magnetic phase diagrams of Lal_xAxMnO 3 in Figure 2 [4"°,8"]. We notice that when x < 0.2 the material is an antiferromagnetic insulator. Changes in structure are also noticed with a change in x and many of the manganates become rhombohedral when x >0.3. M e a s u r e m e n t s on Lal_xSrxMnO 3 [4 °° ] have shown that the resistivity scales with magnetization, M, as A p / p = C(M/Ms)2 for M/Ms <0.3 where M s is the saturation magnetization and C is a constant. G M R has been observed in a variety of rare earth manganates of the formula Lnl_xAxMnO 3 ( L n = r a r e earth, A = C a , St, Ba or Pb) [9-11]. In many of these systems, G M R reaches nearly 100%: however, the m a x i m u m G M R is generally observed below 300K. In Lal_xPbxMnO 3, high G M R is found around room temperature or above, but at high magnetic fields [11]. In Lal_xCaxMnO3, although G M R is found in con> positions with x <0.5, as described earlier, the x=0.5 composition exhibits a structural change involving a decrease in the b parameter and an increase in the a and c parameters below the ferromagnetic To: this change is accompanied by the onset of antiferromagnetism and charge ordering (ordering of Mn 3+ and Mn 4+ ions) [12]. W h e n x=0.2, a local structural distortion occurs due to the formation of lattice polarons which arise from the metal--,,insulator transition [13"]. E X A F S has revealed significant changes in the local structure in the x=0.3
Giant magnetoresistance in manganese oxides Rao and Mahesh
Figure 1
Figure 2
28OI-- O TN o Tc
Lao.sCao zMn03
Lal_xCa x M n O
% % [3
7 0
0 --
6O "/o Ca
5OC i I
[~ I
:~;.Z.::.;:.:;:.~.~,..-""" ...... ""Q?...:.:: 300
(c)..; 6C
H : 6 Tesla
TN / I0C
~, ',
LO1_xSrX MnO 3
',FM: ,, 'd
(b) I
30 °/, Sr
L 50
Temperature variation of the magnetization and electrical resistivity of Lao.sCao.2MnO3 illustrating the Zener double exchange mechanism. (a) Magnetization, M. (b) Resistivity, p, at H =OT and H=6T. (c) Magnetoresistance, 16p/p(o)l(0/o). Adapted with permission from [5"].
composition in the 80-300K range; these changes wcrc attributed to the formation of small polarons due to the J a h n - T e l l e r distortion when T > T c [14]. Lal_xSrxMnO 3 is somewhat different from Lal_xCaxMnO 3. Thus, the ferromagnetic-metallic regime in Lal_xSrxMnO 3 appears to extend over larger values of x and the Curie t e m p e r a t u r e s are also considerably higher (Fig. 2). T h e electronic transport and magnetic properties of the x = 0.3 compositions of both the Ca and Sr compositions have been investigated in thin films as well as in bulk materials [15]. While the magnetization decreases with T 2, the resistivity increases proportional to T 2. T h e spin and lattice dynamics of La0.7Sr0.3MnO 3 have been e x a m i n e d by neutron scattering [16]. Strangely the spin
Temperature-composition diagram of Lal_×AxMnO3. In (a) the alkaline earth metal is Ca, whereas in (b) it is Sr. CSI, canted-spin insulator; FMI, ferromagnetic insulator; FMM, ferromagnetic metal; AFMI, antiferromagnetic insulator; PMI, paramagnetic insulator; PMM, paramagnetic metal. Adapted with permission from [4",8"].
dynamics and the magnetic critical scattering sccm to be comparable to those of typical metallic fcrromagnets. In Lal_xSrxMnO,~ (x=0.17), the local spin moments and charge carriers couple strongly to changes in the structure, which can be altered by the application of a magnetic field d e p e n d i n g on the temperature [17l. For 0.1 < x < 0 . 1 7 , ferromagnetic ordering suppresses the lattice distortion at and below T c [18]. W h e n x=0.1 and 0.15, a polaron ordered phase is formed: thc polaron lattice has a t e n d e n c y to lock into a commensurate structure when x=0.125 [19"]. In Pro.7Ca0.3_xSrxMnO 3 a decrease in the J a h n - T e l l e r distortion has been noticed at the magnetic transition [201. We would expect a decrease in J a h n - T e l l e r interaction in the metallic ferromagnetic phasc since the d o u b l e - e x c h a n g e and J a h n - T e l l e r interactions c o m p e t e with each other in the rare earth manganates.
