Hermann Lux, Praktikum der quantitativen anorganischen Analyse, 6 Aufl., Verlag von J. F. Bergmann, Miinchen. 1970, 208 pp. avec 50 figures. D.M. 22.-. Cet ouvrage s’adresse plus specialement aux enseignants in&es&s par les techniques de l’analyse quantitative minerale. II traite, aprts une introduction g&t&ale (pesee. precipitation. filtration. calcul stoechiometrique, etc.), des methodes de dosage gravimetrique et volumetrique. L’accent est port& plus sptcialement sur les techniques basees sur des reactions: acides-bases, de complexations et d’oxydoreduction (manganometrie. cerimetrie. jodometrie et autres) ainsi que sur certaines methodes de separations par: precipitation, echangeur d’ions et distillation. L’ auteur propose Cgalement quelques dosages par electroanalyse (Clectrogravimetrie) et colorimetrie pour finalement traiter l’analyse complete d’une dolomie, d’un feldspath et de divers alliages (bronze par exemple). Sans aucun dtveloppement theorique, ce livre de manipulation, classique par sa presentation et son contenu, doit permettre d’illustrer pratiquement un tours de chimie analytique generale pour debutants. Werner Haerdi (Geneve)
R. A. Hoffman, S. Forsen and B. Gestblom, Analysis qf NMR Spectra. A Guide for Cltemisis. NMR-Basic Principles and Progress, Edited by P. Diehl. E. Fluck and R. Kosfeld, Vol. 5, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 165 pp., price DM 64.-. This book which forms part of a series on n.m.r. spectroscopy is mainly concerned with the calculation of coupling constants and chemical shifts from high resolution spectra. The emphasis is placed on practical spectral analysis rather than on the underlying quantum mechanical derivations; however, the latter are briefly outlined in a section at the end of the book. The opening chapters introduce the basic principles of n.m.r. spectroscopy and discuss several important topics including nonequivalence, relaxation, double quantum transitions, spin tickling, and INDOR experiments. The main part of the book deals with the procedure for the hand analysis of systems containing increasing numbers of nuclear spins. Methods of subspectral analysis are described, but computer analysis is only briefly mentioned. This might be regarded as a limitation of the book, for the computer must now be regarded as just another chemical tool; however, this is to be the subject of another volume in the series. Line positions and intensities for A,B, spin systems are tabulated in an appendix. This book should be particularly useful to chemists with little experience of n.m.r. spectroscopy, as the presentation is clear and the reader is repeatedly made aware of the danger in applying a simple analysis to a type of spin system for which it is completely inaccurate. A considerable portion of the material in this book CXUI be found in several general n.m.r. texts available in the same price range. However, this text exceeds most others in clarity and method of presentation. W. B. Jennings (Birmingham) Anal. Chim. Acta, 59 (1972)