Electronic materials
Hydrostatic pressure stabilizes the ferromagnetic metallic state of Lal.xAxMnO 3 (i.e. it increases the T c) [21,22]. There is a direct relationship between T c and the average radius of the A-site cation (
[23°'], the Tc increasing with [23"°,24,25]. Increasing has the same effect as increasing pressure, indicating the importance of the Mn-Mn transfer integral and changes in the M n - O - M n bond angles. It should be noted that small distorts the MnO6 octahedra by bending the M n - O - M n bond, in turn causing the narrowing of the eg bandwidth to a greater extent. Accordingly, yttrium substitution in Lal-xAx MnO3 decreases T c and enhances the magnetoresistance [26-28]. By plotting the T c against , one obtains a phase diagram separating the ferromagnetic metal and paramagnetic insulator regimes [23°',29"]. In Figure 3 we show a typical phase diagram obtained in this manner. In the left hand bottom corner, we see the ferromagnetic insulator regime. GMR generally decreases with an increase in as does the peak resistivity at Tc or at the insulator--+metal transition point [29°']. Accordingly, GMR is favoured by a low T c and high peak resistivity [5°]. Enhanced GMR has been considered to arise from a reduced mobility of the doping holes and an increase in the coupling between the localized and itinerant electrons [25]. T h e effect of particle size on the electron transport and magnetic properties of La0.7Cao.3MnO 3 has been investigated. Although T c decreases with decreasing particle size, the magnetoresistance is insensitive to particle size [30°,31]. Samples of manganates with different particle sizes prepared with different heat treatments were found to possess large differences between their ferromagnetic transition temperatures and between the temperatures at which the I--+M transition took place [32]. In Lal.xCaxMnO 3 films, MR is strongly dependent on the film thickness and reaches a maximum around 100 nm [33]. T h e effect of dimensionality on G M R and properties relating to GMR have been studied by examining the (SrO) (Lal_xSrxMnO3) n family [34°,35]. The n = l member which has the two-dimensional K2NiF 4 structure, is an insulator, while the n =o~ member is the three-dimensional perovskite showing GMR and other properties. T h e n = 2 member exhibits the sharpest I--+M transition and high MR, suggesting that the in-plane antiferromagnetic interaction competes with the double-exchange interaction. T h e MR in rare earth manganates shows a magnetic field dependence with two distinct regimes in polycrystalline materials [5"]. T h e initial sharp change in MR is due to domain wall motion and the M R - H curve generally parallels the magnetization-H curve. Two such distinct regimes are not seen when T < T c . Single crystals do not seem to show two regimes in M R - H behaviour. Zero-field muon spin relaxation and resistivity experiments on La0.67Ca0.33MnO 3 [36] show that the sublattice magnetization x)ta(T) is well described for T_
where 1~=0.345+0.015. Below Tc, x)ta and the zero-field resistivity P0 are correlated, with a~gct-ln P0. Unusual relaxational dynamics suggest spatially inhomogeneous Mn-ion correlation times. A variety of investigations have been carried out on Lal.xAxMnO3 films prepared by, molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), pulsed laser deposition and other techniques. Block-by-block MBE has been employed to deposit La0.7Ca0.3MnO 3 films [37], while La-deficient LaMnO3 films have been obtained by laser deposition [38]. An interesting memory effect is found in Nd0.7Sr0.3MnO3 films [39]. T h e l/f resistance noise measurements of thin films of (La,Y)l_xCaxMnO3 show a l/f power law across the I--+M transition [40]. An enhancement of MR in Lao.TCao.3MnO3 and related systems is the result of the replacement of La by a smaller rare earth metal, as mentioned earlier. Bulk La0.33Nd0.33Ca0.33MnO 3 is found to exhibit 96% GMR at a low field of--0.7 T [41]. An improvement in MR response has also been obtained by sandwiching the manganates with soft ferromagnets [42°]. These observations suggest flexibility in the material design in order to obtain optimal G M R properties. What we require for applications are materials with high GMR at ordinary temperatures and low H. Certain unusual features
Electrical, magnetic and other measurements on Lal_xAxMnO 3 systems have revealed certain unusual features with respect to the charge carriers in these oxides. For example, the manganates exhibit very high resistivitics, particularly at low temperatures (<100K) [43°]. T h e values of resistivities are considerably higher than Mott's maximum value of resistivity [5°], which is a few million ohm cm, the resistivity reaching values as high as 103-104 ohm cm in the so-called metallic state. Optical conductivity measurements [44 °] on La0.825Sro.125MnO 3 in the range 0-10eV exhibit a band of 1.5eV and the spectral weight is transferred from this band with decreasing temperature. T h e 1.5eV band is due to interband transitions between the exchange split spin polarized eg bands. At T < Tc, intraband transitions in the eg band dominate the spectrum [44°]. A similar transfer of spectral weight from high energy to low energy occurs at T < T c in Nd0.7Sr0.3MnO 3 [45]. Photoemission and related studies of Lal_xSrxMnO 3 [46°°,47] have provided valuable information on the electronic structure of the manganates. There is a negligible density of states near the Fermi level, even in the metallic state in these systems. There is a transfer of spectral weight from the unoccupied states to occupied states with a decrease in hole doping. T h e redistribution of spectral weight in the photoemission spectra of La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 is attributed to a change in the electron correlation strength induced by the changing degree of ferromagnetic order with temperature [47]. T h e density of states at the Fermi level is much lower in
Giant magnetoresistance in manganese oxides Rao and Mahesh
Figure 3 Variation of T c (Tim) of Ln1.xAxMn03 with the weighted average radius of the A-site cations, . FMI, ferromagnetic insulator. Adapted with permission from 12g"].
0 • O •
L°Mn03 LOl-xAxMnO3 (A Ca,Sr,B%Pb)
/~. •
Lol_xAx_zYzMnO3 ( A =Ca ,Sr )
O l
Ndl_ x AxMnO3 (A - Co,Sr)
/ / o/ /
OL1.16 ~
the insulator regime than in the metallic regime of the manganates [48]. Mn 2p resonant photoemission and O ls X-ray absorption studies have shown that the band gap collapses around Tc with an increase in the density of states near the Fermi level on cooling [49]. In the insulating state above Tc, small polaron effects seem to be present, T h e Seebeck coefficient in several rare earth manganates shows a positive peak in the composition range (x-0.3) and at a temperature where MR also peaks and becomes more negative with increase in Mn 4+ content [5°]. Seebeck coefficient measurements in Lal_xSrxMnO3 show a change in sign from positive to negative either at the I---~M transition boundary or at T < T c , depending on the composition [50]. A possible anomalous change in electronic structure with spin polarization may occur when x= 0.2-0.3. On the basis of the pressure dependence of the Seebeck coefficient it has been suggested that there is a cross-over from a polaronic to an extended state electronic conduction at Tc [51]. T h e occurrence of ferromagnetism, I---~M transition and G M R in the rare earth manganates has been considered to be a manifestation of double exchange by many workers, although, it appears necessary to involve electron-phonon interaction to explain the electrical resistivity behaviour in these materials [52°°]. Such lattice effects decrease with Tc and become maximum at T c, depending on the value of x [53]. T h e importance of electron-phonon
<© ci)
interaction is underscored by the observation of the large oxygen isotope shift of the T c in La0.sCa0.zMnO 3 [54°]. Besides lattice effects, important correlation effects also yield a large distribution of spectral weights [55]. Clearly, it is difficult to understand the electrical resistivity of the rare earth manganates across the I---)M transition, especially at low temperatures, based on double exchange or electron-phonon interaction alone. Several other factors would have to be taken into account to fully explain the resistivity behaviour of the manganates. Charge ordering
T h e study of G M R in Lnl.xAxMnO 3 has brought forth novel features related to the charge and spin dynamics in these oxides. Charge ordering in the manganates is interesting because double exchange gives rise to metallicity along with ferromagnetism, while the charge-ordered state is associated with insulating and antiferromagnetic (or paramagnetic) behaviour. T h e charge-ordered state can be melted into a metallic ferromagnetic state by the application of a magnetic field. An examination of the observations on the rare earth manganates [56 °°] reveals two types of scenarios, as exemplified by Ndo.sSro.5MnO 3 and Prl.xCaxMnO 3 (0.3
Electronic materials
depicted in Figure 5, where we show the phase diagram for Prl_xCaxMnO 3 as well.
Figure 4
._. 102 E
6T lo o ul
162 12T
1OO 200 Tern perut ure (K)
Temperature variation of resistivity of Prl_×CaxMnO3 (x=0.35) at H=0T, 6T and 12T. Adapted with permission from [59°].
to be of different types (CE and A respectively). The competition between the ferromagnetic double-exchange interaction and the antiferromagnetic charge ordering instabililty has been examined in (Nd,Sm)0.sSr0.sMnO 3 [61,62]. This system exhibits a large MR which is strongly coupled to the lattice restriction. The GMR phenomenon here, can be attributed solely to a first order I--+M transition induced by a magnetic field, accompanied by a metamagnetic transition and a structural change. In Prl_xCaxMnO 3 (x=0.35), an insulating charge-ordered state (Tco-200K) becomes antiferromagnetic around 140K (T N) and then undergoes a transformation to a cantedspin antiferromagnetic state at a still lower temperature ( - l l 0 K ) [59°]. T h e application of a magnetic field melts the charge-ordered state in all the charge-ordered manganates, giving rise to metallic behaviour (Fig. 4). The first-order I---~M transition induced by magnetic fields is generally accompanied by considerable hysteresis. The I--+M transitions in Ndo.sSro.sMnO 3 and Pr0.sSro.sMnO3, where the one-electron bandwidth is controlled by the composition, show interesting electronic phase diagrams [56"] in the temperature-magnetic field ( T - H ) plane, as
Charge ordering in the manganates is governed by the width of the eg band, which is directly determined by the weighted average radius of the A-site cations , or the tolerance factor. This is because a distortion of the M n - O - M n bond angle affects the transfer interaction of the eg conduction electrons (holes). We can describe the spin and charge ordering phenomena in the rare-earth manganates in terms of the generalized phase diagrams shown in Figure 6. The diagram shows that when is large (e.g. as in Lal_xSrxMnO3), only ferromagnetism and the associated I-+M transition occur, with no charge ordering. With decreasing , the ferromagnetic (charge-liquid) state transforms to the antiferromagnetic charge-ordered state on cooling (e.g. as in Nd0.sSr0.sMnO3). When is very small, as it is in Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO 3 and Nd0.sCa0.5MnO3, no ferromagnetism occurs, and only a charge-ordered state is found; the ferromagnetic metallic state can only be created by the application of the magnetic field in the charge-ordered state. Charge ordering occurs over a wide composition range in Ndl_xCaxMnO 3 [63]. A recent study of Nd0.sCa0.sMnO 3 [64] has shown a transition around 200K with a large change in volume, due to charge ordering; the charge-ordered state can be melted by the application of a magnetic field. In this manganate the resistivity showed an unusual field dependence and the magnetoresistance exhibited hysteresis [65]. T h e positive MR shown by this oxide was considered to originate from antiferromagnetic ordering in the presence of a ferromagnetic interaction. T h e regime between 1.18 and 1.22~. (the hatched region in Fig. 6) is interesting and one would expect to see both charge and ferromagnetic ordering. A study of Lal_xCaxMnO3 in this region has been carried out [66"]. Charge ordering in this system was accompanied by a dramatic increase in the sound velocity, suggesting the importance of the eleetron-phonon coupling. At the charge ordering temperature, these oxides exhibit an anomaly in d (ln9), AC/T (AC =heat capacity) and sound velocity. Charge ordering in the 2D compound La0.5Srl.sMnO 4 has received attention [67",68]. Superlattice reflections corresponding to alternating Mn3+ and Mn 4+ ions have been observed below the charge-ordering temperature (217K), while below the T N ( - l l 0 K ) the magnetic moments are ordered with a 2 ,2a×2#2a×2c cell. A structural phase transition related ~' to charge ordering and a metamagnetic transition has been observed by electron diffraction producing an orthorhombic unit cell at low temperatures.
GMR in other oxides GMR in oxides is not specific to either perovskite structure or the manganates. For example, G M R has been found in T12Mn207, which has the pyrochlore structure
Giant magnetoresistance in manganese oxides Rao and Mahesh
Figure 5 The electronic phase diagrams in the T-H plane of (a) Prl.xSrxMnO3 (x::O.5) (b) Ndl.xSrxMnO3 (x==0.5) and (c) Prt.xCaxMnO3 (x==0.35). Reproduced with permission from [56°'].
'5Ol ~
Prl. x SIx MnO3 (x= 0.5)
/ / / / / /II - / / / //// / ///q
(No FIdM) / / / / / /
FM cool ~CO
/ " / // / / // / / // / / / / / // / / / 4/ / / / J "//// /-- / ' / / / ' / / /--/'! / /////////--/ //1 // / // i I//.,I • / / l/t~ / ////I ,! / // / / -/ / / / I/ / /x/ / / / / / / / 4 u~. ¢ / / / / / / / ////I d~ll 0 rr) l /
c; o L / / _ / 0 0 ;/ / / /
/_~',=o// /.. .-
t. , I / / / / / / / j
/ / .
/ //1
/ /i ~ x //I t~
~ ~n0
/(9 / / A _
l"//.':////J///~'v'/'.t 1.18 1.20
I I , 1.22
= I-°"
k':;/..',~/v./ V///I I'_/ , ' / " / ~ ' , / } G " . / . ' I I
~1 I ~1 1.24
Ndt_xSrx MnO3 ( x= 0.5]
i °°
Figure 6
/ - t- / ~/./- - / / / ./- / / // / - - / / -
t 1.26
Condusions Research on G M R of manganates and other oxidic materials will undoubtedly be pursued vigorously in the years
4 8 12 Magnetic f;eld (T)
4 8 12 Mognetic field(T)
R e f e r e n c e s and r e c o m m e n d e d r e a d i n g Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have been highlighted as:
[69,70°°]. This oxide has only Mn 4+, but shows G M R and ferromagnetic Tc. At Tc, there is a paramagnetic metal tO ferromagnetic metal transition rather than an I---)M transition. Since there cannot be any double exchange occurring in this system, the cause of GMR has to be different than in the Lanthanide systems described so far. Lnl.xAxCoO 3 is also a candidate for GMR because, at a particular value of x, the material becomes ferromagnetic and metallic. G M R has been found in some of these cobalt oxides in the insulating regime [71].
to come, not only because of their fascinating properties and phenomena but also because of their potential technological applications. There are many aspects of manganates that are yet to be properly understood, the unusual electronic properties across the metal ---)insulator (M--~I) transition being foremost amongst them. T h e r e is a need for careful structural and theoretical studies in this direction. T h e different types of charge-ordering and magnetic behaviours exhibited by manganates also require further investigation. It is necessary to establish beyond all doubt that TI2Mn207 has no Mn3÷ to be certain that the double exchange mechanism does not operate in this material.
• of special interest ee of outstanding interest
C) 1997 Current Opinion in Solid State & MaterielsScience
The phase diagram showing the prevalence of charge-ordered (CO) and ferromagnetic states in Lnl.xAxMnO3, depending on the weighted average radius of the A-site cation, , or eg bandwidth. The hatched region shows complex magnetic and other properties. FMM, ferromagnetic metal; FM, ferromagnetic; W, bandwidth.
I I 4 8 12 Magnet;c field (T)
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Giant magnetoresistance in manganese oxides Rao and Mahesh
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59. *
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Tokura Y, Tomioka Y, Kuwshara H, Asamitsu A, Moritomo Y, Kasai M: Origins of colossal magnetoresistance in perovskita-type manganese oxides. J Appl Phys 1996, 79:5288-5291. Briefly reviews the work on charge ordering in rare earth manganates.
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57. *
70. **
Kuwahara H, Tomioka Y, Asamitsu A, Moritomo Y, Tokura Y: A first-order phase transition induced by a magnetic field. Science 1995, 270:961-963. Gives an account of the magnetic field induced first-order electronic transition with large hysteresis. 58.
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